The Google Slides API lets you manipulate the location, size, and orientation of a
(text boxes, images, tables, and basic shapes) on a page, while keeping lines
straight and preserving points and parallel lines. These are known as affine
transformations. The examples here show some common page element transform
operations using the
These examples use the following variables:
- PRESENTATION_ID—Indicates where you provide the presentation ID. You can discover the value for this ID from the presentation URL.
- PAGE_ID—Indicates where you provide the page object ID. You can retrieve the value for this from the URL or by using an API read request.
- PAGE_ELEMENT_ID—Indicates where you provide the page element object ID. You can specify this ID for elements you create (with some restrictions) or allow the Slides API to automatically create one. Element IDs can be retrieved through an API read request.
These examples are presented as HTTP requests to be language neutral. To learn how to implement a batch update in different languages using the Google API client libraries, see Add shapes and text.
Example arrow shape
For these examples below, assume that there exists an example arrow shape page
element with the following size and transform data (that can be found with a
method request). The example shape uses the measurement
EMU (English Metric Unit) and pt
{ "objectId":PAGE_ELEMENT_ID , "size": { "width": { "magnitude": 3000000, "unit": "EMU" }, "height": { "magnitude": 3000000, "unit": "EMU" } }, "transform": { "scaleX": 0.3, "scaleY": 0.12, "shearX": 0, "shearY": 0, "translateX": 2000000, "translateY": 550000, "unit": "EMU" }, "shape": { "shapeType": "RIGHT_ARROW" } }
Align an element with another
The following
code sample shows how to use the
method to create new shapes in the correct positions that are aligned with the
example arrow shape on the page. In both cases, the X and Y
coordinates of the upper-left corner of the new shape must be calculated.
The first request creates a 100 by 50 pt rectangle that's aligned to the left border of the arrow shape, but is positioned 50 pt (50 * 12,700 = 635,000 EMU) below the arrow's top edge. The X coordinate of the new rectangle should be the same as the arrow's X coordinate to keep its left border aligned. The Y coordinate is the same as the arrow's Y coordinate plus 50 pt, since the distance is measured from the top of the arrow. The rectangle's coordinates are therefore:
x" = 2000000 EMU y" = 550000 + (50 * 12700) = 1185000 EMU
The second request creates a 40 pt wide circle that has the same horizontal center line as the example arrow, but is positioned 100 pt (1,270,000 EMU) to the right of the arrow's right edge. The circle's X coordinate is the sum of the arrow's X coordinate, the arrow width, and 100 pt. Enforcing a center-line alignment for the new circle requires taking into account the height of both the arrow and the circle. The Y coordinate of the circle is the arrow's Y coordinate plus half the arrow height minus half the circle height. In both cases, the scaling factors associated with the arrow must also be taken into account, because they affect the rendered width and height of the arrow. The circle's coordinates are therefore:
x = 2000000 + (0.3 * 3000000) + (100 * 12700) = 4170000 EMU y = 550000 + (0.5 * 0.12 * 3000000) - (0.5 * 40 * 12700) = 476000 EMU
The following is the request protocol to align an element with another:
POST :batchUpdate
{ "requests": [ { "createShape": { "shapeType": "RECTANGLE", "elementProperties": { "pageObjectId":PAGE_ID , "size": { "width": { "magnitude": 100, "unit": "PT" }, "height": { "magnitude": 50, "unit": "PT" } }, "transform": { "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "translateX": 2000000, "translateY": 1185000, "unit": "EMU" } } } }, { "createShape": { "shapeType": "ELLIPSE", "elementProperties": { "pageObjectId":PAGE_ID , "size": { "width": { "magnitude": 40, "unit": "PT" }, "height": { "magnitude": 40, "unit": "PT" } }, "transform": { "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "translateX": 4170000, "translateY": 476000, "unit": "EMU" } } } } ] }
Move an element
The following
code sample shows how to use the
method to translate the example arrow shape page element in
two different ways.
The first request in the batch moves the arrow to the (X,Y) = (2000000, 150000)
EMU coordinate (using an absolute translation
The second request in the batch moves the arrow from there, this time 40,000 EMU
to the right and 35,000 EMU upward (using a relative translation applyMode
The transformation1 matrices used
are constructed to avoid altering the element's size and orientation.
After executing both requests, the arrow's upper-left corner rests at the (X,Y) = (2040000, 115000) EMU coordinate.
The following is the request protocol to move an element:
POST :batchUpdate
{ "requests": [ { "updatePageElementTransform": { "objectId":PAGE_ELEMENT_ID , "applyMode": "ABSOLUTE", "transform": { "scaleX": 0.3, "scaleY": 0.12, "translateX": 2000000, "translateY": 150000, "unit": "EMU" } } }, { "updatePageElementTransform": { "objectId":PAGE_ELEMENT_ID , "applyMode": "RELATIVE", "transform": { "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "translateX": 40000, "translateY": -35000, "unit": "EMU" } } } ] }
Reflect an element
The following
code sample shows how to use the
method to reflect the example arrow shape page element
horizontally along its center, without altering its position on the page or
This is done by using a basic reflection
transform in the element's reference
frame. For clarity, the
reference frame shift and reflection are shown with three separate calls to the
but it's more efficient to pre-compute the product of these transformation
matrices and then apply that product as a single request.
For the translation transforms, the center of the arrow shape is moved to and from the origin. The parameter values are expressed as calculations for clarity.
The following is the request protocol to reflect an element:
POST :batchUpdate
{ "requests": [ { "updatePageElementTransform": { "objectId":PAGE_ELEMENT_ID , "applyMode": "RELATIVE", "transform": { "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "translateX": -2000000 - 0.5 * 0.3 * 3000000, "translateY": -550000 - 0.5 * 0.12 * 3000000, "unit": "EMU" } } }, { "updatePageElementTransform": { "objectId":PAGE_ELEMENT_ID , "applyMode": "RELATIVE", "transform": { "scaleX": -1, "scaleY": 1, "unit": "EMU" } } }, { "updatePageElementTransform": { "objectId":PAGE_ELEMENT_ID , "applyMode": "RELATIVE", "transform": { "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "translateX": 2000000 + 0.5 * 0.3 * 3000000, "translateY": 550000 + 0.5 * 0.12 * 3000000, "unit": "EMU" } } } ] }
Resize an element
The following
code sample shows how to use the
method to scale the example arrow shape page element to be 50%
wider and have only 80% of its current height, while keeping the arrow's center
in the same position and maintaining its orientation.
This is done by using a basic scaling
transform in the element's reference
frame. For clarity, the
reference frame shift and scaling are shown with three separate calls to the
but it's more efficient to pre-compute the product of these transformation
matrices and then apply that product as a single request.
For the translation transforms, the center of the arrow shape is moved to and from the origin. The parameter values are expressed as calculations for clarity.
The following is the request protocol to resize an element:
POST :batchUpdate
{ "requests": [ { "updatePageElementTransform": { "objectId":PAGE_ELEMENT_ID , "applyMode": "RELATIVE", "transform": { "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "translateX": -2000000 - 0.5 * 0.3 * 3000000, "translateY": -550000 - 0.5 * 0.12 * 3000000, "unit": "EMU" } } }, { "updatePageElementTransform": { "objectId":PAGE_ELEMENT_ID , "applyMode": "RELATIVE", "transform": { "scaleX": 1.5, "scaleY": 0.8, "unit": "EMU" } } }, { "updatePageElementTransform": { "objectId":PAGE_ELEMENT_ID , "applyMode": "RELATIVE", "transform": { "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "translateX": 2000000 + 0.5 * 0.3 * 3000000, "translateY": 550000 + 0.5 * 0.12 * 3000000, "unit": "EMU" } } } ] }
Rotate an element about its center
The following
code sample shows how to use the
method to rotate the example arrow shape page element 35
degrees counter-clockwise, while keeping the arrow's center in the same position
and maintaining its size.
This is done by using a basic rotation
transform in the element's reference
frame. For clarity, the
reference frame shift and rotation are shown with three separate calls to the
but it's more efficient to pre-compute the product of these transformation
matrices and then apply that product as a single request
For the translation transforms, the center of the arrow shape is moved to and from the origin. The parameter values are expressed as calculations for clarity.
The following is the request protocol to rotate an element about its center:
POST :batchUpdate
{ "requests": [ { "updatePageElementTransform": { "objectId":PAGE_ELEMENT_ID , "applyMode": "RELATIVE", "transform": { "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "translateX": -2000000 - 0.5 * 0.3 * 3000000, "translateY": -550000 - 0.5 * 0.12 * 3000000, "unit": "EMU" } } }, { "updatePageElementTransform": { "objectId":PAGE_ELEMENT_ID , "applyMode": "RELATIVE", "transform": { "scaleX": cos(35 * (pi/180)), "scaleY": cos(35 * (pi/180)), "shearX": sin(35 * (pi/180)), "shearY": -sin(35 * (pi/180)), "unit": "EMU" } } }, { "updatePageElementTransform": { "objectId":PAGE_ELEMENT_ID , "applyMode": "RELATIVE", "transform": { "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "translateX": 2000000 + 0.5 * 0.3 * 3000000, "translateY": 550000 + 0.5 * 0.12 * 3000000, "unit": "EMU" } } } ] }