Google Merchant Center Price Competitiveness table schema

Price competitiveness table schema

Price competitiveness data in BigQuery helps merchants understand how other merchants are pricing the same product. When your Google Merchant Center reporting data is transferred to BigQuery, the format of the PriceCompetitiveness_ table provides a daily price benchmark per country and per product. The price competitiveness table also contains several other attributes of the product to help you to understand the competitiveness of your pricing within a category or brand for example.

The data is written to a table named PriceCompetitiveness_MERCHANT_ID if you are using an individual Merchant ID, or PriceCompetitiveness_AGGREGATOR_ID if you're using an MCA account.

The PriceCompetitiveness_ table has the following schema:

Column BigQuery data type Description Sample Value
aggregator_id INTEGER Multi Client Account (MCA) ID if the merchant is part of an MCA. Null otherwise.
merchant_id INTEGER Google Merchant Center account ID.
id STRING Content API REST ID of the product in the form: channel:content_language:feed_label:offer_id, similar to the way it's defined in the products table schema.
title STRING Title of the product.
brand STRING Brand of the product.
offer_id STRING Merchant provided offer ID for this product.
benchmark_price RECORD Average click-weighted price for a given product across all merchants who advertise that same product on Shopping ads. Products are matched based on their GTIN. For more details, see Help Center article about the price competitiveness report. $1 is represented as:
amount_micros: 1000000
currency: USD
price RECORD Price of this product. $1 is represented as:
amount_micros: 1000000
currency: USD
report_country_code STRING Country code where the user performed the query on Google. CH, US
product_type_l1 STRING Product type of the product.
product_type_l2 STRING Product type of the product.
product_type_l3 STRING Product type of the product.
product_type_l4 STRING Product type of the product.
product_type_l5 STRING Product type of the product.
category_l1 STRING Google Product Category of the product.
category_l2 STRING Google Product Category of the product.
category_l3 STRING Google Product Category of the product.
category_l4 STRING Google Product Category of the product.
category_l5 STRING Google Product Category of the product.