Protocolo <GCKDeviceManagerDelegate>
O protocolo de delegação GCKDeviceManager.
A menos que indicado de outra forma, o autor da chamada não pode liberar o objeto GCKDeviceManager delegado dentro de um método delegado.
Herda <NSObjectNSObject>.
Chamado quando uma conexão foi estabelecida com o dispositivo.
- Parameters
deviceManager | The device manager. |
- (void) deviceManager: |
(GCKDeviceManager *) |
deviceManager |
didFailToConnectWithError: |
(NSError *) |
error |
| |
optional |
Chamado quando a conexão com o dispositivo falha.
É seguro liberar o objeto GCKDeviceManager desse callback.
- Parameters
deviceManager | The device manager. |
error | The error that caused the connection to fail. |
- (void) deviceManager: |
(GCKDeviceManager *) |
deviceManager |
didDisconnectWithError: |
(NSError *__nullable) |
error |
| |
optional |
Chamado quando a conexão com o dispositivo foi encerrada.
É seguro liberar o objeto GCKDeviceManager desse callback.
- Parameters
deviceManager | The device manager. |
error | The error that caused the disconnection; nil if there was no error (for example, an intentional disconnect). |
Chamado quando a conexão com o dispositivo foi suspensa, possivelmente temporariamente.
Quando uma conexão é suspensa, o gerente do dispositivo tenta restabelecer automaticamente a conexão no momento apropriado. O aplicativo de chamada não deve tentar forçar a reconexão.
- Parameters
deviceManager | The device manager. |
reason | The reason for the suspension. |
- (void) deviceManagerDidResumeConnection: |
(GCKDeviceManager *) |
deviceManager |
rejoinedApplication: |
(BOOL) |
rejoinedApplication |
| |
optional |
Chamado quando uma conexão de dispositivo anteriormente suspensa foi restabelecida.
- Parameters
deviceManager | The device manager. |
rejoinedApplication | If a connection had been established to a receiver application at the time of the suspension, this flag indicates whether that application has been successfully re-joined. This value would be NO if, for example, the application was terminated during the time that the device manager was attempting to re-establish its connection to the device. |
- (void) deviceManager: |
(GCKDeviceManager *) |
deviceManager |
didConnectToCastApplication: |
(GCKApplicationMetadata *) |
applicationMetadata |
sessionID: |
(NSString *) |
sessionID |
launchedApplication: |
(BOOL) |
launchedApplication |
| |
optional |
Chamado quando um aplicativo é iniciado ou aceito.
- Parameters
deviceManager | The device manager. |
applicationMetadata | Metadata about the application. |
sessionID | The current application session ID that is active on the receiver. |
launchedApplication | YES if the application was launched as part of the connection, or NO if the application was already running and was joined. |
- (void) deviceManager: |
(GCKDeviceManager *) |
deviceManager |
didFailToConnectToApplicationWithError: |
(NSError *) |
error |
| |
optional |
Chamado ao se conectar a um aplicativo.
- Parameters
deviceManager | The device manager. |
error | The error that caused the failure. |
- (void) deviceManager: |
(GCKDeviceManager *) |
deviceManager |
didDisconnectFromApplicationWithError: |
(NSError *__nullable) |
error |
| |
optional |
Chamado quando desconectado do aplicativo atual.
- Parameters
deviceManager | The device manager. |
error | The error that caused the disconnect, or nil if this was a normal disconnect. |
Chamado quando uma solicitação de interrupção do aplicativo é concluída com êxito.
- Parameters
deviceManager | The device manager. |
- (void) deviceManager: |
(GCKDeviceManager *) |
deviceManager |
didFailToStopApplicationWithError: |
(NSError *) |
error |
| |
optional |
Chamado quando uma solicitação de interrupção do aplicativo falha.
- Parameters
deviceManager | The device manager. |
error | The error that caused the failure. |
Chamado sempre que os metadados do aplicativo em execução são alterados.
- Parameters
deviceManager | The device manager. |
metadata | The application metadata. May be nil if no application is currently running. |
- (void) deviceManager: |
(GCKDeviceManager *) |
deviceManager |
didReceiveApplicationStatusText: |
(NSString *__nullable) |
applicationStatusText |
| |
optional |
Chamado sempre que o texto de status do aplicativo em execução é alterado.
- Parameters
deviceManager | The device manager. |
applicationStatusText | The application status text. May be nil if no application is currently running or if the application did not report any status text. |
- (void) deviceManager: |
(GCKDeviceManager *) |
deviceManager |
volumeDidChangeToLevel: |
(float) |
volumeLevel |
isMuted: |
(BOOL) |
isMuted |
| |
optional |
Chamado sempre que o volume muda.
- Parameters
deviceManager | The device manager. |
volumeLevel | The current device volume level. |
isMuted | The current device mute state. |
Chamado sempre que o status de entrada ativo é alterado.
- Parameters
deviceManager | The device manager. |
activeInputStatus | The active input status. |
Chamado sempre que o status de espera muda.
- Parameters
deviceManager | The device manager. |
standbyStatus | The standby status. |
- (void) deviceManager: |
(GCKDeviceManager *) |
deviceManager |
request: |
(NSInteger) |
requestID |
didFailWithError: |
(NSError *) |
error |
| |
optional |
Chamado quando uma operação assíncrona falha.
- Parameters
deviceManager | The device manager. |
requestID | The ID of the request that failed. |
error | The error. |
Chamado quando uma conexão com o modo visitante é estabelecida com o dispositivo.
- Parameters
deviceManager | The device manager. |
guestModeDevice | The device object for the concrete guest mode device. |
Exceto em caso de indicação contrária, o conteúdo desta página é licenciado de acordo com a Licença de atribuição 4.0 do Creative Commons, e as amostras de código são licenciadas de acordo com a Licença Apache 2.0. Para mais detalhes, consulte as políticas do site do Google Developers. Java é uma marca registrada da Oracle e/ou afiliadas.
Última atualização 2022-12-06 UTC.
[null,null,["Última atualização 2022-12-06 UTC."],[[["The `GCKDeviceManagerDelegate` protocol defines methods that inform your app about the status of Cast devices and Cast sessions."],["These methods provide notifications for connections, disconnections, application launches, volume changes, and errors."],["Your app should implement this protocol to handle Cast-related events."],["The delegate methods are called on the main thread."],["It is important to note that unless specified, the `GCKDeviceManager` object should not be released from within a delegate method."]]],["The `GCKDeviceManagerDelegate` protocol manages interactions with Cast devices. Key actions include handling device connections (successful or failed), disconnections, and suspensions. It manages application connections, launches, failures, and disconnections. It also reports changes in application metadata, status text, volume, active input, and standby status. Additionally, it notifies when application stop requests succeed or fail, when an asynchronous operation fails and when a guest mode connection is established. The delegating object should not be released from within most delegate methods.\n"]]