blockly > ContextMenuItems

ContextMenuItems namespace


Function Description
registerCleanup() Option to clean up blocks.
registerCollapse() Option to collapse all blocks.
registerCollapseExpandBlock() Option to collapse or expand a block.
registerComment() Option to add or remove block-level comment.
registerCommentCreate() Registers an option for adding a workspace comment to the workspace.
registerCommentDelete() Registers an option for deleting a workspace comment.
registerCommentDuplicate() Registers an option for duplicating a workspace comment.
registerCommentOptions() Registers all workspace comment related menu items.
registerDelete() Option to delete a block.
registerDeleteAll() Option to delete all blocks.
registerDisable() Option to disable or enable a block.
registerDuplicate() Option to duplicate a block.
registerExpand() Option to expand all blocks.
registerHelp() Option to open help for a block.
registerInline() Option to inline variables.
registerRedo() Option to redo previous action.
registerUndo() Option to undo previous action.