Chrome Management Telemetry API

The Chrome Management Telemetry API enables you to monitor the operation and health of devices running ChromeOS. Please note that the appropriate reporting policies need to be enabled to ensure that data is reported from the device. More details can be found here

Quick overview of API methods

URLs are relative to$CUSTOMER

Description Relative URL Http method
List telemetry information for ChromeOS devices /telemetry/devices/ GET
List telemetry information for ChromeOS users /telemetry/users/ GET
List telemetry events for given customer /telemetry/events/ GET
List telemetry notification configs for given customer /telemetry/notificationConfigs/ GET

See code samples for example requests and responses.

Admin Privileges

Telemetry API respects admin role delegation.

Admins must have the permission "Services -> Chrome Management -> Manage ChromeOS Devices > Manage ChromeOS Devices (read only)" to use the Telemetry API.

To manage admin roles and privileges, visit "Admin Console -> Admin Roles".

API scopes

Chrome Management Telemetry API requires the following OAuth scope:

For more information, see the Authentication Overview.