[null,null,["最后更新时间 (UTC):2023-12-01。"],[[["The `NonceRequest` class stores information about a request for a nonce, which is used for ad targeting and verification."],["It includes various properties like ad behavior, content description, player details, and user session information."],["These properties influence the generation of the nonce and its use in ad serving."],["Developers can configure properties such as ad autoplay, mute state, and continuous playback behavior to tailor the nonce request."],["The nonce length can be limited, although this might affect the inclusion of certain targeting properties."]]],["The `NonceRequest` class stores information for a nonce request. Key properties include: `adWillAutoPlay` and `adWillPlayMuted` (booleans for ad behavior), `continuousPlayback` (boolean for video play), `descriptionUrl`, `playerType`, `playerVersion`, `ppid`, `sessionId`, and `url` (strings for content and player details, with length limits), `iconsSupported` (boolean for VAST support), `nonceLengthLimit`(number for nonce limit), and `videoHeight` and `videoWidth` (numbers for ad dimensions). It manages nonce generation and validation, using provided IDs, URLs and player specs.\n"]]