Pageidaujamas puslapis šiuo metu nepasiekiamas jūsų kalba. Puslapio apačioje galite pasirinkti kitą kalbą arba iškart išversti bet kurį tinklalapį į pasirinktą kalbą naudodami „Google Chrome“ įtaisytąją vertimo funkciją.

Tag site for child-directed treatment

If you think that your website or mobile app is intended specifically for children, please visit the Tag for Child Directed Treatment page to tag a site or service that you would like Google to treat as child-directed in whole or in part for the purposes of the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). If you have not already added a site to Search Console, you must first add the site and verify ownership.

Note that marking your site or app as child-directed does not affect its ranking in Google Search results.

Keep in mind the following:

  • You can tag an entire domain or portions of a domain (subdomain or subdirectory) for treatment as child-directed
  • Any pages beneath a domain or directory are also covered by the tag.
  • It may take some time for this designation to take effect in applicable Google services.
  • Google may limit the number of domains or sub-domains you may include at any time.

For finer control over how your content is treated, you can also tag individual ad units for treatment as child-directed. See the help center for your product to learn more about proper tagging.

Note: Tagging individual ad units has immediate effect on the ad served. An ad unit tag takes precedence over any applicable site-level settings. 

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