Debugging Cast Receiver Apps

Debugging Cast Receiver Apps

About this codelab

subjectLast updated Sep 18, 2024
account_circleWritten by a Googler

1. Overview

Google Cast logo

This codelab will teach you how to add the Cast Debug Logger to your existing Custom Web Receiver app.

What is Google Cast?

The Google Cast SDK allows your app to play content and control playback on Google Cast-enabled devices. It provides you with the necessary UI components based on the Google Cast Design Checklist.

The Google Cast Design Checklist is provided to make the Cast user experience simple and predictable across all supported platforms.

What are we going to be building?

When you have completed this codelab, you will have a Custom Web Receiver integrated with the Cast Debug Logger.

See the Cast Debug Logger guide for details and more information.

What you'll learn

  • How to set up your environment for Web Receiver development.
  • How to integrate the Debug Logger into your Cast Receiver.

What you'll need


  • You should have previous Cast experience and understand how a Cast Web Receiver works.
  • You will need to have previous web development knowledge.
  • You will also need previous knowledge of watching TV :)

How will you use this tutorial?

How would you rate your experience with building web apps?

How would you rate your experience with watching TV?

2. Get the sample code

You can download all the sample code to your computer...

and unpack the downloaded zip file.

3. Deploying your receiver locally

To be able to use your web receiver with a Cast device, it needs to be hosted somewhere where your Cast device can reach it. Should you already have a server available to you that supports https, skip the following instructions and make note of the URL, as you'll need it in the next section.

If you don't have a server available to use, you can use Firebase Hosting or ngrok.

Run the server

Once you have the service of your choice set up, navigate to app-start and start your server.

Make note of the URL for your hosted receiver. You will be using it in the next section.

4. Register an application in the Cast Developer Console

You must register your application to be able to run a custom Web Receiver, as built in this codelab, on Chromecast devices. After you've registered your application, you'll receive an application ID that your sender application must use to perform API calls, such as to launch a receiver application.

Image of the Cast Developer Console with the 'Add New Application' button highlighted

Click "Add new application"

Image of the 'New Receiver Application' screen with the 'Custom Receiver' option highlighted

Select "Custom Receiver", this is what we're building.

Image of the 'Receiver Application URL' field on the 'New Custom Receiver' dialog being filled out

Enter the details of your new receiver, be sure to use the URL from the last section. Make a note of the Application ID assigned to your brand new receiver.

You must also register your Google Cast device so that it may access your receiver application before you publish it. Once you publish your receiver application, it will be available to all Google Cast devices. For the purpose of this codelab it's advised to work with an unpublished receiver application.

Image of the Google Cast SDK Developer Console with the 'Add New Device' button highlighted

Click on "Add new Device"

Image of the 'Add Cast Receiver Device' dialog

Enter the serial number printed on the back of your Cast device and give it a descriptive name. You can also find your serial number by casting your screen in Chrome when accessing Google Cast SDK Developer Console

It will take 5-15 minutes for your receiver and device to be ready for testing. After waiting 5-15 minutes you must reboot your Cast device.

5. Run the sample app

Google Chrome logo

While we wait for our new Web Receiver to be ready for testing, let's see what a sample completed Web Receiver app looks like. The receiver we're going to build will be capable of playing back media using adaptive bitrate streaming.

  1. In your browser, open the Command and Control (CaC) Tool.

Image of the 'Cast Connect & Logger Controls' tab of the Command and Control (CaC) Tool

  1. Use the default CC1AD845 receiver ID and click the SET APP ID button.
  2. Click the Cast button at the top left and select your Google Cast-enabled device.

Image of the 'Cast Connect & Logger Controls' tab of the Command and Control (CaC) Tool indicating it's connected to a Receiver App

  1. Navigate to the LOAD MEDIA tab at the top.

Image of the 'Load Media' tab of the Command and Control (CaC) Tool

  1. Change the request type radio button to LOAD.
  2. Click the SEND REQUEST button to play a sample video.
  3. The video will start playing on your Google Cast-enabled device to show what basic receiver functionality looks like using the Default Receiver.

6. Prepare the start project

We need to add support for Google Cast to the start app you downloaded. Here are some Google Cast terminology that we will be using in this codelab:

  • a sender app runs on a mobile device or laptop,
  • a receiver app runs on the Google Cast or Android TV device.

Now you're ready to build on top of the starter project using your favorite text editor:

  1. Select the folder iconapp-start directory from your sample code download.
  2. Open up js/receiver.js and index.html

Note, as you're working through this codelab, http-server should be picking up changes you make. If it doesn't, try stopping and restarting http-server.

App Design

The receiver app initializes the Cast session and will standby until a LOAD request (such as the command to playback a piece of media) from a sender arrives.

The app consists of one main view, defined in index.html and one JavaScript file called js/receiver.js containing all the logic to make our receiver work.


This html file contains all of the UI for our receiver app.


This script manages all of the logic for our receiver app.

Frequently Asked Questions

7. Integrate with CastDebugLogger API

Cast Receiver SDK provides another option for developers to easily debug your receiver app by using the CastDebugLogger API.

See the Cast Debug Logger guide for details and more information.


Include the following script in the <head> tag your receiver app right after the Web Receiver SDK script, in index.html:

  <script src="//"></script>
  <!-- Cast Debug Logger -->
  <script src="//"></script>

In js/receiver.js at the top of the file and below the playerManager, get the CastDebugLogger instance and enable the logger in a READY event listener:

const context = cast.framework.CastReceiverContext.getInstance();
const playerManager = context.getPlayerManager();

// Debug Logger
const castDebugLogger = cast.debug.CastDebugLogger.getInstance();
const LOG_TAG = 'MyAPP.LOG';

// Enable debug logger and show a 'DEBUG MODE' overlay at top left corner.
context.addEventListener(cast.framework.system.EventType.READY, () => {
  if (!castDebugLogger.debugOverlayElement_) {

When the debug logger is enabled, an overlay of DEBUG MODE is displayed on the receiver.

Image of a video playing with a 'DEBUG MODE' message appearing on a red background in the upper left corner of the frame

Log Player Events

Using CastDebugLogger you can easily log player events that are fired by the Cast Web Receiver SDK and use different logger levels to log the event data. The loggerLevelByEvents config takes and to specify the events to be logged.

Add the following below the READY event listener to log when the player CORE events are triggered or a mediaStatus change is broadcasted:


// Set verbosity level for Core events.
.loggerLevelByEvents = {
'': cast.framework.LoggerLevel.INFO,
'': cast.framework.LoggerLevel.DEBUG

Log Messages and Custom Tags

The CastDebugLogger API allows you to create log messages that appear on the receiver debug overlay with different colors. Use the following log methods, listed in order from highest to lowest priority:

  • castDebugLogger.error(custom_tag, message);
  • castDebugLogger.warn(custom_tag, message);
  •, message);
  • castDebugLogger.debug(custom_tag, message);

For each log method, the first parameter should be a custom tag and the second parameter is the log message. The tag can be any string that you find helpful.

To show logs in action, add logs to your LOAD interceptor.

      loadRequestData => {
    // Listed in order from highest to lowest priority.
    castDebugLogger.error(LOG_TAG, 'Test error log');

    castDebugLogger.warn(LOG_TAG, 'Test warn log');, 'Intercepting LOAD request', loadRequestData);

    castDebugLogger.debug(LOG_TAG, 'Test debug log');

    return loadRequestData;

You can control which messages appear on the debug overlay by setting the log level in loggerLevelByTags for each custom tag. For example, enabling a custom tag with log level cast.framework.LoggerLevel.DEBUG would display all messages added with error, warn, info, and debug log messages. Another example is that enabling a custom tag with WARNING level would only display error and warn log messages.

The loggerLevelByTags config is optional. If a custom tag is not configured for its logger level, all log messages will display on the debug overlay.

Add the following below the loggerLevelByEvents call:


// Set verbosity level for custom tags.
castDebugLogger.loggerLevelByTags = {
    LOG_TAG: cast.framework.LoggerLevel.DEBUG, // display all levels


8. Using the Debug Overlay

The Cast Debug Logger provides a debug overlay on the receiver to show your custom log messages. Use showDebugLogs to toggle the debug overlay and clearDebugLogs to clear log messages on the overlay.

Add the following to the READY event listener to preview the debug overlay on your receiver:

// Enable debug logger and show a 'DEBUG MODE' overlay at top left corner.
context.addEventListener(cast.framework.system.EventType.READY, () => {
  if (!castDebugLogger.debugOverlayElement_) {

      // Show debug overlay.

      // Clear log messages on debug overlay.

Image showing the debug overlay, a list of debug log messages on a translucent background on top of a video frame

9. Using the Command and Control (CaC) Tool


The Command and Control (CaC) Tool captures your logs and controls the debug overlay.

There are two ways to connect your receiver to the CaC Tool:

Start a new Cast connection:

  1. Open the CaC Tool, set the receiver App ID, and click on the Cast button to cast to the receiver.
  2. Cast a separate sender app to the same device with the same receiver App ID.
  3. Load media from the sender app and log messages will show on the tool.

Join an existing Cast session:

  1. Get the running Cast session id using receiver SDK or sender SDK. From the receiver side, enter the following to get session id in the Chrome Remote Debugger console:

Or you can get the session id from a connected web sender, use the following method:


Image of the 'Cast Connect & Logger Controls' tab of the Command and Control (CaC) Tool to resume the session

  1. Input the session id on the CaC Tool and click the RESUME button.
  2. The Cast button should be connected and start showing log messages on the tool.

Things to Try

Next we will use the CaC Tool to see logs on your sample receiver.

  1. Open the CaC Tool.

Image of the 'Cast Connect & Logger Controls' tab of the Command and Control (CaC) Tool

  1. Enter the receiver App ID of your sample app and click the SET APP ID button.
  2. Click the Cast button at the top left and select your Google Cast-enabled device to open your receiver.

Image of the 'Cast Connect & Logger Controls' tab of the Command and Control (CaC) Tool indicating it's connected to a Receiver App

  1. Navigate to the LOAD MEDIA tab at the top.

Image of the 'Load Media' tab of the Command and Control (CaC) Tool

  1. Change the request type radio button to LOAD.
  2. Click the SEND REQUEST button to play a sample video.

Image of the 'Cast Connect & Logger Controls' tab of the Command and Control (CaC) Tool with log messages filling the bottom pane

  1. A sample video should now be playing on your device. You should start seeing your logs from the previous steps start to display in the "Log Messages" tab at the bottom of the tool.

Try exploring the following features to investigate logs and control the receiver:

  • Click the MEDIA INFO or MEDIA STATUS tab to see the media information and media status.
  • Click the SHOW OVERLAY button to see a debug overlay on receiver.
  • Use the CLEAR CACHE AND STOP button to reload the receiver app and cast again.

10. Congratulations

You now know how to add the Cast Debug Logger to your Cast-enabled Web Receiver app using the latest Cast Receiver SDK.

For more details, see the Cast Debug Logger and Command and Control (CaC) Tool developer guides.