Un banner celeste con el texto "Boletín informativo para membresías" en fuente celeste y una ilustración de un avión de papel a la derecha. El banner también tiene el texto "No hay límite para lo que puedes hacer" y el mes de distribución.

Ya puedes postularte para ser embajadora de WTM.

Una mujer que mira cuidadosamente el horizonte, simboliza las posibilidades ilimitadas de la tecnología. Abrillada por el grupo de Women Techmakers, que representa la inclusión y el poder de la programación. Superposición de texto: "Sube de nivel en tu carrera. Postúlate ahora". En Women Techmakers: Womentechmakers.com

Llamado a todas las mujeres en la tecnología 🗣️ Construye el futuro con nosotros

Women Techmakers Ambassadors are building a world where all women thrive in tech! Become an Ambassador and inspire others through events, content, or mentorship.

Benefits of being an Ambassador:

  • Network with hundreds of passionate women around the world. 

  • Lead your tech community by organizing events, speaking, creating content or mentoring, with support from Google.

  • Learn through Google-led talks and workshops. 

  • Shine and be recognized for your work in the community.

Ideal candidate:

  • +1 year of experience running community activities (events, workshops, etc.)

  • Background in technology & interest in Google technologies

  • Passion for achieving gender equity in tech

Ready to shape the future of tech?

Destacados de miembros de IWD: Impactamos el futuro juntos

Thank you for your participation! Your voices came through loud and clear! Check out the insightful quotes and articles you and other members shared.

Citas animadas de los miembros de Women Techmakers sobre el tema “Impact the Future”. Los miembros comparten sus ideas e inspiraciones sobre cómo diseñar un futuro mejor a través de la tecnología.
  • Prajwala Yadlapalli (India) shares an inspiring article from BCG featuring successful female tech leaders and practical career advancement tips.

  • Nimra Waqar (Pakistan) recommends a captivating read about the remarkable Black women mathematicians who played a crucial role in NASA's achievements.

  • Pamela Adede (Kenya) shares valuable insights and lessons learned throughout her tech career, emphasizing the importance of mentorship.

  • Faye Mckeown (Scotland) curates a fantastic Discord channel dedicated to mental health in tech, offering valuable resources and reflections for the community.

  • Gbemisola Owolabi (Nigeria) offers a thoughtful reflection on overcoming challenges and the importance of learning from mistakes to achieve success.

Insignia circular que celebra el Día Internacional de la Mujer 2024. La insignia tiene un fondo azul brillante con el texto “Impacto en el futuro” destacado en el centro. El logotipo de Women Techmakers se encuentra en la parte inferior de la insignia.

No pierdas el impulso con WTM.

📍 Find inspiring International Women's Day events hosted by Women Techmakers Ambassadors, Google Developer Groups (GDGs), and other community leads.

Claim your exclusive IWD badge and proudly display it.

🗣️ Use our social media toolkit to share how women are shaping the future and why it matters!

Let's keep the celebration going all month long! 🎉

Banner de Women Techmakers Leadership Series. Fondo con gradiente azul y verde con el logotipo de WTM en la parte superior. El texto dice: "Serie sobre liderazgo: El poder de la mentoría para mujeres en la tecnología". La inserción de imagen en la esquina inferior izquierda muestra la presentación de Anca-Ioana Rolea, ingeniera de software de Google.

Tutoría: Libera tu potencial

Join our presentation, "The Power of Mentorship for Women in Tech" and learn to overcome imposter syndrome, build confidence, leverage mentors, and create powerful connections!

📅 April 12, 9am (CT)

Qué está pasando en Google

Una ilustración de fondo negro con figuras coloridas y abstractas geométricas. El banner incluye el texto: "Conéctate a Google I/O. 14 de mayo de 2024

¡Volvió Google I/O!

Join us online on May 14 to discover, innovate, and unlock new possibilities with Google's latest developer tools!

Una estantería en la que se muestra una variedad de objetos coloridos. Una bicicleta en miniatura de colores brillantes se destaca junto con juegos de habilidad mental clásicos, como los cubos de Rubik, un divertido dispensador de goma de mascar y la figura decorativa de la “G” de Google. Los libros completan la colección y agregan un toque de conocimiento.

🏈 Llegó la temporada de becas de Google. 🚨

Google scholarships for computer science and engineering are now open! Explore exciting opportunities like the Generation Google Scholarship and more!

Find eligibility details, deadlines, and upcoming scholarships worldwide at Build Your Future.

Google for Startups

Una sesión de lluvia de ideas colaborativa. Un grupo de mujeres participan en un animado debate, y sus risas reflejan un ambiente positivo y enérgico.

Mujeres fundadoras: Resolución de conflictos

Join the Google for Startups Women Founders community on April 25, 10am (CT) to discuss strategies for identifying and addressing conflict within your organization. This session will equip you with the tools to foster a positive and productive work environment for your team.

Un grupo diverso pasa un momento divertido juntos. Las personas interactúan entre sí riéndose y una persona hace gestos de broma.

Founder Fridays: Experiencia del cliente e IA

On IWD, Founder Fridays hosted a hybrid event on "Customer Experience and AI" that attracted over 550 startup teams—many led by inspiring women! The insightful and relevant sessions tackled key issues, empowering attendees to leverage AI for exceptional customer experiences.

Banner con el logotipo de People of AI y la presentación de Ashley Oldacre y Luiz Gustavo Martins.

Voces inspiradoras de la IA: Escucha el podcast "Las personas de la IA"

Join renowned hosts, Ashley Oldacre and Gus Martins from the Google AI Developer Relations team, as they delve into the world of AI through captivating conversations with industry leaders and practitioners.

Discover the potential applications shaping a better future, and the inspiring use cases making a positive impact.

Una llamada virtual entre un hombre y una mujer en un dibujo animado. La mujer le explica las herramientas de Google a un hombre durante una sesión individual para pequeñas empresas.

Herramientas de Google: Sesiones 1:1 gratuitas para pequeñas empresas

Get expert help taking your business online with a free consultation from Google's Small Business Advisors. Discuss anything from account setup to optimization on a Google Meet call scheduled at your convenience.

Limited Spots Available! Secure yours by completing this form ASAP.

Miniatura de YouTube de la Google for Games Developer Summit 2024

Discurso de apertura de la Google for Games Developer Summit 2024

Watch the keynote to see how you can increase user engagement, accelerate business growth, and maximize user reach for your game.

Nuevo contenido de aprendizaje para mejorar tus habilidades

Imagen de un libro titulado "Using Gemini" (Uso de Gemini) con la mascota de Android de pie detrás. El logotipo de Gemini se muestra en la esquina superior derecha.

Libera tu creatividad con IA. Compila tu primera app con Gemini Pro 🔷

New to AI, but itching to create? Gemini's got your back! Dive into these resources and turn your ideas into reality:

  • Check out this great guide on prompting and craft powerful prompts for Gemini: https://goo.gle/48ACtfz

  • Hone your skills and test your concepts in the aistudio.google.com playground. Once you're ready, seamlessly transition your work into robust Kotlin code!🧪🎉

  • Craft your first AI app with this comprehensive guide in Android Studio, your one-stop shop to building your dream app powered by Gemini: https://goo.gle/3SGbJnH

  • Clone and run this complete example with your own API key to unleash the full potential of Gemini 🔑 → https://goo.gle/3I1IS8r

Un teléfono con la pantalla de acceso a una app

Cómo escribir pruebas de unidades para ViewModel

Comenzar a aprender

Learn to write unit tests specifically for ViewModel components in Android development.

Ilustración de una brújula

Comienza a usar App Engine (Python 3)

Comenzar a aprender

Learn how to deploy a simple Python web app written with the Flask web framework.

Logotipo de Hello Cloud Run en azul

Hola Cloud Run con Python

Comenzar a aprender

Create a simple web application and deploy it to Cloud Run, a managed compute platform that enables you to run stateless containers that are invocable via HTTP requests.

Embajadores destacados

Every month, we spotlight the contributions WTM Ambassadors are making to their community. Get inspired by their stories and successes.

Conoce a la embajadora de WTM Maryam ✨

Una versión ilustrada de Maryam con una abaya

Paving the way in Android development, Maryam Alhuthayfi became the first woman in the entire Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region to be named a Google Developer Expert. Her passion for technology even led her to relocate and pursue a career at a leading tech company in Saudi Arabia.

Get inspired by her story and discover the journeys of other remarkable WTM Ambassadors worldwide through our all-new Women Techmakers Story Map experience, built using Google Maps Platform.

Rincón de los embajadores

Dive into the Ambassadors Corner – your gateway to content, resources, and open doors to contribute, volunteer, or work with WTM Ambassadors across the globe

  • Martina Dimoska (Macedonia) made headlines in Forbes magazine. Recognized as the first female Balkan analog astronaut and the founder of the International Space Alliance, her accomplishments are inspiring a new generation.

  • Aditi Soni (US) shares her experience, guiding college students to become tech-savvy and adaptable.

  • Priyal Jain (India) offers advice on getting involved in the tech community and navigating your career path for success.

  • Oyoenisai Andrew-Essien (US) discusses the significant impact women have on society and proposes strategies for a more equitable future in this LinkedIn newsletter.

⏩ Por si te lo perdiste

Un banner con el texto “From Code to Users: A Black Woman's Perspective” del jueves 29 de febrero de 2024 a las 9 a.m. (PT) en el lado izquierdo. A la derecha, hay una foto de Erin, una mujer afrodescendiente que sonríe a la cámara con su título en la parte inferior.

Del código a los usuarios: La perspectiva de una mujer negra

Join us for a fireside chat during Black History Month featuring Erin Teague, Director of Product Management at Google. Discover Erin's journey from coding to global product leadership, including her key role in Racial Justice, Equity, and Product Inclusion.

Sugerencia antes de ir...

Logotipo de Google AI

¿Buscas mejorar tus proyectos con la IA?

Look no further! Google AI empowers developers to build with cutting-edge tools, including our most powerful AI model, Gemini. Explore the world of generative AI to create innovative content and streamline your workflow. No matter your skill level or device, Google AI has a solution for you!

Your feedback matters. Please tell us what you think of our newsletters and events so we can make them even better 👇

© 2024 Google LLC 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043

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