Phương thức GetBookingStatus

Phương thức này trả về trạng thái đặt phòng của người dùng dựa trên mã đặt phòng mà bạn cung cấp.

Yêu cầu

Yêu cầu trạng thái đặt trước

Giá trị trả về

GetBookingStatusResponse (Nhận trạng thái phản hồi)

// Request to get booking status and prepayment status for a Booking.
message GetBookingStatusRequest {
  // ID of the existing booking (required)
  string booking_id = 1;

// Response for the GetBookingStatus RPC with booking status and prepayment
// status.
message GetBookingStatusResponse {
  // ID of the booking (required)
  string booking_id = 1;

  // Status of the booking (required)
  BookingStatus booking_status = 2;

  // Prepayment status of the booking (required)
  PrepaymentStatus prepayment_status = 3;

Bạn có thể xem thông số về Trạng thái đặt phòng tại đây

// Prepayment status of a booking.
// Updating payment status will trigger an update on the payment status of the
// associated booking (if applicable).
// Currently, the only supported transition is from PREPAYMENT_PROVIDED to
// PREPAYMENT_REFUNDED, which will initiate a non-reversible refund on the
// associated payment transaction.
enum PrepaymentStatus {
  // Not specified, defaults to PREPAYMENT_NOT_PROVIDED.

  // The fee for the booking has been paid in advance.

  // The fee for the booking has not been paid in advance.

  // The fee was previously PREPAYMENT_PROVIDED but has now been refunded.

  // The fee was previously PREPAYMENT_PROVIDED but now has been credited
  // (user given a UserPaymentOption as a voucher for the booking).
  // If this is set, the response should also include the updated
  // UserPaymentOption.