Android for Cars provides templates that let you create a variety of app experiences to aid driver journeys, from finding parking and charging options to communicating with home devices while on the road.

The Android for Cars App Library includes driving-optimized templates (some with maps, drawn by the app library), as well as templates with parked variants or a parked-only focus. By combining these templates in task flows, you can design experiences that work for both Android Auto and AAOS in a wide range of in-vehicle scenarios.
Currently, approved app categories for the Android for Cars App Library (other than the navigation category, discussed in Navigation apps) include point-of-interest (such as parking and charging) and IoT.
Get started
To learn how to design apps with the templates in the Android for Cars App Library, see Build apps with templates.
Relevant templates include:
- Grid template
- List template
- Long Message template
- Message template
- Pane template
- Place List (map) template
- Search template
- Sign-In template
- Tab template
To see how the templates can be assembled into a range of in-vehicle app experiences, check out the following sample flows:
- Communicate with voice
- Grant permissions over car screen
- Grant permissions on phone
- Refresh with button
- Respond to timed alert
- Search using past results
- Sign in while parked
- View more list text when parked
UX requirements
Apps need to meet the global requirements for templated apps, as well as the requirements for their app category and for the specific templates used in the task flows.