Ein hellblaues Banner mit der Aufschrift „Mitgliedernewsletter“ in dunkelblauer Schrift und einer Papierflugzeug-Illustration auf der rechten Seite. Auf dem Banner steht außerdem der Text „Erlebe endlosen Rätselspaß“.

Für anstehende WTM-Veranstaltungen anmelden

Veranstaltungsbanner für „Assembler: Instructions to improveHER“, ein Vortrag von Johanna Calic, Head of Creative Effectiveness bei Google, am 8. November um 7:00 Uhr (PT).

Nimm an unserer nächsten Veranstaltung zur WTM-Mitgliedschaft teil

RSVP today for an enriching session with Johanna Calic, Head of Creative Effectiveness at Google, and unlock your creative potential.

In this session, Johanna will share powerful strategies and inspiration for innovation, entrepreneurship, and communication. You'll learn how to tap into your creative side, solve problems in new ways, and bring your ideas to life.

Ein dunkelblaues Banner mit einem dicken hellgrünen Streifen unten. Auf dem Banner steht „Navigating Change: A Career Development Panel for Women in Tech“ (Mit Veränderungen umgehen: Eine Podiumsdiskussion zur beruflichen Entwicklung für Frauen in der Technologiebranche) und im grünen Streifen „Panelists to be confirmed“ (Teilnehmer werden noch bestätigt).

Neuer Termin: WTM Ambassador Academy

Our "Navigating Change Career" Panel is now on November 2 at 12 pm (GMT).

Join us for a conversation around how to stay relevant in a constantly changing field, build resilience and confidence, negotiate for yourself and build a supportive network of mentors and peers. Join live to ask the panelists questions

Your feedback matters. Please tell us what you think of our newsletters and events so we can make them even better 👇

Aktuelles bei Google

Hellblaues Banner für den virtuellen Gipfel „KI für alle“ mit einer abstrakten Illustration von ML-Wellen.

Virtueller Gipfel „KI für alle“

The Global AI for Everyone summit will showcase how Google is using AI to improve the user experience, empower businesses, and enhance the world. By registering below you will get first access to all virtual content airing globally November 2-3.

Animiertes GIF des DevFest-Logos mit bunten geometrischen Formen im Hintergrund und einem Pfeil, der auf die DevFest-Website verweist.

DevFest in Ihrer Nähe finden 📍

DevFests are local tech conferences where developers can learn, build, and connect. Hosted by Google Developer Groups (GDGs) around the world, each event is tailored to the needs and interests of the local developer community.

Learn about developer tools through hands-on workshops, technical talks delivered by experts in local languages, and networking opportunities with other developers.

RSVP today to connect with other like-minded developers all levels and backgrounds at your local DevFest.

Google for Startups Accelerator: Demo Day für Frauen in Führungspositionen

Schwarzes Banner mit dem Google for Startups Accelerator-Logo oben und dem Text „Women Founders Demo Day 2023“ in weiß in der Mitte.

Demo Day für die USA und Kanada 🇺🇸🇨🇦

Register for Demo Day 2023 of startups based in the US and Canada on November 16 at 9:30 am PT. In this session, we will recognize the accomplishments of the 11 selected startups in our latest cohort and share these impressive founders and startup teams with you.

Eine indische Frau spricht an einem Podium mit dem Google for Startups-Logo im Hintergrund.

Indien – Demo Day 🇮🇳

On September 26, the Google for Startups Accelerator Women Founders India hosted Demo Day. Watch the replay of the in-person event in Bengaluru, where 20 startups pitched their businesses where they ausing AI & ML to solve complex problems across different sectors.

Angriff! Android-Puppen-Bowls sind das perfekte Spiel.

Mit Experten den Umsatz steigern

Google Play's Indie Games Accelerator is a 10-week program to help high-potential indie game studios build and grow successful games companies.

Submit your indie game for a chance to receive exclusive training and mentorship from our industry experts.

Hellblaues Banner mit dem Text „Firebase Demo Day“ und dem Datum in der Mitte 3D-Illustrationen verschiedener Personen, die mit verschiedenen Geräten mit Firebase interagieren

Firebase Demo Day – jetzt vormerken

Join Firebase's first Demo Day on November 8 for a virtual experience showcasing what's new, what's possible, and how you can solve your biggest app development challenges with Firebase.

Learn how Firebase can help you build and run faster, smarter apps using Google technology and tools together to make your app the best it can be.

Save the date and follow #FirebaseDemoDay on social media.

Mit den neuesten Inhalten zu KI/ML, Cloud und Internetsicherheit auf dem neuesten Stand bleiben

Abstrakte Abbildung von ML-Wellen, dargestellt als Reihe von miteinander verbundenen Kreisen, die in einem dynamischen Muster fließen.

Generative AI in weniger als 60 Sekunden kennenlernen

Our new video series gives you a quick overview of the technology and how to use it. Then, you can start learning more with our free, introductory generative AI training. You can also meet the people behind the products at Google Cloud.

Enroll to the Introduction to Generative AI course here.

Abstrakte Illustration von Linien in verschiedenen Farben

Mit diesen fünf Ressourcen mehr über ML erfahren

Abstrakte Illustration mit verschiedenen Symbolen für die Internetsicherheit, z. B. einem Schild, einem Vorhängeschloss, einem Schlüssel und einem Computer.

Cybersecurity Month

Start your Google Cybersecurity Certificate and gain the skills you need to launch a new and rewarding career in cybersecurity with help from Google, in just 6 months or less.

Abstrakte, bunte Illustration eines Pfades zur Cloud

Kostenloser Einstieg in die Cloud-Lernreise

No-cost November is almost here: Complete training for in-demand topics and take the next step in your cloud learning journey. Opens on November 1st.

⏯ Falls du es verpasst hast…

Banner für die Mitglieder-Veranstaltung „Beyond Coding“ von Women Techmakers mit einem Foto von Joedian Reid, einer schwarzen Frau mit langen braunen Haaren, die in die Kamera blickt.

Watch the replay of our inspiring conversation with Joedian Reid, who went beyond coding to share essential career planning insights! In this session, she offered valuable advice on career change, job searching, starting a career in a new field, leadership, and motivation. Don't miss out on her career-


Every month, we spotlight the contributions WTM Ambassadors are making to their community. Get inspired by their stories and successes.

WTM-Botschafterin Beatriz

Bea, eine brasilianische Frau mit langen braunen Haaren und Brille, lächelt in die Kamera.

Beatriz Olveira is a 27-year-old Brazilian Cloud Engineer who is blazing a trail for women in tech!

Despite not having any childhood role models or access to tech resources, her curiosity led her to tinker with computers and ignite her passion for STEM. She became the first person in her family to get a college degree, and she has since progressed from help desk support to command center to Cloud Engineer.

Beatriz is also a WTM Ambassador and an active member of several other tech communities. She writes articles and tutorials, organizes meetups, lectures, and live sessions to inspire other women to pursue their dreams in tech.

When asked what she wishes every woman who is interested in getting into the tech industry knew, she said that she would love for women to know that technology belongs to them too and that women are capable of achieving amazing things that can impact many people in society. "Technology needs you, your vision, your experience, and expertise to become more inclusive and accessible."

Mit Google-Entwicklern auf Discord chatten

Logo: Discord

Find out a new way to connect with fellow developers and enjoy global event series with experts that explore cutting-edge technologies and innovations.

Connect with developers and explore cutting-edge tech at the first DevFest on Discord. Join the trivia and quizzes for prizes 🏆

Take me to Discord

Tipp, bevor du dich auf den Weg machst...

Eine Gruppe von Frauen, die sich umarmen, umgeben von Sternen

Achte das ganze Jahr über auf deine Brüste 🩷

Breast cancer awareness is year-round, and self-exploration is the key to prevention and early detection.

The Keep a Breast app, built with Firebase and Flutter, was developed by the Keep a Breast Foundation aiming to provide all the information you need to learn when to check, how to check, and so much more.

It includes step-by-step self-check tutorials, health resources and information, an in-app sharing feature, and rewards for users who check themselves monthly.

Eine lächelnde mexikanische Frau mit hellbrauner Haut und lockigem Haar, die eine bestickte bunte Bluse trägt.

Email sent (with hope) by Tania Rodriguez

© 2023 Google LLC 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043

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