- JSON representation
- DataScope
- SearchMethod
- AccountInfo
- OrgUnitInfo
- SharedDriveInfo
- HangoutsChatInfo
- SitesUrlInfo
- TeamDriveInfo
- MailOptions
- ClientSideEncryptedOption
- DriveOptions
- HangoutsChatOptions
- VoiceOptions
- CalendarOptions
- AttendeeResponse
- GeminiOptions
The query definition used for search and export.
JSON representation |
{ "corpus": enum ( |
Fields | |
corpus |
The Google Workspace service to search. |
dataScope |
The data source to search. |
searchMethod |
The search method to use. |
method |
The entity to search. This field replaces searchMethod to support shared drives. When searchMethod is TEAM_DRIVE, the response of this field is SHARED_DRIVE. |
terms |
Service-specific search operators to filter search results. |
startTime |
The start time for the search query. Specify in GMT. The value is rounded to 12 AM on the specified date. Uses RFC 3339, where generated output will always be Z-normalized and uses 0, 3, 6 or 9 fractional digits. Offsets other than "Z" are also accepted. Examples: |
endTime |
The end time for the search query. Specify in GMT. The value is rounded to 12 AM on the specified date. Uses RFC 3339, where generated output will always be Z-normalized and uses 0, 3, 6 or 9 fractional digits. Offsets other than "Z" are also accepted. Examples: |
teamDriveInfo |
Required when SearchMethod is TEAM_DRIVE. |
timeZone |
The time zone name. It should be an IANA TZ name, such as "America/Los_Angeles". For a list of time zone names, see Time Zone. For more information about how Vault uses time zones, see the Vault help center. |
Union field search_method_field . When required, the details of the entities to search search_method_field can be only one of the following: |
accountInfo |
Required when SearchMethod is ACCOUNT. |
orgUnitInfo |
Required when SearchMethod is ORG_UNIT. |
sharedDriveInfo |
Required when SearchMethod is SHARED_DRIVE. |
hangoutsChatInfo |
Required when SearchMethod is ROOM. (read-only) |
sitesUrlInfo |
Required when SearchMethod is SITES_URL. |
Union field corpus_options_field . Additional search options for specific services. corpus_options_field can be only one of the following: |
mailOptions |
Set Gmail search-specific options. |
driveOptions |
Set Drive search-specific options. |
hangoutsChatOptions |
Set Chat search-specific options. (read-only) |
voiceOptions |
Set Voice search-specific options. |
calendarOptions |
Set Calendar search-specific options. |
geminiOptions |
Set Gemini search-specific options. |
The source of data to search.
Enums | |
No data source specified. |
All available data. |
Only data on hold. |
Only data not yet processed by Vault. (Gmail and Groups only) |
The entity type for the search.
Enums | |
A search method must be specified or else it is rejected. |
Search the data of the accounts specified in AccountInfo. |
Search the data of all accounts in the organizational unit specified in OrgUnitInfo. |
Search the data in the Team Drive specified in teamDriveInfo. |
Search the data of all accounts in the organization. Supported only for Gmail. When specified, you don't need to specify AccountInfo or OrgUnitInfo. |
Search messages in the Chat spaces specified in HangoutsChatInfo. |
Search for sites by the published site URLs specified in SitesUrlInfo. |
Search the files in the shared drives specified in SharedDriveInfo. |
The accounts to search
JSON representation |
{ "emails": [ string ] } |
Fields | |
emails[] |
A set of accounts to search. |
The organizational unit to search
JSON representation |
{ "orgUnitId": string } |
Fields | |
orgUnitId |
The name of the organizational unit to search, as provided by the Admin SDK Directory API. |
The Chat spaces to search
JSON representation |
{ "roomId": [ string ] } |
Fields | |
roomId[] |
A list of Chat spaces IDs, as provided by the Chat API. There is a limit of exporting from 500 Chat spaces per request. |
The published site URLs of new Google Sites to search
JSON representation |
{ "urls": [ string ] } |
Fields | |
urls[] |
A list of published site URLs. |
Team Drives to search
JSON representation |
{ "teamDriveIds": [ string ] } |
Fields | |
teamDriveIds[] |
List of Team Drive IDs, as provided by the Drive API. |
Additional options for Gmail search
JSON representation |
"excludeDrafts": boolean,
"clientSideEncryptedOption": enum ( |
Fields | |
excludeDrafts |
Set to true to exclude drafts. |
clientSideEncryptedOption |
Specifies whether the results should include encrypted content, unencrypted content, or both. Defaults to including both. |
If your organization uses Google Workspace Client-side encryption, the encryption status of content
Enums | |
Encryption status unspecified. Results include both client-side encrypted and non-encrypted content. |
Include both client-side encrypted and unencrypted content in results. |
Include client-side encrypted content only. |
Include unencrypted content only. |
Additional options for Drive search.
JSON representation |
"versionDate": string,
"includeTeamDrives": boolean,
"includeSharedDrives": boolean,
"clientSideEncryptedOption": enum ( |
Fields | |
versionDate |
Search the current version of the Drive file, but export the contents of the last version saved before 12:00 AM UTC on the specified date. Enter the date in UTC. Uses RFC 3339, where generated output will always be Z-normalized and uses 0, 3, 6 or 9 fractional digits. Offsets other than "Z" are also accepted. Examples: |
includeTeamDrives |
Set to true to include Team Drive. |
includeSharedDrives |
Set to true to include shared drives. |
clientSideEncryptedOption |
Set whether the results include only content encrypted with Google Workspace Client-side encryption content, only unencrypted content, or both. Defaults to both. Currently supported for Drive. |
Additional options for Google Chat search
JSON representation |
{ "includeRooms": boolean } |
Fields | |
includeRooms |
For searches by account or organizational unit, set to true to include rooms. |
Additional options for Voice search
JSON representation |
"coveredData": [
enum ( |
Fields | |
coveredData[] |
Datatypes to search |
Additional options for Calendar search
JSON representation |
"locationQuery": [
"peopleQuery": [
"minusWords": [
"responseStatuses": [
enum ( |
Fields | |
locationQuery[] |
Matches only those events whose location contains all of the words in the given set. If the string contains quoted phrases, this method only matches those events whose location contain the exact phrase. Entries in the set are considered in "and". Word splitting example: ["New Zealand"] vs ["New","Zealand"] "New Zealand": matched by both "New and better Zealand": only matched by the later |
peopleQuery[] |
Matches only those events whose attendees contain all of the words in the given set. Entries in the set are considered in "and". |
minusWords[] |
Matches only those events that do not contain any of the words in the given set in title, description, location, or attendees. Entries in the set are considered in "or". |
responseStatuses[] |
Matches only events for which the custodian gave one of these responses. If the set is empty or contains ATTENDEE_RESPONSE_UNSPECIFIED there will be no filtering on responses. |
versionDate |
Search the current version of the Calendar event, but export the contents of the last version saved before 12:00 AM UTC on the specified date. Enter the date in UTC. Uses RFC 3339, where generated output will always be Z-normalized and uses 0, 3, 6 or 9 fractional digits. Offsets other than "Z" are also accepted. Examples: |
User response to an invitation.
Enums | |
Attendee response unspecified. If this is set no filtering on responses will be done, all other attendee responses that are part of the query options are ignored. |
The participant has been invited but has not responded yet. |
The participant plans to attend. |
The participant does not plan to attend. |
The participant expects to possibly attend. |
This type has no fields.
Additional options for Gemini search