このドキュメントでは、Google Civic Information API を使用する際に知っておくべきことについて説明します。Civic Info API に関するよくある質問をご覧ください。API に関する基本情報と、ユーザー フォーラムでのよくある質問が記載されています。また、以下に 2 つの例を示します。1 つは選挙中の有権者情報の検索、もう 1 つは選出された代表者の検索です。
Google に対してアプリケーションを識別
アプリケーションは、リクエストを送信するたびに自身を識別する必要があります。 Google Civic Information API(各 API キーに API キーを含める) リクエストできます。
API キーの取得と使用
API キーを取得するには:
- API コンソールで [認証情報] ページを開きます。
この API では、2 種類の認証情報がサポートされています。
OAuth 2.0: アプリケーションからユーザーの限定公開データをリクエストする場合は、リクエストとともに OAuth 2.0 トークンを送信する必要があります。アプリケーションは、トークンを取得するためにまずクライアント ID を送信します。場合によってはクライアント シークレットも送信します。ウェブ アプリケーション、サービス アカウント、インストールしたアプリケーションについて OAuth 2.0 認証情報を生成できます。
注: この API には OAuth 2.0 認証を必要とするメソッドがないため、API キーの取得のみが必要になる場合があります。API キーについては、後で説明します。ただし、ユーザー認証を必要とする他の API を アプリケーションで呼び出す場合は、OAuth 2.0 認証情報が必要となります。
詳細については、OAuth 2.0 ドキュメントをご覧ください。
API キー: OAuth 2.0 トークンが提供されないリクエストでは、API キーを送信する必要があります。 キーによりプロジェクトが識別され、API アクセス、割り当て、レポートが提供されます。
API は、いくつかのタイプの API キーをサポートします。必要とする API キーのタイプが存在しない場合は、[認証情報作成] > [API キー] をクリックして、コンソールで API キーを作成します。本番環境でそれを使用する前にキーを制限するには、[キーを制限] をクリックして、いずれかの制限を選択します。
API キーの安全性を保つには、API キーを安全に使用するためのおすすめの方法に従ってください。
API キーを作成したら、アプリケーションですべてのリクエスト URL の末尾にクエリ パラメータ key=yourAPIKey
API キーは、安全に URL に埋め込むことができます。エンコーディングの必要はありません。
API キーの制限
デフォルトでは、API キーに制限はありません。このキーを誰でも読み取ったり(ブラウザ内に配置されている場合など)、キーが配置されているデバイスにアクセスしたりできると、安全性が損なわれます。制限を適用することをおすすめします。 不正使用を防止できます。
制限を追加するには、[API キーを作成しました] 内の [キーを制限] をクリックします。 ダイアログ ボックスで示されます。[API キー] 構成パネルが表示されます。
- API と直接やり取りするウェブ アプリケーション(つまり、 バックエンドやミドルウェアなど)にアクセスするたびに HTTP リファラーによる制限を追加する必要があります。 ただし、このようなアプリケーションでは API キーが公開されるため、代わりにサービス アカウント認証スキームを使用することをおすすめします。
- サービス アカウントをサポートできないバックエンド アプリケーション(クライアント ライブラリでサポートされている言語がない組み込みデバイスなど)は、異なる IP アドレスのクライアントからの使用を防ぐために、IP アドレスの制限を追加する必要があります。
- Android アプリは、Android アプリの制限を追加し、パッケージ名と SHA-1 署名証明書フィンガープリントを追加する必要があります。
- iOS アプリは、iOS アプリの制限を追加し、iOS バンドル ID を追加して、これらの iOS バンドルへの API 呼び出しを制限する必要があります。
electionQuery の例
以下は、(API バージョン「v2」を使用)で electionQuery API 有効な選挙 ID のリストを取得した後、 voterInfoQuery API を、 情報を取得するため、有権者の登録住所 選択します。
ElectionQuery を使用して、有効な選挙 ID のリストを取得します。
electionQuery レスポンス:
{ "kind": "civicinfo#electionsqueryresponse", "elections": [ { "id": "2000", "name": "VIP Test Election", "electionDay": "2013-06-06" }, { "id": "2124", "name": "Rhode Island 2012 Primary Election", "electionDay": "2012-09-11" }, { "id": "2126", "name": "Delaware 2012 Primary Election", "electionDay": "2012-09-11" } ] }
curl を使用した voterInfoQuery
を使用して voterInfoQuery を送信します。
VIP テスト選挙 ID 2000 のリクエスト、および(テスト)住所 340 Main St, Venice, CA 90291 の投票者。
voterInfoQuery レスポンスを参照してください。
curl "https://www.googleapis.com/civicinfo/v2/voterinfo?key=<YOUR_API_KEY>&address=340%20Main%20St.%20Venice%20CA&electionId=2000"
JavaScript の Google API クライアント ライブラリを使用した voterInfoQuery
この例では、前の curl の例と同じ voterInfoQuery を発行しますが、 JavaScript クライアント ライブラリ。 voterInfoQuery レスポンスは次のようになります。 curl のサンプル レスポンスをご覧ください。
<!doctype html> <html> <head> <script> /** * Build and execute request to look up voter info for provided address. * @param {string} address Address for which to fetch voter info. * @param {function(Object)} callback Function which takes the * response object as a parameter. */ function lookup(address, callback) { /** * Election ID for which to fetch voter info. * @type {number} */ var electionId = 2000; /** * Request object for given parameters. * @type {gapi.client.HttpRequest} */ var req = gapi.client.request({ 'path' : '/civicinfo/v2/voterinfo', 'params' : {'electionId' : electionId, 'address' : address} }); req.execute(callback); } /** * Render results in the DOM. * @param {Object} response Response object returned by the API. * @param {Object} rawResponse Raw response from the API. */ function renderResults(response, rawResponse) { var el = document.getElementById('results'); if (!response || response.error) { el.appendChild(document.createTextNode( 'Error while trying to fetch polling place')); return; } var normalizedAddress = response.normalizedInput.line1 + ' ' + response.normalizedInput.city + ', ' + response.normalizedInput.state + ' ' + response.normalizedInput.zip; if (response.pollingLocations.length > 0) { var pollingLocation = response.pollingLocations[0].address; var pollingAddress = pollingLocation.locationName + ', ' + pollingLocation.line1 + ' ' + pollingLocation.city + ', ' + pollingLocation.state + ' ' + pollingLocation.zip; var normEl = document.createElement('strong'); normEl.appendChild(document.createTextNode( 'Polling place for ' + normalizedAddress + ': ')); el.appendChild(normEl); el.appendChild(document.createTextNode(pollingAddress)); } else { el.appendChild(document.createTextNode( 'Could not find polling place for ' + normalizedAddress)); } } /** * Initialize the API client and make a request. */ function load() { gapi.client.setApiKey('YOUR API KEY GOES HERE'); lookup('1263 Pacific Ave. Kansas City KS', renderResults); } </script> <script src="https://apis.google.com/js/client.js?onload=load"></script> </head> <body> <div id="results"></div> </body> </html>
voterInfoQuery レスポンス
{ "kind": "civicinfo#voterinforesponse", "status": "success", "election": { "id": "2000", "name": "VIP Test Election", "electionDay": "2025-06-06", "ocdDivisionId": "ocd-division/country:us" }, "normalizedInput": { "line1": "340 Main Street", "city": "Venice", "state": "CA", "zip": "90291" }, "pollingLocations": [ { "address": { "locationName": "WESTMINSTER AVENUE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL", "line1": "1010 ABBOT KINNEY BLVD", "city": "VENICE", "state": "CA", "zip": "90291" }, "pollingHours": "", "latitude": 33.9919351, "longitude": -118.4722031, "startDate": "2024-03-05", "endDate": "2024-03-05", "sources": [ { "name": "Voting Information Project", "official": true } ] }, { "address": { "locationName": "POP UP VOTE CENTER 5", "line1": "12400 IMPERIAL HWY", "city": "NORWALK", "state": "CA", "zip": "90650" }, "latitude": 33.915989, "longitude": -118.0677283, "sources": [ { "name": "Voting Information Project", "official": true } ] } ], "dropOffLocations": [ { "address": { "locationName": "FLEX VOTE CENTER 9", "line1": "12400 IMPERIAL HWY", "city": "NORWALK", "state": "CA", "zip": "90650" }, "latitude": 33.915989, "longitude": -118.0677283, "sources": [ { "name": "Voting Information Project", "official": true } ] }, ], "contests": [ { "type": "General", "ballotTitle": "UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE, 36th District", "district": { "name": "36TH US CONGRESSIONAL", "scope": "congressional" }, "numberElected": "1", "numberVotingFor": "1", "ballotPlacement": "103", "sources": [ { "name": "Voting Information Project", "official": true } ], "candidates": [ { "name": "ARIANA HAKAMI", "party": "Party Preference: Republican" }, { "name": "CLAIRE RAGGE ANDERSON", "party": "Party Preference: None" }, { "name": "MELISSA TOOMIM", "party": "Party Preference: Republican" }, { "name": "TED W. LIEU", "party": "Party Preference: Democratic" } ] }, { "type": "ballot-measure", "ballotTitle": "LOS ANGELES CITY MUNICIPAL ELECTION - MEASURE HLA", "district": { "name": "CITY OF LOS ANGELES", "scope": "citywide" }, "ballotPlacement": "116", "referendumTitle": "LOS ANGELES CITY MUNICIPAL ELECTION - MEASURE HLA", "referendumText": "CITY MOBILITY PLAN STREET IMPROVEMENT MEASURES. INITIATIVE ORDINANCE HLA. Shall an ordinance providing that when the City of Los Angeles makes a qualifying improvement to a City-owned street (e.g., a paving project), the City must also install certain street enhancements described in the City's Mobility Plan network of pedestrian, bicycle, transit, and vehicle routes; and requiring the City to provide publicly accessible information regarding street improvements; be adopted?", "referendumPassageThreshold": "MAJORITY OF VOTES CAST", "referendumBallotResponses": [ "YES", "NO" ], "sources": [ { "name": "Voting Information Project", "official": true } ] }, { "type": "General", "ballotTitle": "DISTRICT ATTORNEY", "district": { "name": "LOS ANGELES COUNTY", "scope": "countywide" }, "numberElected": "1", "numberVotingFor": "1", "ballotPlacement": "129", "sources": [ { "name": "Voting Information Project", "official": true } ], "candidates": [ { "name": "GEORGE GASCÓN" }, { "name": "JONATHAN HATAMI" }, { "name": "NATHAN HOCHMAN" }, { "name": "DEBRA ARCHULETA" }, { "name": "JEFF CHEMERINSKY" }, { "name": "ERIC SIDDALL" }, { "name": "MARIA RAMIREZ" }, { "name": "DAN KAPELOVITZ" }, { "name": "LLOYD \"BOBCAT\" MASSON" }, { "name": "JOHN MCKINNEY" }, { "name": "CRAIG J. MITCHELL" }, { "name": "DAVID S. MILTON" } ] } ], "state": [ { "name": "California", "electionAdministrationBody": { "name": "Secretary of State", "electionInfoUrl": "https://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/", "electionRegistrationUrl": "https://registertovote.ca.gov/?t=s", "electionRegistrationConfirmationUrl": "https://voterstatus.sos.ca.gov", "absenteeVotingInfoUrl": "https://elections.cdn.sos.ca.gov/vote-by-mail/replacement-application.pdf", "votingLocationFinderUrl": "https://voterstatus.sos.ca.gov", "ballotInfoUrl": "https://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/ballot-status/wheres-my-ballot/", "correspondenceAddress": { "line1": "1500 11th Street, 5th Floor", "city": "Sacramento", "state": "California", "zip": "95814" } }, "local_jurisdiction": { "name": "Los Angeles", "electionAdministrationBody": { "name": "Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk", "electionInfoUrl": "http://www.lavote.gov/", "electionRegistrationUrl": "http://registertovote.ca.gov/", "electionRegistrationConfirmationUrl": "https://lavote.gov/vrstatus/", "absenteeVotingInfoUrl": "", "ballotInfoUrl": "http://www.lavote.gov/Locator", "physicalAddress": { "locationName": "Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk", "line1": "12400 Imperial Highway", "city": "Norwalk", "state": "CA", "zip": "90650" } }, "sources": [ { "name": "Voting Information Project", "official": true } ] } } ] }
curl を使用した representativeInfoQuery
representativeInfoByAddress リクエストを送信し、
東京都千代田区神田錦町 3-22 テラススクエア 8 階 | 03-4577-4401 |
(後述の representativeInfoByAddress レスポンスを参照)。
curl "https://www.googleapis.com/civicinfo/v2/representatives?key=<YOUR_API_KEY>&address=1263%20Pacific%20Ave.%20Kansas%20City%20KS"
報告内容は、他のユーザー、データ プロバイダ、または政府の公式データソースで確認されます。多数のご報告をお寄せいただいている関係上、直接回答を差し上げることができない場合もあります。変更が承認されても、API の結果に反映されるまでに時間がかかることがあります。
representativeInfoByAddress レスポンス
{ "kind": "civicinfo#representativeInfoResponse", "status": "success", "normalizedInput": { "line1": "1263 pacific ave", "city": "kansas city", "state": "KS", "zip": "66102" }, "divisions": { "ocd-division/country:us/state:ks/county:wyandotte/council_district:2": { "name": "Wyandotte County Commissioner District 2", "scope": "countyCouncil" }, "ocd-division/country:us/state:ks/cd:3": { "name": "Kansas's 3rd congressional district", "scope": "congressional", "officeIndices": [ 0 ] }, "ocd-division/country:us/state:ks/sldl:32": { "name": "Kansas House of Representatives district 32", "scope": "stateLower", "officeIndices": [ 1 ] }, "ocd-division/country:us/state:ks/place:kansas_city": { "name": "Kansas City city", "scope": "citywide", "officeIndices": [ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ] }, "ocd-division/country:us/state:ks/county:wyandotte": { "name": "Wyandotte County", "scope": "countywide" }, "ocd-division/country:us": { "name": "United States", "scope": "national", "officeIndices": [ 9, 10 ] }, "ocd-division/country:us/state:ks": { "name": "Kansas", "scope": "statewide", "officeIndices": [ 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 ] }, "ocd-division/country:us/state:ks/sldu:6": { "name": "Kansas State Senate district 6", "scope": "stateUpper", "officeIndices": [ 18 ] } }, "offices": [ { "name": "United States House of Representatives KS-03", "level": "federal", "officialIndices": [ 0 ] }, { "name": "KS State House District 32", "level": "state", "officialIndices": [ 1 ] }, { "name": "Sheriff", "level": "county", "officialIndices": [ 2 ] }, { "name": "District Attorney", "level": "county", "officialIndices": [ 3 ] }, { "name": "Register of Deeds", "level": "county", "officialIndices": [ 4 ] }, { "name": "Director of Revenue", "level": "county", "officialIndices": [ 5 ] }, { "name": "Unified Government Clerk", "level": "county", "officialIndices": [ 6 ] }, { "name": "Unified Government Commission, At Large, District 1", "level": "county", "officialIndices": [ 7 ] }, { "name": "Unified Government Commission, At Large, District 2", "level": "county", "officialIndices": [ 8 ] }, { "name": "President", "level": "federal", "officialIndices": [ 9 ] }, { "name": "Vice President", "level": "federal", "officialIndices": [ 10 ] }, { "name": "Governor", "level": "state", "officialIndices": [ 11 ] }, { "name": "State Treasurer", "level": "state", "officialIndices": [ 12 ] }, { "name": "Attorney General", "level": "state", "officialIndices": [ 13 ] }, { "name": "Secretary of State", "level": "state", "officialIndices": [ 14 ] }, { "name": "Lieutenant Governor", "level": "state", "officialIndices": [ 15 ] }, { "name": "United States Senate", "level": "federal", "officialIndices": [ 16, 17 ] }, { "name": "Insurance Commissioner", "level": "state", "officialIndices": [ 18 ] }, { "name": "KS State Senate District 6", "level": "state", "officialIndices": [ 19 ] } ], "officials": [ { "name": "Kevin Yoder", "address": [ { "line1": "215 Cannon HOB", "city": "washington d.c.", "state": "DC", "zip": "20515" } ], "party": "Republican", "phones": [ "(202) 225-2865" ], "urls": [ "http://yoder.house.gov/" ], "photoUrl": "http://yoder.house.gov/images/user_images/headshot.jpg", "channels": [ { "type": "Facebook", "id": "CongressmanKevinYoder" }, { "type": "Twitter", "id": "RepKevinYoder" } ] }, { "name": "Mike Peterson", "address": [ { "line1": "450 North 17th", "city": "kansas city", "state": "KS", "zip": "66102" } ], "party": "Democratic", "phones": [ "(785) 296-7371" ], "urls": [ "http://www.kslegislature.org/li/b2013_14/members/rep_peterson_michael_1/" ], "photoUrl": "http://www.kslegislature.org/li/m/images/pics/rep_peterson_michael_1.jpg", "emails": [ "michael.peterson@house.ks.gov" ] }, { "name": "Donald Ash", "address": [ { "line1": "701 Nth 7th Street Suite 20", "city": "kansas city", "state": "KS", "zip": "66101" } ], "party": "Democratic", "phones": [ "(913) 573-2861" ], "urls": [ "http://www.wycokck.org/DefaultDept32.aspx?id=2614" ], "emails": [ "dash@wycokck.org" ] }, { "name": "Jerome Gorman", "address": [ { "line1": "701 Nth 7th Street Suite 10", "city": "kansas city", "state": "KS", "zip": "66101" } ], "party": "Democratic", "phones": [ "(913) 573-2851" ], "urls": [ "http://www.wycokck.org/Internet2010DistAttyBanner.aspx?id=176&banner=6912&menu_id=946" ] }, { "name": "Nancy Burns", "address": [ { "line1": "710 n. 7th street", "city": "kansas city", "state": "KS", "zip": "66101" } ], "party": "Unknown", "phones": [ "(913) 573-2841" ], "urls": [ "http://www.wycokck.org/Internetdept.aspx?id=2600&menu_id=1024&banner=15284" ], "emails": [ "nburns@wycokck.org" ] }, { "name": "Debbie Pack", "address": [ { "line1": "710 n. 7th street", "city": "kansas city", "state": "KS", "zip": "66101" } ], "party": "Unknown", "phones": [ "(913) 573-2821" ], "urls": [ "http://www.wycokck.org/treasury/" ], "emails": [ "dpack@wycokck.org" ] }, { "name": "Bridgette D. Cobbins", "address": [ { "line1": "710 n. 7th street", "city": "kansas city", "state": "KS", "zip": "66101" } ], "party": "Unknown", "phones": [ "(913) 573-5260" ], "urls": [ "http://www.wycokck.org/InternetDept.aspx?id=18992&menu_id=554&terms=Bridgette%20Cobbins" ], "emails": [ "clerkwest@wycokck.org" ] }, { "name": "Vacant", "address": [ { "line1": "701 Nth 7th Street Suite 979", "city": "kansas city", "state": "KS", "zip": "66101" } ], "party": "Unknown", "phones": [ "(913) 573-5040" ], "urls": [ "http://www.wycokck.org/InternetDept.aspx?id=5750&menu_id=1278&banner=15284" ], "channels": [ { "type": "Facebook", "id": "cityofkck" }, { "type": "Twitter", "id": "CityofKCK" } ] }, { "name": "John Mendez", "address": [ { "line1": "701 Nth 7th Street Suite 979", "city": "kansas city", "state": "KS", "zip": "66101" } ], "party": "Unknown", "phones": [ "(913) 573-5040" ], "urls": [ "http://www.wycokck.org/Internetdept.aspx?id=5752&menu_id=1278&banner=15284" ], "emails": [ "jmendez@wycokck.org" ], "channels": [ { "type": "Facebook", "id": "cityofkck" }, { "type": "Twitter", "id": "CityofKCK" } ] }, { "name": "Barack Hussein Obama II", "address": [ { "line1": "The White House", "line2": "1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW", "line3": "", "city": "Washington", "state": "DC", "zip": "20500" } ], "party": "Democrat", "phones": [ "(202) 456-1111", "(202) 456-1414" ], "urls": [ "http://www.whitehouse.gov/administration/president_obama/", "http://www.barackobama.com/index.php" ], "photoUrl": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/imagecache/admin_official_lowres/administration-official/ao_image/president_official_portrait_hires.jpg", "channels": [ { "type": "GooglePlus", "id": "110031535020051778989" }, { "type": "Twitter", "id": "barackobama" }, { "type": "Facebook", "id": "barackobama" }, { "type": "YouTube", "id": "barackobama" } ] }, { "name": "Joseph (Joe) Robinette Biden Jr.", "address": [ { "line1": "The White House", "line2": "1600 Pennsylvania Avenue 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"http://www.kansasstatetreasurer.com/prodweb/main/index.php" ], "emails": [ "ron@treasurer.ks.gov" ], "channels": [ { "type": "Facebook", "id": "130975650300043" }, { "type": "Twitter", "id": "RonEstesKS" } ] }, { "name": "Derek Schmidt", "address": [ { "line1": "120 SW 10th Ave", "line2": "2nd Floor", "city": "topeka", "state": "KS", "zip": "66612" } ], "phones": [ "(785) 296-2215" ], "urls": [ "http://ag.ks.gov/" ], "channels": [ { "type": "Twitter", "id": "KSAGOffice" } ] }, { "name": "Kris Kobach", "address": [ { "line1": "Kansas Secretary of State Memorial Hall", "line2": "1st Floor", "line3": "120 sw 10th avenue", "city": "topeka", "state": "KS", "zip": "66612" } ], "phones": [ "(785) 296-4564" ], "urls": [ "http://www.kssos.org/" ], "emails": [ "kssos@sos.ks.gov" ], "channels": [ { "type": "Facebook", "id": "Kansas-Secretary-of-State" }, { "type": "Twitter", "id": "kansassos" } ] }, { "name": "Jeff Coyler", "address": [ { "line1": "State Capitol", "line2": "2nd Floor", "line3": 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