Metoda ListBookings
Ta metoda zwraca przyszłe rezerwacje użytkownika u dowolnego sprzedawcy. Ta metoda nie powinna zwracać rezerwacji z przeszłości ani anulowanych rezerwacji.
Wyślij prośbę
Zwracana wartość
// Request to list all bookings for a user
message ListBookingsRequest {
// ID of the user (required)
string user_id = 1;
// Response for the ListBookings RPC with all bookings for the requested user.
message ListBookingsResponse {
// All bookings of the user (required)
repeated Booking bookings = 1;
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Ostatnia aktualizacja: 2024-11-26 UTC.
[null,null,["Ostatnia aktualizacja: 2024-11-26 UTC."],[[["The `ListBookings` method retrieves a user's future bookings at any merchant, excluding past or cancelled bookings."],["The request message, `ListBookingsRequest`, requires the user's ID."],["The response message, `ListBookingsResponse`, provides a list of the user's bookings in the `bookings` field."]]],["The `ListBookingsRequest` retrieves a user's future bookings, excluding past or cancelled ones, by utilizing a required `user_id`. The `ListBookingsResponse` returns a list of `Booking` objects, representing all future bookings associated with the specified user. The response contains a repeated `bookings` field, which is mandatory.\n"]]