Menggunakan API

Dokumen ini menjelaskan hal-hal yang perlu Anda ketahui untuk menggunakan Google Civic Information API. Anda dapat melihat FAQ Civic Info API yang memiliki beberapa info dasar tentang API tersebut serta pertanyaan umum (FAQ) dari forum pengguna kami. Selain itu, Anda dapat melihat dua contoh di bawah, pertama untuk mencari informasi pemilih selama pemilu, dan kedua untuk mencari perwakilan terpilih.

Mengidentifikasi aplikasi Anda ke Google

Aplikasi Anda harus mengidentifikasi dirinya sendiri setiap kali mengirim permintaan ke Google Civic Information API, dengan menyertakan kunci API bersama setiap permintaan.

Memperoleh dan menggunakan kunci API

Cara mendapatkan kunci API:

  1. Buka halaman Credentials di Konsol API.
  2. API ini mendukung dua jenis kredensial. Buat kredensial yang sesuai untuk project Anda:
    • OAuth 2.0: Setiap kali aplikasi Anda meminta data pengguna pribadi, aplikasi harus mengirimkan token OAuth 2.0 beserta permintaannya. Aplikasi Anda terlebih dahulu mengirimkan client ID dan, mungkin, rahasia klien untuk mendapatkan token. Anda dapat membuat kredensial OAuth 2.0 untuk aplikasi web, akun layanan, atau aplikasi terinstal.

      Catatan: Karena API ini tidak memiliki metode yang memerlukan otorisasi OAuth 2.0, Anda mungkin hanya perlu mendapatkan kunci API, yang dijelaskan di bawah. Namun, jika aplikasi Anda memanggil API lain yang memerlukan otorisasi pengguna, Anda masih memerlukan kredensial OAuth 2.0.

      Untuk informasi selengkapnya, lihat dokumentasi OAuth 2.0.

    • Kunci API: Permintaan yang tidak menyediakan token OAuth 2.0 harus mengirim kunci API. Kunci tersebut mengidentifikasi project Anda dan memberikan akses, kuota, serta laporan API.

      API ini mendukung beberapa jenis pembatasan pada kunci API. Jika kunci API yang Anda perlukan belum ada, buat kunci API di Konsol dengan mengklik Create credentials > API key. Anda dapat membatasi kunci ini sebelum menggunakannya dalam produksi dengan mengklik Restrict key dan memilih salah satu Restrictions.

Untuk menjaga keamanan kunci API Anda, ikuti praktik terbaik untuk menggunakan kunci API dengan aman.

Setelah Anda memiliki kunci API, aplikasi Anda dapat menambahkan parameter kueri key=yourAPIKey ke semua URL permintaan.

Kunci API aman untuk disematkan dalam URL; tanpa encoding apa pun.

Pembatasan kunci API

Secara default, kunci API Anda tidak dibatasi. Hal ini tidak aman jika siapa pun dapat membaca kunci ini (misalnya, jika ditempatkan di dalam browser) atau mengakses perangkat tempat kunci tersebut diletakkan. Sebaiknya terapkan pembatasan pada kunci API ini untuk mencegah penggunaan yang tidak sah.

Untuk menambahkan pembatasan, klik Restrict key di dalam kotak dialog API key created. Panel konfigurasi API key akan muncul:

Jenis pembatasan yang Anda pilih akan bergantung pada kebutuhan aplikasi Anda:

  • Aplikasi web yang berinteraksi langsung dengan API (yaitu, bukan melalui backend atau middleware) harus menambahkan batasan perujuk HTTP. Namun, perhatikan bahwa aplikasi tersebut akan mengekspos kunci API-nya secara publik. Lebih suka menggunakan skema autentikasi akun layanan.
  • Aplikasi backend yang tidak dapat mendukung akun layanan (misalnya, perangkat tersemat yang tidak memiliki bahasa yang didukung dalam library klien) harus menambahkan batasan alamat IP untuk mencegah penggunaan dari klien di alamat IP yang berbeda.
  • Aplikasi Android harus menambahkan pembatasan aplikasi Android serta menambahkan nama paket dan sidik jari sertifikat penandatanganan SHA-1.
  • Aplikasi iOS harus menambahkan pembatasan aplikasi iOS dan menambahkan ID paket iOS apa pun untuk membatasi panggilan API ke paket iOS tersebut.

Untuk pengujian, Anda mungkin tidak ingin menerapkan pembatasan sama sekali. Namun, sebaiknya Anda menambahkan pembatasan ke kunci ini atau menghapusnya setelah men-deploy aplikasi ke produksi.

Contoh Kueri Pemilu

Berikut adalah contoh (menggunakan API versi 'v2') untuk memanggil electionQuery API untuk mendapatkan daftar ID pemilu yang valid, kemudian menggunakan voterInfoQuery API dengan alamat pemilih yang terdaftar guna memperoleh informasi untuk pemilu yang dipilih.

Gunakan pemiluQuery untuk mendapatkan daftar ID pemilu yang valid:<YOUR_API_KEY>

Respons Kueri Pemilu:

 "kind": "civicinfo#electionsqueryresponse",
 "elections": [
   "id": "2000",
   "name": "VIP Test Election",
   "electionDay": "2013-06-06"
   "id": "2124",
   "name": "Rhode Island 2012 Primary Election",
   "electionDay": "2012-09-11"
   "id": "2126",
   "name": "Delaware 2012 Primary Election",
   "electionDay": "2012-09-11"

votingrInfoQuery menggunakan curl

Gunakan curl untuk mengirim permintaan pemilihInfoQuery untuk ID pemilu uji coba VIP 2000 dan pemilih di alamat (tes) 1263 Pacific Ave. Kansas City, KS (lihat respons VoterInfoQuery, di bawah):

curl "<YOUR_API_KEY>&address=1263%20Pacific%20Ave.%20Kansas%20City%20KS&electionId=2000"

votingrInfoQuery menggunakan Library Klien Google API untuk JavaScript

Contoh ini memberikan pemilihInfoQuery yang sama seperti contoh curl sebelumnya, tetapi menggunakan library klien JavaScript. Respons voterInfoQuery sama dengan respons contoh curl.

<!doctype html>
       * Build and execute request to look up voter info for provided address.
       * @param {string} address Address for which to fetch voter info.
       * @param {function(Object)} callback Function which takes the
       *     response object as a parameter.
       function lookup(address, callback) {
         * Election ID for which to fetch voter info.
         * @type {number}
        var electionId = 2000;
         * Request object for given parameters.
         * @type {gapi.client.HttpRequest}
        var req = gapi.client.request({
            'path' : '/civicinfo/v2/voterinfo',
            'params' : {'electionId' : electionId, 'address' : address}

       * Render results in the DOM.
       * @param {Object} response Response object returned by the API.
       * @param {Object} rawResponse Raw response from the API.
      function renderResults(response, rawResponse) {
        var el = document.getElementById('results');
        if (!response || response.error) {
              'Error while trying to fetch polling place'));
        var normalizedAddress = response.normalizedInput.line1 + ' ' +
   + ', ' +
            response.normalizedInput.state + ' ' +
        if (response.pollingLocations.length > 0) {
          var pollingLocation = response.pollingLocations[0].address;
          var pollingAddress = pollingLocation.locationName + ', ' +
              pollingLocation.line1 + ' ' +
     + ', ' +
              pollingLocation.state + ' ' +
          var normEl = document.createElement('strong');
              'Polling place for ' + normalizedAddress + ': '));
        } else {
              'Could not find polling place for ' + normalizedAddress));

       * Initialize the API client and make a request.
      function load() {
        gapi.client.setApiKey('YOUR API KEY GOES HERE');
        lookup('1263 Pacific Ave. Kansas City KS', renderResults);
    <script src=""></script>
    <div id="results"></div>

Tanggapan PemilihInfoQuery:

 "kind": "civicinfo#voterinforesponse",
 "status": "success",
 "election": {
  "id": "2000",
  "name": "VIP Test Election",
  "electionDay": "2013-06-06"
 "normalizedInput": {
  "line1": "1263 Pacific Ave",
  "city": "Kansas City",
  "state": "KS",
  "zip": "66102"
 "pollingLocations": [
   "address": {
    "locationName": "National Guard Armory",
    "line1": "100 S 20th St",
    "line2": "",
    "line3": "",
    "city": "Kansas City",
    "state": "KS",
    "zip": "66102 "
   "pollingHours": " - "
 "contests": [
   "type": "General",
   "office": "Attorney"
   "type": "General",
   "office": "Sheriff"
   "type": "General",
   "office": "Kansas Representative 32",
   "district": {
    "name": "Kansas Representative 32",
    "scope": "stateLower",
    "id": "32"
   "sources": [
     "name": "Voting Information Project",
     "official": true
   "type": "General",
   "office": "Governor/Lt. Governor",
   "candidates": [
     "name": "Andrew P.  Gray",
     "party": "Libertarian",
     "email": ""
     "name": "Kenneth (ken) W. Cannon",
     "party": "Reform"
     "name": "Tom Holland",
     "party": "Democratic",
     "candidateUrl": "",
     "email": ""
     "name": "Sam Brownback",
     "party": "Republican",
     "candidateUrl": "",
     "email": ""
   "type": "General",
   "office": "KCKCC Member AL Brd of Trustee"
   "type": "General",
   "office": "Secretary of State",
   "candidates": [
     "name": "Chris Biggs",
     "party": "Democratic"
     "name": "Kris Kobach",
     "party": "Republican"
     "name": "Phillip Horatio Lucas",
     "party": "Libertarian"
     "name": "Derek Langseth",
     "party": "Reform"
   "type": "General",
   "office": "U.S. Senate",
   "district": {
    "name": "U.S. Senate",
    "scope": "statewide",
    "id": "5"
   "candidates": [
     "name": "Lisa Johnston",
     "party": "Democratic",
     "candidateUrl": "",
     "phone": "913-662-1457",
     "email": ""
     "name": "Jerry Moran",
     "party": "Republican"
     "name": "Michael Wm. Dann",
     "party": "Libertarian"
     "name": "Joseph (joe) K. Bellis",
     "party": "Reform"
   "sources": [
     "name": "Voting Information Project",
     "official": true
   "type": "General",
   "office": "BD of Public Utilities 2"
   "type": "General",
   "office": "Attorney General",
   "candidates": [
     "name": "Steve Six",
     "party": "Democratic"
     "name": "Derek Schmidt",
     "party": "Republican"
     "name": "Dennis Hawver",
     "party": "Libertarian"
   "type": "General",
   "office": "U.S. Representative 3"
   "type": "General",
   "office": "Governor/Lt. Governor",
   "district": {
    "name": "Governor/Lt. Governor",
    "scope": "statewide",
    "id": "1"
   "candidates": [
     "name": "Andrew P.  Gray",
     "party": "Libertarian",
     "email": ""
     "name": "Kenneth (ken) W. Cannon",
     "party": "Reform"
     "name": "Tom Holland",
     "party": "Democratic",
     "candidateUrl": "",
     "email": ""
     "name": "Sam Brownback",
     "party": "Republican",
     "candidateUrl": "",
     "email": ""
   "sources": [
     "name": "Voting Information Project",
     "official": true
   "type": "General",
   "office": "Commissioner-At-Large 2"
   "type": "General",
   "office": "Kansas Senate 6"
   "type": "General",
   "office": "Clerk"
   "type": "General",
   "office": "President / Vice President"
   "type": "General",
   "office": "Register of Deeds"
   "type": "General",
   "office": "BD of Public Utilities (AL)"
   "type": "General",
   "office": "Commissioner 2"
   "type": "General",
   "office": "USD 500"
   "type": "General",
   "office": "State Board of Education 1"
   "type": "General",
   "office": "Treasurer"
 "state": [
   "name": "State of Kansas",
   "electionAdministrationBody": {
    "name": "Kansas",
    "electionOfficials": [
      "name": "Brad Bryant",
      "title": "Election Director",
      "officePhoneNumber": "785-296-4561",
      "emailAddress": ""
   "local_jurisdiction": {
    "name": "Wyandotte",
    "electionAdministrationBody": {
     "name": "Wyandotte",
     "electionInfoUrl": "",
     "electionOfficials": [
       "name": "Bruce Newby",
       "title": "Election Commissioner",
       "officePhoneNumber": "(913) 573-8500",
       "emailAddress": ""
    "sources": [
      "name": "Voting Information Project",
      "official": true
   "sources": [
     "name": "Voting Information Project",
     "official": true

representatifInfoQuery menggunakan curl

Berikut adalah contoh cara mencari perwakilan terpilih untuk sebuah alamat. Gunakan curl untuk mengirim permintaan representativeInfoByAddress untuk alamat (pengujian) 1263 Pacific Ave. Kansas City, KS (lihat responsrepresentativeInfoByAddress, di bawah):

curl "<YOUR_API_KEY>&address=1263%20Pacific%20Ave.%20Kansas%20City%20KS"

Melaporkan error

Apakah Anda melihat informasi yang kurang atau salah untuk pejabat terpilih? Pejabat publik terkadang meninggalkan kantor sebelum masa jabatan mereka selesai atau mengubah informasi kontak mereka. Beri tahu kami tentang perubahan seperti ini yang belum terlihat dalam data yang kami tampilkan.

Kami akan mengonfirmasi laporan Anda dengan pengguna lain, penyedia data, atau sumber data resmi pemerintah. Karena banyaknya laporan, kita mungkin tidak dapat membalas Anda secara langsung. Jika disetujui, perubahan Anda mungkin memerlukan beberapa waktu untuk muncul di hasil API.

Untuk melaporkan error, isi formulir ini.

Tanggapan representatifInfoByAddress:

 "kind": "civicinfo#representativeInfoResponse",
 "status": "success",
 "normalizedInput": {
  "line1": "1263 pacific ave",
  "city": "kansas city",
  "state": "KS",
  "zip": "66102"
 "divisions": {
  "ocd-division/country:us/state:ks/county:wyandotte/council_district:2": {
   "name": "Wyandotte County Commissioner District 2",
   "scope": "countyCouncil"
  "ocd-division/country:us/state:ks/cd:3": {
   "name": "Kansas's 3rd congressional district",
   "scope": "congressional",
   "officeIndices": [ 0 ]
  "ocd-division/country:us/state:ks/sldl:32": {
   "name": "Kansas House of Representatives district 32",
   "scope": "stateLower",
   "officeIndices": [ 1 ]
  "ocd-division/country:us/state:ks/place:kansas_city": {
   "name": "Kansas City city",
   "scope": "citywide",
   "officeIndices": [ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ]
  "ocd-division/country:us/state:ks/county:wyandotte": {
   "name": "Wyandotte County",
   "scope": "countywide"
  "ocd-division/country:us": {
   "name": "United States",
   "scope": "national",
   "officeIndices": [ 9, 10 ]
  "ocd-division/country:us/state:ks": {
   "name": "Kansas",
   "scope": "statewide",
   "officeIndices": [ 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 ]
  "ocd-division/country:us/state:ks/sldu:6": {
   "name": "Kansas State Senate district 6",
   "scope": "stateUpper",
   "officeIndices": [ 18 ]
 "offices": [
   "name": "United States House of Representatives KS-03",
   "level": "federal",
   "officialIndices": [ 0 ]
   "name": "KS State House District 32",
   "level": "state",
   "officialIndices": [ 1 ]
   "name": "Sheriff",
   "level": "county",
   "officialIndices": [ 2 ]
   "name": "District Attorney",
   "level": "county",
   "officialIndices": [ 3 ]
   "name": "Register of Deeds",
   "level": "county",
   "officialIndices": [ 4 ]
   "name": "Director of Revenue",
   "level": "county",
   "officialIndices": [ 5 ]
   "name": "Unified Government Clerk",
   "level": "county",
   "officialIndices": [ 6 ]
   "name": "Unified Government Commission, At Large, District 1",
   "level": "county",
   "officialIndices": [ 7 ]
   "name": "Unified Government Commission, At Large, District 2",
   "level": "county",
   "officialIndices": [ 8 ]
   "name": "President",
   "level": "federal",
   "officialIndices": [ 9 ]
   "name": "Vice President",
   "level": "federal",
   "officialIndices": [ 10 ]
   "name": "Governor",
   "level": "state",
   "officialIndices": [ 11 ]
   "name": "State Treasurer",
   "level": "state",
   "officialIndices": [ 12 ]
   "name": "Attorney General",
   "level": "state",
   "officialIndices": [ 13 ]
   "name": "Secretary of State",
   "level": "state",
   "officialIndices": [ 14 ]
   "name": "Lieutenant Governor",
   "level": "state",
   "officialIndices": [ 15 ]
   "name": "United States Senate",
   "level": "federal",
   "officialIndices": [ 16, 17 ]
   "name": "Insurance Commissioner",
   "level": "state",
   "officialIndices": [ 18 ]
   "name": "KS State Senate District 6",
   "level": "state",
   "officialIndices": [ 19 ]
 "officials": [
   "name": "Kevin Yoder",
   "address": [
     "line1": "215 Cannon HOB",
     "city": "washington d.c.",
     "state": "DC",
     "zip": "20515"
   "party": "Republican",
   "phones": [
    "(202) 225-2865"
   "urls": [
   "photoUrl": "",
   "channels": [
     "type": "Facebook",
     "id": "CongressmanKevinYoder"
     "type": "Twitter",
     "id": "RepKevinYoder"
   "name": "Mike Peterson",
   "address": [
     "line1": "450 North 17th",
     "city": "kansas city",
     "state": "KS",
     "zip": "66102"
   "party": "Democratic",
   "phones": [
    "(785) 296-7371"
   "urls": [
   "photoUrl": "",
   "emails": [
   "name": "Donald Ash",
   "address": [
     "line1": "701 Nth 7th Street Suite 20",
     "city": "kansas city",
     "state": "KS",
     "zip": "66101"
   "party": "Democratic",
   "phones": [
    "(913) 573-2861"
   "urls": [
   "emails": [
   "name": "Jerome Gorman",
   "address": [
     "line1": "701 Nth 7th Street Suite 10",
     "city": "kansas city",
     "state": "KS",
     "zip": "66101"
   "party": "Democratic",
   "phones": [
    "(913) 573-2851"
   "urls": [
   "name": "Nancy Burns",
   "address": [
     "line1": "710 n. 7th street",
     "city": "kansas city",
     "state": "KS",
     "zip": "66101"
   "party": "Unknown",
   "phones": [
    "(913) 573-2841"
   "urls": [
   "emails": [
   "name": "Debbie Pack",
   "address": [
     "line1": "710 n. 7th street",
     "city": "kansas city",
     "state": "KS",
     "zip": "66101"
   "party": "Unknown",
   "phones": [
    "(913) 573-2821"
   "urls": [
   "emails": [
   "name": "Bridgette D. Cobbins",
   "address": [
     "line1": "710 n. 7th street",
     "city": "kansas city",
     "state": "KS",
     "zip": "66101"
   "party": "Unknown",
   "phones": [
    "(913) 573-5260"
   "urls": [
   "emails": [
   "name": "Vacant",
   "address": [
     "line1": "701 Nth 7th Street Suite 979",
     "city": "kansas city",
     "state": "KS",
     "zip": "66101"
   "party": "Unknown",
   "phones": [
    "(913) 573-5040"
   "urls": [
   "channels": [
     "type": "Facebook",
     "id": "cityofkck"
     "type": "Twitter",
     "id": "CityofKCK"
   "name": "John Mendez",
   "address": [
     "line1": "701 Nth 7th Street Suite 979",
     "city": "kansas city",
     "state": "KS",
     "zip": "66101"
   "party": "Unknown",
   "phones": [
    "(913) 573-5040"
   "urls": [
   "emails": [
   "channels": [
     "type": "Facebook",
     "id": "cityofkck"
     "type": "Twitter",
     "id": "CityofKCK"
   "name": "Barack Hussein Obama II",
   "address": [
     "line1": "The White House",
     "line2": "1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW",
     "line3": "",
     "city": "Washington",
     "state": "DC",
     "zip": "20500"
   "party": "Democrat",
   "phones": [
    "(202) 456-1111",
    "(202) 456-1414"
   "urls": [
   "photoUrl": "",
   "channels": [
     "type": "GooglePlus",
     "id": "110031535020051778989"
     "type": "Twitter",
     "id": "barackobama"
     "type": "Facebook",
     "id": "barackobama"
     "type": "YouTube",
     "id": "barackobama"
   "name": "Joseph (Joe) Robinette Biden Jr.",
   "address": [
     "line1": "The White House",
     "line2": "1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW",
     "line3": "",
     "city": "Washington",
     "state": "DC",
     "zip": "20500"
   "party": "Democrat",
   "urls": [
   "photoUrl": "",
   "channels": [
     "type": "Twitter",
     "id": "VP"
     "type": "Twitter",
     "id": "JoeBiden"
     "type": "Facebook",
     "id": "joebiden"
   "name": "Sam Brownback",
   "address": [
     "line1": "Capitol",
     "line2": "300 sw 10th ave.",
     "city": "topeka",
     "state": "KS",
     "zip": "66612"
   "phones": [
    "(785) 296-3232"
   "urls": [
   "channels": [
     "type": "Facebook",
     "id": "govsambrownback"
     "type": "Twitter",
     "id": "govsambrownback"
   "name": "Ron Estes",
   "address": [
     "line1": "Kansas State Treasurer 900 SW Jackson",
     "line2": "Suite 201",
     "city": "topeka",
     "state": "KS",
     "zip": "66612"
   "phones": [
    "(785) 296-3171"
   "urls": [
   "emails": [
   "channels": [
     "type": "Facebook",
     "id": "130975650300043"
     "type": "Twitter",
     "id": "RonEstesKS"
   "name": "Derek Schmidt",
   "address": [
     "line1": "120 SW 10th Ave",
     "line2": "2nd Floor",
     "city": "topeka",
     "state": "KS",
     "zip": "66612"
   "phones": [
    "(785) 296-2215"
   "urls": [
   "channels": [
     "type": "Twitter",
     "id": "KSAGOffice"
   "name": "Kris Kobach",
   "address": [
     "line1": "Kansas Secretary of State Memorial Hall",
     "line2": "1st Floor",
     "line3": "120 sw 10th avenue",
     "city": "topeka",
     "state": "KS",
     "zip": "66612"
   "phones": [
    "(785) 296-4564"
   "urls": [
   "emails": [
   "channels": [
     "type": "Facebook",
     "id": "Kansas-Secretary-of-State"
     "type": "Twitter",
     "id": "kansassos"
   "name": "Jeff Coyler",
   "address": [
     "line1": "State Capitol",
     "line2": "2nd Floor",
     "line3": "300 sw 10th ave.",
     "city": "topeka",
     "state": "KS",
     "zip": "66612"
   "phones": [
    "(785) 296-2214"
   "urls": [
   "name": "Jerry Moran",
   "address": [
     "line1": "361A Russell Senate Office Building",
     "city": "washington d.c.",
     "state": "DC",
     "zip": "20510"
   "party": "Republican",
   "phones": [
    "(202) 224-6521"
   "urls": [
   "photoUrl": "",
   "channels": [
     "type": "Facebook",
     "id": "jerrymoran"
     "type": "Twitter",
     "id": "JerryMoran"
     "type": "YouTube",
     "id": "senatorjerrymoran"
   "name": "Pat Roberts",
   "address": [
     "line1": "109 Hart Senate Office Building",
     "city": "washington d.c.",
     "state": "DC",
     "zip": "20510"
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     "state": "KS",
     "zip": "66612-1504"
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