Metoda GetBookingStatus

Ta metoda zwraca stan rezerwacji użytkownika na podstawie podanego identyfikatora rezerwacji.

Wyślij prośbę

Żądanie pobrania stanu rezerwacji

Zwracana wartość

Odpowiedź na stan rezerwacji

// Request to get booking status and prepayment status for a Booking.
message GetBookingStatusRequest {
  // ID of the existing booking (required)
  string booking_id = 1;

// Response for the GetBookingStatus RPC with booking status and prepayment
// status.
message GetBookingStatusResponse {
  // ID of the booking (required)
  string booking_id = 1;

  // Status of the booking (required)
  BookingStatus booking_status = 2;

  // Prepayment status of the booking (required)
  PrepaymentStatus prepayment_status = 3;

Specyfikację BookingStatus znajdziesz tutaj

// Prepayment status of a booking.
// Updating payment status will trigger an update on the payment status of the
// associated booking (if applicable).
// Currently, the only supported transition is from PREPAYMENT_PROVIDED to
// PREPAYMENT_REFUNDED, which will initiate a non-reversible refund on the
// associated payment transaction.
enum PrepaymentStatus {
  // Not specified, defaults to PREPAYMENT_NOT_PROVIDED.

  // The fee for the booking has been paid in advance.

  // The fee for the booking has not been paid in advance.

  // The fee was previously PREPAYMENT_PROVIDED but has now been refunded.

  // The fee was previously PREPAYMENT_PROVIDED but now has been credited
  // (user given a UserPaymentOption as a voucher for the booking).
  // If this is set, the response should also include the updated
  // UserPaymentOption.