Survei Riset: Ceritakan pengalaman Anda dengan Blockly
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blockly > MenuGeneratorFunction
Fungsi yang menghasilkan array opsi menu untuk FieldDropdown atau turunannya.
Tanda Tangan:
export type MenuGeneratorFunction = (this: FieldDropdown) => MenuOption[];
Referensi: FieldDropdown, MenuOption
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Terakhir diperbarui pada 2024-11-30 UTC.
[null,null,["Terakhir diperbarui pada 2024-11-30 UTC."],[[["`MenuGeneratorFunction` is a type representing a function that creates menu options for dropdown fields in Blockly."],["This function is used by `FieldDropdown` and similar components to dynamically populate their dropdown menus."],["The function takes a `FieldDropdown` instance as its context (`this`) and returns an array of `MenuOption` objects."],["Each `MenuOption` object defines a single entry in the dropdown menu, including its display text and value."]]],[]]