Establece precios específicos para el personal o por tiempo

En el siguiente instructivo, se explica cómo implementar feeds para diferenciar los precios de un servicio según el tiempo o el miembro del personal asociado o el día de la semana.

Precio por personal o tiempo

Hay 4 elementos que se deben configurar:

  • En el feed del comercio, configura un Merchant.payment_option para cada precio. opción

    • Establece el price deseado en el precio del servicio para el horario o el personal específicos.
    • payment_option_id debe ser único en tu integración, ya que los valores de payment_option_id se comparten entre todos los comercios del mismo agregador. Para evitar confusiones y simplificar la solución de problemas y de Google, recomendamos que, para cada comercio, redefines Valores de payment_option que este comercio usa con un payment_option_id (incluso si se usa un payment_option idéntico con otro comercio).

      • Para el precio por personal, te recomendamos que generes el payment_option_id como una combinación de merchant_id, service_id y staff_id para facilitar el seguimiento y asegurarte de que payment_option_id sea único en toda la integración.
      • Para el precio por tiempo, te recomendamos que generes el payment_option_id como una combinación de merchant_id, service_id y una cadena que represente este tiempo (evening, weekends, sundayafternoon, etc.) para facilitar el seguimiento y garantizar que payment_option_id sea único en toda la integración.
      • Cuando se usan para los precios a nivel de la disponibilidad (el caso de uso de este instructivo), el nombre y la descripción se usan principalmente para fines de debugging.
      • No configures más de 100 valores de payment_option para un solo comercio. Si esperas alcanzar más de 100 valores de payment_option, haz que tu contacto de Google ejecute esta implementación.
      • Se pueden ignorar todos los demás campos payment_option para este caso de uso.
  • En el feed de disponibilidad, establece Availability.payment_option_id en un solo array de elementos con el payment_option_id del payment_option que definido en el nivel Merchant

  • En el feed de servicios, establece Service.price en el valor más bajo de las intervalo de precios de este servicio y establece Service.price_interpretation en STARTS_AT

Ejemplo de precio por personal

En este ejemplo, Robert (id: 1) es una peluquera con más experiencia que Jane (ID: 2) y, por lo tanto, el propietario del salón decidió hacer una reserva por Roberto USD 5 más caros. El costo de un corte de cabello corto es de USD 20 de forma predeterminada y el costo para un corte de cabello largo a USD 30 de forma predeterminada. Si el usuario selecciona Robert, el corte costaría USD 25 o USD 35, respectivamente.

Nombre del personal Corte de cabello corto Corte de cabello largo
Jane USD 20* USD 30*
Roberto $25 $35

*Precio predeterminado del servicio


  "metadata": {
    "processing_instruction": "PROCESS_AS_COMPLETE",
    "generation_timestamp": 1503638100,
    "total_shards": 1
  "merchant": [
      "category": "beauty_salon",
      "merchant_id": "beauty-per-staff-price",
      "name": "Beauty Salon",
      "url": "",
      "telephone": "+1 123-456-7890",
      "geo": {
        "latitude": 37.422113,
        "longitude": -122.084041,
        "address": {
          "locality": "Mountain View",
          "country": "US",
          "region": "CA",
          "street_address": "1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy",
          "postal_code": "94043"
      "payment_option": [
          "payment_option_id": "beauty-per-staff-price-haircut-short-1",
          "name": "Short haircut (Robert)",
          "description": "Short hair haircut price for Robert",
          "price": {
            "currency_code": "USD",
            "price_micros": 25000000
          "payment_option_id": "beauty-per-staff-price-haircut-short-default",
          "name": "Short haircut (Default)",
          "description": "Normal short hair haircut price",
          "price": {
            "currency_code": "USD",
            "price_micros": 20000000
          "payment_option_id": "beauty-per-staff-price-haircut-long-1",
          "name": "Long haircut (Robert)",
          "description": "Long hair haircut price for Robert",
          "price": {
            "currency_code": "USD",
            "price_micros": 35000000
          "payment_option_id": "beauty-per-staff-price-haircut-long-default",
          "name": "Long haircut (Default)",
          "description": "Normal long hair haircut price",
          "price": {
            "currency_code": "USD",
            "price_micros": 30000000


  "metadata": {
    "processing_instruction": "PROCESS_AS_COMPLETE",
    "generation_timestamp": 1535437200,
    "total_shards": 1
  "service": [
      "service_id": "haircut-short",
      "prepayment_type": "NOT_SUPPORTED",
      "merchant_id": "beauty-per-staff-price",
      "price": {
        "currency_code": "USD",
        "price_micros": 20000000
      "localized_service_name": {
        "value": "Haircut (shorter than shoulder)",
        "localized_value": [
            "locale": "en",
            "value": "Haircut (shorter than shoulder)"
      "localized_description": {
        "value": "Awesome haircut for short hair",
        "localized_value": [
            "locale": "en",
            "value": "Awesome haircut for short hair"
      "service_id": "haircut-long",
      "prepayment_type": "NOT_SUPPORTED",
      "merchant_id": "beauty-per-staff-price",
      "price": {
        "currency_code": "USD",
        "price_micros": 30000000
      "localized_service_name": {
        "value": "Haircut (longer than shoulder)",
        "localized_value": [
            "locale": "en",
            "value": "Haircut (longer than shoulder)"
      "localized_description": {
        "value": "Awesome haircut for long hair",
        "localized_value": [
            "locale": "en",
            "value": "Awesome haircut for long hair"


  "metadata": {
    "processing_instruction": "PROCESS_AS_COMPLETE",
    "generation_timestamp": 1535178900,
    "total_shards": 1
  "service_availability": [
      "availability": [
          "spots_total": 1,
          "start_sec": 1535806800,
          "spots_open": 1,
          "duration_sec": 3600,
          "recurrence": {
            "repeat_until_sec": 1535846340,
            "repeat_every_sec": 3600
          "service_id": "haircut-short",
          "merchant_id": "beauty-per-staff-price",
          "resources": {
            "staff_name": "Robert",
            "staff_id": "1"
          "payment_option_id": ["beauty-per-staff-price-haircut-short-1"]
          "spots_total": 1,
          "start_sec": 1535806800,
          "spots_open": 1,
          "duration_sec": 3600,
          "recurrence": {
            "repeat_until_sec": 1535846340,
            "repeat_every_sec": 3600
          "service_id": "haircut-long",
          "merchant_id": "beauty-per-staff-price",
          "resources": {
            "staff_name": "Robert",
            "staff_id": "1"
          "payment_option_id": ["beauty-per-staff-price-haircut-long-1"]
          "spots_total": 1,
          "start_sec": 1535806800,
          "spots_open": 1,
          "duration_sec": 3600,
          "recurrence": {
            "repeat_until_sec": 1535846340,
            "repeat_every_sec": 3600
          "service_id": "haircut-short",
          "merchant_id": "beauty-per-staff-price",
          "resources": {
            "staff_name": "Jane",
            "staff_id": "2"
          "payment_option_id": ["beauty-per-staff-price-haircut-short-default"]
          "spots_total": 1,
          "start_sec": 1535806800,
          "spots_open": 1,
          "duration_sec": 3600,
          "recurrence": {
            "repeat_until_sec": 1535846340,
            "repeat_every_sec": 3600
          "service_id": "haircut-long",
          "merchant_id": "beauty-per-staff-price",
          "resources": {
            "staff_name": "Jane",
            "staff_id": "2"
          "payment_option_id": ["beauty-per-staff-price-haircut-long-default"]

Ejemplo de precio por tiempo

En este ejemplo, el salón está abierto de 10:00 a.m. a 20:00 p.m. El propietario del salón decidió para agregar un costo adicional de USD 5 para las reservas realizadas después de las 6:00 p.m.

El ejemplo de disponibilidad se define para el sábado 1 de septiembre de 2018 en la región PT la zona horaria. 1535821200 corresponde a las 10:00 de ese día, 1535850000 corresponde a las 18:00 de ese día y 1535857200 corresponde a las 20:00.

Hora del día Corte de cabello corto Corte de cabello largo
10:00 a.m. ~ 11:00 p.m. $20 $30
De 11:00 a.m. a 12:00 p.m. $20 $30
12:00 p.m. - 13:00 p.m. $20 $30
13:00 ~ 14:00 $20 $30
2:00 p.m. a 5:00 p.m. $20 $30
De 3:00 p.m. a 4:00 p.m. $20 $30
4:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. $20 $30
De 17:00 a 18:00 $20 $30
6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. $25 $35
De 19:00 a 20:00 $25 $35


  "metadata": {
    "processing_instruction": "PROCESS_AS_COMPLETE",
    "generation_timestamp": 1503638100,
    "total_shards": 1
  "merchant": [
      "category": "beauty_salon",
      "merchant_id": "beauty-per-time-price",
      "name": "Beauty Salon",
      "url": "",
      "telephone": "+1 123-456-7890",
      "geo": {
        "latitude": 37.422113,
        "longitude": -122.084041,
        "address": {
          "locality": "Mountain View",
          "country": "US",
          "region": "CA",
          "street_address": "1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy",
          "postal_code": "94043"
      "payment_option": [
          "payment_option_id": "beauty-per-time-price-haircut-short-evening",
          "name": "Short haircut (Evening)",
          "description": "Short hair haircut price for the evening",
          "price": {
            "currency_code": "USD",
            "price_micros": 25000000
          "payment_option_id": "beauty-per-time-price-haircut-short-default",
          "name": "Short haircut (Normal)",
          "description": "Short hair haircut price for the rest of the day",
          "price": {
            "currency_code": "USD",
            "price_micros": 21000000
          "payment_option_id": "beauty-per-time-price-haircut-long-evening",
          "name": "Long haircut (Evening)",
          "description": "Long hair haircut price for the evening",
          "price": {
            "currency_code": "USD",
            "price_micros": 35000000
          "payment_option_id": "beauty-per-time-price-haircut-long-default",
          "name": "Long haircut (Normal)",
          "description": "Long hair haircut price for the rest of the day",
          "price": {
            "currency_code": "USD",
            "price_micros": 31000000


  "metadata": {
    "processing_instruction": "PROCESS_AS_COMPLETE",
    "generation_timestamp": 1535437200,
    "total_shards": 1
  "service": [
      "service_id": "haircut-short",
      "prepayment_type": "NOT_SUPPORTED",
      "merchant_id": "beauty-per-time-price",
      "price": {
        "currency_code": "USD",
        "price_micros": 2100000
      "localized_service_name": {
        "value": "Haircut (shorter than shoulder)",
        "localized_value": [
            "locale": "en",
            "value": "Haircut (shorter than shoulder)"
      "localized_description": {
        "value": "Awesome haircut for short hair",
        "localized_value": [
            "locale": "en",
            "value": "Awesome haircut for short hair"
      "service_id": "haircut-long",
      "prepayment_type": "NOT_SUPPORTED",
      "merchant_id": "beauty-per-time-price",
      "price": {
        "currency_code": "USD",
        "price_micros": 31000000
      "localized_service_name": {
        "value": "Haircut (longer than shoulder)",
        "localized_value": [
            "locale": "en",
            "value": "Haircut (longer than shoulder)"
      "localized_description": {
        "value": "Awesome haircut for long hair",
        "localized_value": [
            "locale": "en",
            "value": "Awesome haircut for long hair"


  "metadata": {
    "processing_instruction": "PROCESS_AS_COMPLETE",
    "generation_timestamp": 1535178900,
    "total_shards": 1
  "service_availability": [
      "availability": [
          "spots_total": 1,
          "start_sec": 1535821200,
          "spots_open": 1,
          "duration_sec": 3600,
          "recurrence": {
            "repeat_until_sec": 1535849940,
            "repeat_every_sec": 3600
          "service_id": "haircut-short",
          "merchant_id": "beauty-per-time-price",
          "payment_option_id": ["beauty-per-time-price-haircut-short-default"]
          "spots_total": 1,
          "start_sec": 1535821200,
          "spots_open": 1,
          "duration_sec": 3600,
          "recurrence": {
            "repeat_until_sec": 1535849940,
            "repeat_every_sec": 3600
          "service_id": "haircut-long",
          "merchant_id": "beauty-per-time-price",
          "payment_option_id": ["beauty-per-time-price-haircut-long-default"]
          "spots_total": 1,
          "start_sec": 1535850000,
          "spots_open": 1,
          "duration_sec": 3600,
          "recurrence": {
            "repeat_until_sec": 1535857140,
            "repeat_every_sec": 3600
          "service_id": "haircut-short",
          "merchant_id": "beauty-per-time-price",
          "payment_option_id": ["beauty-per-time-price-haircut-short-evening"]
          "spots_total": 1,
          "start_sec": 1535850000,
          "spots_open": 1,
          "duration_sec": 3600,
          "recurrence": {
            "repeat_until_sec": 1535857140,
            "repeat_every_sec": 3600
          "service_id": "haircut-long",
          "merchant_id": "beauty-per-time-price",
          "payment_option_id": ["beauty-per-time-price-haircut-long-evening"]