In this episode we chat about:
- The HTTP 203 2019 feature 'smackdown'.
- Chrome dev summit.
- Big web quiz.
- Focusing on one thing, and post-project depression.
- Jake's been playing with Google Stadia.
- SuperTed.
- Rollup within Rollup!
- Using Preact on the server.
- Jake had a celebrity encounter in an airport lounge.
- Trying to retrofit server rendering into a project.
- The 'honeymoon period' of projects.
- More news from 'manager Surma', this time, handling learning curves.
- The correct way to use an advent calendar.
- The alternative rules for Guess Who.
- Cascading cache invalidation.
- Import Maps.
- The problem with containerised build systems.
- Catching things at theme parks.
- Surma's been enjoying photography.
- Trackmania: PRESS FORWARD.