Manage privacy settings

This page explains how to disable privacy-related features with the Google tag. For an overview of all privacy-related settings, read User privacy overview.

Privacy parameters

Use the following parameters to enable or disable privacy features such as personalization and signals.

Privacy control Compatible products Description How to validate on the client side
consent Google Analytics 4, Google Ads, Floodlight Use the `consent` command to initialize default consent states and update consent when a user interacts with your cookie banner.Learn more about gtag.js(consent). To verify consent settings, use Tag Assistant. Learn more about consent debugging.
allow_google_signals Google Analytics 4 No effect when not set or set to true. When set to false, events sent from the tag will not be used for ads personalization and demographics and interests reports. No effect when not set or set to true. When set to false, all join beacons are suppressed.
allow_ad_personalization_signals Google Ads, Google Analytics 4, Floodlight When set to true, events sent from the tag will be eligible for ads personalization. When set to false, events sent from the tag will not be used for ads personalization, but they can still be used for demographics and interests reporting.
No effect when not set or set to true. When set to false, include an &npa=1 parameter on all beacons.
restricted_data_processing Google Ads No effect when not set. When set to true, Google will limit how it uses the events sent from the tag. Certain features will be unavailable, including adding users to remarketing lists, adding users to similar audience remarketing seed lists, and related functionality. No effect when not set. When set to true, an &rdp=1 parameter is included in beacons. When set to false, an &rdp=0 parameter is included in beacons.
Privacy control Compatible tag templates Description How to validate on the client side
allow_google_signals Google tag Set in "Configuration settings". No effect when not set or set to true. When set to false, events sent from the tag will not be used for ads personalization and demographics and interests reporting No effect when not set or set to true. When set to false, all join beacons are suppressed.
allow_ad_personalization_signals Google tag Set in "Configuration settings". When set to true, events sent from the tag will be eligible for ads personalization. When set to false, events sent from the tag will not be used for ads personalization, but they can still be used for demographics and interests reporting.
No effect when not set or set to true. When set to false, include an &npa=1 parameter on all beacons.
restricted_data_processing Google Ads Conversion Tracking Set it in the control "Enable Restricted Data Processing" in Tag Manager's Google Ads Conversion Tracking tag. No effect when not set or set to false. When set to true, Google will limit how it uses the events sent from the tag. Certain features will be unavailable, including adding users to remarketing lists, adding users to similar audience remarketing seed lists, and related functionality. No effect when not set or set to false. When set to true, an &rdp=1 parameter is included in beacons. When set to false, an &rdp=0 parameter is included in beacons.

Disable analytics and advertising features

Because advertising features can be enabled through your Google Analytics admin settings, there may be cases where you need to turn them off programmatically. If you've configured Connected Site Tags, you'll need to follow these instructions if you wish this signal to propagate to your Connected Site Tags.

Turn off all advertising features

These configurations give you the ability to turn off advertising, reporting, and remarketing features, and overrides any property settings established in the Google Analytics user interface.

To turn off all advertising features with the Google tag for Google Analytics 4, set allow_google_signals to false:

gtag('set', {'allow_google_signals', false});

To turn off all advertising features across all properties, use gtag.js.

To turn off advertising features with the Google tag on a specific Google Analytics 4 property, edit the config command for the given TAG_ID and set allow_google_signals to false:

gtag('config', 'TAG_ID', { 'allow_google_signals': false });
  1. In your workspace, open the Tags menu.
  2. Edit the Google tag you want to turn off advertising features for.
  3. In Configuration settings, add the following parameter:

    • Name: allow_google_signals
    • Value: false
  4. Save the tag.

Repeat these steps for each Google tag that should not participate in advertising features.

Turn off advertising personalization

There are a few ways to programmatically control whether Analytics data should be used for personalized advertising:

Control ad personalization per website

Google's consent mode API is the recommended way to enable and disable personalized advertising. If your website doesn't use consent mode yet, you can control personalization with the following parameter.

You can completely disable advertising personalization features. Setting the allow_ad_personalization_signals parameter applies the setting to all products configured through the Google tag, and an npa=1 parameter is added to the tag URL to indicate that only non-personalized ads are allowed.

To turn off all advertising personalization with the Google tag, set allow_ad_personalization_signals to false:

gtag('set', {'allow_ad_personalization_signals', false});

To turn off all advertising features across all properties, use gtag.js.

To turn off advertising personalization with the Google tag on a specific Google Ads, Google Analytics, or Floodlight configuration, edit the config command for the given TAG_ID and set allow_ad_personalization_signals to false:

gtag('config',  {'allow_ad_personalization_signals': false });

In Tag Manager:

  1. Open your Google Analytics tag for editing.
  2. Click Fields to Set.
  3. Click Add Row.
  4. For Field Name, enter allow_ad_personalization_signals, and for Value enter false.

Turn off Google Analytics

In some cases, it may be necessary to turn off Google Analytics. For example, you might do this if your site's privacy policy provides an option for the user to opt-out of Google Analytics.

The gtag.js library includes a window['ga-disable-MEASUREMENT_ID'] property that, when set to true, turns off the Google tag from sending data. When a product attempts to set a cookie or send data back to the Google Analytics servers, it will first check if this property is set, and will take no action if the value is set to true.

To turn off Google Analytics programmatically, set window['ga-disable-GA_MEASUREMENT_ID'] to true. Replace TAG_ID with a valid tag ID:

window['ga-disable-GA_MEASUREMENT_ID'] = true;
<!-- Google tag (gtag.js) -->
<script async src=""></script>
  window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
  function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
  gtag('js', new Date());

  gtag('config', 'TAG_ID');

To prevent the Google Analytics 4 tag from firing, use a trigger condition to check if a user has opted out, and fire the tag based on the value of the trigger condition. For example, here is a configuration that uses a first-party cookie to determine if it can fire a Google Analytics 4 tag. These instructions assume that you have already created a Google Analytics 4 tag.

Note: This method does not use window['ga-disable-MEASUREMENT_ID'], but instead provides a straightforward solution tailored for Tag Manager implementations.

  1. In your page's JavaScript source, set a cookie called "google-analytics-opt-out", give it a value of true, and set it to expire at some date far into the future. For example:
    document.cookie = 'google-analytics-opt-out=true; expires=Mon, 1 Jan 2170 23:59:59 UTC; path=/';
  2. In Tag Manager, create a new variable that checks for the google-analytics-opt-out cookie:

  3. Click Variables > New. 2. Set Variable Type to 1st-Party Cookie. 3. Name the variable "google-analytics-opt-out cookie" and click Save.

  4. Create a new trigger for a Google Analytics tag:

  5. Set Trigger Type to Page View. 2. Set This trigger fires on to Some Page Views. 3. Set Fire this trigger when an Event occurs and all of these conditions are true to read "google-analytics-opt-out cookie does not equal true"

  6. Click Save.

  7. Publish your container.

Turn off default page view measurement in Google Analytics

The default behavior of the Google Analytics tag is to send a page_view event to Google Analytics. This is the desired behavior in most cases; page_view events are automatically recorded once you add the code to each page on your site. However, if you don’t want the tag to send a page_view event to Google Analytics, set the send_page_view parameter to false:

gtag('set', { 'send_page_view': false });
  1. In your workspace, open the Tags menu.
  2. Edit the relevant Google tag.
  3. In Configuration settings, set the following parameter:

    • Name:send_page_view
    • Value: false
  4. Save the tag.

Restricted data processing

When you enable restricted data processing, Google will limit how it uses data. Certain features will be unavailable, including adding users to remarketing lists, adding users to similar audience remarketing seed lists, and related functionality. For App campaigns, enabling restricted data processing may mean that the users who install your app will continue to see ads for that app following installation. Learn more.

To enable restricted data processing:

Add a restricted_data_processing parameter with a value of true to your tag:

<!-- Google tag (gtag.js) -->
<script async src=""></script>
  window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer | | [ ] ;
  function gtag ( ) { dataLayer.push ( arguments ) } ;

  gtag ( 'js', new Date ( ) ) ;
  gtag ( 'set', { 'restricted_data_processing': true });
  1. Sign in to Google Tag Manager.
  2. Click Tags in the left column to access your tags.
  3. Create or edit a tag that supports restricted data processing (Google Ads Remarketing, Google Ads Conversion, etc.)
  4. In the tag configuration section, select True for the field "Enable Restricted Data Processing."
  5. Alternatively, this field can be set dynamically using a data layer variable.
  6. Click Save.