Gli artefatti di output creati durante l'esecuzione della query, ad esempio le tabelle temp, vengono create utilizzando CREATE TABLE temp_table AS (...) in una query Ads Data Hub.
Rappresentazione JSON |
"tempTables": [
object (TempTable )
} |
Campi |
tempTables[] |
object (TempTable )
Definisce l'elenco delle tabelle temporanee create da una query Ads Data Hub.
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Ultimo aggiornamento 2022-09-27 UTC.
[null,null,["Ultimo aggiornamento 2022-09-27 UTC."],[[["Output artifacts such as temporary tables are generated during query execution in Ads Data Hub."],["Temporary tables are created using the syntax `CREATE TABLE temp_table AS (...)` within an Ads Data Hub query."],["JSON representation is used to define the structure of these temporary tables within the query's output."],["The `tempTables[]` field within the JSON structure provides a list of all temporary tables created by the query, each represented as a `TempTable` object."]]],[]]