Connecting SQL Server client using the Cloud SQL Auth Proxy Docker image

This page describes how to connect a sqlcmd client to your Cloud SQL instance, from a client machine running Linux or Compute Engine Linux instance, using the Cloud SQL Auth Proxy Docker image.

Before you begin

You must have:

Connect a sqlcmd client using the Cloud SQL Auth Proxy Docker image

To connect using the Cloud SQL Auth Proxy Docker image:

  1. Enable the Cloud SQL Admin API.

    Enable the API

  2. If you are using a Compute Engine instance, prepare the instance:
    1. Display the Compute Engine instance properties:
      gcloud compute instances describe [GCE_INSTANCE_NAME]
    2. Verify the scopes enabled on the instance.

      Authenticating using scopes requires both of the following scopes:


      Alternatively, the scope enables all Google Cloud Platform APIs.

      If your Compute Engine instance does not have the proper scopes, you can update the instance to include them. For more information, see the Compute Engine documentation.

    3. Open a terminal connection to the instance, using the instructions at Connecting to Linux Instances.
  3. Install the sqlcmd client on the Compute Engine instance or client machine, if it is not already installed.


    For Debian/Ubuntu, install the applicable SQL Server command-line tools.


    For CentOS/RHEL, install the applicable SQL Server command-line tools.


    For openSUSE, install the applicable SQL Server command-line tools.

    Other platforms

    See the landing page for installing SQL Server, as well as the SQL Server downloads page.

  4. If needed, install the Docker client:
    curl | sh
    sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

    If you are using a container-optimized Compute Engine instance, it already has the Docker client installed.

  5. Install the Cloud SQL Auth Proxy Docker image from the Google Container Registry.
    docker pull
  6. If you are running the Cloud SQL Auth Proxy Docker image on a local machine (not a Compute Engine instance), or your Compute Engine instance does not have the proper scopes, create a Google Cloud Platform service account.
    1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Service accounts page.

      Go to Service accounts

    2. Select the project that contains your Cloud SQL instance.
    3. Click Create service account.
    4. In the Service account name field, enter a descriptive name for the service account.
    5. Change the Service account ID to a unique, recognizable value and then click Create and continue.
    6. Click the Select a role field and select one of the following roles:
      • Cloud SQL > Cloud SQL Client
      • Cloud SQL > Cloud SQL Editor
      • Cloud SQL > Cloud SQL Admin
    7. Click Done to finish creating the service account.
    8. Click the action menu for your new service account and then select Manage keys.
    9. Click the Add key drop-down menu and then click Create new key.
    10. Confirm that the key type is JSON and then click Create.

      The private key file is downloaded to your machine. You can move it to another location. Keep the key file secure.

    You provide the path to the key file as "PATH_TO_KEY_FILE" when you start the Cloud SQL Auth Proxy.

  7. Go to the Cloud SQL Instances page in the Google Cloud console.

    Go to Cloud SQL Instances

  8. Select the instance to open its Instance details page and copy the Instance connection name.

    For example: myproject:us-central1:myinstance.

  9. Start the Cloud SQL Auth Proxy.

    Depending on your language and environment, you can start the Cloud SQL Auth Proxy using either TCP sockets or Unix sockets. Unix sockets are not supported for applications written in the Java programming language or for the Windows environment.

    TCP sockets

    docker run -d \
      -v <PATH_TO_KEY_FILE>:/path/to/service-account-key.json \
      -p \ \
      --credentials-file /path/to/service-account-key.json <INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME>

    If you are using the credentials provided by your Compute Engine instance, do not include the --credentials-file parameter and the -v <PATH_TO_KEY_FILE>:/path/to/service-account-key.json line.

    Always specify prefix in -p so that the Cloud SQL Auth Proxy is not exposed outside the local host. The "" in the instances parameter is required to make the port accessible from outside of the Docker container.

    Unix sockets

    docker run -d -v /cloudsql:/cloudsql \
      -v <PATH_TO_KEY_FILE>:/path/to/service-account-key.json \ //
      --unix-socket=/cloudsql \
      --credentials-file /path/to/service-account-key.json <INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME> 

    If you are using the credentials provided by your Compute Engine instance, do not include the --credentials-file parameter and the -v <PATH_TO_KEY_FILE>:/path/to/service-account-key.json line.

    If you are using a container optimized image, use a writeable directory in place of /cloudsql, for example:

    -v /mnt/stateful_partition/cloudsql:/cloudsql

    You can specify more than one instance, separated by commas. You can also use Compute Engine metadata to dynamically determine the instances to connect to. Learn more about the proxy parameters.

  10. Start the client:

    The connection string you use depends on whether you started the Cloud SQL Auth Proxy using a TCP socket or Docker.

    TCP sockets

    1. Start the sqlcmd client:
      sqlcmd -S tcp:,1433 -U USERNAME -P PASSWORD

      When you connect using TCP sockets, the Cloud SQL Auth Proxy is accessed through

    2. If prompted, enter the password.
    3. The sqlcmd prompt appears.
Need help? For help troubleshooting the proxy, see Troubleshooting Cloud SQL Auth Proxy connections, or see our Cloud SQL Support page.

Keep the Cloud SQL Auth Proxy Docker image up to date

The Cloud SQL Auth Proxy Docker image is based on a specific version of the Cloud SQL Auth Proxy. When a new version of the Cloud SQL Auth Proxy becomes available, pull the new version of the Cloud SQL Auth Proxy Docker image to keep your environment up to date. You can see the current version of the Cloud SQL Auth Proxy by checking the Cloud SQL Auth Proxy GitHub releases page. Future proxy releases will also be noted in the Google Groups Cloud SQL announce forum.

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