Resource: Message
A message in a conversation between an agent and a user.
JSON representation |
{ "name": string, "messageId": string, "representative": { object ( |
Fields | |
name |
The name of the message, as set by Business Messages. Resolves to "conversations/{conversationId}/messages/{messageId}", where {conversationId} is the unique ID for the conversation and {messageId} is the unique ID for the message. |
message |
Required. The unique identifier of the message, assigned by the agent. If a message attempts to use the same |
representative |
Details about the representative (human or chatbot) that sent the message. |
suggestions[] |
A list of suggested replies that appear as a list of suggestion chips following the associated message. Maximum 13 suggestions. The chips only display when the associated message is the most recent message within the conversation (including both agent and user messages). The user can tap a suggested reply to send the text reply to the agent. |
fallback |
Optional. Fallback text that displays if the user's device doesn't support the message type or content. Maximum 3,072 characters. |
containsRichText |
Optional. If |
Union field content . The content of a message. content can be only one of the following: |
text |
Text message. Maximum 3,072 characters. |
image |
Image message. |
richCard |
Rich Card message. |
An image.
JSON representation |
{ // Union field |
Fields | |
Union field content . Image content. content can be only one of the following: |
contentInfo |
Information about an image, including the URL of the image and the URL of the image's thumbnail. |
Message containing the content information.
JSON representation |
{ "fileUrl": string, "thumbnailUrl": string, "forceRefresh": boolean, "altText": string } |
Fields | |
fileUrl |
Publicly reachable URL of the file. The platform determines the MIME type of the file from the content-type field in the HTTP headers when the platform fetches the file. The content-type field must be present and accurate in the HTTP response from the URL. Maximum 5 MB. Supported content types: image/jpeg, image/jpg, image/png, image/webp |
thumbnailUrl |
Optional. Publicly reachable URL of the thumbnail. If you don't provide a thumbnail URL, the platform displays a blank placeholder thumbnail until the user's device downloads the file. Maximum 25 KB. Supported content types: image/jpeg, image/jpg, image/png, image/webp |
forceRefresh |
If set, the platform fetches the file and thumbnail from the specified URLs, even if the platform has cached copies of the file (and/or of the thumbnail). |
altText |
Text describing the details about the media for accessibility purposes. |
A standalone rich card or a carousel of rich cards sent from the agent to the user.
JSON representation |
{ // Union field |
Fields | |
Union field card . Possible types of rich cards. card can be only one of the following: |
standaloneCard |
Standalone card. |
carouselCard |
Carousel of cards. |
Standalone card.
JSON representation |
"cardContent": {
object ( |
Fields | |
cardContent |
Card content. |
Card content.
JSON representation |
{ "title": string, "description": string, "media": { object ( |
Fields | |
title |
Optional. Title of the card. Maximum 200 characters. |
description |
Optional. Description of the card. Maximum 2,000 characters. |
media |
Optional. Media to include in the card. |
suggestions[] |
Optional. List of suggestions to include in the card. Maximum 4 suggestions. |
A media file within a rich card.
JSON representation |
{ "height": enum ( |
Fields | |
height |
The height of the media within a rich card. |
Union field content . Media content. content can be only one of the following: |
contentInfo |
Information about a file, including the URL of the file and the URL of the file's thumbnail. |
Media height
Enums | |
Not specified. |
112 DP. |
168 DP. |
264 DP. Not available for rich card carousels when the card width is set to SMALL . |
A suggestion within a chip list.
JSON representation |
{ // Union field |
Fields | |
Union field option . A suggested reply. option can be only one of the following: |
reply |
A suggestion for the user to reply with specified text. |
action |
A suggested action that initiates a native action on the device. |
liveAgentRequest |
A request to have a live agent join the conversation. |
authenticationRequest |
A request to start authentication flow. |
When tapped, sends the text reply back to the agent.
JSON representation |
{ "text": string, "postbackData": string } |
Fields | |
text |
Text that is shown in the suggested reply and sent to the agent when the user taps it. Maximum 25 characters. |
postbackData |
The string that the agent receives when a user taps the suggested reply. Maximum 2,048 characters. |
When tapped, initiates the corresponding native action on the device.
JSON representation |
{ "text": string, "postbackData": string, // Union field |
Fields | |
text |
Text that is shown in the suggested action. Maximum 25 characters. |
postbackData |
The string that the agent receives when a user taps the suggested action. Maximum 2,048 characters. |
Union field action . The native action initiated on the device when the user taps the suggested action. action can be only one of the following: |
openUrlAction |
Opens the specified URL. |
dialAction |
Opens the user's default dialer app. |
Opens the specified URL.
JSON representation |
{ "url": string } |
Fields | |
url |
Opens the user's default dialer app with the specified phone number filled in.
JSON representation |
{ "phoneNumber": string } |
Fields | |
phoneNumber |
Required. The specified phone number, in RFC 3966 format. For example, "+1-201-555-0123". |
This type has no fields.
When tapped, sends a request for a live agent to join the conversation.
Request to authenticate a conversation.
JSON representation |
{ // Union field |
Fields | |
Union field authentication_type . The authentication type. authentication_type can be only one of the following: |
oauth |
Details for authentication via OAuth. |
Details for authentication via OAuth.
JSON representation |
{ "clientId": string, "codeChallenge": string, "scopes": [ string ], "codeChallengeMethod": string } |
Fields | |
clientId |
Required. The ID of the application that asks for authorization. |
codeChallenge |
Required. The code challenge used to exchange access tokens. |
scopes[] |
Required. An array that specifies the scopes of the request. |
codeChallengeMethod |
Optional. The code challenge method used to generate the code challenge. If this parameter is omitted, the server assumes |
Carousel of cards.
JSON representation |
{ "cardWidth": enum ( |
Fields | |
cardWidth |
The width of the cards in the carousel. |
cardContents[] |
The list of contents for each card in the carousel. A carousel can have a minimum of 2 cards and a maximum 10 cards. |
The width of the cards in the carousel.
Enums | |
Not specified |
136 DP. Can't include tall media. |
280 DP. |
Methods |
Sends a message from an agent to a user. |
Sends a receipt for a message from an agent to a user. |