iframe and query parameter details

Classroom add-ons are loaded within an iframe to provide the end-user with a seamless and convenient user experience. There are four distinct iframe types; see the iframes pages in the User journeys directory for an overview of the purpose and appearance of each iframe.

iframe security guidelines

Partners are expected to follow industry best practices to secure their iframe. To protect the iframe, our security team recommends the following:

iFrame URI configuration

The Attachment Setup URI is what the Attachment Discovery iframe loads, and is where teachers begin the flow of creating add-on attachments on a Classroom post. It can be set in the Google Cloud project console. Set this URI in your Google Cloud project's API & Service > Google Workspace Marketplace SDK > App Configuration page.

iFrame URI configuration

The Allowed Attachment URI Prefixes are used to validate the URIs set in AddOnAttachment using the *.addOnAttachments.create and *.addOnAttachments.patch methods. The validation is a literal string prefix match and doesn't allow for the use of wild cards at this time.

Query parameters

The iframes pass critical information to the add-on as query parameters. There are two categories of parameters: attachment-related and sign-in related parameters.

The attachment-related parameters provide the add-on with information about the course, the assignment, the add-on attachment, the student's submission, and an authorizing token.

Course ID

The courseId value is an identifier to the course.

Included with all iframes.

Item ID

The itemId value is an identifier of the Announcement,

CourseWork, or CourseWorkMaterial on which this attachment is attached.

Included with all iframes.

Item Type

The itemType value identifies the resource type on which this

attachment is attached. The passed string value is one of "announcements", "courseWork", or "courseWorkMaterials".

Included with all iframes.

Attachment ID

The attachmentId value is an identifier to the attachment.

Included with the teacherViewUri, studentViewUri and studentWorkReviewUri iframes.

Submission ID

The submissionId value is an identifier to the student's work, but should be used in combination with the attachmentId to identify the student's work of a particular assignment.

Included with the studentWorkReviewUri.

Add-on token

The addOnToken value is an authorization token used to make

addOnAttachments.create calls in order to create the add-on.

Included with the Attachment Discovery iframe and the Link Upgrade iframe.

URL to upgrade

The presence of the urlToUpgrade value implies that the

teacher has included a Link attachment in the assignment, and has agreed to upgrade it to an add-on attachment. If you don't already have this feature configured, see the guide about upgrading links to add-on attachments for more details.

Included with the Link Upgrade iframe.

The login_hint query parameter provides information about the Classroom user visiting the add-on web page. This query parameter is provided on the iframe src URL. It's sent when the user has previously used your add-on to help reduce end user sign-in friction. You're required to handle this query parameter in your add-on implementation.

Login hint

The login_hint is a unique identifier for the user's Google

Account. After the user has logged in to your add-on for the first time, the login_hint parameter is passed on each subsequent visit to your add-on by the same user.

There are two potential uses for the login_hint parameter:

  1. Pass the login_hint value during the authentication flow so that the user doesn't need to enter their credentials when the sign-in dialog appears. The user is not automatically signed-in.
  2. After the user has been signed-in, use this parameter to compare the value to any users you might already have signed-in to the add-on. If you find a match, you can leave the user signed-in and avoid showing a sign-in flow. If the parameter doesn't match any of your signed-in users, prompt the user to sign-in with a Google branded sign-in button.

Included with all iframes.

Attachment Discovery iframe

Dimension Description
Required Yes
URI Provided in the add-on metadata
Query Params courseId, itemId, itemType, addOnToken, and login_hint.
Height 80% window height minus 60px for the top header
Width Maximum of 1600px
90% window width when window <= 600px wide
80% window width when window > 600px wide

Example Attachment Discovery scenario

  1. A Classroom add-on is registered in Google Workspace Marketplace with an Attachment Discovery URI of https://example.com/addon.
  2. A teacher installs this add-on and creates a new announcement, assignment or material within one of their courses. For example, itemId=234, itemType=courseWork and courseId=123.
  3. While configuring that item, the teacher chooses the newly installed add-on as an attachment.
  4. Classroom creates an iframe with the src URL set to https://example.com/addon?courseId=123&itemId=234&itemType=courseWork&addOnToken=456.
    1. Teacher performs work within the iframe to make an attachment selection.
  5. On attachment selection, the add-on sends a postMessage to Classroom to close the iframe.

teacherViewUri and studentViewUri iframes

Dimension Description
Required Yes
URI teacherViewUri or studentViewUri
Query Params courseId, itemId, itemType, attachmentId, and login_hint.
Height 100% window height minus 140px for the top header
Width 100% window width

studentWorkReviewUri iframe

Dimension Description
Required No (Determines whether this is an activity-type attachment)
URI studentWorkReviewUri
Query Params courseId, itemId, itemType, attachmentId, submissionId, and login_hint.
Height 100% window height minus 168px for the top header
Width 100% window width minus sidebar width<> sidebar is 312px when expanded and 56px when collapsed

Dimension Description
Required Yes, if upgrading links to add-on attachments is supported by your add-on.
URI Provided in the add-on metadata
Query Params courseId, itemId, itemType, addOnToken, urlToUpgrade, and login_hint.
Height 80% window height minus 60px for the top header
Width Maximum of 1600px
90% window width when window <= 600px wide
80% window width when window > 600px wide
  1. A Classroom add-on is registered with a Link Upgrade URI of https://example.com/upgrade. You have provided the following host and path prefix patterns for Link attachments that Classroom should attempt to upgrade to an add-on attachment:
    • The host is example.com and the path prefix is /quiz.
  2. A teacher creates a new announcement, assignment or material within one of their courses. For example, itemId=234, itemType=courseWork and courseId=123.
  3. A teacher pastes a link, https://example.com/quiz/5678, in the Link attachment dialog that matches a URL pattern you provided. The teacher is then prompted to upgrade the Link to an add-on attachment.
  4. Classroom launches the Link Upgrade iframe with the URL set to https://example.com/upgrade?courseId=123&itemId=234&itemType=courseWork&addOnToken=456&urlToUpgrade=https%3A%2F%2Fexample.com%2Fquiz%2F5678.

  5. You evaluate the query parameters passed on the iframe and make a call to the CreateAddOnAttachment endpoint. Note that the urlToUpgrade query parameter is URI encoded when passed on the iframe. You need to decode the parameter to obtain it in its original form. JavaScript, for example, offers the decodeURIComponent() function.

  6. On successful creation of an add-on attachment from a Link, you send a postMessage to Classroom to close the iframe.

Close the iframe

The iframe may be closed from the learning tool by sending a postMessage with the payload {type: 'Classroom', action: 'closeIframe'}. Classroom only accepts this postMessage from the host_name+port corresponding to the original URI that was opened.

<button id="close">Send message to close iframe</button>
    .addEventListener('click', () => {
            type: 'Classroom',
            action: 'closeIframe',
        }, '*');

Close iframe from the iframe

The domain+port of the page sending the postMessage event must have the same domain+port as that of the URI used to launch the iframe, otherwise the message is ignored. A workaround is to redirect back to a page on the original domain that does nothing more than send the postMessage event.

Close iframe from a new tab

Cross-domain protections prevent this from working. A workaround is to handle communications between the iframe and new tab on your own and let the iframe ultimately be responsible for issuing the close postMessage event. As a side note, the hyperlink "Open in Partner Name" is being removed so users don't create tabs this way in the near future.


All iframes are opened with the following sandbox attributes:

  • allow-popups
  • allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox
  • allow-forms
  • allow-scripts
  • allow-storage-access-by-user-activation
  • allow-same-origin

and the following feature policy

  • allow="microphone *"

Be aware that third-party cookie blocking makes it difficult to maintain a signed in session in an iframe. Refer to https://www.cookiestatus.com on the current state of cookie blocking across different browsers. Of course, this issue is not unique to Google Classroom add-ons and affects all websites that iframe third-parties. Many of our partners have already encountered this issue.

Some general workarounds are:

  • Open a new tab to create the cookie in a first-party context. Some browsers grant access to cookies created in the first-party context while in a third-party context.
  • Ask the user to allow third-party cookies. This may not always be possible with all users.
  • Design single-page web applications that don't rely on cookies.

More cookie restrictions are expected in future browser versions. Create feature requests to send feedback to Google on how to reduce the lift required by partners.

Enable discoverability of add-ons using URL regular expressions

Teachers frequently create assignments with link attachments. To promote the use of your add-on, you can specify regular expressions that match URLs of resources that can be accessed in your add-on. A teacher attaching a link that matches one of your regular expressions sees a dismissible dialog encouraging them to try your add-on. They only see the dialog if the add-on is already installed for their account.

If you would like to provide this behavior to teachers, provide your Google contacts with the appropriate regular expressions. If the regular expressions that you provide are overly broad or conflict with another add-on, they may be modified to be more restricted or distinct.

Teacher selecting link attachment Figure 1. Teacher selecting a link attachment to a new assignment.

Teacher pasting link Figure 2. Teacher pasting a link from a third-party source. The teacher has already installed the third-party's Classroom add-on.

Regex discoverability dialog Figure 3. The interactive dialog presented to the teacher when the pasted link matches a regular expression specified by the third-party developer.

If a teacher selects "Try it now" in the pop as seen in figure 3, they're redirected to your add-on's Attachment Discovery iframe.