零接觸註冊 API 可協助裝置經銷商自動整合。貴組織的銷售工具可內建零接觸註冊功能,讓使用者和客戶更有效率。使用 API 協助使用者:
- 將購買的裝置指派給客戶的零接觸註冊機制帳戶。
- 建立客戶的零接觸註冊機制帳戶。
- 將貴機構的電話和訂單中繼資料附加到裝置。
- 建立有關指派給客戶的裝置報表。
本文件將介紹 API 並說明這些模式。如果您想自行探索 API,請試試 Java、.NET 或 Python 的快速入門指南。
API 概念
客戶和裝置是您在 API 中使用的核心資源。如要建立
請撥打 create
。您可以使用聲明 API 方法建立裝置 (請參閱下文)。貴機構也可以使用零接觸註冊機制入口網站建立客戶和裝置。
- 客戶
- 貴機構銷售裝置的公司。客戶擁有
。如果客戶想認領或尋找裝置,請直接採用客戶。目的地: 詳情請參閱Customer
。 - 裝置
- 為貴機構支援零接觸註冊機制的 Android 或 ChromeOS 裝置
銷售給客戶裝置具有硬體 ID、中繼資料和客戶宣稱。裝置是 API 的核心,因此您幾乎會在所有方法中使用裝置。詳情請參閱
。 - 裝置識別碼
- 封裝 IMEI 或 MEID 等硬體 ID,用於識別製造裝置。使用
指定要尋找、更新或聲明擁有權的裝置。詳情請參閱: ID。 - DeviceMetadata
- 儲存裝置的中繼資料鍵/值組合。使用
儲存貴機構的中繼資料。目的地: 詳情請參閱「裝置中繼資料」。
如要列出應用程式可使用的所有 API 方法和資源,請參閱 API 參考資料。
如果是 Android 裝置,經銷商會負責建立客戶 帳戶。客戶會使用這個帳戶存取零接觸入口網站,為裝置設定佈建設定。如果 ChromeOS 裝置已安裝 Google 要用來調整佈建設定的 Workspace 帳戶。
您可以呼叫 create
API 方法來建立
您必須提供至少一個與 Google 帳戶相關聯的企業電子郵件地址,才能成為擁有者。無法將個人 Gmail 帳戶用於 也能使用 Google Cloud CLI 或 Compute Engine API如果客戶需要協助連結帳戶,請傳送 相關指示 與 Google 帳戶建立關聯。
透過呼叫 API 建立客戶後,他們會管理員工的 入口網站存取權 - 無法編輯客戶的以及如何使用 API程式碼片段 以下說明如何建立客戶:
// Provide the customer data as a Company type. // The API requires a name and owners. Company customer = new Company(); customer.setCompanyName("XYZ Corp"); customer.setOwnerEmails(Arrays.asList("liz@example.com", "darcy@example.com")); customer.setAdminEmails(Collections.singletonList("jane@example.com")); // Use our reseller ID for the parent resource name. String parentResource = String.format("partners/%d", PARTNER_ID); // Call the API to create the customer using the values in the company object. CreateCustomerRequest body = new CreateCustomerRequest(); body.setCustomer(customer); Company response = service.partners().customers().create(parentResource, body).execute();
// Provide the customer data as a Company type. // The API requires a name and owners. var customer = new Company { CompanyName = "XYZ Corp", OwnerEmails = new String[] { "liz@example.com", "darcy@example.com" }, AdminEmails = new String[] { "jane@example.com" } }; // Use our reseller ID for the parent resource name. var parentResource = String.Format("partners/{0}", PartnerId); // Call the API to create the customer using the values in the company object. var body = new CreateCustomerRequest { Customer = customer }; var request = service.Partners.Customers.Create(body, parentResource); var response = request.Execute();
# Provide the customer data as a Company type. The API requires # a name and at least one owner. company = {'companyName':'XYZ Corp', \ 'ownerEmails':['liz@example.com', 'darcy@example.com'], \ 'adminEmails':['jane@example.com']} # Use our reseller ID for the parent resource name. parent_resource = 'partners/{0}'.format(PARTNER_ID) # Call the API to create the customer using the values in the company object. response = service.partners().customers().create(parent=parent_resource, body={'customer':company}).execute()
如要進一步瞭解客戶員工的擁有者和管理員角色, 請參閱「入口網站使用者」一文。
客戶購買裝置後,會想在帳戶中設定這些裝置的佈建設定。聲明裝置擁有權後,會新增這部裝置 導入零接觸註冊機制,讓客戶能夠 帳戶管理設定。
用來追蹤協助客戶的客服專員姓名呼叫 partners.devices.claim
或 partners.devices.claimAsync
方法,並將客戶做為引數。一律提供 SECTION_TYPE_ZERO_TOUCH
您必須先取消聲明客戶的裝置 (請參閱下方說明),才能為其他客戶聲明相同裝置。建立新裝置時,聲明方法會驗證 DeviceIdentifier
欄位,包括 IMEI 或 MEID、序號、製造商名稱和型號,以及 ChromeOS 裝置的認證裝置 ID。
// Identify the device to claim. DeviceIdentifier identifier = new DeviceIdentifier(); // The manufacturer value is optional but recommended for cellular devices identifier.setManufacturer("Google"); identifier.setImei("098765432109875"); // Create the body to connect the customer with the device. ClaimDeviceRequest body = new ClaimDeviceRequest(); body.setDeviceIdentifier(identifier); body.setCustomerId(customerId); body.setSectionType("SECTION_TYPE_ZERO_TOUCH"); // Claim the device. ClaimDeviceResponse response = service.partners().devices().claim(PARTNER_ID, body).execute();
// Identify the device to claim. var deviceIdentifier = new DeviceIdentifier { // The manufacturer value is optional but recommended for cellular devices Manufacturer = "Google", Imei = "098765432109875" }; // Create the body to connect the customer with the device. ClaimDeviceRequest body = new ClaimDeviceRequest { DeviceIdentifier = deviceIdentifier, CustomerId = CustomerId, SectionType = "SECTION_TYPE_ZERO_TOUCH" }; // Claim the device. var response = service.Partners.Devices.Claim(body, PartnerId).Execute();
# Identify the device to claim. # The manufacturer value is optional but recommended for cellular devices device_identifier = {'manufacturer':'Google', 'imei':'098765432109875'} # Create the body to connect the customer with the device. request_body = {'deviceIdentifier':device_identifier, \ 'customerId':customer_id, \ 'sectionType':'SECTION_TYPE_ZERO_TOUCH'} # Claim the device. response = service.partners().devices().claim(partnerId=PARTNER_ID, body=request_body).execute()
呼叫 partners.devices.unclaim
- 您建立的供應商無法查看您的零接觸註冊機制帳戶或其他帳戶。
- 您可以查看供應商的客戶和裝置,也可以取消註冊 供應商的裝置。不過,您無法將裝置指派給供應商 以更全面、準確的方式回答顧客問題 並與顧客自然流暢地對話
使用入口網站為貴機構建立供應商,您無法使用 API。您的帳戶角色必須是擁有者,才能建立新的供應商。如果貴機構有供應商
您可以呼叫 partners.vendors.list
供應商和 partners.vendors.customers.list
// First, get the organization's vendors. String parentResource = String.format("partners/%d", PARTNER_ID); ListVendorsResponse results = service.partners().vendors().list(parentResource).execute(); if (results.getVendors() == null) { return; } // For each vendor, report the company name and a maximum 5 customers. for (Company vendor: results.getVendors()) { System.out.format("\n%s customers\n", vendor.getCompanyName()); System.out.println("---"); // Use the vendor's API resource name as the parent resource. AndroidProvisioningPartner.Partners.Vendors.Customers.List customerRequest = service.partners().vendors().customers().list(vendor.getName()); customerRequest.setPageSize(5); ListVendorCustomersResponse customerResponse = customerRequest.execute(); List<Company> customers = customerResponse.getCustomers(); if (customers == null) { System.out.println("No customers"); break; } else { for (Company customer: customers) { System.out.format("%s: %s\n", customer.getCompanyName(), customer.getTermsStatus()); } } }
// First, get the organization's vendors. var parentResource = String.Format("partners/{0}", PartnerId); var results = service.Partners.Vendors.List(parentResource).Execute(); if (results.Vendors == null) { return; } // For each vendor, report the company name and a maximum 5 customers. foreach (Company vendor in results.Vendors) { Console.WriteLine("\n{0} customers", vendor); Console.WriteLine("---"); // Use the vendor's API resource name as the parent resource. PartnersResource.VendorsResource.CustomersResource.ListRequest customerRequest = service.Partners.Vendors.Customers.List(vendor.Name); customerRequest.PageSize = 5; var customerResponse = customerRequest.Execute(); IList<Company> customers = customerResponse.Customers; if (customers == null) { Console.WriteLine("No customers"); break; } else { foreach (Company customer in customers) { Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", customer.Name, customer.TermsStatus); } } }
# First, get the organization's vendors. parent_resource = 'partners/{0}'.format(PARTNER_ID) vendor_response = service.partners().vendors().list( parent=parent_resource).execute() if 'vendors' not in vendor_response: return # For each vendor, report the company name and a maximum 5 customers. for vendor in vendor_response['vendors']: print '\n{0} customers'.format(vendor['companyName']) print '---' # Use the vendor's API resource name as the parent resource. customer_response = service.partners().vendors().customers().list( parent=vendor['name'], pageSize=5).execute() if 'customers' not in customer_response: print 'No customers' break for customer in customer_response['customers']: print ' {0}: {1}'.format(customer['name'], customer['termsStatus'])
供應商已領取裝置。如要取得經銷商 ID (數值) 的數字,請檢查
裝置聲明記錄中的 resellerId
貴機構可以取消認領供應商已認領的裝置。對於會修改裝置的其他 API 呼叫,您應在呼叫 API 方法前,確認貴機構已聲明擁有該裝置。以下範例說明如何執行這項操作:
// Get the devices claimed for two customers: one of our organization's // customers and one of our vendor's customers. FindDevicesByOwnerRequest body = new FindDevicesByOwnerRequest(); body.setSectionType("SECTION_TYPE_ZERO_TOUCH"); body.setCustomerId(Arrays.asList(resellerCustomerId, vendorCustomerId)); body.setLimit(MAX_PAGE_SIZE); FindDevicesByOwnerResponse response = service.partners().devices().findByOwner(PARTNER_ID, body).execute(); if (response.getDevices() == null) { return; } for (Device device: response.getDevices()) { // Confirm the device was claimed by our reseller and not a vendor before // updating metadata in another method. for (DeviceClaim claim: device.getClaims()) { if (claim.getResellerId() == PARTNER_ID) { updateDeviceMetadata(device.getDeviceId()); break; } } }
// Get the devices claimed for two customers: one of our organization's // customers and one of our vendor's customers. FindDevicesByOwnerRequest body = new FindDevicesByOwnerRequest { Limit = MaxPageSize, SectionType = "SECTION_TYPE_ZERO_TOUCH", CustomerId = new List<long?> { resellerCustomerId, vendorCustomerId } }; var response = service.Partners.Devices.FindByOwner(body, PartnerId).Execute(); if (response.Devices == null) { return; } foreach (Device device in response.Devices) { // Confirm the device was claimed by our reseller and not a vendor before // updating metadata in another method. foreach (DeviceClaim claim in device.Claims) { if (claim.ResellerId == PartnerId) { UpdateDeviceMetadata(device.DeviceId); break; } } }
# Get the devices claimed for two customers: one of our organization's # customers and one of our vendor's customers. request_body = {'limit':MAX_PAGE_SIZE, \ 'pageToken':None, \ 'customerId':[reseller_customer_id, vendor_customer_id], \ 'sectionType':'SECTION_TYPE_ZERO_TOUCH'} response = service.partners().devices().findByOwner(partnerId=PARTNER_ID, body=request_body).execute() for device in response['devices']: # Confirm the device was claimed by our reseller and not a vendor before # updating metadata in another method. for claim in device['claims']: if claim['resellerId'] == PARTNER_ID: update_device_metadata(device['deviceId']) break
API 包含非同步版本的裝置方法。
方法則是針對每個 API 要求處理一部裝置非同步方法的名稱
含有「Async」後置字串,例如 claimAsync
非同步 API 方法會在處理程序完成之前傳回結果。 非同步方法也能幫助應用程式 (或工具) 持續回應您的 等待長時間執行的作業完成時。您的應用程式應 請定期檢查作業狀態。
您可以使用 Operation
追蹤長時間執行的批次作業。A 罩杯
回應。下列 JSON 程式碼片段顯示了呼叫後的一般回應
"name": "operations/apibatchoperation/1234567890123476789"
// Build out the request body to apply the same order number to a customer's // purchase of 2 devices. UpdateMetadataArguments firstUpdate = new UpdateMetadataArguments(); firstUpdate.setDeviceMetadata(metadata); firstUpdate.setDeviceId(firstTargetDeviceId); UpdateMetadataArguments secondUpdate = new UpdateMetadataArguments(); secondUpdate.setDeviceMetadata(metadata); secondUpdate.setDeviceId(firstTargetDeviceId); // Start the device metadata update. UpdateDeviceMetadataInBatchRequest body = new UpdateDeviceMetadataInBatchRequest(); body.setUpdates(Arrays.asList(firstUpdate, secondUpdate)); Operation response = service .partners() .devices() .updateMetadataAsync(PARTNER_ID, body) .execute(); // Assume the metadata update started, so get the Operation for the update. Operation operation = service.operations().get(response.getName()).execute();
// Build out the request body to apply the same order number to a customer's // purchase of 2 devices. var updates = new List<UpdateMetadataArguments> { new UpdateMetadataArguments { DeviceMetadata = metadata, DeviceId = firstTargetDeviceId }, new UpdateMetadataArguments { DeviceMetadata = metadata, DeviceId = secondTargetDeviceId } }; // Start the device metadata update. UpdateDeviceMetadataInBatchRequest body = new UpdateDeviceMetadataInBatchRequest { Updates = updates }; var response = service.Partners.Devices.UpdateMetadataAsync(body, PartnerId).Execute(); // Assume the metadata update started, so get the Operation for the update. Operation operation = service.Operations.Get(response.Name).Execute();
# Build out the request body to apply the same order number to a customer's # purchase of 2 devices. updates = [{'deviceMetadata':metadata,'deviceId':first_target_device_id}, {'deviceMetadata':metadata,'deviceId':second_target_device_id}] # Start the device metadata update. response = service.partners().devices().updateMetadataAsync( partnerId=PARTNER_ID, body={'updates':updates}).execute() # Assume the metadata update started, so get the Operation for the update. operation = service.operations().get(name=response['name']).execute()
如要確認作業是否完成,請查看 done
值為 true
。如果缺少 done
或 false
作業完成後,API 會使用結果更新作業,即使所有或沒有個別工作成功,也一樣。response
欄位是 DevicesLongRunningOperationResponse
檢查 successCount
欄位,即可有效率地找出是否有任何工作失敗,並避免重複處理大型結果清單。的 perDeviceStatus
每個 OperationPerDevice
工作都包含 result
使用 result
下方的 JSON 程式碼片段顯示呼叫 updateMetadataAsync
"response": {
"perDeviceStatus": [
"result": {
"deviceId": "12345678901234567",
"updateMetadata": {
"deviceId": "12345678901234567",
"deviceMetadata": {
"entries": {
"phonenumber": "+1 (800) 555-0100"
"successCount": 1
執行個體,可協助您的應用程式查看執行中作業的最新進度。請使用下表所列 DevicesLongRunningOperationMetadata
欄位 | 常見用途 |
來估計完成時間由於 progress 值在作業結束時可能為 100,因此請檢查作業的 done 欄位,瞭解作業是否已完成並有結果。 |
顯示作業的更新次數。如果 API 無法剖析部分更新,這可能與要求中的更新次數不同。 |
下方的簡化範例說明應用程式如何使用進度中繼資料設定輪詢間隔。在應用程式中,您可能需要更複雜的工作 執行輪詢作業您也需要新增錯誤處理機制。
// Milliseconds between polling the API. private static long MIN_INTERVAL = 2000; private static long MAX_INTERVAL = 10000; // ... // Start the device metadata update. Operation response = service .partners() .devices() .updateMetadataAsync(PARTNER_ID, body) .execute(); String operationName = response.getName(); // Start polling for completion. long startTime = new Date().getTime(); while (true) { // Get the latest update on the operation's progress using the API. Operation operation = service.operations().get(operationName).execute(); if (operation.get("done") != null && operation.getDone()) { // The operation is finished. Print the status. System.out.format("Operation complete: %s of %s successful device updates\n", operation.getResponse().get("successCount"), operation.getMetadata().get("devicesCount")); break; } else { // Estimate how long the operation *should* take - within min and max value. BigDecimal opProgress = (BigDecimal) operation.getMetadata().get("progress"); double progress = opProgress.longValue(); long interval = MAX_INTERVAL; if (progress > 0) { interval = (long) ((new Date().getTime() - startTime) * ((100.0 - progress) / progress)); } interval = Math.max(MIN_INTERVAL, Math.min(interval, MAX_INTERVAL)); // Sleep until the operation should be complete. Thread.sleep(interval); } }
// Milliseconds between polling the API. private static double MinInterval = 2000; private static double MaxInterval = 10000; // ... // Start the device metadata update. var response = service.Partners.Devices.UpdateMetadataAsync(body, PartnerId).Execute(); var operationName = response.Name; // Start polling for completion. var startTime = DateTime.Now; while (true) { // Get the latest update on the operation's progress using the API. Operation operation = service.Operations.Get(operationName).Execute(); if (operation.Done == true) { // The operation is finished. Print the status. Console.WriteLine("Operation complete: {0} of {1} successful device updates", operation.Response["successCount"], operation.Metadata["devicesCount"]); break; } else { // Estimate how long the operation *should* take - within min and max value. double progress = (double)(long)operation.Metadata["progress"]; double interval = MaxInterval; if (progress > 0) { interval = DateTime.Now.Subtract(startTime).TotalMilliseconds * ((100.0 - progress) / progress); } interval = Math.Max(MinInterval, Math.Min(interval, MaxInterval)); // Sleep until the operation should be complete. System.Threading.Thread.Sleep((int)interval); } }
# Seconds between polling the API. MIN_INTERVAL = 2; MAX_INTERVAL = 10; # ... # Start the device metadata update response = service.partners().devices().updateMetadataAsync( partnerId=PARTNER_ID, body={'updates':updates}).execute() op_name = response['name'] start_time = time.time() # Start polling for completion while True: # Get the latest update on the operation's progress using the API op = service.operations().get(name=op_name).execute() if 'done' in op and op['done']: # The operation is finished. Print the status. print('Operation complete: {0} of {1} successful device updates'.format( op['response']['successCount'], op['metadata']['devicesCount'] )) break else: # Estimate how long the operation *should* take - within min and max. progress = op['metadata']['progress'] interval = MIN_INTERVAL if progress > 0: interval = (time.time() - start_time) * ((100.0 - progress) / progress) interval = max(MIN_INTERVAL, min(interval, MAX_INTERVAL)) # Sleep until the operation should be complete. time.sleep(interval)
API 方法可能會傳回非常大的裝置清單。為了縮減回應大小
其他 API 方法 (例如
呼叫 API 方法後,請檢查回應是否包含
。如果 nextPageToken
不是 null
,應用程式可以使用該值,透過再次呼叫該方法來擷取另一個裝置頁面。您必須在 limit
參數中設定裝置數量上限。如果 nextPageToken
為 null
private static long MAX_PAGE_SIZE = 10; // ... /** * Demonstrates how to loop through paginated lists of devices. * @param pageToken The token specifying which result page to return. * @throws IOException If the zero-touch API call fails. */ private void printDevices(String pageToken) throws IOException { // Create the request body to find the customer's devices. FindDevicesByOwnerRequest body = new FindDevicesByOwnerRequest(); body.setLimit(MAX_PAGE_SIZE); body.setSectionType("SECTION_TYPE_ZERO_TOUCH"); body.setCustomerId(Collections.singletonList(targetCustomerId)); // Call the API to get a page of Devices. Send a page token from the method // argument (might be None). If the page token is None, the API returns the first page. FindDevicesByOwnerResponse response = service.partners().devices().findByOwner(PARTNER_ID, body).execute(); if (response.getDevices() == null) { return; } // Print the devices included in this page of results. for (Device device: response.getDevices()) { System.out.format("Device %s\n", device.getName()); } System.out.println("---"); // Check to see if another page of devices is available. If yes, // fetch and print the devices. if (response.getNextPageToken() != null) { this.printDevices(response.getNextPageToken()); } } // ... // Pass null to start printing the first page of devices. printDevices(null);
private static int MaxPageSize = 10; // ... /// <summary>Demonstrates how to loop through paginated lists of devices.</summary> /// <param name="pageToken">The token specifying which result page to return.</param> private void PrintDevices(string pageToken) { // Create the request body to find the customer's devices. FindDevicesByOwnerRequest body = new FindDevicesByOwnerRequest { PageToken = pageToken, Limit = MaxPageSize, SectionType = "SECTION_TYPE_ZERO_TOUCH", CustomerId = new List<long?> { targetCustomerId } }; // Call the API to get a page of Devices. Send a page token from the method // argument (might be None). If the page token is None, the API returns the first page. var response = service.Partners.Devices.FindByOwner(body, PartnerId).Execute(); if (response.Devices == null) { return; } // Print the devices included in this page of results. foreach (Device device in response.Devices) { Console.WriteLine("Device: {0}", device.Name); } Console.WriteLine("---"); // Check to see if another page of devices is available. If yes, // fetch and print the devices. if (response.NextPageToken != null) { this.PrintDevices(response.NextPageToken); } } // ... // Pass null to start printing the first page of devices. PrintDevices(null);
MAX_PAGE_SIZE = 10; # ... def print_devices(page_token): """Demonstrates how to loop through paginated lists of devices. Args: page_token: The token specifying which result page to return. """ # Create the body to find the customer's devices. request_body = {'limit':MAX_PAGE_SIZE, \ 'pageToken':page_token, \ 'customerId':[target_customer_id], \ 'sectionType':'SECTION_TYPE_ZERO_TOUCH'} # Call the API to get a page of Devices. Send a page token from the method # argument (might be None). If the page token is None, # the API returns the first page. response = service.partners().devices().findByOwner(partnerId=PARTNER_ID, body=request_body).execute() # Print the devices included in this page of results. for device in response['devices']: print 'Device: {0}'.format(device['name']) print '---' # Check to see if another page of devices is available. If yes, # fetch and print the devices. if 'nextPageToken' in response: print_devices(response['nextPageToken']) # ... # Pass None to start printing the first page of devices. print_devices(None);
現在您已瞭解 API 的運作方式,不妨參考下列的快速入門導覽課程: Java、 .NET 或 Python。您可以使用 colab 查看 API 呼叫範例,並自行試驗呼叫 API。