The Admin SDK Directory API lets administrators of enterprise domains view and manage their organization's users, groups, devices, and related resources. The Cloud Identity APIs offer additional ways of managing some of the same resources.
To call this service, we recommend that you use the Google-provided client libraries. If your application needs to use your own libraries to call this service, use the following information when you make the API requests.
Discovery document
A Discovery Document is a machine-readable specification for describing and consuming REST APIs. It is used to build client libraries, IDE plugins, and other tools that interact with Google APIs. One service may provide multiple discovery documents. This service provides the following discovery document:
Service endpoint
A service endpoint is a base URL that specifies the network address of an API service. One service might have multiple service endpoints. This service has the following service endpoint and all URIs below are relative to this service endpoint:
REST Resource: asps
REST Resource: chromeosdevices
Methods | |
action |
POST /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customerId}/devices/chromeos/{resourceId}/action Use BatchChangeChromeOsDeviceStatus instead. |
get |
GET /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customerId}/devices/chromeos/{deviceId} Retrieves a Chrome OS device's properties. |
list |
GET /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customerId}/devices/chromeos Retrieves a paginated list of Chrome OS devices within an account. |
moveDevicesToOu |
POST /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customerId}/devices/chromeos/moveDevicesToOu Moves or inserts multiple Chrome OS devices to an organizational unit. |
patch |
PATCH /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customerId}/devices/chromeos/{deviceId} Updates a device's updatable properties, such as annotatedUser , annotatedLocation , notes , orgUnitPath , or annotatedAssetId . |
update |
PUT /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customerId}/devices/chromeos/{deviceId} Updates a device's updatable properties, such as annotatedUser , annotatedLocation , notes , orgUnitPath , or annotatedAssetId . |
REST Resource: customer.devices.chromeos
Methods | |
batchChangeStatus |
POST /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customerId}/devices/chromeos:batchChangeStatus Changes the status of a batch of ChromeOS devices. |
issueCommand |
POST /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customerId}/devices/chromeos/{deviceId}:issueCommand Issues a command for the device to execute. |
REST Resource: customer.devices.chromeos.commands
Methods | |
get |
GET /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customerId}/devices/chromeos/{deviceId}/commands/{commandId} Gets command data a specific command issued to the device. |
REST Resource: customers
REST Resource: domainAliases
Methods | |
delete |
DELETE /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customer}/domainaliases/{domainAliasName} Deletes a domain Alias of the customer. |
get |
GET /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customer}/domainaliases/{domainAliasName} Retrieves a domain alias of the customer. |
insert |
POST /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customer}/domainaliases Inserts a domain alias of the customer. |
list |
GET /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customer}/domainaliases Lists the domain aliases of the customer. |
REST Resource: domains
Methods | |
delete |
DELETE /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customer}/domains/{domainName} Deletes a domain of the customer. |
get |
GET /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customer}/domains/{domainName} Retrieves a domain of the customer. |
insert |
POST /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customer}/domains Inserts a domain of the customer. |
list |
GET /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customer}/domains Lists the domains of the customer. |
REST Resource: groups
Methods | |
delete |
DELETE /admin/directory/v1/groups/{groupKey} Deletes a group. |
get |
GET /admin/directory/v1/groups/{groupKey} Retrieves a group's properties. |
insert |
POST /admin/directory/v1/groups Creates a group. |
list |
GET /admin/directory/v1/groups Retrieves all groups of a domain or of a user given a userKey (paginated). |
patch |
PATCH /admin/directory/v1/groups/{groupKey} Updates a group's properties. |
update |
PUT /admin/directory/v1/groups/{groupKey} Updates a group's properties. |
REST Resource: groups.aliases
REST Resource: members
Methods | |
delete |
DELETE /admin/directory/v1/groups/{groupKey}/members/{memberKey} Removes a member from a group. |
get |
GET /admin/directory/v1/groups/{groupKey}/members/{memberKey} Retrieves a group member's properties. |
hasMember |
GET /admin/directory/v1/groups/{groupKey}/hasMember/{memberKey} Checks whether the given user is a member of the group. |
insert |
POST /admin/directory/v1/groups/{groupKey}/members Adds a user to the specified group. |
list |
GET /admin/directory/v1/groups/{groupKey}/members Retrieves a paginated list of all members in a group. |
patch |
PATCH /admin/directory/v1/groups/{groupKey}/members/{memberKey} Updates the membership properties of a user in the specified group. |
update |
PUT /admin/directory/v1/groups/{groupKey}/members/{memberKey} Updates the membership of a user in the specified group. |
REST Resource: mobiledevices
Methods | |
action |
POST /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customerId}/devices/mobile/{resourceId}/action Takes an action that affects a mobile device. |
delete |
DELETE /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customerId}/devices/mobile/{resourceId} Removes a mobile device. |
get |
GET /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customerId}/devices/mobile/{resourceId} Retrieves a mobile device's properties. |
list |
GET /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customerId}/devices/mobile Retrieves a paginated list of all user-owned mobile devices for an account. |
REST Resource: orgunits
Methods | |
delete |
DELETE /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customerId}/orgunits/{orgUnitPath=**} Removes an organizational unit. |
get |
GET /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customerId}/orgunits/{orgUnitPath=**} Retrieves an organizational unit. |
insert |
POST /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customerId}/orgunits Adds an organizational unit. |
list |
GET /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customerId}/orgunits Retrieves a list of all organizational units for an account. |
patch |
PATCH /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customerId}/orgunits/{orgUnitPath=**} Updates an organizational unit. |
update |
PUT /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customerId}/orgunits/{orgUnitPath=**} Updates an organizational unit. |
REST Resource: privileges
Methods | |
list |
GET /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customer}/roles/ALL/privileges Retrieves a paginated list of all privileges for a customer. |
REST Resource: resources.buildings
Methods | |
delete |
DELETE /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customer}/resources/buildings/{buildingId} Deletes a building. |
get |
GET /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customer}/resources/buildings/{buildingId} Retrieves a building. |
insert |
POST /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customer}/resources/buildings Inserts a building. |
list |
GET /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customer}/resources/buildings Retrieves a list of buildings for an account. |
patch |
PATCH /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customer}/resources/buildings/{buildingId} Patches a building. |
update |
PUT /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customer}/resources/buildings/{buildingId} Updates a building. |
REST Resource: resources.calendars
Methods | |
delete |
DELETE /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customer}/resources/calendars/{calendarResourceId} Deletes a calendar resource. |
get |
GET /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customer}/resources/calendars/{calendarResourceId} Retrieves a calendar resource. |
insert |
POST /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customer}/resources/calendars Inserts a calendar resource. |
list |
GET /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customer}/resources/calendars Retrieves a list of calendar resources for an account. |
patch |
PATCH /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customer}/resources/calendars/{calendarResourceId} Patches a calendar resource. |
update |
PUT /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customer}/resources/calendars/{calendarResourceId} Updates a calendar resource. |
REST Resource: resources.features
Methods | |
delete |
DELETE /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customer}/resources/features/{featureKey} Deletes a feature. |
get |
GET /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customer}/resources/features/{featureKey} Retrieves a feature. |
insert |
POST /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customer}/resources/features Inserts a feature. |
list |
GET /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customer}/resources/features Retrieves a list of features for an account. |
patch |
PATCH /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customer}/resources/features/{featureKey} Patches a feature. |
rename |
POST /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customer}/resources/features/{oldName}/rename Renames a feature. |
update |
PUT /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customer}/resources/features/{featureKey} Updates a feature. |
REST Resource: roleAssignments
Methods | |
delete |
DELETE /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customer}/roleassignments/{roleAssignmentId} Deletes a role assignment. |
get |
GET /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customer}/roleassignments/{roleAssignmentId} Retrieves a role assignment. |
insert |
POST /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customer}/roleassignments Creates a role assignment. |
list |
GET /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customer}/roleassignments Retrieves a paginated list of all roleAssignments. |
REST Resource: roles
Methods | |
delete |
DELETE /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customer}/roles/{roleId} Deletes a role. |
get |
GET /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customer}/roles/{roleId} Retrieves a role. |
insert |
POST /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customer}/roles Creates a role. |
list |
GET /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customer}/roles Retrieves a paginated list of all the roles in a domain. |
patch |
PATCH /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customer}/roles/{roleId} Patches a role. |
update |
PUT /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customer}/roles/{roleId} Updates a role. |
REST Resource: schemas
Methods | |
delete |
DELETE /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customerId}/schemas/{schemaKey} Deletes a schema. |
get |
GET /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customerId}/schemas/{schemaKey} Retrieves a schema. |
insert |
POST /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customerId}/schemas Creates a schema. |
list |
GET /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customerId}/schemas Retrieves all schemas for a customer. |
patch |
PATCH /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customerId}/schemas/{schemaKey} Patches a schema. |
update |
PUT /admin/directory/v1/customer/{customerId}/schemas/{schemaKey} Updates a schema. |
REST Resource: tokens
Methods | |
delete |
DELETE /admin/directory/v1/users/{userKey}/tokens/{clientId} Deletes all access tokens issued by a user for an application. |
get |
GET /admin/directory/v1/users/{userKey}/tokens/{clientId} Gets information about an access token issued by a user. |
list |
GET /admin/directory/v1/users/{userKey}/tokens Returns the set of tokens specified user has issued to 3rd party applications. |
REST Resource: twoStepVerification
Methods | |
turnOff |
POST /admin/directory/v1/users/{userKey}/twoStepVerification/turnOff Turns off 2-Step Verification for user. |
REST Resource: users
Methods | |
delete |
DELETE /admin/directory/v1/users/{userKey} Deletes a user. |
get |
GET /admin/directory/v1/users/{userKey} Retrieves a user. |
insert |
POST /admin/directory/v1/users Creates a user. |
list |
GET /admin/directory/v1/users Retrieves a paginated list of either deleted users or all users in a domain. |
makeAdmin |
POST /admin/directory/v1/users/{userKey}/makeAdmin Makes a user a super administrator. |
patch |
PATCH /admin/directory/v1/users/{userKey} Updates a user using patch semantics. |
signOut |
POST /admin/directory/v1/users/{userKey}/signOut Signs a user out of all web and device sessions and reset their sign-in cookies. |
undelete |
POST /admin/directory/v1/users/{userKey}/undelete Undeletes a deleted user. |
update |
PUT /admin/directory/v1/users/{userKey} Updates a user. |
watch |
POST /admin/directory/v1/users/watch Watches for changes in users list. |
REST Resource: users.aliases
Methods | |
delete |
DELETE /admin/directory/v1/users/{userKey}/aliases/{alias} Removes an alias. |
insert |
POST /admin/directory/v1/users/{userKey}/aliases Adds an alias. |
list |
GET /admin/directory/v1/users/{userKey}/aliases Lists all aliases for a user. |
watch |
POST /admin/directory/v1/users/{userKey}/aliases/watch Watches for changes in users list. |
REST Resource:
Methods | |
delete |
DELETE /admin/directory/v1/users/{userKey}/photos/thumbnail Removes the user's photo. |
get |
GET /admin/directory/v1/users/{userKey}/photos/thumbnail Retrieves the user's photo. |
patch |
PATCH /admin/directory/v1/users/{userKey}/photos/thumbnail Adds a photo for the user. |
update |
PUT /admin/directory/v1/users/{userKey}/photos/thumbnail Adds a photo for the user. |
REST Resource: verificationCodes
Methods | |
generate |
POST /admin/directory/v1/users/{userKey}/verificationCodes/generate Generates new backup verification codes for the user. |
invalidate |
POST /admin/directory/v1/users/{userKey}/verificationCodes/invalidate Invalidates the current backup verification codes for the user. |
list |
GET /admin/directory/v1/users/{userKey}/verificationCodes Returns the current set of valid backup verification codes for the specified user. |