Chrome Management API

The Chrome Management API is a suite of services that allows Chrome administrators to view, manage and gain insights on their Chrome OS and Chrome Browser devices.


To call this service, we recommend that you use the Google-provided client libraries. If your application needs to use your own libraries to call this service, use the following information when you make the API requests.

Discovery document

A Discovery Document is a machine-readable specification for describing and consuming REST APIs. It is used to build client libraries, IDE plugins, and other tools that interact with Google APIs. One service may provide multiple discovery documents. This service provides the following discovery documents:

Service endpoint

A service endpoint is a base URL that specifies the network address of an API service. One service might have multiple service endpoints. This service has the following service endpoint and all URIs below are relative to this service endpoint:


REST Resource: v1alpha1.customers.telemetry.devices

get GET /v1alpha1/{name=customers/*/telemetry/devices/*}
Get telemetry device.
list GET /v1alpha1/{parent=customers/*}/telemetry/devices
List all telemetry devices.

REST Resource:

list GET /v1alpha1/{parent=customers/*}/telemetry/events
List telemetry events.

REST Resource: v1alpha1.customers.telemetry.notificationConfigs

create POST /v1alpha1/{parent=customers/*}/telemetry/notificationConfigs
Create a telemetry notification config.
delete DELETE /v1alpha1/{name=customers/*/telemetry/notificationConfigs/*}
Delete a telemetry notification config.
list GET /v1alpha1/{parent=customers/*}/telemetry/notificationConfigs
List all telemetry notification configs.
patch PATCH /v1alpha1/{*/telemetry/notificationConfigs/*}
Update a telemetry notification config.

REST Resource: v1alpha1.customers.telemetry.users

get GET /v1alpha1/{name=customers/*/telemetry/users/*}
Get telemetry user.
list GET /v1alpha1/{parent=customers/*}/telemetry/users
List all telemetry users.

REST Resource: v1.customers.apps

countChromeAppRequests GET /v1/{customer=customers/*}/apps:countChromeAppRequests
Generate summary of app installation requests.
fetchDevicesRequestingExtension GET /v1/{customer=customers/*}/apps:fetchDevicesRequestingExtension
Get a list of devices that have requested to install an extension.
fetchUsersRequestingExtension GET /v1/{customer=customers/*}/apps:fetchUsersRequestingExtension
Get a list of users that have requested to install an extension.

REST Resource:

get GET /v1/{name=customers/*/apps/android/*}
Get a specific app for a customer by its resource name.

REST Resource:

get GET /v1/{name=customers/*/apps/chrome/*}
Get a specific app for a customer by its resource name.

REST Resource: v1.customers.apps.web

get GET /v1/{name=customers/*/apps/web/*}
Get a specific app for a customer by its resource name.

REST Resource: v1.customers.reports

countChromeBrowsersNeedingAttention GET /v1/{customer=customers/*}/reports:countChromeBrowsersNeedingAttention
Count of Chrome Browsers that have been recently enrolled, have new policy to be synced, or have no recent activity.
countChromeCrashEvents GET /v1/{customer=customers/*}/reports:countChromeCrashEvents
Get a count of Chrome crash events.
countChromeDevicesReachingAutoExpirationDate GET /v1/{customer=customers/*}/reports:countChromeDevicesReachingAutoExpirationDate
Generate report of the number of devices expiring in each month of the selected time frame.
countChromeDevicesThatNeedAttention GET /v1/{customer=customers/*}/reports:countChromeDevicesThatNeedAttention
Counts of ChromeOS devices that have not synced policies or have lacked user activity in the past 28 days, are out of date, or are not complaint.
countChromeHardwareFleetDevices GET /v1/{customer=customers/*}/reports:countChromeHardwareFleetDevices
Counts of devices with a specific hardware specification from the requested hardware type (for example model name, processor type).
countChromeVersions GET /v1/{customer=customers/*}/reports:countChromeVersions
Generate report of installed Chrome versions.
countInstalledApps GET /v1/{customer=customers/*}/reports:countInstalledApps
Generate report of app installations.
countPrintJobsByPrinter GET /v1/{customer=customers/*}/reports:countPrintJobsByPrinter
Get a summary of printing done by each printer.
countPrintJobsByUser GET /v1/{customer=customers/*}/reports:countPrintJobsByUser
Get a summary of printing done by each user.
enumeratePrintJobs GET /v1/{customer=customers/*}/reports:enumeratePrintJobs
Get a list of print jobs.
findInstalledAppDevices GET /v1/{customer=customers/*}/reports:findInstalledAppDevices
Generate report of managed Chrome browser devices that have a specified app installed.

REST Resource: v1.customers.telemetry.devices

get GET /v1/{name=customers/*/telemetry/devices/*}
Get telemetry device.
list GET /v1/{parent=customers/*}/telemetry/devices
List all telemetry devices.

REST Resource:

list GET /v1/{parent=customers/*}/telemetry/events
List telemetry events.

REST Resource: v1.customers.telemetry.notificationConfigs

create POST /v1/{parent=customers/*}/telemetry/notificationConfigs
Create a telemetry notification config.
delete DELETE /v1/{name=customers/*/telemetry/notificationConfigs/*}
Delete a telemetry notification config.
list GET /v1/{parent=customers/*}/telemetry/notificationConfigs
List all telemetry notification configs.

REST Resource: v1.customers.telemetry.users

get GET /v1/{name=customers/*/telemetry/users/*}
Get telemetry user.
list GET /v1/{parent=customers/*}/telemetry/users
List all telemetry users.