Tech Equity Collective
Tech Equity Collective (TEC), a Google initiative, serves as a career launchpad for aspiring and emerging technologists. TEC offers curated tools, programs, and experiences to ignite members' ambition, expand access, and support career advancement in tech. By joining TEC, members connect with a vibrant community of rising tech innovators, along with resources and insights from Google and our partners.
By joining the Tech Equity Collective, you'll periodically receive important emails about the program from Google. Additionally, you have the option to opt-in to receive other emails with news, events information, activities, and other updates in relation to the program (you can opt out of the communications at any time through the unsubscribe link in emails or by modifying your community email settings).
科技業平權共同體 (TEC) 是 Google 的計畫,旨在加速科技領域的進步、提升技術創新的企圖心和進展。TEC 將社群和業界合作夥伴聚集一堂,打造相關計畫、資源和體驗,協助科技創新者取得實質進展。
無論您是剛踏入科技領域,或是想探索下一步,TEC 都能提供以下協助:
- 精選技能培訓計畫和體驗
- 專業職涯指導
- 與新興創新者和業界領導者建立社群