Deprecation Schedule

There will generally be three supported versions of the Campaign Manager 360 API at any given time. When a new version is released, a sunset date is announced for the previous version. A version is considered deprecated once a sunset date has been announced for it.

The deprecation period for most versions will be approximately 7 months. While deprecated versions remain available until the scheduled sunset date, users are encouraged to use the deprecation period to migrate to a newer version. After the sunset date, deprecated versions will no longer be available.

When a version is sunset all incoming requests are rejected with an HTTP 403: Forbidden error response. These errors are accompanied by a message alerting users that the version is no longer supported:

  "error": {
    "errors": [
        "domain": "global",
        "reason": "forbidden",
        "message": "3140 : Version v2.x of the DCM/DFA Trafficking and Reporting API is no longer supported. Please upgrade to the latest version of the API."
    "code": 403,
    "message": "3140 : Version v2.x of the DCM/DFA Trafficking and Reporting API is no longer supported. Please upgrade to the latest version of the API."

After some time, the version is fully deactivated and becomes unreachable. At that point, all requests against the version receive a generic HTTP 404: Not Found error response.

A schedule of the currently announced deprecation and sunset dates is provided below:

API Version Deprecation Date Sunset Date
v3.5 Jun 15, 2022 May 01, 2023