本指南說明如何使用 Google 簡報 API 在投影片中新增形狀,以及在形狀中插入文字。
例如大小、轉換和包含的「父項」幻燈片 ID。可選的專屬物件 ID。
- 在圖形內
- 在表格中的儲存格內
您可以使用 InsertTextRequest
任何形狀上的文字 Autofit
/** * Create a new square textbox, using the supplied element ID. * @param {string} presentationId * @param {string} pageId * @returns {*} */ function createTextboxWithText(presentationId, pageId) { const elementId = 'MyTextBox_01'; const pt350 = { magnitude: 350, unit: 'PT' }; const requests = [ { createShape: { objectId: elementId, shapeType: 'TEXT_BOX', elementProperties: { pageObjectId: pageId, size: { height: pt350, width: pt350 }, transform: { scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, translateX: 350, translateY: 100, unit: 'PT' } } } }, // Insert text into the box, using the supplied element ID. { insertText: { objectId: elementId, insertionIndex: 0, text: 'New Box Text Inserted!' } } ]; // Execute the request. try { const createTextboxWithTextResponse = Slides.Presentations.batchUpdate({ requests: requests }, presentationId); const createShapeResponse = createTextboxWithTextResponse.replies[0].createShape; console.log('Created textbox with ID: %s', createShapeResponse.objectId); return createTextboxWithTextResponse; } catch (err) { // TODO (Developer) - Handle exception console.log('Failed with error: %s', err.error); } };
// Create a new square text box, using a supplied object ID. textBoxId := "MyTextBox_01" pt350 := slides.Dimension{ Magnitude: 350, Unit: "PT", } requests := []*slides.Request{{ // Create a new square text box, using a supplied object ID. CreateShape: &slides.CreateShapeRequest{ ObjectId: textBoxId, ShapeType: "TEXT_BOX", ElementProperties: &slides.PageElementProperties{ PageObjectId: slideId, Size: &slides.Size{ Height: &pt350, Width: &pt350, }, Transform: &slides.AffineTransform{ ScaleX: 1.0, ScaleY: 1.0, TranslateX: 350.0, TranslateY: 100.0, Unit: "PT", }, }, }, }, { // Insert text into the box, using the object ID given to it. InsertText: &slides.InsertTextRequest{ ObjectId: textBoxId, InsertionIndex: 0, Text: "New Box Text Inserted", }, }} // Execute the requests. body := &slides.BatchUpdatePresentationRequest{ Requests: requests, } response, err := slidesService.Presentations.BatchUpdate(presentationId, body).Do() if err != nil { log.Printf("Unable to create text box. %v", err) } fmt.Printf("Created text box with ID: %s", response.Replies[0].CreateShape.ObjectId)
import com.google.api.client.googleapis.json.GoogleJsonError; import com.google.api.client.googleapis.json.GoogleJsonResponseException; import com.google.api.client.http.HttpRequestInitializer; import com.google.api.client.http.javanet.NetHttpTransport; import com.google.api.client.json.gson.GsonFactory; import com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides; import com.google.api.services.slides.v1.SlidesScopes; import com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.AffineTransform; import com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.BatchUpdatePresentationRequest; import com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.BatchUpdatePresentationResponse; import com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateShapeRequest; import com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateShapeResponse; import com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Dimension; import com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.InsertTextRequest; import com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.PageElementProperties; import com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request; import com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Size; import com.google.auth.http.HttpCredentialsAdapter; import com.google.auth.oauth2.GoogleCredentials; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; /* Class to demonstrate the use of Slides Create Textbox API */ public class CreateTextboxWithText { /** * Create a new square textbox, using the specified id. * * @param presentationId - id of the presentation. * @param slideId - id of the slide. * @param textBoxId - id for the textbox. * @return textbox id * @throws IOException - if credentials file not found. */ public static BatchUpdatePresentationResponse createTextBoxWithText( String presentationId, String slideId, String textBoxId) throws IOException { /* Load pre-authorized user credentials from the environment. TODO(developer) - See https://developers.google.com/identity for guides on implementing OAuth2 for your application. */ GoogleCredentials credentials = GoogleCredentials.getApplicationDefault() .createScoped(Collections.singleton(SlidesScopes.PRESENTATIONS)); HttpRequestInitializer requestInitializer = new HttpCredentialsAdapter( credentials); // Create the slides API client Slides service = new Slides.Builder(new NetHttpTransport(), GsonFactory.getDefaultInstance(), requestInitializer) .setApplicationName("Slides samples") .build(); // Create a new square text box, using a supplied object ID. List<Request> requests = new ArrayList<>(); Dimension pt350 = new Dimension().setMagnitude(350.0).setUnit("PT"); requests.add(new Request() .setCreateShape(new CreateShapeRequest() .setObjectId(textBoxId) .setShapeType("TEXT_BOX") .setElementProperties(new PageElementProperties() .setPageObjectId(slideId) .setSize(new Size() .setHeight(pt350) .setWidth(pt350)) .setTransform(new AffineTransform() .setScaleX(1.0) .setScaleY(1.0) .setTranslateX(350.0) .setTranslateY(100.0) .setUnit("PT"))))); // Insert text into the box, using the object ID given to it. requests.add(new Request() .setInsertText(new InsertTextRequest() .setObjectId(textBoxId) .setInsertionIndex(0) .setText("New Box Text Inserted"))); BatchUpdatePresentationResponse response = null; try { // Execute the requests. BatchUpdatePresentationRequest body = new BatchUpdatePresentationRequest().setRequests(requests); response = service.presentations().batchUpdate(presentationId, body).execute(); CreateShapeResponse createShapeResponse = response.getReplies().get(0).getCreateShape(); System.out.println("Created textbox with ID: " + createShapeResponse.getObjectId()); } catch (GoogleJsonResponseException e) { // TODO(developer) - handle error appropriately GoogleJsonError error = e.getDetails(); if (error.getCode() == 404) { System.out.printf("Presentation not found with id '%s'.\n", presentationId); } else { throw e; } } return response; } }
function createTextboxWithText(presentationId, pageId, callback) { // Create a new square textbox, using the supplied element ID. const elementId = 'MyTextBox_01'; const pt350 = { magnitude: 350, unit: 'PT', }; const requests = [{ createShape: { objectId: elementId, shapeType: 'TEXT_BOX', elementProperties: { pageObjectId: pageId, size: { height: pt350, width: pt350, }, transform: { scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, translateX: 350, translateY: 100, unit: 'PT', }, }, }, }, // Insert text into the box, using the supplied element ID. { insertText: { objectId: elementId, insertionIndex: 0, text: 'New Box Text Inserted!', }, }]; // Execute the request. try { gapi.client.slides.presentations.batchUpdate({ presentationId: presentationId, requests: requests, }).then((createTextboxWithTextResponse) => { const createShapeResponse = createTextboxWithTextResponse.result.replies[0].createShape; console.log(`Created textbox with ID: ${createShapeResponse.objectId}`); if (callback) callback(createTextboxWithTextResponse.result); }); } catch (err) { document.getElementById('content').innerText = err.message; return; } }
/** * Adds a textbox with text to a slide. * @param {string} presentationId The presentation ID. * @param {string} pageId The page to add the textbox to. */ async function createTextboxWithText(presentationId, pageId) { const {GoogleAuth} = require('google-auth-library'); const {google} = require('googleapis'); const auth = new GoogleAuth({ scopes: 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/presentations', }); const service = google.slides({version: 'v1', auth}); const elementId = 'MyTextBox_01'; const pt350 = { magnitude: 350, unit: 'PT', }; const requests = [ { createShape: { objectId: elementId, shapeType: 'TEXT_BOX', elementProperties: { pageObjectId: pageId, size: { height: pt350, width: pt350, }, transform: { scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, translateX: 350, translateY: 100, unit: 'PT', }, }, }, }, // Insert text into the box, using the supplied element ID. { insertText: { objectId: elementId, insertionIndex: 0, text: 'New Box Text Inserted!', }, }, ]; // Execute the request. try { const createTextboxWithTextResponse = await service.presentations.batchUpdate({ presentationId, resource: {requests}, }); const createShapeResponse = createTextboxWithTextResponse.data.replies[0].createShape; console.log(`Created textbox with ID: ${createShapeResponse.objectId}`); return createTextboxWithTextResponse.data; } catch (err) { // TODO (developer) - Handle exception throw err; } }
use Google\Client; use Google\Service\Slides\BatchUpdatePresentationRequest; use Google\Service\Slides; use Google\Service\DriveFile; use Google\Service\Slides\Request; function createTextboxWithText($presentationId, $pageId) { /* Load pre-authorized user credentials from the environment. TODO(developer) - See https://developers.google.com/identity for guides on implementing OAuth2 for your application. */ $client = new Google\Client(); $client->useApplicationDefaultCredentials(); $client->addScope(Google\Service\Drive::DRIVE); $slidesService = new Google_Service_Slides($client); try { // Create a new square textbox, using the supplied element ID. $elementId = "MyTextBoxxxx_01"; $pt350 = array('magnitude' => 350, 'unit' => 'PT'); $requests = array(); $requests[] = new Google_Service_Slides_Request(array( 'createShape' => array( 'objectId' => $elementId, 'shapeType' => 'TEXT_BOX', 'elementProperties' => array( 'pageObjectId' => $pageId, 'size' => array( 'height' => $pt350, 'width' => $pt350 ), 'transform' => array( 'scaleX' => 1, 'scaleY' => 1, 'translateX' => 350, 'translateY' => 100, 'unit' => 'PT' ) ) ) )); // Insert text into the box, using the supplied element ID. $requests[] = new Google_Service_Slides_Request(array( 'insertText' => array( 'objectId' => $elementId, 'insertionIndex' => 0, 'text' => 'New Box Text Inserted!' ) )); // Execute the requests. $batchUpdateRequest = new Google_Service_Slides_BatchUpdatePresentationRequest(array( 'requests' => $requests )); $response = $slidesService->presentations->batchUpdate($presentationId, $batchUpdateRequest); $createShapeResponse = $response->getReplies()[0]->getCreateShape(); printf("Created textbox with ID: %s\n", $createShapeResponse->getObjectId()); return $response; } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Message: ' . $e->getMessage(); } }
import google.auth from googleapiclient.discovery import build from googleapiclient.errors import HttpError def create_textbox_with_text(presentation_id, page_id): """ Creates the textbox with text, the user has access to. Load pre-authorized user credentials from the environment. TODO(developer) - See https://developers.google.com/identity for guides on implementing OAuth2 for the application. """ creds, _ = google.auth.default() # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member try: service = build("slides", "v1", credentials=creds) # Create a new square textbox, using the supplied element ID. element_id = "MyTextBox_10" pt350 = {"magnitude": 350, "unit": "PT"} requests = [ { "createShape": { "objectId": element_id, "shapeType": "TEXT_BOX", "elementProperties": { "pageObjectId": page_id, "size": {"height": pt350, "width": pt350}, "transform": { "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "translateX": 350, "translateY": 100, "unit": "PT", }, }, } }, # Insert text into the box, using the supplied element ID. { "insertText": { "objectId": element_id, "insertionIndex": 0, "text": "New Box Text Inserted!", } }, ] # Execute the request. body = {"requests": requests} response = ( service.presentations() .batchUpdate(presentationId=presentation_id, body=body) .execute() ) create_shape_response = response.get("replies")[0].get("createShape") print(f"Created textbox with ID:{(create_shape_response.get('objectId'))}") except HttpError as error: print(f"An error occurred: {error}") return error return response if __name__ == "__main__": # Put the presentation_id, Page_id of slides whose list needs # to be submitted. create_textbox_with_text( "12SQU9Ik-ShXecJoMtT-LlNwEPiFR7AadnxV2KiBXCnE", "Myfirstpage" )
# Create a new square textbox, using the supplied element ID. element_id = 'MyTextBox_01' pt350 = { magnitude: '350', unit: 'PT' } requests = [ { create_shape: { object_id_prop: element_id, shape_type: 'TEXT_BOX', element_properties: { page_object_id: page_id, size: { height: pt350, width: pt350 }, transform: { scale_x: '1', scale_y: '1', translate_x: '350', translate_y: '100', unit: 'PT' } } } }, # Insert text into the box, using the supplied element ID. { insert_text: { object_id_prop: element_id, insertion_index: 0, text: 'New Box Text Inserted!' } } ] # Execute the request. req = Google::Apis::SlidesV1::BatchUpdatePresentationRequest.new(requests: requests) response = slides_service.batch_update_presentation( presentation_id, req ) create_shape_response = response.replies[0].create_shape puts "Created textbox with ID: #{create_shape_response.object_id}"