Die folgenden Beispiele veranschaulichen einige gängige Szenarien für „Listen-Aktionen“. Zur Vereinfachung werden in diesen Beispielen die Details einiger Properties weggelassen.
Ein Streamingdienst bietet exklusive Inhalte eines Künstlers, die nur für Abonnenten verfügbar sind (subscribe
), und eine artistische Playlist, die für alle verfügbar ist (free
"@context":["http://schema.googleapis.com/", {"@language": "en"}],
"sameAs": "http://www.my_favorite_artist.com",
"name":"My Favorite Artist",
"description":"This is my favorite artist.",
"potentialAction": {
"target": {
"eligibleRegion": {
"subjectOf": {
"name":"My Favorite Artist Mix",
"description":"A playlist of songs similar to My Favorite Artist.",
"target": {
"eligibleRegion": {
Nur Playlist
Ein Streamingdienst stellt nur eine Playlist bereit:
"@context":["http://schema.googleapis.com/", {"@language": "en"}],
"sameAs": "http://www.my_favorite_artist.com",
"name":"My Favorite Artist",
"description":"This is my favorite artist.",
"subjectOf": {
"name":"My Favorite Artist Mix",
"description":"A playlist of songs similar to My Favorite Artist.",
"target": {
"eligibleRegion": {
Mehrere platformbasierte Anforderungen an die Barrierefreiheit
Der Grundfall, aber jetzt sind die Inhalte des Künstlers für alle auf der Desktopplattform verfügbar:
"@context":["http://schema.googleapis.com/", {"@language": "en"}],
"sameAs": "http://www.my_favorite_artist.com",
"name":"My Favorite Artist",
"description":"This is my favorite artist.",
"potentialAction": [
"target": {
"eligibleRegion": {
"target": {
"actionPlatform": "http://schema.org/DesktopWebPlatform"
"eligibleRegion": {
"subjectOf": {
"name":"My Favorite Artist Mix",
"description":"A playlist of songs similar to My Favorite Artist.",
"target": {
"eligibleRegion": {
Mehrere regionale Anforderungen an die Barrierefreiheit
Grundlegender Fall: Die Inhalte des Künstlers sind jetzt für alle auf allen Plattformen in Kanada verfügbar:
"@context":["http://schema.googleapis.com/", {"@language": "en"}],
"sameAs": "http://www.my_favorite_artist.com",
"name":"My Favorite Artist",
"description":"This is my favorite artist.",
"potentialAction": [
"target": {
"eligibleRegion": {
"target": {
"eligibleRegion": {
"subjectOf": {
"name":"My Favorite Artist Mix",
"description":"A playlist of songs similar to My Favorite Artist.",
"target": {
"eligibleRegion": [
Mehrere Regionen und Sprachen
Ein Rechtssubjekt ist in mehreren Regionen und Sprachen verfügbar:
"@context": ["http://schema.googleapis.com/", {"@language": "en"}],
"@type": "MusicRecording",
"@id": "https://example.com/us/recording/24335345",
"url": "https://example.com/us/recording/24335345",
"name": [
"@language": "fr-fr",
"@value": "Amour"
"@language": "en-us",
"@value": "Love"
"byArtist": [
"@type": "MusicGroup",
"@id": "https://example.com/us/artist/43265436",
"name": [
"@language": "fr-fr",
"@value": "Mon Artiste Préféré"
"@language": "en-us",
"@value": "My Favorite Artist"
"inAlbum": [
"@type": "MusicAlbum",
"@id": "https://example.com/us/album/24335345",
"name": [
"@language": "fr-fr",
"@value": "Mon Album Préféré"
"@language": "en-us",
"@value": "My Favorite Album"
"potentialAction": [
"@type": "ListenAction",
"target": [
"@type": "EntryPoint",
"inLanguage": "en-us",
"urlTemplate": "https://example.com/us/album/24335345",
"actionPlatform": [
"@type": "EntryPoint",
"inLanguage": "en-us",
"urlTemplate": "https://example.com/us/album/ios/24335345",
"actionPlatform": [
"@type": "EntryPoint",
"inLanguage": "en-us",
"urlTemplate": "android-app://com.example.android.music/https/example.com/us/24335345",
"actionPlatform": [
"expectsAcceptanceOf": [
"@type": "Offer",
"eligibleRegion": [
"@type": "Country",
"name": "US"
"category": "subscription",
"name": "Example Music",
"price": 9.99,
"priceCurrency": "USD",
"seller": {
"@type": "Organization",
"name": "Example seller",
"sameAs": "http://www.example.com"
"@type": "ListenAction",
"target": [
"@type": "EntryPoint",
"inLanguage": "fr-fr",
"urlTemplate": "https://example.com/fr/album/24335345",
"actionPlatform": [
"@type": "EntryPoint",
"inLanguage": "fr-fr",
"urlTemplate": "https://example.com/fr/album/ios/24335345",
"actionPlatform": [
"@type": "EntryPoint",
"inLanguage": "fr-fr",
"urlTemplate": "android-app://com.example.android.music/https/example.com/fr/24335345",
"actionPlatform": [
"expectsAcceptanceOf": [
"@type": "Offer",
"eligibleRegion": [
"@type": "Country",
"name": "FR"
"category": "subscription",
"name": "Example Music",
"price": 5.99,
"priceCurrency": "EUR",
"seller": {
"@type": "Organization",
"name": "Example Seller",
"sameAs": "http://www.example.com"