Banner biru muda dengan teks 'Newsletter Langganan' dalam font biru muda dan ilustrasi pesawat kertas di sebelah kanan. Banner tersebut juga memiliki teks 'Tidak ada batasan untuk hal yang dapat Anda lakukan' dan bulan distribusi.

Mari Rayakan Hari Perempuan Internasional Bersama!

Banner tebal bertuliskan 'Impact the Future', yang melambangkan pemberdayaan dan progres perempuan. Logo WTM menambatkan gambar, sementara ilustrasi cerah di bawah menggambarkan penggabungan elemen, yang merepresentasikan komunikasi global, koneksi, dan pertumbuhan kolektif. Gambar ini mencerminkan tema perempuan yang mendorong perubahan positif dalam skala dunia.

IWD 2024: Lebih dari sekadar perayaan: Dampak masa depan bersama kami.

This year, we're not just honoring women's tech contributions, we're actively creating the future with the theme"Impact the Future" as our guide.

Ready to start? Here are a few ways to start the celebration with us this year:

Find an event near you

Embrace International Womens' Day 2024: Explore exciting events

Claim your IWD 2024 Badge

Add your 2024 IWD badge to your Developer Profile: Redeem badge

Get loud for #IWD

Use our social toolkit to spread the word about the importance of International Women's Day: Explore the toolkit

Perkuat suara Anda selama IWD

#WTMImpactTheFuture: Merayakan Hari Perempuan Internasional 2024. Badge cerah menandai kesempatan tersebut, dengan tulisan 'Hari Perempuan Internasional 2024' di dalam perbatasannya. Hashtag andal '#WTMImpactTheFuture' ada di bagian bawah, menyerukan agar perempuan mendorong perubahan positif. Di tengahnya, terdapat foto perempuan Kulit Hitam dengan bangga berdiri, merepresentasikan beragam suara dan kontribusi perempuan di seluruh dunia.

Kami ingin menampilkan Anda!

Submit your content for a chance to be featured on our newsletter and social media channels!

Share your experience in 140 characters or less on:

  • What does Impact The Future mean to you?

  • What's your favorite part of being a WTM member?

  • Submit your IWD-themed content (article, video, etc.) for a chance to be featured!

Deadline for submissions is March 21st!

Temukan Cara Women Techmakers Mengubah Dunia

Ilustrasi peta dengan seorang perempuan berhijab yang berlokasi di Asia.

Diluncurkan pada 8 Maret: Jelajahi kisah Women Techmakers

Journey with extraordinary women. Explore the inspiring stories of WTM Ambassadors making a global impact through an immersive experience with Google Maps.

Yang Terjadi di Google

Banner Hari Perempuan Internasional yang semarak dihiasi dengan warna-warni, dikelilingi oleh bentuk-bentuk geometris yang lucu, merayakan keberagaman dan inklusivitas.

Bergabunglah dalam Perayaan Hari Perempuan Internasional Google 2024!

Celebrate women in tech with Google's exciting virtual summit on March 13th and 14th. This event features fireside chats, panels, career workshops, and Q&A sessions with Google recruiters to explore exciting opportunities.

Ready to connect and be empowered?

Logo Google yang menonjol berdiri tegak di bursa kerja, yang menarik calon kandidat.

Daftar untuk mengikuti Beasiswa Konferensi Google!

Did you know that Google offers scholarships to attend select conferences? These scholarships cover travel and accommodation costs, and the first round of applications!

Visit our scholarship site to learn more about the conferences we cover, such as Grace Hopper and AfroTech, and apply when you’re ready!

Banner acara untuk 'Impact the Future: International Women's Day 2024' yang menampilkan tanggal, waktu, dan ilustrasi ponsel dengan mikrofon dan logo Google Developers.

Hadiri konferensi IWD di Komunitas Dev Google Discord.

Celebrate IWD with Google Devs! Join our free virtual conference on March 9th-10th on Discord. Get inspired by women leaders in tech, hear their journeys, and gain valuable insights on diversity & inclusion.

Let's celebrate International Women's Day together!

Ilustrasi gif dengan angka geometris dan logo Google Developers Student Clubs di tengah o

Daftar untuk menjadi Pemimpin GDSC 2024-25.

Leading a GDSC is a great opportunity to learn new programming skills, dive deep into Google technologies and create local impact, while also building your network.

Learn how to become a Google Developer Student Club Lead at your university.

Google for Games Developer Summit

Google for Games Developer Summit

Join Google for Games to learn how you can create seamless multi-platform games, increase your loyal player base, and reimagine the future of gaming.

The online summit returns on March 12, 2024 at 9 am (PT), check out the agenda now!

Tingkatkan Keterampilan Anda: Jelajahi Konten Pembelajaran yang Baru!

Ilustrasi abstrak dengan berbagai aset yang terkait dengan Manajemen Proyek: kalender, {i>checklist<i}, obrolan percakapan, catatan, dll.

Dapatkan Sertifikat Google Project Management (Manajemen Proyek Google)

Launch your 7-day free access and start learning the in-demand skills needed to succeed in project management. Our Google-developed certificate will equip you with traditional and agile methods to manage projects like a pro. Start your trial now!

Badge menampilkan layar dengan peringatan email. Tanda seru merah memperingatkan tentang potensi masalah, dan tanda panah menyoroti bagian tertentu dari pesan.

Mulai menggunakan klasifikasi teks di aplikasi Flutter

Mulai pembelajaran

Learn about text classification and how to implement it in Flutter apps.

Cangkir emas perayaan berdiri tinggi, dibingkai dengan latar belakang biru yang kaya dan dikelilingi konstelasi bintang.

Build papan peringkat yang andal dan terdistribusi dengan Cloud Firestore

Mulai pembelajaran

Level: Intermediate

Learn how to build leaderboards that scale and meet the needs of your users with Cloud Firestore.

Logo Android yang ikonis diletakkan di atas ponsel, yang melambangkan konektivitas seluler. Latar belakang cerah menampilkan 
garis dan bentuk yang saling terhubung,

11 Minggu Android - Minggu ke-2: Machine Learning

Mulai pembelajaran

Level: Advanced

Introduction to the wide variety of ML tools and methods Android 11 provides.

Karya seni abstrak yang merepresentasikan manajemen proyek, yang menampilkan simbol-simbol yang saling berhubungan seperti {i>checklist<i} yang telah selesai, kalender berkode warna, dan roda gigi yang bekerja sama.

Sertifikasi Road to Google Developers

Elevate your Google Cloud skills with fellow developers! Join Road to Google Developers Certification, a set of community-run events for hands-on learning, expert support, and networking! Study groups, jams, challenges - there's something for everyone!

Sorotan Duta

Every month, we spotlight the contributions WTM Ambassadors are making to their community. Get inspired by their stories and successes.

Perkenalkan Duta WTM Leah ✨

Leah bergerak, dengan senyum percaya diri

One thing is for sure: Leah Liu is a force of nature in the tech world! As a technology consultant, entrepreneur, and advocate, she uses her combined expertise in Managerial Economics, Data Science, and Analytics to empower both established companies and startups on their paths to success.

But her impact extends beyond business results. Driven by a passion for inclusivity, Leah champions tech education for young girls and fosters Asian cultural awareness in the workplace.

A serial entrepreneur across health, education, and IoT, and believing in technology's transformative power, she co-founded Lightning Education, guiding students towards their academic dreams.

As a WTM Ambassador, Leah actively catalyzes change. She connects with accomplished women executives, mentors undergraduate students eyeing graduate programs, and sparks early interest in STEM fields for young girls. 

“In essence, my role as a WTM Ambassador is about providing opportunities and educational resources across various age groups, all while cultivating an inclusive and supportive tech community. The impact we're collectively making is not just encouraging; it's transformative."

Pojok Duta

Dive into the Ambassadors Corner – your gateway to content, resources, and open doors to contribute, volunteer, or work with WTM Ambassadors across the globe

Tips sebelum keluar...

Logo Grow with Google

Capai Sasaran Anda dengan Grow with Google!

Looking to improve your skills, land a new job, or take your business to the next level? Grow with Google offers training, tools, and expert guidance to help you reach your goals, no matter your starting point.

Your feedback matters. Please tell us what you think of our newsletters and events so we can make them even better 👇

© 2024 Google LLC 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043

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