Query Language Reference (Version 0.7)

The Google Visualization API Query Language lets you perform various data manipulations with the query to the data source.

Table of Contents


Typically, visualizations expect data in some specific form. For example, a pie chart may expect data as two columns: a text label and a numeric value. The data within the data source may not exactly match this structure. For example the data source may have more than two columns, or the order of the columns may not match the order expected by the pie chart.

The query language provides the ability to send data manipulation and formatting requests to the data source, and ensure that the returned data structure and contents match the expected structure.

The syntax of the query language is similar to SQL. Developers familiar with SQL should be able to quickly learn and use this query language. There are many SQL tutorials available on the Web. There are some differences between this query language and SQL which are described in the syntax section.

Note that data sources are not required to implement the query language, or if they do, to implement all features of the language. Unless you have reason to believe otherwise, you should not depend on a data source to implement all features of this language.

Using the Query Language

You can attach a query string to a data source request in two ways: by setting the query string from within JavaScript code, or by setting the query string as a parameter in the data source URL. If your request does not include a query string, the default behavior for a data source is to return all rows and columns using its default row/column order and formatting. You can change that by including a query string in your request to a data source.

Setting the Query from JavaScript

To set the query string from within JavaScript code, call the setQuery method of the google.visualization.Query class.

var query = new google.visualization.Query(DATA_SOURCE_URL);
query.setQuery('select dept, sum(salary) group by dept');

Setting the Query in the Data Source URL

The query string can be added to the data source URL using the tq parameter. Setting the query in the URL parameter instead of in JavaScript allows you to easily use visualizations written by other developers, and still be able to customize the query.

The query string must be properly encoded as a URL parameter. You can encode a URL using the JavaScript encodeURIComponent function, or you can encode it by hand, using the encoding tool at the end of this section.


Consider the following query string for a Google Spreadsheet. (Note that column IDs in spreadsheets are always letters; the column heading text shown in the published spreadsheet are labels, not IDs. You must use the ID, not the label, in your query string.)

select A, sum(B) group by A

When encoded, this query becomes:


Assume that this is the URL of your spreadsheet:


Add /gviz/tq?tq=YOUR_QUERY_STRING to the spreadsheet URL to get your final query string:


Use the tool below to encode or decode a query string:

Note: Accessing private spreadsheet data requires passing explicit authorization credentials using OAuth. See the Google Spreadsheets: Authorization section for more details.

Language Syntax


The Google Visualization API Query Language syntax is designed to be similar to SQL syntax. However, it is a subset of SQL, with a few features of its own that you'll need to learn. If you're familiar with SQL, it shouldn't be too hard to learn.

Data Tables

This document uses the term data table to refer to the result set of a query. A data table is composed of rows and columns. Each column in a data table has the following properties:

  • Identifier (or column ID). Used to reference columns within the query. Note that you should never try to reference a column by label in a query, only by identifier. Tip: Try not to use any IDs that include spaces; spaces are hard to manage and can cause you to make small, but hard to find mistakes, in your coding. Additionally, an ID that includes spaces must be surrounded by back-quotes.
  • Label. A string that is typically displayed to end users. For example as a legend within a pie chart, or a column header in a table.
  • Data type. Supported data types are string, number, boolean, date, datetime and timeofday. All values of a column will have a data type that matches the column type, or a null value. These types are similar, but not identical, to the JavaScript types. described in the Literals section of this page.
  • Formatting pattern. The data source can define formatting patterns for some or all of its columns. You can override this pattern by including a format clause.

Table used in all examples:

Throughout this section, all examples of queries refer to the following table. The column headers are the column identifiers.

2005-03-1935true2007-12-02 15:56:00
2002-10-1032true2005-03-09 12:30:00
2005-01-1024true2007-12-30 14:40:00

Language Clauses

The syntax of the query language is composed of the following clauses. Each clause starts with one or two keywords. All clauses are optional. Clauses are separated by spaces. The order of the clauses must be as follows:

Clause Usage
select Selects which columns to return, and in what order. If omitted, all of the table's columns are returned, in their default order.
where Returns only rows that match a condition. If omitted, all rows are returned.
group by Aggregates values across rows.
pivot Transforms distinct values in columns into new columns.
order by Sorts rows by values in columns.
limit Limits the number of returned rows.
offset Skips a given number of first rows.
label Sets column labels.
format Formats the values in certain columns using given formatting patterns.
options Sets additional options.
from The from clause has been eliminated from the language.



The select clause is used to specify the columns to return and their order. If this clause is not specified, or if select * is used, all of the columns of the data source table are returned, in their original order. Columns are referenced by the identifiers (not by labels). For example, in a Google Spreadsheet, column identifiers are the one or two character column letter (A, B, C, ...).

Items in a select clause can be column identifiers, or the output of aggregation functions, scalar functions, or operators.


select *
select dept, salary
select max(salary)

In the following example, back-quotes are used to reference column ids that contain spaces (email address) or that are reserved words (date):

select `email address`, name, `date`

Running the following query on the example table:

select lunchTime, name

Returns the following response:

lunchTime name


The where clause is used to return only rows that match a specified condition.

The simple comparison operators are <=, <, >, >=, =, !=, <>. Both comparison operators != <> mean not-equal. Strings are compared by lexicographic value. Note that equality is indicated by =, not == as in most computer languages. Comparing to null is done using is null or is not null.

You can join multiple conditions using the logical operators and, or, and not. Parentheses can be used to define explicit precedence.

The where clause also supports some more complex string comparison operators. These operators take two strings as arguments; any non-string arguments (for example, dates or numbers) will be converted to strings before comparison. String matching is case sensitive (you can use upper() or lower() scalar functions to work around that).

  • contains - A substring match. whole contains part is true if part is anywhere within whole. Example: where name contains 'John' matches 'John', 'John Adams', 'Long John Silver' but not 'john adams'.
  • starts with - A prefix match. value starts with prefix is true if prefix is at the beginning of value. Examples: where dept starts with 'engineering' matches 'engineering' and 'engineering managers'. where dept starts with 'e' matches 'engineering', 'eng', and 'e'.
  • ends with - A suffix match. value ends with suffix is true if suffix is at the end of value. Example: where role ends with 'y' matches 'cowboy', 'boy', and 'y'.
  • matches - A (preg) regular expression match. haystack matches needle is true if the regular expression in needle matches haystack. Examples: where country matches '.*ia' matches India and Nigeria, but not Indiana. Note that this is not a global search, so where country matches 'an' will not match 'Canada'.
  • like - A text search that supports two wildcards: %, which matches zero or more characters of any kind, and _ (underscore), which matches any one character. This is similar to the SQL LIKE operator. Example: where name like fre% matches 'fre', 'fred', and 'freddy'.


where salary >= 600
where dept != 'Eng' and date '2005-01-21' < hireDate
where (dept<>'Eng' and isSenior=true) or (dept='Sales') or seniorityStartTime is null

Running the following query on the example table:

select name where salary > 700

Returns the following response:


Group By

The group by clause is used to aggregate values across rows. A single row is created for each distinct combination of values in the group-by clause. The data is automatically sorted by the grouping columns, unless otherwise specified by an order by clause.

Note: If you use a group by clause, then every column listed in the select clause must either be listed in the group by clause, or be wrapped by an aggregation function.


select dept, max(salary) group by dept

Running the following query on the example table:

select lunchTime, avg(salary), count(age) group by isSenior,lunchTime

Returns the following response:

lunchTime avg-salary count-age
12:00:00 425 2
13:00:00 600 1
12:00:00 700 2
13:00:00 800 1


The pivot clause is used to transform distinct values in columns into new columns. For example, a pivot by a column 'year' would produce a table with a column for each distinct year that appears in the original table. This could be useful if, for instance, a line chart visualization draws each column as a separate line. If you want to draw a separate line for each year, and 'year' is one of the columns of the original table, then a good option would be to use a pivot operation to do the necessary data transformation.

Note: If you use a pivot clause, then every column listed in the select clause must either be listed in the group by clause, or be wrapped by an aggregation function

Since multiple rows may contain the same values for the pivot columns, pivot implies aggregation. Note that when using pivot without using group by, the result table will contain exactly one row. For instance, running the following query on the example table:

select sum(salary) pivot dept

Returns the following response:

Eng sum-salary Marketing sum-salary Sales sum-salary
2100 800 750

This is because 2100 is the sum of the salaries for the Eng department, 800 for the Marketing department, etc.

Using pivot together with group by can be even more useful, since it creates a table where each cell contains the result of the aggregation for the relevant row and the relevant column. For example, running the following query on the example table:

select dept, sum(salary)
  group by dept
  pivot lunchTime

Returns the following response:

dept 12:00:00 sum-salary 13:00:00 sum-salary
Eng 1500 600
Marketing null 800
Sales 750 null

You can also "invert" this table, switching columns and rows, by switching between the pivot columns and the group by columns. Running the following query on the example table:

select lunchTime, sum(salary)
  group by lunchTime
  pivot dept

Returns the following response:

lunchTime Eng sum-salary Marketing sum-salary Sales sum-salary
12:00:00 1500 null 750
13:00:00 600 800 null

You can also use more than one column in the pivot clause. In such a case the columns of the response table are composed of all the unique combinations of values in the columns that exist in the original table. For instance, running the following query on the example table:

select sum(salary)
  pivot dept, lunchTime

Returns the following response:

Eng,12:00:00 sum-salary Eng,13:00:00 sum-salary Marketing,13:00:00 sum-salary Sales,12:00:00 sum-salary
1500 600 800 750

Note that only the combinations that appear in the original table are given columns in the response table. This is why there is no column for Marketing,12:00:00 or for Sales,13:00:00.

Using more than one aggregation is also possible. For instance, running the following query on the example table:

select sum(salary), max(lunchTime)
  pivot dept

Returns the following response:

Eng sum-salary Marketing sum-salary Sales sum-salary Eng max-lunchTime Marketing max-lunchTime Sales max-lunchTime
2100 800 750 13:00:00 13:00:00 12:00:00

You can combine multiple aggregations in the select clause, multiple columns in the group by clause and multiple columns in the pivot clause. Internally, aggregation is performed by the concatenation of the columns in the group by and pivot clauses.

Columns specified in the pivot clause may not appear in the select, group by or order by clauses. When pivot is used, the order by clause cannot contain any aggregation columns. The reason for that is that for each aggregation specified in the select clause, many columns are generated in the result table. However, you can format aggregation columns when pivot is used. The result of such a format is that all of the new columns relevant to the specific aggregation, that are generated by the pivot operation, are formatted by the specified pattern. In the example above, adding format sum(salary) "some_format_string" will affect the following columns: Eng sum-salary, Marketing sum-salary and Sales sum-salary.

You can label aggregation columns. If no label is specified in the label clause, the label of a column that is produced as a result of pivoting is composed of the list of values in the pivot columns, the aggregation type (min, max, sum, ...) and the aggregated column's label. For example "Eng,12:00:00 sum Salary". If only one aggregation was specified in the select clause then the aggregation part is removed from the label, and only the list of values in the pivot columns is kept. For example "Eng,12:00:00". When a label clause specifies a label for an aggregation column, then the label requested is appended to the list of values, both when there is only one aggregation in the select clause, and when there is more than one. For example, label sum(salary) "sumsal" will result in the column labels "Eng,12:00:00 sumsal", "Eng,13:00:00 sumsal", etc.

Order By

The order by clause is used to sort the rows by the values in specified columns.

Items in an order by clause can be column identifiers, or the output of aggregation functions, scalar functions, or operators.


order by dept, salary desc
select dept, max(salary) group by dept order by max(salary)


The limit clause is used to limit the number of returned rows.


limit 100


The offset clause is used to skip a given number of first rows. If a limit clause is used, offset is applied first: for example, limit 15 offset 30 returns rows 31 through 45.


offset 10
limit 30 offset 210


The label clause is used to set the label for one or more columns. Note that you cannot use a label value in place of an ID in a query.

Items in a label clause can be column identifiers, or the output of aggregation functions, scalar functions, or operators.


label column_id label_string [,column_id label_string]
The identifier of the column being assigned the label.
The label to assign to that column. Many visualizations use the column label as text to display to the end-user, such as a legend label in a pie chart. Labels are string literals, and follow those syntax rules.


The following example sets the label for the dept column to "Department", the label for the name column to "Employee Name", and the label for the location column to "Employee Location":

label dept 'Department', name "Employee Name", location 'Employee Location'


The format clause is used to specify a formatted value for cells in one or more columns. The returned data should include both an actual value and a formatted value for each cell in a formatted column. Many visualizations use the unformatted value for calculations, but the formatted value for display. The patterns that you specify in this clause are usually returned in the pattern property of the corresponding columns.

Pattern Syntax:

number, date, timeofday, datetime
The date and number patterns defined by the ICU.
Pattern is a string in the format 'value-if-true:value-if-false'.


format salary '#,##0.00', hireDate 'dd-MMM-yyyy', isSenior 'Yes!:Not yet'



The options clause is used to control additional options for query execution. Possible keywords that can follow the options clause are:

  • no_format Removes formatted values from the result, and leaves only the underlying values. Can be used when the specific visualization does not use the formatted values to reduce the size of the response.
  • no_values Removes underlying values from the result, and leaves only the formatted values. Can be used when the specific visualization uses only the formatted values to reduce the size of the response.

Data Manipulation Functions

There are several kinds of operators and functions that let you manipulate or aggregate data in a single column, or compare or combine data across columns. Examples include sum() (to add all values in a column), max (to find the largest value in a column), and + (to add the values of two columns together in the same row).

Some functions can appear in any clause; some can appear in a subset of clauses. This is documented below.


Given this table... If we apply this query... We get this result.
Name Salary Tax StartDate
Sharon 1000 100 1/1/2009
Avital 2000 200 1/21/2008
Moran 3000 300 2/12/2008
select upper(name), year(startDate)
Name year(StartDate)
MORAN 2008


The following data manipulation functions are defined by the Google Visualization API query language:


Aggregation Functions

Aggregation functions are passed a single column identifier, and perform an action across all values in each group (groups are specified by group by or pivot clauses, or all rows if those clauses are not used).


select max(salary)               // Returns a table with one column and one row.
select max(salary) group by dept // Returns a table with the max salary for each dept column value.
select max(salary) pivot dept    // Returns a one-row table with a column for each dept,
                                 //   and the max salary for that department.

Aggregation functions can be used in select, order by, label, format clauses. They cannot appear in where, group by, pivot, limit, offset, or options clauses.

Here are the supported aggregation functions:

Name Description Supported Column Types Return Type
avg() Returns the average value of all values in the column for a group. number number
count() Returns the count of elements in the specified column for a group. Null cells are not counted. Any type number
max() Returns the maximum value in the column for a group. Dates are compared with earlier being smaller, strings are compared alphabetically, with case-sensitivity. Any type Same type as column
min() Returns the minimum value in the column for a group. Dates are compared with earlier being smaller, strings are compared alphabetically, with case-sensitivity Any type Same type as column
sum() Returns the sum of all values in the column for a group. number number

Note: Aggregation functions can only take a column identifier as an argument:

max(startDate)                      // OK
min(firstScore) + min(secondScore)  // OK
max(year(startDate))                // INVALID. max requires column ID
sum(salary + perks)                 // INVALID. sum requires column ID.

Scalar Functions

Scalar functions operate over zero or more parameters to produce another value. Scalar functions can be passed any expression that evaluates to the parameter of the appropriate type. Note that these types are the types defined in the Literals section of this document, which might be slightly different than the similarly named JavaScript objects.

Note that the column name will be changed by wrapping it with a scalar function.

Scalar functions can take as a parameter anything that evaluates to a single value:

datediff(now(), todate(1234567890000))

Scalar functions can be used in any of the following clauses: select, where, group by, pivot, order by, label, and format.


Returns the year value from a date or datetime value. For example: year(date "2009-02-05") returns 2009.

Parameters: One parameter of type date or datetime
Return Type: number

Returns the zero-based month value from a date or datetime value. For example: month(date "2009-02-05") returns 1. Note: the months are 0-based, so the function returns 0 for January, 1 for February, etc.

Parameters: One parameter of type date or datetime
Return Type: number

Returns the day of the month from a date or datetime value. For example: day(date "2009-02-05") returns 5.

Parameters: One parameter of type date or datetime
Return Type: number

Returns the hour value from a datetime or timeofday value. For example: hour(timeofday "12:03:17") returns 12.

Parameters: One parameter of type datetime or timeofday
Return Type: number

Returns the minute value from a datetime or timeofday value. For example: minute(timeofday "12:03:17") returns 3.

Parameters: One parameter of type datetime or timeofday
Return Type: number

Returns the second value from a datetime or timeofday value. For example: second(timeofday "12:03:17") returns 17.

Parameters: One parameter of type datetime or timeofday
Return Type: number

Returns the millisecond part of a datetime or timeofday value. For example: millisecond(timeofday "12:03:17.123") returns 123.

Parameters: One parameter of type datetime or timeofday
Return Type: number

Returns the quarter from a date or datetime value. For example: quarter(date "2009-02-05") returns 1. Note that quarters are 1-based, so the function returns 1 for the first quarter, 2 for the second, etc.

Parameters: One parameter of type date or datetime
Return Type: number

Returns the day of week from a date or datetime value. For example: dayOfWeek(date "2009-02-26") returns 5. Note that days are 1-based, so the function returns 1 for Sunday, 2 for Monday, etc.

Parameters: One parameter of type date or datetime
Return Type: number

Returns a datetime value representing the current datetime in the GMT timezone.

Parameters: None
Return Type: datetime

Returns the difference in days between two date or datetime values. Note: Only the date parts of the values are used in the calculation and thus the function always returns an integer value. For example: dateDiff(date "2008-03-13", date "2008-02-12") returns 29; dateDiff(date "2009-02-13", date "2009-03-13") returns -29. Time values are truncated before comparison.

Parameters: Two parameters of type date or datetime (can be one of each)
Return Type: number

Transforms the given value to a date value.

  • Given a date, it returns the same value.
  • Given a datetime, it returns the date part. For example: toDate(dateTime "2009-01-01 12:00:00") returns "2009-01-01".
  • Given a number N, it returns a date N milliseconds after the Epoch. The Epoch is defined as January 1,1970, 00:00:00 GMT. For example: toDate(1234567890000) returns "2009-02-13".
Parameters: One parameter of type date, datetime, or number
Return Type: date

Returns the given string in upper case letters. For example: upper("foo") returns "FOO".

Parameters: One parameter of type string
Return Type: string

Returns the given string in lower case letters. For example: lower("Bar") returns "bar".

Parameters: One parameter of type string
Return Type: string

Arithmetic Operators

You can use arithmetic operators to perform mathematic operations upon anything that evaluates to single number (that is, the output of appropriate aggregate functions, operators, or constants).


select empSalary - empTax
select 2 * (max(empSalary) / max(empTax))

The following operators are defined:

Name Description Parameters Return Type
+ Returns the sum of two number values. Two numbers number
- Returns the difference between two number values. Two numbers number
* Returns the product of two numbers. Two numbers number
/ Returns the quotient of two numbers. Division by zero returns null. Two numbers number

Language Elements


Literals are values used for comparisons or assignments. Literals can be strings, numbers, boolean values, or various date/time types. Here are some examples of literals used in query syntax:

where startDate < date "2008-03-18"  // date "2008-03-18" is a date literal
limit 30                             // 30 is a numeric literal
format salary '#,##0.00', isSenior 'not yet:of course!'  // '#,##0.00' and 'not yet:of course!' are both string literals

Here are the formats for each type of literal:

A string literal should be enclosed in either single or double quotes. Examples: "fourteen" 'hello world' "It's raining".
Numeric literals are specified in decimal notation. Examples: 3  3.0  3.14  -71  -7.2  .6
Boolean literals are either true or false.
Use the keyword date followed by a string literal in the format yyyy-MM-dd. Example: date "2008-03-18".
Use the keyword timeofday followed by a string literal in the format HH:mm:ss[.SSS] Example: timeofday "12:30:45".
A date and a time, using either the keyword datetime or the keyword timestamp followed by a string literal in the format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss[.sss]. Example: datetime '2008-03-18 12:30:34.123'


Identifiers (or IDs) are text strings that identify columns.

Important: If your identifier

  • Has spaces,
  • Is a reserved word,
  • Contains anything but alphanumeric characters or underscores ([a-zA-Z0-9_]), or
  • Starts with a digit

it must be surrounded by back-quotes (not single quotes).

Otherwise, your identifier does not need to be quoted. (Note that not all keywords defined by the syntax are reserved words; so, for example, you can use "max" as an identifier, without having to back-quote it.)

Examples: col1   employee_table   `start date`   `7 days traffic`   `select`

We recommend against choosing an identifier that requires back-quotes, because it can be easy to forget to use the back-quotes, or to accidentally use 'single quotes' instead of `back-quotes`. These are common mistakes, and often hard to debug.

Case Sensitivity

Identifiers and string literals are case-sensitive. All other language elements are case-insensitive.

Reserved Words

The following reserved words must be back-quoted if used as an identifier:
