אחרי שמשלימים את הדרישות המוקדמות, יוצרים את OAuth 2.0 של הלקוח, ולהגדיר את הלקוח, תוכלו להשתמש את דוגמאות הקוד הבאות כדי ליצור ולאחזר דוחות של Bid Manager API שאילתה.
לרשימה מלאה של השיטות ב-Bid Manager API, אפשר לעיין בחומר העזר תיעוד.
יצירת שאילתה
הנה דוגמה ליצירת רשת המדיה דיווח ב-Video 360 שאילתה:
// Display name of the query to create. String displayName =display-name ; // Advertiser ID and campaign ID by which to filter report data. String advertiserId =advertiser-id ; String campaignId =campaign-id ; // Create the query structure. Query query = new Query(); // Build and set the metadata object. QueryMetadata metadata = new QueryMetadata(); metadata.setTitle(displayName); metadata.setDataRange(new DataRange().setRange("LAST_7_DAYS")); metadata.setFormat("CSV"); query.setMetadata(metadata); // Build the parameters object. Parameters parameters = new Parameters(); parameters.setType("STANDARD"); // Build and assign list of standard reporting dimensions to parameters object. ArrayList<String> dimensions = new ArrayList<String>(); dimensions.add("FILTER_ADVERTISER_NAME"); dimensions.add("FILTER_ADVERTISER"); dimensions.add("FILTER_ADVERTISER_CURRENCY"); dimensions.add("FILTER_INSERTION_ORDER_NAME"); dimensions.add("FILTER_INSERTION_ORDER"); dimensions.add("FILTER_LINE_ITEM_NAME"); dimensions.add("FILTER_LINE_ITEM"); parameters.setGroupBys(dimensions); // Build a list of filters. ArrayList<FilterPair> filters = new ArrayList<FilterPair>(); filters.add(new FilterPair().setType("FILTER_ADVERTISER").setValue(advertiserId)); filters.add(new FilterPair().setType("FILTER_MEDIA_PLAN").setValue(campaignId)); // Set filters in parameters object. parameters.setFilters(filters); // Build and assign list of standard reporting metrics to parameters object. ArrayList<String> metrics = new ArrayList<String>(); metrics.add("METRIC_IMPRESSIONS"); metrics.add("METRIC_BILLABLE_IMPRESSIONS"); metrics.add("METRIC_CLICKS"); metrics.add("METRIC_CTR"); metrics.add("METRIC_TOTAL_CONVERSIONS"); metrics.add("METRIC_LAST_CLICKS"); metrics.add("METRIC_LAST_IMPRESSIONS"); metrics.add("METRIC_REVENUE_ADVERTISER"); metrics.add("METRIC_MEDIA_COST_ADVERTISER"); parameters.setMetrics(metrics); // Set parameters object in query. query.setParams(parameters); // Build and set the schedule object. QuerySchedule schedule = new QuerySchedule(); schedule.setFrequency("ONE_TIME"); query.setSchedule(schedule); // Create the query. Query queryResponse = service.queries().create(query).execute(); // Log query creation. System.out.printf("Query %s was created.%n", queryResponse.getQueryId());
# Display name of the query to create. display_name =display-name # Advertiser ID and campaign ID by which to filter report data. advertiser_id =advertiser-id campaign_id =campaign-id # Build query object with basic dimension and metrics values. query_obj = { "metadata": { "title": display_name, "dataRange": {"range": "LAST_7_DAYS"}, "format": "CSV", }, "params": { "type": "STANDARD", "groupBys": [ "FILTER_ADVERTISER_NAME", "FILTER_ADVERTISER", "FILTER_ADVERTISER_CURRENCY", "FILTER_INSERTION_ORDER_NAME", "FILTER_INSERTION_ORDER", "FILTER_LINE_ITEM_NAME", "FILTER_LINE_ITEM", ], "filters": [ {"type": "FILTER_ADVERTISER", "value": advertiser_id}, {"type": "FILTER_MEDIA_PLAN", "value": campaign_id} ], "metrics": [ "METRIC_IMPRESSIONS", "METRIC_BILLABLE_IMPRESSIONS", "METRIC_CLICKS", "METRIC_CTR", "METRIC_TOTAL_CONVERSIONS", "METRIC_LAST_CLICKS", "METRIC_LAST_IMPRESSIONS", "METRIC_REVENUE_ADVERTISER", "METRIC_MEDIA_COST_ADVERTISER", ], }, "schedule": {"frequency": "ONE_TIME"} } # Create query object. query_response = service.queries().create(body=query_obj).execute() # Print new query ID. print(f'Query {query_response["queryId"]} was created.')
// Display name of the query to create. $displayName =display-name ; // Advertiser ID and campaign ID by which to filter data. $advertiserId =advertiser-id ; $campaignId =campaign-id ; // Create the query structure. $query = new Google_Service_DoubleClickBidManager_Query(); // Build and set the metadata object. $metadata = new Google_Service_DoubleClickBidManager_QueryMetadata(); $metadata->setTitle($displayName); $metadata->setFormat("CSV"); $dataRange = new Google_Service_DoubleClickBidManager_DataRange(); $dataRange->setRange("LAST_7_DAYS"); $metadata->setDataRange($dataRange); $query->setMetadata($metadata); // Build the parameters object. $parameters = new Google_Service_DoubleClickBidManager_Parameters(); $parameters->setType("STANDARD"); // Build and assign list of standard reporting dimensions. $parameters->setGroupBys( array( "FILTER_ADVERTISER_NAME", "FILTER_ADVERTISER", "FILTER_ADVERTISER_CURRENCY", "FILTER_INSERTION_ORDER_NAME", "FILTER_INSERTION_ORDER", "FILTER_LINE_ITEM_NAME", "FILTER_LINE_ITEM" ) ); // Build and assign a list of filters. $filters = array(); $advertiserFilterPair = new Google_Service_DoubleClickBidManager_FilterPair(); $advertiserFilterPair->setType("FILTER_ADVERTISER"); $advertiserFilterPair->setValue($advertiserId); array_push($filters, $advertiserFilterPair); $campaignFilterPair = new Google_Service_DoubleClickBidManager_FilterPair(); $campaignFilterPair->setType("FILTER_MEDIA_PLAN"); $campaignFilterPair->setValue($campaignId); array_push($filters, $campaignFilterPair); $parameters->setFilters($filters); // Build and assign list of standard reporting metrics. $parameters->setMetrics( array( "METRIC_IMPRESSIONS", "METRIC_BILLABLE_IMPRESSIONS", "METRIC_CLICKS", "METRIC_CTR", "METRIC_TOTAL_CONVERSIONS", "METRIC_LAST_CLICKS", "METRIC_LAST_IMPRESSIONS", "METRIC_REVENUE_ADVERTISER", "METRIC_MEDIA_COST_ADVERTISER" ) ); // Set parameters object in query. $query->setParams($parameters); // Build and set the schedule object. $schedule = new Google_Service_DoubleClickBidManager_QuerySchedule(); $schedule->setFrequency("ONE_TIME"); $query->setSchedule($schedule); // Call the API, creating the query. $queryResult = $this->service->queries->create($query); printf('Query %s was created.
', $queryResult['queryId']);
אחזור שאילתה
הנה דוגמה לאופן שבו מאחזרים כרטיס תצוגה דיווח ב-Video 360 שאילתה:
// ID of query to retrieve. Long queryId =query-id ; // Retrieve Display & Video 360 query. Query queryResponse = service.queries().get(queryId).execute(); // Print display name of query. System.out.printf( "Query ID %s was retrieved with display name %s.%n", queryResponse.getQueryId(), queryResponse.getMetadata().getTitle() );
# ID of query to retrieve. query_id =query-id # Retrieve Display & Video 360 query query = service.queries().get(queryId=query_id).execute() # Print display name of query. print( f'Query ID {query_id} retrieved with display name' f' {query["metadata"]["title"]}.' )
// ID of a query to retrieve. $queryId =query-id ; // Retrieve Display & Video 360 query. $queryResponse = $this->service->queries->get($queryId); printf( 'Query ID %s was retrieved with display name %s.
', $queryId, $queryResponse->getMetadata()->getTitle() );