از API PageSpeed Insights برای موارد زیر استفاده کنید:
- عملکرد یک صفحه وب را اندازه گیری کنید.
- در مورد نحوه بهبود عملکرد، دسترسی و سئوی صفحه پیشنهاداتی دریافت کنید.
API PageSpeed Insights دادههای دنیای واقعی را از گزارش تجربه کاربر Chrome و دادههای آزمایشگاهی Lighthouse را برمیگرداند.
API Explorer
برای برقراری تماس با PageSpeed Insights API بدون نوشتن کد، API Explorer را بررسی کنید.
به دست آوردن و استفاده از یک کلید API
یا در صفحه اعتبارنامه ایجاد کنید.
پس از داشتن یک کلید API، برنامه شما می تواند پارامتر query key= yourAPIKey
به همه URL های درخواستی اضافه کند.
کلید API برای جاسازی در URL ها ایمن است. به هیچ کدگذاری نیاز ندارد.
برای امتحان کردن PageSpeed Insights API از خط فرمان:
- یک ترمینال باز کنید
دستور زیر را اجرا کنید. کلید API خود را جایگزین
کنید.curl https://www.googleapis.com/pagespeedonline/v5/runPagespeed?url=https://web.dev/&key=yourAPIKey
پاسخ یک شی JSON است. برای کسب اطلاعات بیشتر در مورد هر یک از ویژگی های موجود در شی پاسخ، به Response مراجعه کنید.
{ "captchaResult": "CAPTCHA_NOT_NEEDED", "kind": "pagespeedonline#result", "id": "https://developers.google.com/", "loadingExperience": { "id": "https://developers.google.com/", "metrics": { "FIRST_CONTENTFUL_PAINT_MS": { "percentile": 3482, "distributions": [ { "min": 0, "max": 1000, "proportion": 0.37151728768042963 }, { "min": 1000, "max": 2500, "proportion": 0.4244153519077991 }, { "min": 2500, "proportion": 0.2040673604117713 } ], "category": "SLOW" }, "FIRST_INPUT_DELAY_MS": { "percentile": 36, "distributions": [ { "min": 0, "max": 50, "proportion": 0.960628961482204 }, { "min": 50, "max": 250, "proportion": 0.02888834714773281 }, { "min": 250, "proportion": 0.010482691370063388 } ], "category": "FAST" } }, "overall_category": "SLOW", "initial_url": "https://developers.google.com/" }, "originLoadingExperience": { "id": "https://developers.google.com", "metrics": { "FIRST_CONTENTFUL_PAINT_MS": { "percentile": 2761, "distributions": [ { "min": 0, "max": 1000, "proportion": 0.4236433226493666 }, { "min": 1000, "max": 2500, "proportion": 0.45045120795679117 }, { "min": 2500, "proportion": 0.1259054693938423 } ], "category": "SLOW" }, "FIRST_INPUT_DELAY_MS": { "percentile": 45, "distributions": [ { "min": 0, "max": 50, "proportion": 0.9537371485251699 }, { "min": 50, "max": 250, "proportion": 0.03044972719889055 }, { "min": 250, "proportion": 0.01581312427593959 } ], "category": "FAST" } }, "overall_category": "SLOW", "initial_url": "https://developers.google.com/" }, "lighthouseResult": { "requestedUrl": "https://developers.google.com/", "finalUrl": "https://developers.google.com/", "lighthouseVersion": "3.2.0", "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) HeadlessChrome/72.0.3584.0 Safari/537.36", "fetchTime": "2018-11-01T03:03:58.394Z", "environment": { "networkUserAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3559.0 Safari/537.36", "hostUserAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) HeadlessChrome/72.0.3584.0 Safari/537.36", "benchmarkIndex": 590.0 }, "runWarnings": [], "configSettings": { "emulatedFormFactor": "desktop", "locale": "en-US", "onlyCategories": [ "performance" ] }, "audits": { "estimated-input-latency": { "id": "estimated-input-latency", "title": "Estimated Input Latency", "description": "The score above is an estimate of how long your app takes to respond to user input, in milliseconds, during the busiest 5s window of page load. If your latency is higher than 50 ms, users may perceive your app as laggy. [Learn more](https://developers.google.com/web/tools/lighthouse/audits/estimated-input-latency).", "score": 1.0, "scoreDisplayMode": "numeric", "displayValue": "30 ms" }, "uses-rel-preconnect": { "id": "uses-rel-preconnect", "title": "Preconnect to required origins", "description": "Consider adding preconnect or dns-prefetch resource hints to establish early connections to important third-party origins. [Learn more](https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/performance/resource-prioritization#preconnect).", "score": 1.0, "scoreDisplayMode": "numeric", "details": { "headings": [], "type": "opportunity", "items": [], "overallSavingsMs": 0.0 } }, ... }, "categories": { "performance": { "id": "performance", "title": "Performance", "score": 0.96, "auditRefs": [ { "id": "first-contentful-paint", "weight": 3.0, "group": "metrics" }, { "id": "first-meaningful-paint", "weight": 1.0, "group": "metrics" }, ... ] } }, "categoryGroups": { "a11y-element-names": { "title": "Elements Have Discernible Names", "description": "These are opportunities to improve the semantics of the controls in your application. This may enhance the experience for users of assistive technology, like a screen reader." }, "a11y-language": { "title": "Page Specifies Valid Language", "description": "These are opportunities to improve the interpretation of your content by users in different locales." }, ... }, "i18n": { "rendererFormattedStrings": { "varianceDisclaimer": "Values are estimated and may vary.", "opportunityResourceColumnLabel": "Opportunity", "opportunitySavingsColumnLabel": "Estimated Savings", "errorMissingAuditInfo": "Report error: no audit information", "errorLabel": "Error!", "warningHeader": "Warnings: ", "auditGroupExpandTooltip": "Show audits", "passedAuditsGroupTitle": "Passed audits", "notApplicableAuditsGroupTitle": "Not applicable", "manualAuditsGroupTitle": "Additional items to manually check", "toplevelWarningsMessage": "There were issues affecting this run of Lighthouse:", "scorescaleLabel": "Score scale:", "crcLongestDurationLabel": "Maximum critical path latency:", "crcInitialNavigation": "Initial Navigation", "lsPerformanceCategoryDescription": "[Lighthouse](https://developers.google.com/web/tools/lighthouse/) analysis of the current page on an emulated mobile network. Values are estimated and may vary.", "labDataTitle": "Lab Data" } } }, "analysisUTCTimestamp": "2018-11-01T03:03:58.394Z" }
جاوا اسکریپت
برای امتحان کردن PageSpeed Insights API از جاوا اسکریپت:
کد زیر را کپی کنید این کد از API PageSpeed Insights برای اندازه گیری عملکرد
استفاده می کند و سپس نتایج را نمایش می دهد./** * Fetches and displays PageSpeed Insights data. */ async function run() { const apiEndpoint = 'https://www.googleapis.com/pagespeedonline/v5/runPagespeed'; const targetUrl = 'https://web.dev/'; const url = new URL(apiEndpoint); url.searchParams.set('url', targetUrl); try { const response = await fetch(url); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`HTTP error! status: ${response.status}`); } const json = await response.json(); // See // https://developers.google.com/speed/docs/insights/v5/reference/pagespeedapi/runpagespeed#response // to learn more about each of the properties in the response object. showInitialContent(json.id); const cruxMetrics = { 'First Contentful Paint': json.loadingExperience.metrics.FIRST_CONTENTFUL_PAINT_MS?.category, 'Interaction to Next Paint': json.loadingExperience.metrics.INTERACTION_TO_NEXT_PAINT?.category, }; showCruxContent(cruxMetrics); const lighthouse = json.lighthouseResult; const lighthouseMetrics = { 'First Contentful Paint': lighthouse.audits['first-contentful-paint']?.displayValue, 'Speed Index': lighthouse.audits['speed-index']?.displayValue, 'Largest Contentful Paint': lighthouse.audits['largest-contentful-paint']?.displayValue, 'Total Blocking Time': lighthouse.audits['total-blocking-time']?.displayValue, 'Time To Interactive': lighthouse.audits['interactive']?.displayValue, }; showLighthouseContent(lighthouseMetrics); } catch (error) { console.error('Fetching PageSpeed Insights failed:', error); document.body.textContent = `Failed to fetch PageSpeed data. Check the console for errors.`; } } /** * Displays initial content, including the page ID. * @param {string} id The ID of the page being tested. */ function showInitialContent(id) { document.body.innerHTML = ''; // Clear previous content const title = document.createElement('h1'); title.textContent = 'PageSpeed Insights API Demo'; document.body.appendChild(title); const page = document.createElement('p'); page.textContent = `Page tested: ${id}`; document.body.appendChild(page); } /** * Displays CrUX metrics. * @param {!Object} cruxMetrics The CrUX metrics to display. */ function showCruxContent(cruxMetrics) { const cruxHeader = document.createElement('h2'); cruxHeader.textContent = 'Chrome User Experience Report Results'; document.body.appendChild(cruxHeader); for (const key in cruxMetrics) { const p = document.createElement('p'); p.textContent = `${key}: ${cruxMetrics[key]}`; document.body.appendChild(p); } } /** * Displays Lighthouse metrics. * @param {!Object} lighthouseMetrics The Lighthouse metrics to display. */ function showLighthouseContent(lighthouseMetrics) { const lighthouseHeader = document.createElement('h2'); lighthouseHeader.textContent = 'Lighthouse Results'; document.body.appendChild(lighthouseHeader); for (const key in lighthouseMetrics) { const p = document.createElement('p'); p.textContent = `${key}: ${lighthouseMetrics[key]}`; document.body.appendChild(p); } } run();
- کد را در یک تگ
در یک فایل HTML قرار دهید. فایل HTML را در مرورگر باز کنید. پس از تکمیل موفقیت آمیز، صفحه شما مانند شکل 1 خواهد بود.
شکل 1 . نسخه ی نمایشی جاوا اسکریپت
مراحل بعدی
- برای کسب اطلاعات بیشتر در مورد هر یک از ویژگی های موجود در شی پاسخ، به Response مراجعه کنید.
- برای کسب اطلاعات بیشتر در مورد نحوه محاسبه اندازهگیریهای عملکرد، به API PageSpeed Insights مراجعه کنید.
آیا این صفحه مفید بود؟