螢幕結束後,已成功產生 Video 360 報表,請下載
產生的報表檔案,取自 Google Cloud Storage 路徑,存放在
// The ID of the parent query. Long queryId = query-id; // The ID of the report to download. Long reportId = report-id; // The path to which to download the file. String outputFilePath = output-file-path; // Retrieve the report resource. Report report = service.queries().reports().get(queryId, reportId).execute(); // Download report file. System.out.println("Downloading report file."); DownloadUtils.downloadFileFromCloudStorage( report.getMetadata().getGoogleCloudStoragePath(), outputFilePath); System.out.printf( "Report %s successfully downloaded at %s.%n", report.getKey().getReportId(), outputFilePath);
# The ID of the parent query. query_id = query-id # The ID of the relevant report resource. report_id = report-id # The path to which to download the file. output_file_path = output-file-path # Retrieve report. report = service.queries().reports().get( queryId=query_id, reportId=report_id ).execute() cloud_storage_path = report["metadata"]["googleCloudStoragePath"] # Download file. with open(output_file_path, "wb") as output: with closing(urlopen(cloud_storage_path)) as url: output.write(url.read()) print("Download complete.")
// The ID of the parent query. $queryId = query-id; // The ID of the report to download. $reportId = report-id; // The path to which to download the file. $outputFilePath = output-file-path; // Retrieve the report resource. $report = $this->service->queries_reports->get($queryId, $reportId); // Download the file. file_put_contents( $outputFilePath, fopen($report->getMetadata()->getGoogleCloudStoragePath(), 'r') ); printf( 'Report %s successfully downloaded at %s.<br>', $reportId, $outputFilePath );