Banner biru muda dengan teks 'Newsletter Langganan' dalam font biru muda dan ilustrasi pesawat kertas di sebelah kanan. Banner tersebut juga memiliki teks 'Tidak ada batasan untuk hal yang dapat Anda lakukan' dan bulan distribusi.

Bergabunglah dengan Program Duta!

Banner yang mengumumkan pendaftaran untuk pendaftaran Duta Women Techmakers. Banner menampilkan laptop ilustrasi di atas latar belakang berwarna biru muda di sebelah kanan dan teks 'Menjadi Duta WTM!' di sebelah kanan.

Pendaftaran dibuka hingga 30 Juni!

Join our global Women Techmakers Ambassadors and change the face of tech!

  • Inspire others through events, talks, or content.

  • Champion the next generation of tech leaders. ‍

  • Gain exclusive access to Google talks & workshops.

  • Be recognized for your awesome work! ✨

Do you think you've got what it takes? Our ideal candidate has:

  • 1+ years of experience running community activities (events, workshops, etc.).

  • A background in technology and an interest in Google's offerings.

  • Passion about achieving gender equity in tech.

RSVP untuk Ambassadors Academy Leadership Series.

Noémie, seorang Googler berambut hitam panjang, tersenyum percaya diri ke kamera. Gambar ini mempromosikan acara berjudul 'Pembuatan Konten & Branding Pribadi' yang diselenggarakan oleh Women Techmakers.

Bangun merek pribadi yang nyata dengan konten autentik yang terhubung. ✨

Join our talk "Content Creation & Personal Branding: How to be Authentic and Standout" and discover the power of authenticity. Learn how to cut through the online noise with Noémie DAO, Cloud Technical Account Manager at Google!

🗓️ June 7, 2024 🕘 9 am /GMT

Pesan merchandise WTM sekarang 🏷️

Gambar kaos putih dengan logo Women Techmakers di atasnya.

Tunjukkan kecintaan Anda pada Women Techmakers!

Every purchase contributes to our mission of fostering a thriving community of women in the tech industry.

Visit our store and place your order today:

🇺🇸 For US orders, click here.

🌎 For international orders, click here.

Women Techmakers Mid-Year Check-In!

We value your feedback! Share your thoughts in our 5-minute survey and help us make the Women Techmakers program even more awesome 👇

Yang Terjadi di Google

Spanduk hitam dengan teks putih 'Akses konten I/O di mana saja, kapan saja'. Bentuk geometris penuh warna dalam gradien I/O 2024 menyoroti pesan tersebut. Di bawah ini tercantum 'Lebih dari 150 pembahasan mendalam, demo, dan lainnya tersedia sesuai permintaan.'

Itulah rangkuman Google I/O 2024

Did you miss Google I/O? An array of engaging content is now available on-demand, including over 150 technical deep dives, demos, and more!

Dive deep into new dev tools, models, and ways to build, launch, and test for any platform!

Watch the Google I/O 2024 Developer keynote in 5 minutes and relive the announcement of everything revealed in 12 minutes

Sekelompok perempuan dari beragam latar belakang terlibat dalam percakapan.

Bergabunglah dengan Kafe Bimbingan Virtual Women Founders ☕channel antara atas

Level up your startup with FREE 1:1 mentorship in June! The Google for Startups Women Founders Virtual Mentorship Cafe connects you with industry experts in design, tech, leadership, and more!

Don't miss out - spaces are limited!

Badge hitam I/O 2024.

Selamat musim Google I/O!

The I/O Keynote Watch party with our Discord community was LIT! 🔥Thanks to all of you who joined us.

In June, we will continue with the I/O fun through engaging in I/O Connect and Extended events and sharing exclusive content for our online community. We’ll also be wrapping up the Build With AI series with some final virtual events.

Register here:

Belajar Seperti Seorang Profesional: Jelajahi Konten yang Baru dan Meningkatkan Keterampilan

Beragam kelompok terlibat dalam pembelajaran kolaboratif di layar komputer. Mereka membahas konten, mendorong pemahaman dan berbagi pengetahuan.

Keterampilan Gratis. Dampak Besar: Mulai pelajari keterampilan digital praktis

Master in-demand skills with FREE video lessons! Get job-ready, land that promotion, or boost your communication - all from the comfort of your couch. Each lesson ends with a practical project, like building a budget, crafting a killer resume, or even a business plan! Confidence guaranteed with expert video guides. Ready to level up? Enroll Now! (Link)

Kutipan logo Cloud Next 2024 yang penuh warna

Gemini API: Dari prototipe hingga produksi

Mulai pembelajaran

Get familiar with how you can use Gemini Chat and inline code assistance to generate code, understand code and more.

Kutipan logo Cloud Next 2024 yang penuh warna

Selamat tinggal, masalah deployment: Cloud Deploy dan Vertex AI bersatu

Mulai pembelajaran

MLOps roadblock? Gone! Cloud Deploy & Vertex AI automate ML deployment, letting you test & deploy models in minutes - no code required!

Kutipan logo Cloud Next 2024 yang penuh warna

Membangun aplikasi bisnis tanpa kode dengan AppSheet dan Google Cloud AI

Mulai pembelajaran

Empower everyone to build & automate - business & IT! Unlock AI power & collaboration. Drive results across devices & data.

Sorotan Duta

Every month, we spotlight the contributions WTM Ambassadors are making to their community. Get inspired by their stories and successes.

Temui Duta WTM Petra✨

Potret Petra, seorang perempuan kaukasia, berdiri di atas tabel Google di IO

In a recent blog post, our amazing Ambassador, Petra Duvacova, shared her inspiring journey from joining the program to attending Google I/O 2024!

Her story began in summer 2023 with an exciting email: she was in! Having recently moved from Europe to the US, she craved a community of women in tech. This program felt like a dream come true.

Shortly after, she was co-organizing events with fellow ambassadors and Google Developer Student Clubs (GDSC) leads. As a newcomer, she quickly grasped the program's incredible value and supportive network!

Fast forward to May 2024, she found herself at Google I/O! Immersing herself in the latest innovations and the energy of brilliant minds was an unforgettable experience. Inspired, she felt compelled to share her journey and the most impressive technologies she encountered.

Read Petra's full blog post and get inspired with her story!

Pojok Duta

Dive into the Ambassadors Corner – your gateway to content, resources, and open doors to contribute, volunteer, or work with WTM Ambassadors across the globe

  • Jigyasa Grover (US): A Google Developer Expert and Women Techmakers Ambassador, impressed at the I/O keynote with her experience developing with the advanced features of Gemini 1.5 Pro

  • Buchi Michelle Okonicha (Nigeria): Passionate about technology and inclusivity, Buchi's impact is evident through their popular blog posts. Her progressive web app (PWA) article garnered significant attention, reaching over 21,000 readers and being featured on both Google's "Posts for You" and's "7 Must-Read Articles." 🧐 Read it here.

  • Elsa Marie DSilva (India): In this article, Elsa emphasizes the importance of mentorship in closing the gender gap in STEM fields and calls for action to create sustainable mentoring programs that empower women

  • Anisat Ahmed (US): Recognizing the importance of web accessibility, Anisat provides resources to help developers create inclusive websites that benefit all users. Explore her resources here.

Discover more inspiring WTM Ambassadors stories worldwide Women Techmakers Story Map! New stories are added as the program grows, making it a lasting source of empowerment!

Tips sebelum keluar...

Otak ilustrasi yang gembira melayang dalam pose meditasi. Bunga dan tanaman tumbuh dari permukaannya, melambangkan pertumbuhan mental yang ditunjang oleh meditasi. Dikirim untuk kontes Doodle for Google 2022.

{i>Freelancing<i} pada tahun 2024: Hilangkan Stres

Feeling overwhelmed? You're not alone. Creative freelancers share their top tips for managing mental health in today's uncertain times.

Read their strategies and discover how to thrive as a freelancer, even when things get tough.

© 2024 Google LLC 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043

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