حالة تقرير الاستطلاع

العرض لا يتم إنشاء تقارير "فيديو 360" بشكل فوري. العرض قد يؤدي الفيديو 360 إلى يستغرق إنشاء ملف تقرير من عدة دقائق إلى أكثر من ساعة.

لتحديد ما إذا كان طلب البحث قد انتهى، أم لا، استرجع التقرير بانتظام باستخدام queries.reports.get، ثم تحقَّق مما إذا كان المصدر تم تعديل الحقل metadata.status.state إلى DONE أو FAILED تُعرف هذه العملية باسم "الاستطلاع".

يستهلك التحقُّق من تنفيذ استطلاعات الرأي غير الفعّال على تقرير طويل الأمد الكثير من حصة طلبات واجهة برمجة التطبيقات. للحد من إعادة المحاولة والحفاظ على الحصة، استخدِم دالة رقود أسي.

وإليك كيفية استقصاء تقرير باستخدام خوارزمية الرقود الأسي:


//This example the following import.
import com.google.api.client.util.ExponentialBackOff;

// The ID of the parent query.
Long queryId = query-id;

// The ID of the running report.
Long reportId = report-id;

// Minimum amount of time between polling requests. Defaults to 5 seconds.

// Maximum amount of time between polling requests. Defaults to 5 minutes.
final int MAX_RETRY_INTERVAL_IN_MILLIS = 5 * 60_000;

// Maximum amount of time to spend polling. Defaults to 5 hours.
final int MAX_RETRY_ELAPSED_TIME_IN_MILLIS = 5 * 60 * 60_000;

// Configure reports.get request.
Reports.Get reportGetRequest =
    service.queries().reports().get(queryId, reportId);

// Get initial report object.
Report report = reportGetRequest.execute();

// Configure exponential backoff for checking the status of our report.
ExponentialBackOff backOff =
    new ExponentialBackOff.Builder()

// Poll report while it is running.
while (!report.getMetadata().getStatus().getState().equals("DONE")
    && !report.getMetadata().getStatus().getState().equals("FAILED")) {
  long backoffMillis = backOff.nextBackOffMillis();
  if (backoffMillis == ExponentialBackOff.STOP) {
      "Report %s still running, sleeping for %s seconds.%n",
      backoffMillis / 1000);

  // Get current status of operation.
  report = reportGetRequest.execute();

// Print the result of the report generation.
if (report.getMetadata().getStatus().getState().equals("DONE")) {
      "Report %s was successfully generated.%n",
} else if (report.getMetadata().getStatus().getState().equals("FAILED")) {
      "Report %s finished in error.%n",
} else {
  System.out.println("Report generation deadline exceeded.");


# The ID of the parent query.
query_id = query-id

# The ID of the report.
report_id = report-id

# The following values control retry behavior while
# the report is processing.
# Minimum amount of time between polling requests. Defaults to 5 seconds.
min_retry_interval = 5
# Maximum amount of time between polling requests. Defaults to 5 minutes.
max_retry_interval = 5 * 60
# Maximum amount of time to spend polling. Defaults to 5 hours.
max_retry_elapsed_time = 5 * 60 * 60

# Configure the queries.reports.get request.
get_request = service.queries().reports().get(

sleep = 0

# Poll report while it is running.
start_time = time.time()
while True:
  # Get current status of the report
  report = get_request.execute()

  # Print status if report is finished or deadline is exceeded.
  if report["metadata"]["status"]["state"] == "DONE":
    print(f'Report {report["key"]["reportId"]} was successfully generated.')
  elif report["metadata"]["status"]["state"] == "FAILED":
    print(f'Report {report["key"]["reportId"]} finished in error.')
  elif time.time() - start_time > max_retry_elapsed_time:
    print("Report generation deadline exceeded.")

  sleep = next_sleep_interval(sleep)
    f'Report {report["key"]["reportId"]} still running, sleeping for '
    f'{sleep} seconds.')

def next_sleep_interval(previous_sleep_interval):
  """Calculates the next sleep interval based on the previous."""
  min_interval = previous_sleep_interval or min_retry_interval
  max_interval = previous_sleep_interval * 3 or min_retry_interval
  return min(
      max_retry_interval, random.randint(min_interval, max_interval))


// The ID of the parent query.
$queryId = query-id;

// The ID of the running report.
$reportId = report-id;

// Minimum amount of time between polling requests. Defaults to 5 seconds.
$minRetryInterval = 5;
// Maximum amount of time between polling requests. Defaults to 5 minutes.
$maxRetryInterval = 300;
// Maximum amount of time to spend polling. Defaults to 5 hours.
$maxRetryElapsedTime = 18000;

$sleepInterval = 0;
$startTime = time();

// Get initial report object.
$report = $this->service->queries_reports->get($queryId, $reportId);

// Regularly poll report status using exponential backoff.
while (
    $report->getMetadata()->getStatus()->getState() !== "DONE"
    && $report->getMetadata()->getStatus()->getState() !== "FAILED"
) {

    // If the operation has exceeded the set deadline, throw an exception.
    if (time() - $startTime > $maxRetryElapsedTime) {
        printf('SDF download task processing deadline exceeded\n');

    // Generate the next sleep interval using exponential backoff logic.
    $sleepInterval = min(
            max($minRetryInterval, $sleepInterval),
            max($minRetryInterval, $sleepInterval * 3)

    // Sleep before retrieving the report again.
        'Report is %d still running, sleeping for %d seconds<br>',

    // Retrieve the report.
    $report = $this->service->queries_reports->get($queryId, $reportId);

// Print the result of the report generation.
if($report->getMetadata()->getStatus()->getState() == "DONE") {
    printf('Report %d was successfully generated.<br>', $reportId);
} else if($report->getMetadata()->getStatus()->getState() == "FAILED") {
    printf('Report %d finished in error.<br>', $reportId);
} else {
    print('Report generation deadline exceeded.<br>');