blockly > registry

registry namespace


Class Description
Type A name with the type of the element stored in the generic.


Function Description
getAllItems(type, opt_cased, opt_throwIfMissing) Returns a map of items registered with the given type.
getClass(type, name, opt_throwIfMissing) Gets the class for the given name and type.
getClassFromOptions(type, options, opt_throwIfMissing) Gets the class from Blockly options for the given type. This is used for plugins that override a built in feature. (e.g. Toolbox)
getObject(type, name, opt_throwIfMissing) Gets the object for the given name and type.
hasItem(type, name) Returns whether or not the registry contains an item with the given type and name.
register(type, name, registryItem, opt_allowOverrides) Registers a class based on a type and name.
unregister(type, name) Unregisters the registry item with the given type and name.


Variable Description
DEFAULT The string used to register the default class for a type of plugin.