The Campaign Manager 360 API supports all of the dimensions, metrics, and filters provided by the DDM Report Builder. Refer to the DCM Help Centerto learn more about these fields.
A complete list of API-supported dimensions, metrics, and filters is provided in the sections below. A mapping from API name to DDM Report Builder name and type is provided for informational purposes only. These values may vary by region and are subject to change without notice.
Standard Report Dimensions
API Name | Report Builder Name | Type |
activeViewCustomMetricId | Active View: Custom Metric ID | long |
activeViewCustomMetricName | Active View: Custom Metric Name | string |
activity | Activity | string |
activityGroup | Activity Group | string |
activityGroupId | Activity Group ID | long |
activityId | Activity ID | long |
ad | Ad | string |
adId | Ad ID | long |
adStatus | Ad Status | string |
adType | Ad Type | string |
advertiser | Advertiser | string |
advertiserGroup | Advertiser Group | string |
advertiserId | Advertiser ID | long |
app | App | string |
appId | App ID | string |
asset | Asset | string |
assetCategory | Asset Category | string |
assetId | Asset ID | long |
assetOrientation | Asset Orientation | string |
attributedEventConnectionType | Attributed Event Connection Type | string |
attributedEventEnvironment | Attributed Event Environment | string |
audienceTargeted | Audience Targeted | string |
billingProfileId | Billing Profile ID | long |
billingProfileName | Billing Profile Name | string |
browserPlatform | Browser/Platform | string |
campaign | Campaign | string |
campaignEndDate | Campaign End Date | string |
campaignExternalId | Campaign External ID | string |
campaignId | Campaign ID | long |
campaignStartDate | Campaign Start Date | string |
city | City | string |
clickThroughUrl | Click-through URL | string |
cm360TechFeeCurrency | Currency | string |
companionCreative | Companion Creative | string |
companionCreativeId | Companion Creative ID | long |
companionCreativeSize | Companion Creative Pixel Size | string |
connectionType | Connection Type | string |
contentCategory | Content Category | string |
country | Country | string |
creative | Creative | string |
creativeEndDate | Creative End Date | string |
creativeField1 | Creative Field 1 | string |
creativeField2 | Creative Field 2 | string |
creativeField3 | Creative Field 3 | string |
creativeField4 | Creative Field 4 | string |
creativeField5 | Creative Field 5 | string |
creativeField6 | Creative Field 6 | string |
creativeField7 | Creative Field 7 | string |
creativeField8 | Creative Field 8 | string |
creativeField9 | Creative Field 9 | string |
creativeField10 | Creative Field 10 | string |
creativeField11 | Creative Field 11 | string |
creativeField12 | Creative Field 12 | string |
creativeGroup1 | Creative Groups 1 | string |
creativeGroup2 | Creative Groups 2 | string |
creativeId | Creative ID | long |
creativeSize | Creative Pixel Size | string |
creativeStartDate | Creative Start Date | string |
creativeType | Creative Type | string |
creativeVersion | Creative Version | string |
dataSource | Data Source | string |
date | Date | string |
digitalContentLabel | Digital Content Label | string |
dmaRegion | Designated Market Area (DMA) | string |
domain | Domain | string |
dv360Advertiser | DV360 Advertiser | string |
dv360AdvertiserId | DV360 Advertiser ID | long |
dv360Campaign | DV360 Campaign | string |
dv360CampaignId | DV360 Campaign ID | long |
dv360Creative | DV360 Creative | string |
dv360CreativeId | DV360 Creative ID | long |
dv360InsertionOrder | DV360 Insertion Order | string |
dv360InsertionOrderId | DV360 Insertion Order ID | long |
dv360LineItem | DV360 Line Item | string |
dv360LineItemId | DV360 Line Item ID | long |
dv360Partner | DV360 Partner | string |
dv360PartnerId | DV360 Partner ID | long |
dv360Site | DV360 Site | string |
dv360SiteId | DV360 Site ID | long |
dynamicElement1Field1Value | Feed 1 - Reporting dimension 1 value | string |
dynamicElement1Field2Value | Feed 1 - Reporting dimension 2 value | string |
dynamicElement1Field3Value | Feed 1 - Reporting dimension 3 value | string |
dynamicElement1Field4Value | Feed 1 - Reporting dimension 4 value | string |
dynamicElement1Field5Value | Feed 1 - Reporting dimension 5 value | string |
dynamicElement1Field6Value | Feed 1 - Reporting dimension 6 value | string |
dynamicElement2Field1Value | Feed 2 - Reporting dimension 1 value | string |
dynamicElement2Field2Value | Feed 2 - Reporting dimension 2 value | string |
dynamicElement2Field3Value | Feed 2 - Reporting dimension 3 value | string |
dynamicElement2Field4Value | Feed 2 - Reporting dimension 4 value | string |
dynamicElement2Field5Value | Feed 2 - Reporting dimension 5 value | string |
dynamicElement2Field6Value | Feed 2 - Reporting dimension 6 value | string |
dynamicElement3Field1Value | Feed 3 - Reporting dimension 1 value | string |
dynamicElement3Field2Value | Feed 3 - Reporting dimension 2 value | string |
dynamicElement3Field3Value | Feed 3 - Reporting dimension 3 value | string |
dynamicElement3Field4Value | Feed 3 - Reporting dimension 4 value | string |
dynamicElement3Field5Value | Feed 3 - Reporting dimension 5 value | string |
dynamicElement3Field6Value | Feed 3 - Reporting dimension 6 value | string |
dynamicElement4Field1Value | Feed 4 - Reporting dimension 1 value | string |
dynamicElement4Field2Value | Feed 4 - Reporting dimension 2 value | string |
dynamicElement4Field3Value | Feed 4 - Reporting dimension 3 value | string |
dynamicElement4Field4Value | Feed 4 - Reporting dimension 4 value | string |
dynamicElement4Field5Value | Feed 4 - Reporting dimension 5 value | string |
dynamicElement4Field6Value | Feed 4 - Reporting dimension 6 value | string |
dynamicElement5Field1Value | Feed 5 - Reporting dimension 1 value | string |
dynamicElement5Field2Value | Feed 5 - Reporting dimension 2 value | string |
dynamicElement5Field3Value | Feed 5 - Reporting dimension 3 value | string |
dynamicElement5Field4Value | Feed 5 - Reporting dimension 4 value | string |
dynamicElement5Field5Value | Feed 5 - Reporting dimension 5 value | string |
dynamicElement5Field6Value | Feed 5 - Reporting dimension 6 value | string |
dynamicElement6Field1Value | Feed 6 - Reporting dimension 1 value | string |
dynamicElement6Field2Value | Feed 6 - Reporting dimension 2 value | string |
dynamicElement6Field3Value | Feed 6 - Reporting dimension 3 value | string |
dynamicElement6Field4Value | Feed 6 - Reporting dimension 4 value | string |
dynamicElement6Field5Value | Feed 6 - Reporting dimension 5 value | string |
dynamicElement6Field6Value | Feed 6 - Reporting dimension 6 value | string |
dynamicElement7Field1Value | Feed 7 - Reporting dimension 1 value | string |
dynamicElement7Field2Value | Feed 7 - Reporting dimension 2 value | string |
dynamicElement7Field3Value | Feed 7 - Reporting dimension 3 value | string |
dynamicElement7Field4Value | Feed 7 - Reporting dimension 4 value | string |
dynamicElement7Field5Value | Feed 7 - Reporting dimension 5 value | string |
dynamicElement7Field6Value | Feed 7 - Reporting dimension 6 value | string |
dynamicElement8Field1Value | Feed 8 - Reporting dimension 1 value | string |
dynamicElement8Field2Value | Feed 8 - Reporting dimension 2 value | string |
dynamicElement8Field3Value | Feed 8 - Reporting dimension 3 value | string |
dynamicElement8Field4Value | Feed 8 - Reporting dimension 4 value | string |
dynamicElement8Field5Value | Feed 8 - Reporting dimension 5 value | string |
dynamicElement8Field6Value | Feed 8 - Reporting dimension 6 value | string |
dynamicElement9Field1Value | Feed 9 - Reporting dimension 1 value | string |
dynamicElement9Field2Value | Feed 9 - Reporting dimension 2 value | string |
dynamicElement9Field3Value | Feed 9 - Reporting dimension 3 value | string |
dynamicElement9Field4Value | Feed 9 - Reporting dimension 4 value | string |
dynamicElement9Field5Value | Feed 9 - Reporting dimension 5 value | string |
dynamicElement9Field6Value | Feed 9 - Reporting dimension 6 value | string |
dynamicElement10Field1Value | Feed 10 - Reporting dimension 1 value | string |
dynamicElement10Field2Value | Feed 10 - Reporting dimension 2 value | string |
dynamicElement10Field3Value | Feed 10 - Reporting dimension 3 value | string |
dynamicElement10Field4Value | Feed 10 - Reporting dimension 4 value | string |
dynamicElement10Field5Value | Feed 10 - Reporting dimension 5 value | string |
dynamicElement10Field6Value | Feed 10 - Reporting dimension 6 value | string |
dynamicElement11Field1Value | Feed 11 - Reporting dimension 1 value | string |
dynamicElement11Field2Value | Feed 11 - Reporting dimension 2 value | string |
dynamicElement11Field3Value | Feed 11 - Reporting dimension 3 value | string |
dynamicElement11Field4Value | Feed 11 - Reporting dimension 4 value | string |
dynamicElement11Field5Value | Feed 11 - Reporting dimension 5 value | string |
dynamicElement11Field6Value | Feed 11 - Reporting dimension 6 value | string |
dynamicElement12Field1Value | Feed 12 - Reporting dimension 1 value | string |
dynamicElement12Field2Value | Feed 12 - Reporting dimension 2 value | string |
dynamicElement12Field3Value | Feed 12 - Reporting dimension 3 value | string |
dynamicElement12Field4Value | Feed 12 - Reporting dimension 4 value | string |
dynamicElement12Field6Value | Feed 12 - Reporting dimension 6 value | string |
dynamicElement13Field1Value | Feed 13 - Reporting dimension 1 value | string |
dynamicElement13Field2Value | Feed 13 - Reporting dimension 2 value | string |
dynamicElement13Field4Value | Feed 13 - Reporting dimension 4 value | string |
dynamicElement13Field5Value | Feed 13 - Reporting dimension 5 value | string |
dynamicElement13Field6Value | Feed 13 - Reporting dimension 6 value | string |
dynamicElement14Field1Value | Feed 14 - Reporting dimension 1 value | string |
dynamicElement14Field2Value | Feed 14 - Reporting dimension 2 value | string |
dynamicElement14Field3Value | Feed 14 - Reporting dimension 3 value | string |
dynamicElement14Field4Value | Feed 14 - Reporting dimension 4 value | string |
dynamicElement14Field5Value | Feed 14 - Reporting dimension 5 value | string |
dynamicElement14Field6Value | Feed 14 - Reporting dimension 6 value | string |
dynamicElement15Field1Value | Feed 15 - Reporting dimension 1 value | string |
dynamicElement15Field2Value | Feed 15 - Reporting dimension 2 value | string |
dynamicElement15Field3Value | Feed 15 - Reporting dimension 3 value | string |
dynamicElement15Field4Value | Feed 15 - Reporting dimension 4 value | string |
dynamicElement15Field5Value | Feed 15 - Reporting dimension 5 value | string |
dynamicElement15Field6Value | Feed 15 - Reporting dimension 6 value | string |
dynamicElement16Field1Value | Feed 16 - Reporting dimension 1 value | string |
dynamicElement16Field2Value | Feed 16 - Reporting dimension 2 value | string |
dynamicElement16Field3Value | Feed 16 - Reporting dimension 3 value | string |
dynamicElement16Field4Value | Feed 16 - Reporting dimension 4 value | string |
dynamicElement16Field5Value | Feed 16 - Reporting dimension 5 value | string |
dynamicElement16Field6Value | Feed 16 - Reporting dimension 6 value | string |
dynamicElement17Field1Value | Feed 17 - Reporting dimension 1 value | string |
dynamicElement17Field2Value | Feed 17 - Reporting dimension 2 value | string |
dynamicElement17Field3Value | Feed 17 - Reporting dimension 3 value | string |
dynamicElement17Field4Value | Feed 17 - Reporting dimension 4 value | string |
dynamicElement17Field5Value | Feed 17 - Reporting dimension 5 value | string |
dynamicElement17Field6Value | Feed 17 - Reporting dimension 6 value | string |
dynamicElement18Field1Value | Feed 18 - Reporting dimension 1 value | string |
dynamicElement18Field2Value | Feed 18 - Reporting dimension 2 value | string |
dynamicElement18Field3Value | Feed 18 - Reporting dimension 3 value | string |
dynamicElement18Field4Value | Feed 18 - Reporting dimension 4 value | string |
dynamicElement18Field5Value | Feed 18 - Reporting dimension 5 value | string |
dynamicElement18Field6Value | Feed 18 - Reporting dimension 6 value | string |
dynamicElement19Field1Value | Feed 19 - Reporting dimension 1 value | string |
dynamicElement19Field2Value | Feed 19 - Reporting dimension 2 value | string |
dynamicElement19Field3Value | Feed 19 - Reporting dimension 3 value | string |
dynamicElement19Field4Value | Feed 19 - Reporting dimension 4 value | string |
dynamicElement19Field5Value | Feed 19 - Reporting dimension 5 value | string |
dynamicElement19Field6Value | Feed 19 - Reporting dimension 6 value | string |
dynamicElement20Field1Value | Feed 20 - Reporting dimension 1 value | string |
dynamicElement20Field2Value | Feed 20 - Reporting dimension 2 value | string |
dynamicElement20Field3Value | Feed 20 - Reporting dimension 3 value | string |
dynamicElement20Field4Value | Feed 20 - Reporting dimension 4 value | string |
dynamicElement20Field5Value | Feed 20 - Reporting dimension 5 value | string |
dynamicElement20Field6Value | Feed 20 - Reporting dimension 6 value | string |
dynamicProfile | Dynamic Profile | string |
dynamicProfileId | Dynamic Profile Id | long |
environment | Environment | string |
eventPlatformType | Attributed Event Platform Type | string |
exitUrl | Exit URL | string |
feed1 | Dynamic Element 1 | string |
feed1ReportingLabel | Feed 1 - Reporting label | string |
feed1UniqueId | Feed 1 - Unique ID | string |
feed2 | Dynamic Element 2 | string |
feed2ReportingLabel | Feed 2 - Reporting label | string |
feed2UniqueId | Feed 2 - Unique ID | string |
feed3 | Dynamic Element 3 | string |
feed3ReportingLabel | Feed 3 - Reporting label | string |
feed3UniqueId | Feed 3 - Unique ID | string |
feed4 | Dynamic Element 4 | string |
feed4ReportingLabel | Feed 4 - Reporting label | string |
feed4UniqueId | Feed 4 - Unique ID | string |
feed5 | Dynamic Element 5 | string |
feed5ReportingLabel | Feed 5 - Reporting label | string |
feed5UniqueId | Feed 5 - Unique ID | string |
feed6 | Dynamic Element 6 | string |
feed6ReportingLabel | Feed 6 - Reporting label | string |
feed6UniqueId | Feed 6 - Unique ID | string |
feed7 | Dynamic Element 7 | string |
feed7ReportingLabel | Feed 7 - Reporting label | string |
feed7UniqueId | Feed 7 - Unique ID | string |
feed8 | Dynamic Element 8 | string |
feed8ReportingLabel | Feed 8 - Reporting label | string |
feed8UniqueId | Feed 8 - Unique ID | string |
feed9 | Dynamic Element 9 | string |
feed9ReportingLabel | Feed 9 - Reporting label | string |
feed9UniqueId | Feed 9 - Unique ID | string |
feed10 | Dynamic Element 10 | string |
feed10ReportingLabel | Feed 10 - Reporting label | string |
feed10UniqueId | Feed 10 - Unique ID | string |
feed11 | Dynamic Element 11 | string |
feed11ReportingLabel | Feed 11 - Reporting label | string |
feed11UniqueId | Feed 11 - Unique ID | string |
feed12 | Dynamic Element 12 | string |
feed12ReportingLabel | Feed 12 - Reporting label | string |
feed12UniqueId | Feed 12 - Unique ID | string |
feed13 | Dynamic Element 13 | string |
feed13ReportingLabel | Feed 13 - Reporting label | string |
feed13UniqueId | Feed 13 - Unique ID | string |
feed14 | Dynamic Element 14 | string |
feed14ReportingLabel | Feed 14 - Reporting label | string |
feed14UniqueId | Feed 14 - Unique ID | string |
feed15 | Dynamic Element 15 | string |
feed15ReportingLabel | Feed 15 - Reporting label | string |
feed15UniqueId | Feed 15 - Unique ID | string |
feed16 | Dynamic Element 16 | string |
feed16ReportingLabel | Feed 16 - Reporting label | string |
feed16UniqueId | Feed 16 - Unique ID | string |
feed17 | Dynamic Element 17 | string |
feed17ReportingLabel | Feed 17 - Reporting label | string |
feed17UniqueId | Feed 17 - Unique ID | string |
feed18 | Dynamic Element 18 | string |
feed18ReportingLabel | Feed 18 - Reporting label | string |
feed18UniqueId | Feed 18 - Unique ID | string |
feed19 | Dynamic Element 19 | string |
feed19ReportingLabel | Feed 19 - Reporting label | string |
feed19UniqueId | Feed 19 - Unique ID | string |
feed20 | Dynamic Element 20 | string |
feed20ReportingLabel | Feed 20 - Reporting label | string |
feed20UniqueId | Feed 20 - Unique ID | string |
flightBookedCost | Flight Booked Cost | string |
flightBookedRate | Flight Booked Rate | string |
flightBookedUnits | Flight Booked Units | string |
flightEndDate | Flight End Date | string |
flightStartDate | Flight Start Date | string |
floodlightConfigId | Floodlight Configuration | long |
floodlightVariableDimension1 | Custom Floodlight Variable 1 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension2 | Custom Floodlight Variable 2 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension3 | Custom Floodlight Variable 3 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension4 | Custom Floodlight Variable 4 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension5 | Custom Floodlight Variable 5 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension6 | Custom Floodlight Variable 6 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension7 | Custom Floodlight Variable 7 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension8 | Custom Floodlight Variable 8 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension9 | Custom Floodlight Variable 9 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension10 | Custom Floodlight Variable 10 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension11 | Custom Floodlight Variable 11 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension12 | Custom Floodlight Variable 12 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension13 | Custom Floodlight Variable 13 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension14 | Custom Floodlight Variable 14 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension15 | Custom Floodlight Variable 15 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension16 | Custom Floodlight Variable 16 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension17 | Custom Floodlight Variable 17 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension18 | Custom Floodlight Variable 18 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension19 | Custom Floodlight Variable 19 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension20 | Custom Floodlight Variable 20 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension21 | Custom Floodlight Variable 21 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension22 | Custom Floodlight Variable 22 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension23 | Custom Floodlight Variable 23 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension24 | Custom Floodlight Variable 24 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension25 | Custom Floodlight Variable 25 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension26 | Custom Floodlight Variable 26 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension27 | Custom Floodlight Variable 27 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension28 | Custom Floodlight Variable 28 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension29 | Custom Floodlight Variable 29 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension30 | Custom Floodlight Variable 30 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension31 | Custom Floodlight Variable 31 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension32 | Custom Floodlight Variable 32 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension33 | Custom Floodlight Variable 33 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension34 | Custom Floodlight Variable 34 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension35 | Custom Floodlight Variable 35 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension36 | Custom Floodlight Variable 36 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension37 | Custom Floodlight Variable 37 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension38 | Custom Floodlight Variable 38 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension39 | Custom Floodlight Variable 39 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension40 | Custom Floodlight Variable 40 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension41 | Custom Floodlight Variable 41 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension42 | Custom Floodlight Variable 42 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension43 | Custom Floodlight Variable 43 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension44 | Custom Floodlight Variable 44 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension45 | Custom Floodlight Variable 45 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension46 | Custom Floodlight Variable 46 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension47 | Custom Floodlight Variable 47 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension48 | Custom Floodlight Variable 48 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension49 | Custom Floodlight Variable 49 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension50 | Custom Floodlight Variable 50 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension51 | Custom Floodlight Variable 51 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension52 | Custom Floodlight Variable 52 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension53 | Custom Floodlight Variable 53 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension54 | Custom Floodlight Variable 54 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension55 | Custom Floodlight Variable 55 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension56 | Custom Floodlight Variable 56 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension57 | Custom Floodlight Variable 57 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension58 | Custom Floodlight Variable 58 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension59 | Custom Floodlight Variable 59 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension60 | Custom Floodlight Variable 60 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension61 | Custom Floodlight Variable 61 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension62 | Custom Floodlight Variable 62 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension63 | Custom Floodlight Variable 63 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension64 | Custom Floodlight Variable 64 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension65 | Custom Floodlight Variable 65 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension66 | Custom Floodlight Variable 66 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension67 | Custom Floodlight Variable 67 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension68 | Custom Floodlight Variable 68 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension69 | Custom Floodlight Variable 69 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension70 | Custom Floodlight Variable 70 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension71 | Custom Floodlight Variable 71 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension72 | Custom Floodlight Variable 72 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension73 | Custom Floodlight Variable 73 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension74 | Custom Floodlight Variable 74 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension75 | Custom Floodlight Variable 75 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension76 | Custom Floodlight Variable 76 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension77 | Custom Floodlight Variable 77 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension78 | Custom Floodlight Variable 78 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension79 | Custom Floodlight Variable 79 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension80 | Custom Floodlight Variable 80 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension81 | Custom Floodlight Variable 81 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension82 | Custom Floodlight Variable 82 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension83 | Custom Floodlight Variable 83 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension84 | Custom Floodlight Variable 84 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension85 | Custom Floodlight Variable 85 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension86 | Custom Floodlight Variable 86 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension87 | Custom Floodlight Variable 87 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension88 | Custom Floodlight Variable 88 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension89 | Custom Floodlight Variable 89 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension90 | Custom Floodlight Variable 90 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension91 | Custom Floodlight Variable 91 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension92 | Custom Floodlight Variable 92 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension93 | Custom Floodlight Variable 93 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension94 | Custom Floodlight Variable 94 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension95 | Custom Floodlight Variable 95 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension96 | Custom Floodlight Variable 96 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension97 | Custom Floodlight Variable 97 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension98 | Custom Floodlight Variable 98 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension99 | Custom Floodlight Variable 99 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension100 | Custom Floodlight Variable 100 | string |
hour | Hour | string |
impressionCountingMethod | Impression Counting Method | string |
industryBenchmarkClickRateLast7Days | Industry Benchmark: Click rate (last 7 days) | string |
industryBenchmarkClickRateLast14Days | Industry Benchmark: Click rate (last 14 days) | string |
industryBenchmarkClickRateLast30Days | Industry Benchmark: Click rate (last 30 days) | string |
industryBenchmarkClickRateLast90Days | Industry Benchmark: Click rate (last 90 days) | string |
industryBenchmarkVideoCompletionRateLast7Days | Industry Benchmark: Video completion rate (last 7 days) | string |
industryBenchmarkVideoCompletionRateLast14Days | Industry Benchmark: Video completion rate (last 14 days) | string |
industryBenchmarkVideoCompletionRateLast30Days | Industry Benchmark: Video completion rate (last 30 days) | string |
industryBenchmarkVideoCompletionRateLast90Days | Industry Benchmark: Video completion rate (last 90 days) | string |
isYouTubeTv | Is YouTube TV | string |
keyword | Keyword | string |
landingPageUrl | Landing Page URL | string |
measurementSource | Measurement Source | string |
mediaType | Media Type | string |
mobileCarrier | Mobile Carrier | string |
month | Month | string |
naturalSearchEngineCountry | Natural Search Engine Country | string |
naturalSearchEngineProperty | Natural Search Engine Property | string |
naturalSearchLandingPage | Natural Search Landing Page | string |
naturalSearchLandingPageQueryString | Natural Search Landing Page Query String | string |
naturalSearchProcessedLandingPage | Natural Search Processed Landing Page | string |
naturalSearchProcessedLandingPageQueryString | Natural Search Processed Landing Page Query String | string |
naturalSearchQuery | Natural Search Query | string |
omSdkAvailable | OM SDK Available | string |
operatingSystem | Operating System | string |
operatingSystemVersion | Operating System Version | string |
packageRoadblock | Package/Roadblock | string |
packageRoadblockId | Package/Roadblock ID | long |
packageRoadblockStrategy | Package/Roadblock Strategy | string |
packageRoadblockTotalBookedUnits | Package/Roadblock Total Booked Units | string |
paidSearchAd | Paid Search Ad | string |
paidSearchAdGroup | Paid Search Ad Group | string |
paidSearchAdGroupId | Paid Search Ad Group ID | long |
paidSearchAdId | Paid Search Ad ID | long |
paidSearchAdvertiser | Paid Search Advertiser | string |
paidSearchAdvertiserId | Paid Search Advertiser ID | long |
paidSearchAgency | Paid Search Agency | string |
paidSearchAgencyId | Paid Search Agency ID | long |
paidSearchBidStrategy | Paid Search Bid Strategy | string |
paidSearchBidStrategyId | Paid Search Bid Strategy ID | long |
paidSearchCampaign | Paid Search Campaign | string |
paidSearchCampaignId | Paid Search Campaign ID | long |
paidSearchEngineAccount | Paid Search Engine Account | string |
paidSearchEngineAccountCategory | Paid Search Engine Account Category | string |
paidSearchEngineAccountId | Paid Search Engine Account ID | long |
paidSearchExternalAdGroupId | Paid Search External Ad Group ID | long |
paidSearchExternalAdId | Paid Search External Ad ID | long |
paidSearchExternalCampaignId | Paid Search External Campaign ID | long |
paidSearchExternalKeywordId | Paid Search External Keyword ID | long |
paidSearchKeyword | Paid Search Keyword | string |
paidSearchKeywordId | Paid Search Keyword ID | long |
paidSearchLandingPageUrl | Paid Search Landing Page URL | string |
paidSearchLegacyKeywordId | Paid Search Legacy Keyword ID | long |
paidSearchMatchType | Paid Search Match Type | string |
paidSocialAd | Paid Social Ad | string |
paidSocialAdGroup | Paid Social Ad Group | string |
paidSocialAdGroupId | Paid Social Ad Group ID | long |
paidSocialAdId | Paid Social Ad ID | long |
paidSocialAdvertiser | Paid Social Advertiser | string |
paidSocialAdvertiserId | Paid Social Advertiser ID | long |
paidSocialAgency | Paid Social Agency | string |
paidSocialAgencyId | Paid Social Agency ID | long |
paidSocialCampaign | Paid Social Campaign | string |
paidSocialCampaignId | Paid Social Campaign ID | long |
paidSocialEngineAccount | Paid Social Engine Account | string |
paidSocialEngineAccountId | Paid Social Engine Account ID | long |
paidSocialExternalAdGroupId | Paid Social External Ad Group ID | long |
paidSocialExternalAdId | Paid Social External Ad ID | long |
paidSocialExternalCampaignId | Paid Social External Campaign ID | long |
paidSocialExternalEngineAccountId | Paid Social External Engine Account ID | long |
paymentSource | Payment Source | string |
placement | Placement | string |
placementCompatibility | Placement Compatibility | string |
placementCostStructure | Placement Cost Structure | string |
placementEndDate | Placement End Date | string |
placementExternalId | Placement External ID | string |
placementId | Placement ID | long |
placementRate | Placement Rate | string |
placementSize | Placement Pixel Size | string |
placementStartDate | Placement Start Date | string |
placementStrategy | Placement Strategy | string |
placementTagType | Placement Tag Type | string |
placementTotalBookedUnits | Placement Total Booked Units | string |
placementTotalPlannedMediaCost | Placement Total Planned Media Cost | string |
platformType | Platform Type | string |
playbackMethod | Playback Method | string |
positionInContent | Position In Content | string |
publisherTrafficSource | Publisher Traffic Source | string |
refreshedAd | Refreshed Ad | string |
renderingId | Rendering ID | long |
richMediaCustomVariable | Custom Variable | string |
richMediaEvent | Rich Media Event | string |
richMediaVideo4asaId | Video 4A's Ad-ID | string |
richMediaVideoLength | Video Length | string |
sensitiveCategory | Sensitive Category | string |
servedPixelDensity | Served Pixel Density | string |
site | Site (CM360) | string |
siteDirectory | Site (Site Directory) | string |
siteDirectoryId | Site ID (Site Directory) | long |
siteId | Site ID (CM360) | long |
siteKeyname | Site Keyname | string |
state | State/Region | string |
subdomain | Subdomain | string |
twitterCampaignId | Twitter Campaign ID | long |
twitterCreativeId | Twitter Creative ID | long |
twitterCreativeMediaId | Twitter Creative Media ID | long |
twitterCreativeType | Twitter Creative Type | string |
twitterImpressionType | Twitter Impression Type | string |
twitterLineItemId | Twitter Line Item ID | long |
twitterPlacementType | Twitter Placement Type | string |
verificationAudibilityComplete | Audibility At Complete | string |
verificationAudibilityStart | Audibility At Start | string |
verificationVideoPlayerSize | Video Player Size | string |
verificationVideoPlayerSizeComplete | Video Player Size at Completion | string |
verificationVideoPlayerSizeFirstQuartile | Video Player Size at First Quartile | string |
verificationVideoPlayerSizeMidPoint | Video Player Size at Midpoint | string |
verificationVideoPlayerSizeStart | Video Player Size at Start | string |
verificationVideoPlayerSizeThirdQuartile | Video Player Size at Third Quartile | string |
verificationVideoProminenceScoreDimension | Video Prominence Score | string |
verificationVideoResized | Video Resized | string |
vertical | Vertical | string |
videoContinuousPlay | Video Continuous Play | string |
week | Week | string |
zipCode | ZIP/Postal Code | string |
Standard Report Metrics
API Name | Report Builder Name | Type |
actiewViewPercentAdPlayed | Active View: % of Ad Played | double |
activeViewAudible2SecImpressions | Active View: Audible (Unmuted) for 2 sec Impressions | long |
activeViewAudibleAndBackgroundImpressions | Active View: Audible and Background Impressions | long |
activeViewAudibleMeasurableImpressions | Active View: Audible Measurable Impressions | long |
activeViewAverageViewableTimeSecond | Active View: Average Viewable Time (Seconds) | double |
activeViewCustomMetricMeasurableImpressions | Active View: Custom Metric Measurable Impressions | long |
activeViewCustomMetricViewableImpressions | Active View: Custom Metric Viewable Impressions | long |
activeViewCustomMetricViewableRate | Active View: Custom Metric Viewable Rate | double |
activeViewEligibleImpressions | Active View: Eligible Impressions | long |
activeViewGroupmMeasurableImpressions | Active View: Audible & Fully On-Screen for Half of Duration (15 sec. cap) Measurable Impressions | long |
activeViewGroupmTrvMeasurableImpressions | Active View: Audible & Fully On-Screen for Half of Duration (TrueView) Measurable Impressions | long |
activeViewGroupmTrvViewableImpressions | Active View: Audible & Fully On-Screen for Half of Duration (TrueView) Impressions | long |
activeViewGroupmViewableImpressions | Active View: Audible & Fully On-Screen for Half of Duration (15 sec. cap) Impressions | long |
activeViewImpressionDistributionNotMeasurable | Active View: Impression Distribution (Not Measurable) | double |
activeViewImpressionDistributionNotViewable | Active View: Impression Distribution (Not Viewable) | double |
activeViewImpressionDistributionViewable | Active View: Impression Distribution (Viewable) | double |
activeViewImpressionsAudibleAndVisibleAtCompletion | Active View: Impressions Audible and Visible at Completion | long |
activeViewImpressionsVisible10Seconds | Active View: Impressions Visible 10 Seconds | long |
activeViewMeasurableImpressions | Active View: Measurable Impressions | long |
activeViewNotMeasurableImpressions | Active View: Not Measurable Impressions | long |
activeViewNotViewableImpressions | Active View: Not Viewable Impressions | long |
activeViewPercentAudible2Sec | Active View: % of Audible (Unmuted) for 2 sec Impressions | double |
activeViewPercentAudible30Sec | Active View: % of Audible (Unmuted) for 30 sec Impressions | double |
activeViewPercentAudibleAndBackground | Active View: % of Audible and Background Impressions | double |
activeViewPercentAudibleAndVisibleAtCompletion | Active View: % Audible and Visible at Completion | double |
activeViewPercentAudibleAndVisibleAtFirstQuartile | Active View: % Audible and Visible at First Quartile | double |
activeViewPercentAudibleAndVisibleAtMidpoint | Active View: % Audible and Visible at Midpoint | double |
activeViewPercentAudibleAndVisibleAtStart | Active View: % Audible and Visible at Start | double |
activeViewPercentAudibleAndVisibleAtThirdQuartile | Active View: % Audible and Visible at Third Quartile | double |
activeViewPercentAudibleImpressions | Active View: % Audible Impressions | double |
activeViewPercentBackground | Active View: % In Background | double |
activeViewPercentCompleteAudible | Active View: % of Complete Audible Impressions | double |
activeViewPercentEverMuted | Active View: % of Ever Muted | double |
activeViewPercentFirstQuartileAudible | Active View: % of First Quartile Audible Impressions | double |
activeViewPercentFullscreen | Active View: % Full-Screen | double |
activeViewPercentImpressionsAudibleAndFullyOnscreen | Active View: Audible & Fully On-Screen for Half of Duration (15 sec. cap) Rate | double |
activeViewPercentImpressionsAudibleAndFullyOnscreenForHalfDuration | Active View: Audible & Fully On-Screen for Half of Duration (TrueView) Rate | double |
activeViewPercentImpressionsAudibleAndVisibleAtCompletion | Active View: % of Completed Impressions Audible and Visible | double |
activeViewPercentImpressionsAudibleAndVisibleAtFirstQuartile | Active View: % of First Quartile Impressions Audible and Visible | double |
activeViewPercentImpressionsAudibleAndVisibleAtMidpoint | Active View: % of Midpoint Impressions Audible and Visible | double |
activeViewPercentImpressionsAudibleAndVisibleAtThirdQuartile | Active View: % of Third Quartile Impressions Audible and Visible | double |
activeViewPercentImpressionsVisibleAtCompletion | Active View: % of Completed Impressions Visible | double |
activeViewPercentImpressionsVisibleAtFirstQuartile | Active View: % of First Quartile Impressions Visible | double |
activeViewPercentImpressionsVisibleAtMidpoint | Active View: % of Midpoint Impressions Visible | double |
activeViewPercentImpressionsVisibleAtThirdQuartile | Active View: % of Third Quartile Impressions Visible | double |
activeViewPercentMidpointAudible | Active View: % of Midpoint Audible Impressions | double |
activeViewPercentPlayTimeAudible | Active View: % Play Time Audible | double |
activeViewPercentPlayTimeAudibleAndVisible | Active View: % Play Time Audible and Visible | double |
activeViewPercentPlayTimeVisible | Active View: % Play Time Visible | double |
activeViewPercentThirdQuartileAudible | Active View: % of Third Quartile Audible Impressions | double |
activeViewPercentVisible10Seconds | Active View: % Visible 10 Seconds | double |
activeViewPercentVisibleAtCompletion | Active View: % Visible at Completion | double |
activeViewPercentVisibleAtFirstQuartile | Active View: % Visible at First Quartile | double |
activeViewPercentVisibleAtMidpoint | Active View: % Visible at Midpoint | double |
activeViewPercentVisibleAtStart | Active View: % Visible at Start | double |
activeViewPercentVisibleAtThirdQuartile | Active View: % Visible at Third Quartile | double |
activeViewPercentageMeasurableImpressions | Active View: % Measurable Impressions | double |
activeViewPercentageViewableImpressions | Active View: % Viewable Impressions | double |
activeViewViewableImpressions | Active View: Viewable Impressions | long |
activityClickThroughConversions | Click-through Conversions | double |
activityClickThroughRevenue | Click-through Revenue | double |
activityDeliveryStatus | Activity Delivery Status | double |
activityPerClick | Activity Per Click | double |
activityPerThousandImpressions | Activity Per Thousand Impressions | double |
activityViewThroughConversions | View-through Conversions | double |
activityViewThroughRevenue | View-through Revenue | double |
audioCompanionClicks | Audio Companion Clicks | long |
audioCompanionImpressions | Audio Companion Views | long |
beginToRenderEligibleImpressions | Begin to Render Eligible Impressions | long |
beginToRenderImpressions | Begin to Render Impressions | long |
billableEventsCm3 | CM360 Billable Events | long |
bookedActivities | Booked Activities | double |
bookedClicks | Booked Clicks | double |
bookedImpressions | Booked Impressions | double |
bookedViewableImpressions | Booked Viewable Impressions | double |
clickDeliveryStatus | Click Delivery Status | double |
clickRate | Click Rate | double |
clicks | Clicks | string |
cm360TechFeeAdServing | CM360 Tech Fee: Ad Serving | double |
cm360TechFeeAdvancedAdServingAudio | CM360 Tech Fee: Advanced Ad Serving (Audio) | double |
cm360TechFeeAdvancedAdServingDisplay | CM360 Tech Fee: Advanced Ad Serving (Display) | double |
cm360TechFeeAdvancedAdServingVideo | CM360 Tech Fee: Advanced Ad Serving (Video) | double |
cm360TechFeeAdvancedDisplayAdServing | CM360 Tech Fee: Advanced Display Ad Serving | double |
cm360TechFeeAudioAdServing | CM360 Tech Fee: Audio Ad Serving | double |
cm360TechFeeDisplayAdServing | CM360 Tech Fee: Display Ad Serving | double |
cm360TechFeeTotalFee | CM360 Tech Fee: Total Fee | double |
cm360TechFeeTrackingAdClicks | CM360 Tech Fee: Tracking Ad Clicks | double |
cm360TechFeeTrackingAdImpressions | CM360 Tech Fee: Tracking Ad Impressions | double |
cm360TechFeeVideoAdServing | CM360 Tech Fee: Video Ad Serving | double |
cookieUnconsentedClicks | Cookie Unconsented Clicks | long |
cookieUnconsentedImpressions | Cookie Unconsented Impressions | long |
costPerActivity | Cost Per Activity | double |
costPerClick | Cost Per Click | double |
costPerRevenue | Cost Per Revenue | double |
downloadedImpressions | Downloaded Impressions | long |
dv360Cost | DV360 Cost (Account Currency) | double |
dv360CostUsd | DV360 Cost USD | double |
effectiveCpm | Effective CPM | double |
floodlightVariableMetric1 | Custom Floodlight Variable 1 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric2 | Custom Floodlight Variable 2 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric3 | Custom Floodlight Variable 3 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric4 | Custom Floodlight Variable 4 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric5 | Custom Floodlight Variable 5 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric6 | Custom Floodlight Variable 6 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric7 | Custom Floodlight Variable 7 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric8 | Custom Floodlight Variable 8 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric9 | Custom Floodlight Variable 9 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric10 | Custom Floodlight Variable 10 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric11 | Custom Floodlight Variable 11 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric12 | Custom Floodlight Variable 12 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric13 | Custom Floodlight Variable 13 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric14 | Custom Floodlight Variable 14 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric15 | Custom Floodlight Variable 15 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric16 | Custom Floodlight Variable 16 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric17 | Custom Floodlight Variable 17 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric18 | Custom Floodlight Variable 18 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric19 | Custom Floodlight Variable 19 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric20 | Custom Floodlight Variable 20 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric21 | Custom Floodlight Variable 21 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric22 | Custom Floodlight Variable 22 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric23 | Custom Floodlight Variable 23 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric24 | Custom Floodlight Variable 24 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric25 | Custom Floodlight Variable 25 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric26 | Custom Floodlight Variable 26 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric27 | Custom Floodlight Variable 27 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric28 | Custom Floodlight Variable 28 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric29 | Custom Floodlight Variable 29 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric30 | Custom Floodlight Variable 30 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric31 | Custom Floodlight Variable 31 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric32 | Custom Floodlight Variable 32 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric33 | Custom Floodlight Variable 33 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric34 | Custom Floodlight Variable 34 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric35 | Custom Floodlight Variable 35 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric36 | Custom Floodlight Variable 36 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric37 | Custom Floodlight Variable 37 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric38 | Custom Floodlight Variable 38 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric39 | Custom Floodlight Variable 39 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric40 | Custom Floodlight Variable 40 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric41 | Custom Floodlight Variable 41 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric42 | Custom Floodlight Variable 42 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric43 | Custom Floodlight Variable 43 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric44 | Custom Floodlight Variable 44 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric45 | Custom Floodlight Variable 45 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric46 | Custom Floodlight Variable 46 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric47 | Custom Floodlight Variable 47 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric48 | Custom Floodlight Variable 48 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric49 | Custom Floodlight Variable 49 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric50 | Custom Floodlight Variable 50 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric51 | Custom Floodlight Variable 51 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric52 | Custom Floodlight Variable 52 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric53 | Custom Floodlight Variable 53 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric54 | Custom Floodlight Variable 54 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric55 | Custom Floodlight Variable 55 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric56 | Custom Floodlight Variable 56 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric57 | Custom Floodlight Variable 57 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric58 | Custom Floodlight Variable 58 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric59 | Custom Floodlight Variable 59 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric60 | Custom Floodlight Variable 60 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric61 | Custom Floodlight Variable 61 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric62 | Custom Floodlight Variable 62 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric63 | Custom Floodlight Variable 63 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric64 | Custom Floodlight Variable 64 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric65 | Custom Floodlight Variable 65 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric66 | Custom Floodlight Variable 66 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric67 | Custom Floodlight Variable 67 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric68 | Custom Floodlight Variable 68 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric69 | Custom Floodlight Variable 69 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric70 | Custom Floodlight Variable 70 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric71 | Custom Floodlight Variable 71 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric72 | Custom Floodlight Variable 72 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric73 | Custom Floodlight Variable 73 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric74 | Custom Floodlight Variable 74 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric75 | Custom Floodlight Variable 75 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric76 | Custom Floodlight Variable 76 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric77 | Custom Floodlight Variable 77 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric78 | Custom Floodlight Variable 78 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric79 | Custom Floodlight Variable 79 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric80 | Custom Floodlight Variable 80 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric81 | Custom Floodlight Variable 81 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric82 | Custom Floodlight Variable 82 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric83 | Custom Floodlight Variable 83 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric84 | Custom Floodlight Variable 84 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric85 | Custom Floodlight Variable 85 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric86 | Custom Floodlight Variable 86 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric87 | Custom Floodlight Variable 87 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric88 | Custom Floodlight Variable 88 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric89 | Custom Floodlight Variable 89 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric90 | Custom Floodlight Variable 90 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric91 | Custom Floodlight Variable 91 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric92 | Custom Floodlight Variable 92 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric93 | Custom Floodlight Variable 93 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric94 | Custom Floodlight Variable 94 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric95 | Custom Floodlight Variable 95 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric96 | Custom Floodlight Variable 96 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric97 | Custom Floodlight Variable 97 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric98 | Custom Floodlight Variable 98 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric99 | Custom Floodlight Variable 99 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric100 | Custom Floodlight Variable 100 | double |
generalInvalidTrafficActiveViewAudibleImpressions | General Invalid Traffic (GIVT) Active View Audible Impressions | long |
generalInvalidTrafficActiveViewEligibleImpressions | General Invalid Traffic (GIVT) Active View Eligible Impressions | long |
generalInvalidTrafficActiveViewMeasurableImpressions | General Invalid Traffic (GIVT) Active View Measurable Impressions | long |
generalInvalidTrafficActiveViewViewableImpressions | General Invalid Traffic (GIVT) Active View Viewable Impressions | long |
generalInvalidTrafficBeginToRenderImpressions | General Invalid Traffic (GIVT) Begin to Render Impressions | long |
generalInvalidTrafficClicks | General Invalid Traffic (GIVT) Clicks | long |
generalInvalidTrafficImpressions | General Invalid Traffic (GIVT) Impressions | long |
generalInvalidTrafficTrackedAds | General Invalid Traffic (GIVT) Tracked Ads | long |
gmailClickThroughConversions | Gmail Click-through Conversions | long |
gmailClickThroughRevenue | Gmail Click-through Revenue | double |
gmailConversions | Gmail Conversions | long |
gmailTotalRevenue | Gmail Total Revenue | double |
gmailViewThroughConversions | Gmail View-through Conversions | long |
gmailViewThroughRevenue | Gmail View-through Revenue | double |
impressionDeliveryStatus | Impression Delivery Status | double |
impressions | Impressions | string |
inactiveImpressions | Inactive Impressions | long |
invalidActiveViewAudibleImpressions | Invalid Active View Audible Impressions | long |
invalidActiveViewEligibleImpressions | Invalid Active View Eligible Impressions | long |
invalidActiveViewMeasurableImpressions | Invalid Active View Measurable Impressions | long |
invalidActiveViewViewableImpressions | Invalid Active View Viewable Impressions | long |
invalidBeginToRenderImpressions | Invalid Begin to Render Impressions | long |
invalidClicks | Invalid Clicks | long |
invalidImpressions | Invalid Impressions | long |
invalidTrackedAds | Invalid Tracked Ads | long |
mediaCost | Media Cost | double |
naturalSearchActions | Natural Search Actions | double |
naturalSearchClicks | Natural Search Clicks | long |
naturalSearchRevenue | Natural Search Revenue | double |
naturalSearchTransactions | Natural Search Transactions | double |
paidSearchActionConversionPercentage | Floodlight: Paid Search Action Conversion Percentage | double |
paidSearchActions | Paid Search Actions | double |
paidSearchAverageCostPerAction | Floodlight: Paid Search Average Cost Per Action | double |
paidSearchAverageCostPerTransaction | Floodlight: Paid Search Average Cost Per Transaction | double |
paidSearchAverageDfaTransactionAmount | Floodlight: Paid Search Average CM360 Transaction Amount | double |
paidSearchAveragePosition | Paid Search Average Position | double |
paidSearchClickRate | Paid Search Click Rate | double |
paidSearchClicks | Paid Search Clicks | long |
paidSearchCost | Paid Search Cost | double |
paidSearchImpressions | Paid Search Impressions | long |
paidSearchRevenue | Paid Search Revenue | double |
paidSearchSpendPerTransactionRevenue | Floodlight: Paid Search Spend Per Transaction Revenue | double |
paidSearchTransactionConversionPercentage | Floodlight: Paid Search Transaction Conversion Percentage | double |
paidSearchTransactionRevenuePerSpend | Floodlight: Paid Search Transaction Revenue Per Spend | double |
paidSearchTransactions | Paid Search Transactions | double |
paidSearchVisits | Paid Search Visits | long |
paidSocialClicks | Paid Social Clicks | long |
paidSocialCost | Paid Social Cost | double |
paidSocialImpressions | Paid Social Impressions | long |
percentInvalidClicks | % Invalid Clicks | double |
percentInvalidImpressions | % Invalid Impressions | double |
plannedMediaCost | Planned Media Cost | double |
provisionalImpressions | Provisional Impressions | long |
revenuePerClick | Revenue Per Click | double |
revenuePerThousandImpressions | Revenue Per Thousand Impressions | double |
richMediaAudioCompletions | Audio Completions | long |
richMediaAudioFirstQuartileCompletes | Audio First Quartile Completions | long |
richMediaAudioMidpoints | Audio Midpoints | long |
richMediaAudioMutes | Audio Mutes | long |
richMediaAudioPauses | Audio Pauses | long |
richMediaAudioPlays | Audio Plays | long |
richMediaAudioReplays | Audio Replays | long |
richMediaAudioThirdQuartileCompletes | Audio Third Quartile Completions | long |
richMediaAudioUnmutes | Audio Unmutes | long |
richMediaAverageDisplayTime | Average Display Time | double |
richMediaAverageExpansionTime | Average Expansion Time | double |
richMediaAverageFullScreenViewTime | Full-Screen Average View Time | double |
richMediaAverageInteractionTime | Average Interaction Time | double |
richMediaAverageVideoViewTime | Video Average View Time | double |
richMediaBackupImages | Backup Image | long |
richMediaClickRate | Rich Media Click Rate | double |
richMediaClicks | Rich Media Clicks | long |
richMediaCodeServes | Code Serves | long |
richMediaCustomAverageTime | Average Time | double |
richMediaCustomCounters | Counters | long |
richMediaCustomExits | Exits | long |
richMediaCustomTimers | Timers | long |
richMediaCustomVariableCount1 | Custom Variable Count 1 | long |
richMediaCustomVariableCount2 | Custom Variable Count 2 | long |
richMediaDisplayTime | Total Display Time | long |
richMediaEngagements | Rich Media Engagements | long |
richMediaEventCounters | Event Counters | long |
richMediaEventTimers | Event Timers | double |
richMediaExpansionTime | Expansion Time | long |
richMediaExpansions | Expansions | long |
richMediaFullScreenImpressions | Full-Screen Impressions | long |
richMediaFullScreenVideoCompletes | Full-Screen Video Completions | long |
richMediaFullScreenVideoPlays | Full-Screen Video Plays | long |
richMediaHtml5Impressions | HTML5 Impressions | long |
richMediaImpressions | Rich Media Impressions | long |
richMediaInteractionRate | Interaction Rate | double |
richMediaInteractionTime | Total Interaction Time | long |
richMediaInteractions | Total Interactions | long |
richMediaInteractiveImpressions | Interactive Impressions | long |
richMediaManualCloses | Manual Closes | long |
richMediaScrolls | Rich Media Scrolls | long |
richMediaTrueViewViews | TrueView Views | long |
richMediaVideoCompanionClicks | Video Companion Clicks | long |
richMediaVideoCompletions | Video Completions | long |
richMediaVideoFirstQuartileCompletes | Video First Quartile Completions | long |
richMediaVideoFullScreens | Video Full-Screen | long |
richMediaVideoInteractionRate | Video Interaction Rate | double |
richMediaVideoInteractions | Video Interactions | long |
richMediaVideoMidpoints | Video Midpoints | long |
richMediaVideoMutes | Video Mutes | long |
richMediaVideoPauses | Video Pauses | long |
richMediaVideoPlays | Video Plays | long |
richMediaVideoProgressEvents | Video Progress Events | long |
richMediaVideoReplays | Video Replays | long |
richMediaVideoSkips | Video Skips | long |
richMediaVideoStops | Video Stops | long |
richMediaVideoThirdQuartileCompletes | Video Third Quartile Completions | long |
richMediaVideoUnmutes | Video Unmutes | long |
richMediaVideoViewRate | Video View Rate | double |
richMediaVideoViews | Video Views | long |
roadblockImpressions | Roadblock Impressions | long |
socialEngagementRate | Social Engagement Rate | double |
socialFollows | Follows | long |
socialLeadSubmissions | Twitter Leads Generated | long |
socialLikes | Likes | long |
socialOfferAccepts | Twitter Offers Accepted | long |
socialOtherInteractions | Other Social Interactions | long |
socialReplies | Replies | long |
socialSharesExternal | Shares (External) | long |
socialSharesInternal | Shares (Internal) | long |
socialTotalEngagements | Total Social Engagements | long |
totalConversions | Total Conversions | double |
totalConversionsRevenue | Total Revenue | double |
trackedAds | Tracked Ads | long |
twitterAppClicks | Twitter App Install Clicks | long |
twitterBuyNowCardClicks | Twitter Buy Now Clicks | long |
twitterBuyNowPurchaseSuccessfuls | Twitter Buy Now Purchases | long |
twitterUrlClicks | Twitter URL Clicks | long |
twitterVideo50PercentInViewFor2Seconds | Twitter: Video 50% In View For 2 Seconds | long |
twitterVideo100PercentInViewFor3Seconds | Twitter: Video 100% In View For 3 Seconds | long |
vendorBlockedAds | Vendor Blocked Ads | long |
verificationBlockedImpressions | Blocked Impressions | long |
verificationBlockedPercentage | Blocked Percentage | double |
verificationClassifiedImpressions | Classified Impressions | long |
verificationMeasurableImpressionsForAudio | Measurable Impressions For Audio | long |
verificationMeasurableImpressionsForVideoPlayerLocation | Measurable Impressions For Video Player Location | long |
verificationMeasurableImpressionsForVideoPlayerSize | Measurable Impressions For Video Player Size | long |
verificationPercentageMeasurableImpressionsForAudio | Percentage Of Measurable Impressions For Audio | double |
verificationPercentageMeasurableImpressionsForVideoPlayerLocation | Percentage Of Measurable Impressions For Video Player Location | double |
verificationPercentageMeasurableImpressionsForVideoPlayerSize | Percentage Of Measurable Impressions For Video Player Size | double |
verificationPublisherProblems | Publisher Problems | long |
verificationReportingProblems | Reporting Problems | long |
verificationSensitiveCategoryImpressions | Sensitive Category Impressions | long |
verificationServingProblems | Serving Problems | long |
verificationVerifiableImpressions | Verifiable Impressions | long |
verificationVideoMutedAtStart | Video Muted At Start | long |
verificationVideoPlayerHdSizeImpressions | HD Video Player Size Impressions | long |
verificationVideoPlayerLargeSizeImpressions | Large Video Player Size Impressions | long |
verificationVideoPlayerLocationAvgPixelsFromLeft | Video Player Location Avg Pixels From Left | long |
verificationVideoPlayerLocationAvgPixelsFromTop | Video Player Location Avg Pixels From Top | long |
verificationVideoPlayerSizeAvgHeight | Video Player Size Avg Height | long |
verificationVideoPlayerSizeAvgWidth | Video Player Size Avg Width | long |
verificationVideoPlayerSmallSizeImpressions | Small Video Player Size Impressions | long |
verificationVideoProminenceScore | Video Prominence Score | double |
verificationWarnings | Warnings | long |
videoCompanionClicks | Companion Clicks | long |
videoCompanionImpressions | Companion Views | long |
Standard Report Filters
API Name | Report Builder Name | Type |
activity | Activity | string |
activityGroup | Activity Group | string |
ad | Ad | string |
adStatus | Ad Status | string |
adType | Ad Type | string |
advertiser | Advertiser | string |
advertiserGroup | Advertiser Group | string |
attributedEventConnectionType | Attributed Event Connection Type | string |
attributedEventEnvironment | Attributed Event Environment | string |
attributionModelConfig | Attribution Model | string |
billingProfileName | Billing Profile Name | string |
browserPlatform | Browser/Platform | string |
campaign | Campaign | string |
campaignEndDate | Campaign End Date | string |
campaignExternalId | Campaign External ID | string |
campaignStartDate | Campaign Start Date | string |
city | City | string |
clickThroughUrl | Click-through URL | string |
cm360TechFeeCurrency | Currency | string |
connectionType | Connection Type | string |
contentCategory | Content Category | string |
country | Country | string |
creative | Creative | string |
creativeEndDate | Creative End Date | string |
creativeField1 | Creative Field 1 | string |
creativeField2 | Creative Field 2 | string |
creativeField3 | Creative Field 3 | string |
creativeField4 | Creative Field 4 | string |
creativeField5 | Creative Field 5 | string |
creativeField6 | Creative Field 6 | string |
creativeField7 | Creative Field 7 | string |
creativeField8 | Creative Field 8 | string |
creativeField9 | Creative Field 9 | string |
creativeField10 | Creative Field 10 | string |
creativeField11 | Creative Field 11 | string |
creativeField12 | Creative Field 12 | string |
creativeGroup1 | Creative Groups 1 | string |
creativeGroup2 | Creative Groups 2 | string |
creativeSize | Creative Pixel Size | string |
creativeStartDate | Creative Start Date | string |
creativeType | Creative Type | string |
digitalContentLabel | Digital Content Label | string |
dmaRegion | Designated Market Area (DMA) | string |
domain | Domain | string |
environment | Environment | string |
floodlightConfigId | Floodlight Configuration | long |
hour | Hour | string |
impressionCountingMethod | Impression Counting Method | string |
measurementSource | Measurement Source | string |
mediaType | Media Type | string |
mobileCarrier | Mobile Carrier | string |
naturalSearchEngineCountry | Natural Search Engine Country | string |
naturalSearchEngineProperty | Natural Search Engine Property | string |
naturalSearchLandingPage | Natural Search Landing Page | string |
naturalSearchLandingPageQueryString | Natural Search Landing Page Query String | string |
naturalSearchProcessedLandingPage | Natural Search Processed Landing Page | string |
naturalSearchProcessedLandingPageQueryString | Natural Search Processed Landing Page Query String | string |
naturalSearchQuery | Natural Search Query | string |
operatingSystem | Operating System | string |
packageRoadblockStrategy | Package/Roadblock Strategy | string |
packageRoadblockTotalBookedUnits | Package/Roadblock Total Booked Units | string |
paidSearchAd | Paid Search Ad | string |
paidSearchAdGroup | Paid Search Ad Group | string |
paidSearchAdvertiser | Paid Search Advertiser | string |
paidSearchAgency | Paid Search Agency | string |
paidSearchBidStrategy | Paid Search Bid Strategy | string |
paidSearchCampaign | Paid Search Campaign | string |
paidSearchEngineAccount | Paid Search Engine Account | string |
paidSearchKeyword | Paid Search Keyword | string |
paidSearchLandingPageUrl | Paid Search Landing Page URL | string |
paymentSource | Payment Source | string |
placement | Placement | string |
placementCompatibility | Placement Compatibility | string |
placementCostStructure | Placement Cost Structure | string |
placementExternalId | Placement External ID | string |
placementSize | Placement Pixel Size | string |
placementStrategy | Placement Strategy | string |
placementTagType | Placement Tag Type | string |
placementTotalBookedUnits | Placement Total Booked Units | string |
platformType | Platform Type | string |
positionInContent | Position In Content | string |
refreshedAd | Refreshed Ad | string |
renderingId | Rendering ID | long |
sensitiveCategory | Sensitive Category | string |
site | Site (CM360) | string |
siteDirectory | Site (Site Directory) | string |
state | State/Region | string |
subdomain | Subdomain | string |
verificationAudibilityComplete | Audibility At Complete | string |
verificationAudibilityStart | Audibility At Start | string |
verificationVideoPlayerSizeComplete | Video Player Size at Completion | string |
verificationVideoPlayerSizeFirstQuartile | Video Player Size at First Quartile | string |
verificationVideoPlayerSizeMidPoint | Video Player Size at Midpoint | string |
verificationVideoPlayerSizeStart | Video Player Size at Start | string |
verificationVideoPlayerSizeThirdQuartile | Video Player Size at Third Quartile | string |
verificationVideoResized | Video Resized | string |
videoContinuousPlay | Video Continuous Play | string |
Activity Filters
API Name | Report Builder Name | Type |
activity | Activity | string |
activityGroup | Activity Group | string |
Activity Metrics
API Name | Report Builder Name | Type |
activityClickThroughConversions | Click-through Conversions | double |
activityClickThroughRevenue | Click-through Revenue | double |
activityViewThroughConversions | View-through Conversions | double |
activityViewThroughRevenue | View-through Revenue | double |
naturalSearchActions | Natural Search Actions | double |
naturalSearchRevenue | Natural Search Revenue | double |
naturalSearchTransactions | Natural Search Transactions | double |
paidSearchActionConversionPercentage | Floodlight: Paid Search Action Conversion Percentage | double |
paidSearchActions | Paid Search Actions | double |
paidSearchAverageCostPerAction | Floodlight: Paid Search Average Cost Per Action | double |
paidSearchAverageCostPerTransaction | Floodlight: Paid Search Average Cost Per Transaction | double |
paidSearchAverageDfaTransactionAmount | Floodlight: Paid Search Average CM360 Transaction Amount | double |
paidSearchRevenue | Paid Search Revenue | double |
paidSearchSpendPerTransactionRevenue | Floodlight: Paid Search Spend Per Transaction Revenue | double |
paidSearchTransactionConversionPercentage | Floodlight: Paid Search Transaction Conversion Percentage | double |
paidSearchTransactionRevenuePerSpend | Floodlight: Paid Search Transaction Revenue Per Spend | double |
paidSearchTransactions | Paid Search Transactions | double |
totalConversions | Total Conversions | double |
totalConversionsRevenue | Total Revenue | double |
Custom Rich Media Filters
In the custom rich media section you can specify dimension values from the following dimension:
API Name | Report Builder Name | Type |
richMediaEventTypeIdAndName | Rich Media Event | string |
Reach Report Dimensions
API Name | Report Builder Name | Type |
advertiser (required) | Advertiser | string |
ad | Ad | string |
adId | Ad ID | long |
adStatus | Ad Status | string |
adType | Ad Type | string |
advertiserGroup | Advertiser Group | string |
advertiserId | Advertiser ID | long |
browserPlatform | Browser/Platform | string |
campaign | Campaign | string |
campaignEndDate | Campaign End Date | string |
campaignExternalId | Campaign External ID | string |
campaignId | Campaign ID | long |
campaignStartDate | Campaign Start Date | string |
city | City | string |
connectionType | Connection Type | string |
contentCategory | Content Category | string |
country | Country | string |
date | Date | string |
dmaRegion | Designated Market Area (DMA) | string |
floodlightConfigId | Floodlight Configuration | long |
hour | Hour | string |
mobileCarrier | Mobile Carrier | string |
month | Month | string |
operatingSystem | Operating System | string |
operatingSystemVersion | Operating System Version | string |
packageRoadblock | Package/Roadblock | string |
packageRoadblockId | Package/Roadblock ID | long |
packageRoadblockStrategy | Package/Roadblock Strategy | string |
packageRoadblockTotalBookedUnits | Package/Roadblock Total Booked Units | string |
paymentSource | Payment Source | string |
placement | Placement | string |
placementCompatibility | Placement Compatibility | string |
placementCostStructure | Placement Cost Structure | string |
placementEndDate | Placement End Date | string |
placementExternalId | Placement External ID | string |
placementId | Placement ID | long |
placementRate | Placement Rate | string |
placementStartDate | Placement Start Date | string |
placementStrategy | Placement Strategy | string |
placementTotalBookedUnits | Placement Total Booked Units | string |
placementTotalPlannedMediaCost | Placement Total Planned Media Cost | string |
platformType | Platform Type | string |
site | Site (CM360) | string |
siteId | Site ID (CM360) | long |
siteKeyname | Site Keyname | string |
week | Week | string |
Reach Report Metrics
API Name | Report Builder Name | Type |
actiewViewPercentAdPlayed | Active View: % of Ad Played | double |
activeViewAudible2SecImpressions | Active View: Audible (Unmuted) for 2 sec Impressions | long |
activeViewAudibleAndBackgroundImpressions | Active View: Audible and Background Impressions | long |
activeViewAudibleMeasurableImpressions | Active View: Audible Measurable Impressions | long |
activeViewAverageViewableTimeSecond | Active View: Average Viewable Time (Seconds) | double |
activeViewCustomMetricMeasurableImpressions | Active View: Custom Metric Measurable Impressions | long |
activeViewCustomMetricViewableImpressions | Active View: Custom Metric Viewable Impressions | long |
activeViewCustomMetricViewableRate | Active View: Custom Metric Viewable Rate | double |
activeViewEligibleImpressions | Active View: Eligible Impressions | long |
activeViewGroupmMeasurableImpressions | Active View: Audible & Fully On-Screen for Half of Duration (15 sec. cap) Measurable Impressions | long |
activeViewGroupmTrvMeasurableImpressions | Active View: Audible & Fully On-Screen for Half of Duration (TrueView) Measurable Impressions | long |
activeViewGroupmTrvViewableImpressions | Active View: Audible & Fully On-Screen for Half of Duration (TrueView) Impressions | long |
activeViewGroupmViewableImpressions | Active View: Audible & Fully On-Screen for Half of Duration (15 sec. cap) Impressions | long |
activeViewImpressionDistributionNotMeasurable | Active View: Impression Distribution (Not Measurable) | double |
activeViewImpressionDistributionNotViewable | Active View: Impression Distribution (Not Viewable) | double |
activeViewImpressionDistributionViewable | Active View: Impression Distribution (Viewable) | double |
activeViewImpressionsAudibleAndVisibleAtCompletion | Active View: Impressions Audible and Visible at Completion | long |
activeViewImpressionsVisible10Seconds | Active View: Impressions Visible 10 Seconds | long |
activeViewMeasurableImpressions | Active View: Measurable Impressions | long |
activeViewNotMeasurableImpressions | Active View: Not Measurable Impressions | long |
activeViewNotViewableImpressions | Active View: Not Viewable Impressions | long |
activeViewPercentAudible2Sec | Active View: % of Audible (Unmuted) for 2 sec Impressions | double |
activeViewPercentAudible30Sec | Active View: % of Audible (Unmuted) for 30 sec Impressions | double |
activeViewPercentAudibleAndBackground | Active View: % of Audible and Background Impressions | double |
activeViewPercentAudibleAndVisibleAtCompletion | Active View: % Audible and Visible at Completion | double |
activeViewPercentAudibleAndVisibleAtFirstQuartile | Active View: % Audible and Visible at First Quartile | double |
activeViewPercentAudibleAndVisibleAtMidpoint | Active View: % Audible and Visible at Midpoint | double |
activeViewPercentAudibleAndVisibleAtStart | Active View: % Audible and Visible at Start | double |
activeViewPercentAudibleAndVisibleAtThirdQuartile | Active View: % Audible and Visible at Third Quartile | double |
activeViewPercentAudibleImpressions | Active View: % Audible Impressions | double |
activeViewPercentBackground | Active View: % In Background | double |
activeViewPercentCompleteAudible | Active View: % of Complete Audible Impressions | double |
activeViewPercentEverMuted | Active View: % of Ever Muted | double |
activeViewPercentFirstQuartileAudible | Active View: % of First Quartile Audible Impressions | double |
activeViewPercentFullscreen | Active View: % Full-Screen | double |
activeViewPercentImpressionsAudibleAndFullyOnscreen | Active View: Audible & Fully On-Screen for Half of Duration (15 sec. cap) Rate | double |
activeViewPercentImpressionsAudibleAndFullyOnscreenForHalfDuration | Active View: Audible & Fully On-Screen for Half of Duration (TrueView) Rate | double |
activeViewPercentImpressionsAudibleAndVisibleAtCompletion | Active View: % of Completed Impressions Audible and Visible | double |
activeViewPercentImpressionsAudibleAndVisibleAtFirstQuartile | Active View: % of First Quartile Impressions Audible and Visible | double |
activeViewPercentImpressionsAudibleAndVisibleAtMidpoint | Active View: % of Midpoint Impressions Audible and Visible | double |
activeViewPercentImpressionsAudibleAndVisibleAtThirdQuartile | Active View: % of Third Quartile Impressions Audible and Visible | double |
activeViewPercentImpressionsVisibleAtCompletion | Active View: % of Completed Impressions Visible | double |
activeViewPercentImpressionsVisibleAtFirstQuartile | Active View: % of First Quartile Impressions Visible | double |
activeViewPercentImpressionsVisibleAtMidpoint | Active View: % of Midpoint Impressions Visible | double |
activeViewPercentImpressionsVisibleAtThirdQuartile | Active View: % of Third Quartile Impressions Visible | double |
activeViewPercentMidpointAudible | Active View: % of Midpoint Audible Impressions | double |
activeViewPercentPlayTimeAudible | Active View: % Play Time Audible | double |
activeViewPercentPlayTimeAudibleAndVisible | Active View: % Play Time Audible and Visible | double |
activeViewPercentPlayTimeVisible | Active View: % Play Time Visible | double |
activeViewPercentThirdQuartileAudible | Active View: % of Third Quartile Audible Impressions | double |
activeViewPercentVisible10Seconds | Active View: % Visible 10 Seconds | double |
activeViewPercentVisibleAtCompletion | Active View: % Visible at Completion | double |
activeViewPercentVisibleAtFirstQuartile | Active View: % Visible at First Quartile | double |
activeViewPercentVisibleAtMidpoint | Active View: % Visible at Midpoint | double |
activeViewPercentVisibleAtStart | Active View: % Visible at Start | double |
activeViewPercentVisibleAtThirdQuartile | Active View: % Visible at Third Quartile | double |
activeViewPercentageMeasurableImpressions | Active View: % Measurable Impressions | double |
activeViewPercentageViewableImpressions | Active View: % Viewable Impressions | double |
activeViewViewableImpressionCookieReach | Active View: Viewable Impression Cookie Reach | long |
activeViewViewableImpressions | Active View: Viewable Impressions | long |
activityClickThroughConversions | Click-through Conversions | double |
activityClickThroughRevenue | Click-through Revenue | double |
activityDeliveryStatus | Activity Delivery Status | double |
activityPerClick | Activity Per Click | double |
activityPerThousandImpressions | Activity Per Thousand Impressions | double |
activityViewThroughConversions | View-through Conversions | double |
activityViewThroughRevenue | View-through Revenue | double |
beginToRenderEligibleImpressions | Begin to Render Eligible Impressions | long |
beginToRenderImpressions | Begin to Render Impressions | long |
billableEventsCm3 | CM360 Billable Events | long |
bookedActivities | Booked Activities | double |
bookedClicks | Booked Clicks | double |
bookedImpressions | Booked Impressions | double |
bookedViewableImpressions | Booked Viewable Impressions | double |
clickDeliveryStatus | Click Delivery Status | double |
clickRate | Click Rate | double |
clicks | Clicks | string |
cookieReachAverageImpressionFrequency | Cookie Reach: Average Impression Frequency | double |
cookieReachClickReach | Cookie Reach: Click Reach | long |
cookieReachImpressionReach | Cookie Reach: Impression Reach | long |
cookieReachIncrementalClickReach | Cookie Reach: Incremental Click Reach | long |
cookieReachIncrementalImpressionReach | Cookie Reach: Incremental Impression Reach | long |
cookieReachIncrementalTotalReach | Cookie Reach: Incremental Total Reach | long |
cookieReachTotalReach | Cookie Reach: Total Reach | long |
cookieUnconsentedClicks | Cookie Unconsented Clicks | long |
cookieUnconsentedImpressions | Cookie Unconsented Impressions | long |
costPerActivity | Cost Per Activity | double |
costPerClick | Cost Per Click | double |
costPerRevenue | Cost Per Revenue | double |
downloadedImpressions | Downloaded Impressions | long |
dv360Cost | DV360 Cost (Account Currency) | double |
dv360CostUsd | DV360 Cost USD | double |
effectiveCpm | Effective CPM | double |
impressionDeliveryStatus | Impression Delivery Status | double |
impressions | Impressions | string |
impressionsCoviewed | Impressions (Co-Viewed) | string |
mediaCost | Media Cost | double |
naturalSearchActions | Natural Search Actions | double |
naturalSearchClicks | Natural Search Clicks | long |
naturalSearchRevenue | Natural Search Revenue | double |
naturalSearchTransactions | Natural Search Transactions | double |
paidSearchActionConversionPercentage | Floodlight: Paid Search Action Conversion Percentage | double |
paidSearchActions | Paid Search Actions | double |
paidSearchAverageCostPerAction | Floodlight: Paid Search Average Cost Per Action | double |
paidSearchAverageCostPerTransaction | Floodlight: Paid Search Average Cost Per Transaction | double |
paidSearchAverageDfaTransactionAmount | Floodlight: Paid Search Average CM360 Transaction Amount | double |
paidSearchAveragePosition | Paid Search Average Position | double |
paidSearchClickRate | Paid Search Click Rate | double |
paidSearchClicks | Paid Search Clicks | long |
paidSearchCost | Paid Search Cost | double |
paidSearchImpressions | Paid Search Impressions | long |
paidSearchRevenue | Paid Search Revenue | double |
paidSearchSpendPerTransactionRevenue | Floodlight: Paid Search Spend Per Transaction Revenue | double |
paidSearchTransactionConversionPercentage | Floodlight: Paid Search Transaction Conversion Percentage | double |
paidSearchTransactionRevenuePerSpend | Floodlight: Paid Search Transaction Revenue Per Spend | double |
paidSearchTransactions | Paid Search Transactions | double |
paidSearchVisits | Paid Search Visits | long |
plannedMediaCost | Planned Media Cost | double |
provisionalImpressions | Provisional Impressions | long |
revenuePerClick | Revenue Per Click | double |
revenuePerThousandImpressions | Revenue Per Thousand Impressions | double |
richMediaAverageDisplayTime | Average Display Time | double |
richMediaAverageExpansionTime | Average Expansion Time | double |
richMediaAverageFullScreenViewTime | Full-Screen Average View Time | double |
richMediaAverageInteractionTime | Average Interaction Time | double |
richMediaAverageVideoViewTime | Video Average View Time | double |
richMediaBackupImages | Backup Image | long |
richMediaClickRate | Rich Media Click Rate | double |
richMediaClicks | Rich Media Clicks | long |
richMediaCodeServes | Code Serves | long |
richMediaCustomAverageTime | Average Time | double |
richMediaCustomCounters | Counters | long |
richMediaCustomExits | Exits | long |
richMediaCustomTimers | Timers | long |
richMediaDisplayTime | Total Display Time | long |
richMediaEngagements | Rich Media Engagements | long |
richMediaEventCounters | Event Counters | long |
richMediaEventTimers | Event Timers | double |
richMediaExpansionTime | Expansion Time | long |
richMediaExpansions | Expansions | long |
richMediaFullScreenImpressions | Full-Screen Impressions | long |
richMediaFullScreenVideoCompletes | Full-Screen Video Completions | long |
richMediaFullScreenVideoPlays | Full-Screen Video Plays | long |
richMediaHtml5Impressions | HTML5 Impressions | long |
richMediaImpressions | Rich Media Impressions | long |
richMediaInteractionRate | Interaction Rate | double |
richMediaInteractionTime | Total Interaction Time | long |
richMediaInteractions | Total Interactions | long |
richMediaInteractiveImpressions | Interactive Impressions | long |
richMediaManualCloses | Manual Closes | long |
richMediaScrolls | Rich Media Scrolls | long |
richMediaTrueViewViews | TrueView Views | long |
richMediaVideoCompanionClicks | Video Companion Clicks | long |
richMediaVideoCompletions | Video Completions | long |
richMediaVideoFirstQuartileCompletes | Video First Quartile Completions | long |
richMediaVideoFullScreens | Video Full-Screen | long |
richMediaVideoInteractionRate | Video Interaction Rate | double |
richMediaVideoInteractions | Video Interactions | long |
richMediaVideoMidpoints | Video Midpoints | long |
richMediaVideoMutes | Video Mutes | long |
richMediaVideoPauses | Video Pauses | long |
richMediaVideoPlays | Video Plays | long |
richMediaVideoProgressEvents | Video Progress Events | long |
richMediaVideoReplays | Video Replays | long |
richMediaVideoSkips | Video Skips | long |
richMediaVideoStops | Video Stops | long |
richMediaVideoThirdQuartileCompletes | Video Third Quartile Completions | long |
richMediaVideoUnmutes | Video Unmutes | long |
richMediaVideoViewRate | Video View Rate | double |
richMediaVideoViews | Video Views | long |
roadblockImpressions | Roadblock Impressions | long |
socialEngagementRate | Social Engagement Rate | double |
socialFollows | Follows | long |
socialLeadSubmissions | Twitter Leads Generated | long |
socialLikes | Likes | long |
socialOfferAccepts | Twitter Offers Accepted | long |
socialOtherInteractions | Other Social Interactions | long |
socialReplies | Replies | long |
socialSharesExternal | Shares (External) | long |
socialSharesInternal | Shares (Internal) | long |
socialTotalEngagements | Total Social Engagements | long |
totalConversions | Total Conversions | double |
totalConversionsRevenue | Total Revenue | double |
trackedAds | Tracked Ads | long |
twitterAppClicks | Twitter App Install Clicks | long |
twitterBuyNowCardClicks | Twitter Buy Now Clicks | long |
twitterBuyNowPurchaseSuccessfuls | Twitter Buy Now Purchases | long |
twitterUrlClicks | Twitter URL Clicks | long |
twitterVideo50PercentInViewFor2Seconds | Twitter: Video 50% In View For 2 Seconds | long |
twitterVideo100PercentInViewFor3Seconds | Twitter: Video 100% In View For 3 Seconds | long |
uniqueReachAverageImpressionFrequency | Unique Reach: Average Impression Frequency | string |
uniqueReachAverageImpressionFrequencyCoviewed | Unique Reach: Average Impression Frequency (Co-Viewed) | string |
uniqueReachAverageViewableImpressionFrequency | Unique Reach: Average Viewable Impression Frequency | string |
uniqueReachClickReach | Unique Reach: Click Reach | string |
uniqueReachDuplicateClickReach | Unique Reach: Duplicate Click Reach | string |
uniqueReachDuplicateClickReachPercent | Unique Reach: Duplicate Click Reach Percent | string |
uniqueReachDuplicateImpressionReach | Unique Reach: Duplicate Impression Reach | string |
uniqueReachDuplicateImpressionReachPercent | Unique Reach: Duplicate Impression Reach Percent | string |
uniqueReachDuplicateTotalReach | Unique Reach: Duplicate Total Reach | string |
uniqueReachDuplicateTotalReachPercent | Unique Reach: Duplicate Total Reach Percent | string |
uniqueReachDuplicateViewableImpressionReach | Unique Reach: Duplicate Viewable Impression Reach | string |
uniqueReachDuplicateViewableImpressionReachPercent | Unique Reach: Duplicate Viewable Impression Reach Percent | string |
uniqueReachExclusiveClickReach | Unique Reach: Exclusive Click Reach | string |
uniqueReachExclusiveClickReachPercent | Unique Reach: Exclusive Click Reach Percent | string |
uniqueReachExclusiveImpressionReach | Unique Reach: Exclusive Impression Reach | string |
uniqueReachExclusiveImpressionReachPercent | Unique Reach: Exclusive Impression Reach Percent | string |
uniqueReachExclusiveTotalReach | Unique Reach: Exclusive Total Reach | string |
uniqueReachExclusiveTotalReachPercent | Unique Reach: Exclusive Total Reach Percent | string |
uniqueReachExclusiveViewableImpressionReach | Unique Reach: Exclusive Viewable Impression Reach | string |
uniqueReachExclusiveViewableImpressionReachPercent | Unique Reach: Exclusive Viewable Impression Reach Percent | string |
uniqueReachImpressionReach | Unique Reach: Impression Reach | string |
uniqueReachImpressionReachCoviewed | Unique Reach: Impression Reach (Co-Viewed) | string |
uniqueReachIncrementalClickReach | Unique Reach: Incremental Click Reach | string |
uniqueReachIncrementalImpressionReach | Unique Reach: Incremental Impression Reach | string |
uniqueReachIncrementalTotalReach | Unique Reach: Incremental Total Reach | string |
uniqueReachIncrementalViewableImpressionReach | Unique Reach: Incremental Viewable Impression Reach | string |
uniqueReachTotalReach | Unique Reach: Total Reach | string |
uniqueReachTotalReachCoviewed | Unique Reach: Total Reach (Co-Viewed) | string |
uniqueReachViewableImpressionReach | Unique Reach: Viewable Impression Reach | string |
verificationBlockedImpressions | Blocked Impressions | long |
verificationBlockedPercentage | Blocked Percentage | double |
verificationClassifiedImpressions | Classified Impressions | long |
verificationMeasurableImpressionsForAudio | Measurable Impressions For Audio | long |
verificationMeasurableImpressionsForVideoPlayerLocation | Measurable Impressions For Video Player Location | long |
verificationMeasurableImpressionsForVideoPlayerSize | Measurable Impressions For Video Player Size | long |
verificationPercentageMeasurableImpressionsForAudio | Percentage Of Measurable Impressions For Audio | double |
verificationPercentageMeasurableImpressionsForVideoPlayerLocation | Percentage Of Measurable Impressions For Video Player Location | double |
verificationPercentageMeasurableImpressionsForVideoPlayerSize | Percentage Of Measurable Impressions For Video Player Size | double |
verificationPublisherProblems | Publisher Problems | long |
verificationReportingProblems | Reporting Problems | long |
verificationSensitiveCategoryImpressions | Sensitive Category Impressions | long |
verificationServingProblems | Serving Problems | long |
verificationVerifiableImpressions | Verifiable Impressions | long |
verificationVideoMutedAtStart | Video Muted At Start | long |
verificationVideoPlayerHdSizeImpressions | HD Video Player Size Impressions | long |
verificationVideoPlayerLargeSizeImpressions | Large Video Player Size Impressions | long |
verificationVideoPlayerLocationAvgPixelsFromLeft | Video Player Location Avg Pixels From Left | long |
verificationVideoPlayerLocationAvgPixelsFromTop | Video Player Location Avg Pixels From Top | long |
verificationVideoPlayerSizeAvgHeight | Video Player Size Avg Height | long |
verificationVideoPlayerSizeAvgWidth | Video Player Size Avg Width | long |
verificationVideoPlayerSmallSizeImpressions | Small Video Player Size Impressions | long |
verificationVideoProminenceScore | Video Prominence Score | double |
verificationWarnings | Warnings | long |
videoCompanionClicks | Companion Clicks | long |
videoCompanionImpressions | Companion Views | long |
Reach by Frequency Metrics
API Name | Report Builder Name | Type |
activeViewViewableImpressionCookieReach | Active View: Viewable Impression Cookie Reach | long |
cookieReachAverageImpressionFrequency | Cookie Reach: Average Impression Frequency | double |
cookieReachClickReach | Cookie Reach: Click Reach | long |
cookieReachImpressionReach | Cookie Reach: Impression Reach | long |
cookieReachIncrementalClickReach | Cookie Reach: Incremental Click Reach | long |
cookieReachIncrementalImpressionReach | Cookie Reach: Incremental Impression Reach | long |
cookieReachIncrementalTotalReach | Cookie Reach: Incremental Total Reach | long |
cookieReachTotalReach | Cookie Reach: Total Reach | long |
uniqueReachClickReach | Unique Reach: Click Reach | string |
uniqueReachImpressionReach | Unique Reach: Impression Reach | string |
uniqueReachImpressionReachCoviewed | Unique Reach: Impression Reach (Co-Viewed) | string |
uniqueReachTotalReach | Unique Reach: Total Reach | string |
uniqueReachTotalReachCoviewed | Unique Reach: Total Reach (Co-Viewed) | string |
uniqueReachViewableImpressionReach | Unique Reach: Viewable Impression Reach | string |
Reach Report Filters
API Name | Report Builder Name | Type |
ad | Ad | string |
adType | Ad Type | string |
advertiser | Advertiser | string |
browserPlatform | Browser/Platform | string |
campaign | Campaign | string |
city | City | string |
connectionType | Connection Type | string |
country | Country | string |
dmaRegion | Designated Market Area (DMA) | string |
hour | Hour | string |
mobileCarrier | Mobile Carrier | string |
operatingSystem | Operating System | string |
placement | Placement | string |
platformType | Platform Type | string |
site | Site (CM360) | string |
Cross-media Reach Report Dimensions
API Name | Report Builder Name | Type |
campaign (required) | Campaign | string |
country (required) | Country | string |
tvCampaign (required) | TV Campaign | string |
advertiser | Advertiser | string |
advertiserGroup | Advertiser Group | string |
advertiserId | Advertiser ID | long |
campaignEndDate | Campaign End Date | string |
campaignExternalId | Campaign External ID | string |
campaignId | Campaign ID | long |
campaignStartDate | Campaign Start Date | string |
floodlightConfigId | Floodlight Configuration | long |
site | Site (CM360) | string |
siteId | Site ID (CM360) | long |
Cross-media Reach Report Metrics
API Name | Report Builder Name | Type |
tvCampaignExclusiveCrossMediaReach | Unique Reach: TV Campaign Exclusive Cross Media Reach | string |
tvCampaignReach | Unique Reach: TV Campaign Reach | string |
uniqueReachDuplicateCrossMediaImpressionReachCoviewed | Unique Reach: Duplicate Cross Media Impression Reach (Co-Viewed) | string |
uniqueReachExclusiveCrossMediaImpressionReachCoviewed | Unique Reach: Exclusive Cross Media Impression Reach (Co-Viewed) | string |
uniqueReachImpressionReachCoviewed | Unique Reach: Impression Reach (Co-Viewed) | string |
Cross-media Reach Report Filters
API Name | Report Builder Name | Type |
campaign (required) | Campaign | string |
tvCampaignDateWindow (required) | TV Campaign Date Window | long |
tvCampaignId (required) | TV Campaign ID | string |
tvCampaignStartDate (required) | TV Campaign Start Date | long |
advertiser | Advertiser | string |
advertiserGroup | Advertiser Group | string |
advertiserId | Advertiser ID | long |
campaignEndDate | Campaign End Date | string |
campaignExternalId | Campaign External ID | string |
campaignId | Campaign ID | long |
campaignStartDate | Campaign Start Date | string |
floodlightConfigId | Floodlight Configuration | long |
platformType | Platform Type | string |
site | Site (CM360) | string |
siteId | Site ID (CM360) | long |
Conversion Dimensions
API Name | Report Builder Name | Type |
conversionId (required) | Conversion ID | string |
activity | Activity | string |
activityGroup | Activity Group | string |
activityGroupId | Activity Group ID | long |
activityId | Activity ID | long |
activityTime | Activity Date/Time | string |
browserPlatform | Browser/Platform | string |
channelMix | Channel Mix | string |
city | City | string |
clickCount | Click Count | long |
connectionType | Connection Type | string |
conversionReferrer | Conversion Referrer | string |
conversionUrl | Conversion URL | string |
country | Country | string |
daysSinceAttributedInteraction | Days Since Attributed Interaction | long |
daysSinceFirstInteraction | Days Since First Interaction | long |
dmaRegion | Designated Market Area (DMA) | string |
floodlightAttributionType | Floodlight Attribution Type | string |
floodlightConfigId | Floodlight Configuration | long |
hoursSinceAttributedInteraction | Hours Since Attributed Interaction | long |
hoursSinceFirstInteraction | Hours Since First Interaction | long |
impressionCount | Impression Count | long |
interactionCountClickTracker | Interaction Count: Click Tracker | long |
interactionCountMobileStaticImage | Interaction Count: Mobile Static Image | long |
interactionCountMobileVideo | Interaction Count: Mobile Video | long |
interactionCountNaturalSearch | Interaction Count: Natural Search | long |
interactionCountPaidSearch | Interaction Count: Paid Search | long |
interactionCountStaticImage | Interaction Count: Static Image | long |
interactionCountVideo | Interaction Count: Video | long |
mobileCarrier | Mobile Carrier | string |
numValue | NUM Value | string |
operatingSystem | Operating System | string |
operatingSystemVersion | Operating System Version | string |
ordValue | ORD Value | string |
pathLength | Path Length | long |
pathType | Path Type | string |
platformType | Platform Type | string |
recalculatedAttributionType | Recalculated Attribution Type | string |
state | State/Region | string |
tranValue | TRAN Value | string |
uValue | U Value | string |
zipCode | ZIP/Postal Code | string |
Per Interaction Dimensions
API Name | Report Builder Name | Type |
interactionNumber (required) | Interaction Number | long |
interactionTime (required) | Interaction Date/Time | string |
ad | Ad | string |
adId | Ad ID | long |
adType | Ad Type | string |
advertiser | Advertiser | string |
advertiserGroup | Advertiser Group | string |
advertiserId | Advertiser ID | long |
asset | Asset | string |
assetCategory | Asset Category | string |
assetId | Asset ID | long |
assetOrientation | Asset Orientation | string |
audienceTargeted | Audience Targeted | string |
campaign | Campaign | string |
campaignEndDate | Campaign End Date | string |
campaignId | Campaign ID | long |
campaignStartDate | Campaign Start Date | string |
clickThroughUrl | Click-through URL | string |
creative | Creative | string |
creativeGroup1 | Creative Groups 1 | string |
creativeGroup2 | Creative Groups 2 | string |
creativeId | Creative ID | long |
creativeSize | Creative Pixel Size | string |
creativeType | Creative Type | string |
creativeVersion | Creative Version | string |
dynamicProfile | Dynamic Profile | string |
dynamicProfileId | Dynamic Profile Id | long |
feed1 | Dynamic Element 1 | string |
feed1ReportingDimension1 | Feed 1 - Reporting dimension 1 | string |
feed1ReportingDimension2 | Feed 1 - Reporting dimension 2 | string |
feed1ReportingDimension3 | Feed 1 - Reporting dimension 3 | string |
feed1ReportingLabel | Feed 1 - Reporting label | string |
feed1UniqueId | Feed 1 - Unique ID | string |
feed2 | Dynamic Element 2 | string |
feed2ReportingDimension1 | Feed 2 - Reporting dimension 1 | string |
feed2ReportingDimension2 | Feed 2 - Reporting dimension 2 | string |
feed2ReportingDimension3 | Feed 2 - Reporting dimension 3 | string |
feed2ReportingLabel | Feed 2 - Reporting label | string |
feed2UniqueId | Feed 2 - Unique ID | string |
feed3 | Dynamic Element 3 | string |
feed3ReportingDimension1 | Feed 3 - Reporting dimension 1 | string |
feed3ReportingDimension2 | Feed 3 - Reporting dimension 2 | string |
feed3ReportingDimension3 | Feed 3 - Reporting dimension 3 | string |
feed3ReportingLabel | Feed 3 - Reporting label | string |
feed3UniqueId | Feed 3 - Unique ID | string |
feed4 | Dynamic Element 4 | string |
feed4ReportingDimension1 | Feed 4 - Reporting dimension 1 | string |
feed4ReportingDimension2 | Feed 4 - Reporting dimension 2 | string |
feed4ReportingDimension3 | Feed 4 - Reporting dimension 3 | string |
feed4ReportingLabel | Feed 4 - Reporting label | string |
feed4UniqueId | Feed 4 - Unique ID | string |
feed5 | Dynamic Element 5 | string |
feed5ReportingDimension1 | Feed 5 - Reporting dimension 1 | string |
feed5ReportingDimension2 | Feed 5 - Reporting dimension 2 | string |
feed5ReportingDimension3 | Feed 5 - Reporting dimension 3 | string |
feed5ReportingLabel | Feed 5 - Reporting label | string |
feed5UniqueId | Feed 5 - Unique ID | string |
floodlightAttributedInteraction | Floodlight Attributed Interaction | string |
interactionChannel | Interaction Channel | string |
interactionType | Interaction Type | string |
naturalSearchEngineCountry | Natural Search Engine Country | string |
naturalSearchEngineProperty | Natural Search Engine Property | string |
naturalSearchEngineUrl | Natural Search Engine URL | string |
naturalSearchLandingPage | Natural Search Landing Page | string |
naturalSearchLandingPageQueryString | Natural Search Landing Page Query String | string |
naturalSearchProcessedLandingPage | Natural Search Processed Landing Page | string |
naturalSearchProcessedLandingPageQueryString | Natural Search Processed Landing Page Query String | string |
naturalSearchQuery | Natural Search Query | string |
packageRoadblock | Package/Roadblock | string |
packageRoadblockId | Package/Roadblock ID | long |
packageRoadblockStrategy | Package/Roadblock Strategy | string |
paidSearchAd | Paid Search Ad | string |
paidSearchAdGroup | Paid Search Ad Group | string |
paidSearchAdGroupId | Paid Search Ad Group ID | long |
paidSearchAdId | Paid Search Ad ID | long |
paidSearchAdvertiser | Paid Search Advertiser | string |
paidSearchAdvertiserId | Paid Search Advertiser ID | long |
paidSearchAgency | Paid Search Agency | string |
paidSearchAgencyId | Paid Search Agency ID | long |
paidSearchBidStrategy | Paid Search Bid Strategy | string |
paidSearchBidStrategyId | Paid Search Bid Strategy ID | long |
paidSearchCampaign | Paid Search Campaign | string |
paidSearchCampaignId | Paid Search Campaign ID | long |
paidSearchEngineAccount | Paid Search Engine Account | string |
paidSearchEngineAccountCategory | Paid Search Engine Account Category | string |
paidSearchEngineAccountId | Paid Search Engine Account ID | long |
paidSearchExternalAdGroupId | Paid Search External Ad Group ID | long |
paidSearchExternalAdId | Paid Search External Ad ID | long |
paidSearchExternalCampaignId | Paid Search External Campaign ID | long |
paidSearchExternalKeywordId | Paid Search External Keyword ID | long |
paidSearchKeyword | Paid Search Keyword | string |
paidSearchKeywordId | Paid Search Keyword ID | long |
paidSearchLabels | Paid Search Labels | string |
paidSearchLandingPageUrl | Paid Search Landing Page URL | string |
paidSearchLegacyKeywordId | Paid Search Legacy Keyword ID | long |
paidSearchMatchType | Paid Search Match Type | string |
paidSocialAd | Paid Social Ad | string |
paidSocialAdGroup | Paid Social Ad Group | string |
paidSocialAdGroupId | Paid Social Ad Group ID | long |
paidSocialAdId | Paid Social Ad ID | long |
paidSocialAdvertiser | Paid Social Advertiser | string |
paidSocialAdvertiserId | Paid Social Advertiser ID | long |
paidSocialAgency | Paid Social Agency | string |
paidSocialAgencyId | Paid Social Agency ID | long |
paidSocialCampaign | Paid Social Campaign | string |
paidSocialCampaignId | Paid Social Campaign ID | long |
paidSocialEngineAccount | Paid Social Engine Account | string |
paidSocialEngineAccountId | Paid Social Engine Account ID | long |
paidSocialExternalAdGroupId | Paid Social External Ad Group ID | long |
paidSocialExternalAdId | Paid Social External Ad ID | long |
paidSocialExternalCampaignId | Paid Social External Campaign ID | long |
paidSocialExternalEngineAccountId | Paid Social External Engine Account ID | long |
placement | Placement | string |
placementEndDate | Placement End Date | string |
placementId | Placement ID | long |
placementSize | Placement Pixel Size | string |
placementStartDate | Placement Start Date | string |
recalculatedAttributedInteraction | Recalculated Attributed Interaction | string |
renderingId | Rendering ID | long |
richMediaVideoLength | Video Length | string |
site | Site (CM360) | string |
siteDirectory | Site (Site Directory) | string |
siteDirectoryId | Site ID (Site Directory) | long |
siteId | Site ID (CM360) | long |
siteKeyname | Site Keyname | string |
twitterImpressionId | Twitter Impression ID | long |
withinFloodlightLookbackWindow | Within Floodlight Lookback Window | string |
Path To Conversion Report Metrics
API Name | Report Builder Name | Type |
totalConversions | Total Conversions | double |
totalConversionsRevenue | Total Revenue | double |
Path To Conversion Report Custom Floodlight Variables
API Name | Report Builder Name | Type |
floodlightVariableDimension1 | Custom Floodlight Variable 1 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension2 | Custom Floodlight Variable 2 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension3 | Custom Floodlight Variable 3 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension4 | Custom Floodlight Variable 4 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension5 | Custom Floodlight Variable 5 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension6 | Custom Floodlight Variable 6 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension7 | Custom Floodlight Variable 7 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension8 | Custom Floodlight Variable 8 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension9 | Custom Floodlight Variable 9 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension10 | Custom Floodlight Variable 10 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension11 | Custom Floodlight Variable 11 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension12 | Custom Floodlight Variable 12 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension13 | Custom Floodlight Variable 13 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension14 | Custom Floodlight Variable 14 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension15 | Custom Floodlight Variable 15 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension16 | Custom Floodlight Variable 16 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension17 | Custom Floodlight Variable 17 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension18 | Custom Floodlight Variable 18 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension19 | Custom Floodlight Variable 19 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension20 | Custom Floodlight Variable 20 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension21 | Custom Floodlight Variable 21 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension22 | Custom Floodlight Variable 22 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension23 | Custom Floodlight Variable 23 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension24 | Custom Floodlight Variable 24 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension25 | Custom Floodlight Variable 25 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension26 | Custom Floodlight Variable 26 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension27 | Custom Floodlight Variable 27 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension28 | Custom Floodlight Variable 28 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension29 | Custom Floodlight Variable 29 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension30 | Custom Floodlight Variable 30 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension31 | Custom Floodlight Variable 31 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension32 | Custom Floodlight Variable 32 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension33 | Custom Floodlight Variable 33 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension34 | Custom Floodlight Variable 34 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension35 | Custom Floodlight Variable 35 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension36 | Custom Floodlight Variable 36 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension37 | Custom Floodlight Variable 37 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension38 | Custom Floodlight Variable 38 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension39 | Custom Floodlight Variable 39 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension40 | Custom Floodlight Variable 40 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension41 | Custom Floodlight Variable 41 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension42 | Custom Floodlight Variable 42 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension43 | Custom Floodlight Variable 43 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension44 | Custom Floodlight Variable 44 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension45 | Custom Floodlight Variable 45 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension46 | Custom Floodlight Variable 46 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension47 | Custom Floodlight Variable 47 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension48 | Custom Floodlight Variable 48 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension49 | Custom Floodlight Variable 49 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension50 | Custom Floodlight Variable 50 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension51 | Custom Floodlight Variable 51 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension52 | Custom Floodlight Variable 52 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension53 | Custom Floodlight Variable 53 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension54 | Custom Floodlight Variable 54 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension55 | Custom Floodlight Variable 55 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension56 | Custom Floodlight Variable 56 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension57 | Custom Floodlight Variable 57 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension58 | Custom Floodlight Variable 58 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension59 | Custom Floodlight Variable 59 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension60 | Custom Floodlight Variable 60 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension61 | Custom Floodlight Variable 61 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension62 | Custom Floodlight Variable 62 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension63 | Custom Floodlight Variable 63 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension64 | Custom Floodlight Variable 64 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension65 | Custom Floodlight Variable 65 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension66 | Custom Floodlight Variable 66 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension67 | Custom Floodlight Variable 67 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension68 | Custom Floodlight Variable 68 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension69 | Custom Floodlight Variable 69 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension70 | Custom Floodlight Variable 70 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension71 | Custom Floodlight Variable 71 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension72 | Custom Floodlight Variable 72 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension73 | Custom Floodlight Variable 73 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension74 | Custom Floodlight Variable 74 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension75 | Custom Floodlight Variable 75 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension76 | Custom Floodlight Variable 76 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension77 | Custom Floodlight Variable 77 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension78 | Custom Floodlight Variable 78 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension79 | Custom Floodlight Variable 79 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension80 | Custom Floodlight Variable 80 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension81 | Custom Floodlight Variable 81 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension82 | Custom Floodlight Variable 82 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension83 | Custom Floodlight Variable 83 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension84 | Custom Floodlight Variable 84 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension85 | Custom Floodlight Variable 85 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension86 | Custom Floodlight Variable 86 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension87 | Custom Floodlight Variable 87 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension88 | Custom Floodlight Variable 88 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension89 | Custom Floodlight Variable 89 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension90 | Custom Floodlight Variable 90 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension91 | Custom Floodlight Variable 91 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension92 | Custom Floodlight Variable 92 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension93 | Custom Floodlight Variable 93 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension94 | Custom Floodlight Variable 94 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension95 | Custom Floodlight Variable 95 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension96 | Custom Floodlight Variable 96 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension97 | Custom Floodlight Variable 97 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension98 | Custom Floodlight Variable 98 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension99 | Custom Floodlight Variable 99 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension100 | Custom Floodlight Variable 100 | string |
Cross Dimension Reach Report Breakdown
API Name | Report Builder Name | Type |
date | Date | string |
month | Month | string |
week | Week | string |
Cross Dimension Reach Report Filters
API Name | Report Builder Name | Type |
advertiser | Advertiser | string |
campaign | Campaign | string |
Cross Dimension Reach Report Metrics
API Name | Report Builder Name | Type |
cookieReachAverageImpressionFrequency | Cookie Reach: Average Impression Frequency | double |
cookieReachClickReach | Cookie Reach: Click Reach | long |
cookieReachDuplicateClickReach | Cookie Reach: Duplicate Click Reach | long |
cookieReachDuplicateClickReachPercent | Cookie Reach: Duplicate Click Reach % | double |
cookieReachDuplicateImpressionReach | Cookie Reach: Duplicate Impression Reach | long |
cookieReachDuplicateImpressionReachPercent | Cookie Reach: Duplicate Impression Reach % | double |
cookieReachDuplicateTotalReach | Cookie Reach: Duplicate Total Reach | long |
cookieReachDuplicateTotalReachPercent | Cookie Reach: Duplicate Total Reach % | double |
cookieReachExclusiveClickReach | Cookie Reach: Exclusive Click Reach | long |
cookieReachExclusiveClickReachPercent | Cookie Reach: Exclusive Click Reach % | double |
cookieReachExclusiveImpressionReach | Cookie Reach: Exclusive Impression Reach | long |
cookieReachExclusiveImpressionReachPercent | Cookie Reach: Exclusive Impression Reach % | double |
cookieReachExclusiveTotalReach | Cookie Reach: Exclusive Total Reach | long |
cookieReachExclusiveTotalReachPercent | Cookie Reach: Exclusive Total Reach % | double |
cookieReachImpressionReach | Cookie Reach: Impression Reach | long |
cookieReachIncrementalClickReach | Cookie Reach: Incremental Click Reach | long |
cookieReachIncrementalImpressionReach | Cookie Reach: Incremental Impression Reach | long |
cookieReachIncrementalTotalReach | Cookie Reach: Incremental Total Reach | long |
cookieReachTotalReach | Cookie Reach: Total Reach | long |
Cross Dimension Reach Report Overlap Metrics
API Name | Report Builder Name | Type |
cookieReachOverlapClickReach | Cookie Reach: Overlap Click Reach | long |
cookieReachOverlapClickReachPercent | Cookie Reach: Overlap Click Reach % | double |
cookieReachOverlapImpressionReach | Cookie Reach: Overlap Impression Reach | long |
cookieReachOverlapImpressionReachPercent | Cookie Reach: Overlap Impression Reach % | double |
cookieReachOverlapTotalReach | Cookie Reach: Overlap Total Reach | long |
cookieReachOverlapTotalReachPercent | Cookie Reach: Overlap Total Reach % | double |
Floodlight Report Dimensions
API Name | Report Builder Name | Type |
activity | Activity | string |
activityGroup | Activity Group | string |
activityGroupId | Activity Group ID | long |
activityId | Activity ID | long |
activityTime | Activity Date/Time | string |
ad | Ad | string |
adId | Ad ID | long |
adType | Ad Type | string |
advertiser | Advertiser | string |
advertiserGroup | Advertiser Group | string |
advertiserId | Advertiser ID | long |
asset | Asset | string |
assetCategory | Asset Category | string |
assetId | Asset ID | long |
assetOrientation | Asset Orientation | string |
audienceTargeted | Audience Targeted | string |
browserPlatform | Browser/Platform | string |
campaign | Campaign | string |
campaignEndDate | Campaign End Date | string |
campaignId | Campaign ID | long |
campaignStartDate | Campaign Start Date | string |
channelMix | Channel Mix | string |
city | City | string |
clickCount | Click Count | long |
clickThroughUrl | Click-through URL | string |
connectionType | Connection Type | string |
conversionReferrer | Conversion Referrer | string |
conversionUrl | Conversion URL | string |
country | Country | string |
creative | Creative | string |
creativeGroup1 | Creative Groups 1 | string |
creativeGroup2 | Creative Groups 2 | string |
creativeId | Creative ID | long |
creativeSize | Creative Pixel Size | string |
creativeType | Creative Type | string |
creativeVersion | Creative Version | string |
dataSource | Data Source | string |
date | Date | string |
daysSinceAttributedInteraction | Days Since Attributed Interaction | long |
daysSinceFirstInteraction | Days Since First Interaction | long |
dmaRegion | Designated Market Area (DMA) | string |
dynamicProfile | Dynamic Profile | string |
dynamicProfileId | Dynamic Profile Id | long |
feed1 | Dynamic Element 1 | string |
feed1ReportingDimension1 | Feed 1 - Reporting dimension 1 | string |
feed1ReportingDimension2 | Feed 1 - Reporting dimension 2 | string |
feed1ReportingDimension3 | Feed 1 - Reporting dimension 3 | string |
feed1ReportingLabel | Feed 1 - Reporting label | string |
feed1UniqueId | Feed 1 - Unique ID | string |
feed2 | Dynamic Element 2 | string |
feed2ReportingDimension1 | Feed 2 - Reporting dimension 1 | string |
feed2ReportingDimension2 | Feed 2 - Reporting dimension 2 | string |
feed2ReportingDimension3 | Feed 2 - Reporting dimension 3 | string |
feed2ReportingLabel | Feed 2 - Reporting label | string |
feed2UniqueId | Feed 2 - Unique ID | string |
feed3 | Dynamic Element 3 | string |
feed3ReportingDimension1 | Feed 3 - Reporting dimension 1 | string |
feed3ReportingDimension2 | Feed 3 - Reporting dimension 2 | string |
feed3ReportingDimension3 | Feed 3 - Reporting dimension 3 | string |
feed3ReportingLabel | Feed 3 - Reporting label | string |
feed3UniqueId | Feed 3 - Unique ID | string |
feed4 | Dynamic Element 4 | string |
feed4ReportingDimension1 | Feed 4 - Reporting dimension 1 | string |
feed4ReportingDimension2 | Feed 4 - Reporting dimension 2 | string |
feed4ReportingDimension3 | Feed 4 - Reporting dimension 3 | string |
feed4ReportingLabel | Feed 4 - Reporting label | string |
feed4UniqueId | Feed 4 - Unique ID | string |
feed5 | Dynamic Element 5 | string |
feed5ReportingDimension1 | Feed 5 - Reporting dimension 1 | string |
feed5ReportingDimension2 | Feed 5 - Reporting dimension 2 | string |
feed5ReportingDimension3 | Feed 5 - Reporting dimension 3 | string |
feed5ReportingLabel | Feed 5 - Reporting label | string |
feed5UniqueId | Feed 5 - Unique ID | string |
floodlightAttributionType | Floodlight Attribution Type | string |
floodlightConfigId | Floodlight Configuration | long |
floodlightVariableDimension1 | Custom Floodlight Variable 1 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension2 | Custom Floodlight Variable 2 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension3 | Custom Floodlight Variable 3 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension4 | Custom Floodlight Variable 4 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension5 | Custom Floodlight Variable 5 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension6 | Custom Floodlight Variable 6 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension7 | Custom Floodlight Variable 7 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension8 | Custom Floodlight Variable 8 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension9 | Custom Floodlight Variable 9 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension10 | Custom Floodlight Variable 10 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension11 | Custom Floodlight Variable 11 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension12 | Custom Floodlight Variable 12 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension13 | Custom Floodlight Variable 13 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension14 | Custom Floodlight Variable 14 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension15 | Custom Floodlight Variable 15 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension16 | Custom Floodlight Variable 16 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension17 | Custom Floodlight Variable 17 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension18 | Custom Floodlight Variable 18 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension19 | Custom Floodlight Variable 19 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension20 | Custom Floodlight Variable 20 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension21 | Custom Floodlight Variable 21 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension22 | Custom Floodlight Variable 22 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension23 | Custom Floodlight Variable 23 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension24 | Custom Floodlight Variable 24 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension25 | Custom Floodlight Variable 25 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension26 | Custom Floodlight Variable 26 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension27 | Custom Floodlight Variable 27 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension28 | Custom Floodlight Variable 28 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension29 | Custom Floodlight Variable 29 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension30 | Custom Floodlight Variable 30 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension31 | Custom Floodlight Variable 31 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension32 | Custom Floodlight Variable 32 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension33 | Custom Floodlight Variable 33 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension34 | Custom Floodlight Variable 34 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension35 | Custom Floodlight Variable 35 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension36 | Custom Floodlight Variable 36 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension37 | Custom Floodlight Variable 37 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension38 | Custom Floodlight Variable 38 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension39 | Custom Floodlight Variable 39 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension40 | Custom Floodlight Variable 40 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension41 | Custom Floodlight Variable 41 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension42 | Custom Floodlight Variable 42 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension43 | Custom Floodlight Variable 43 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension44 | Custom Floodlight Variable 44 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension45 | Custom Floodlight Variable 45 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension46 | Custom Floodlight Variable 46 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension47 | Custom Floodlight Variable 47 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension48 | Custom Floodlight Variable 48 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension49 | Custom Floodlight Variable 49 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension50 | Custom Floodlight Variable 50 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension51 | Custom Floodlight Variable 51 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension52 | Custom Floodlight Variable 52 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension53 | Custom Floodlight Variable 53 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension54 | Custom Floodlight Variable 54 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension55 | Custom Floodlight Variable 55 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension56 | Custom Floodlight Variable 56 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension57 | Custom Floodlight Variable 57 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension58 | Custom Floodlight Variable 58 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension59 | Custom Floodlight Variable 59 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension60 | Custom Floodlight Variable 60 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension61 | Custom Floodlight Variable 61 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension62 | Custom Floodlight Variable 62 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension63 | Custom Floodlight Variable 63 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension64 | Custom Floodlight Variable 64 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension65 | Custom Floodlight Variable 65 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension66 | Custom Floodlight Variable 66 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension67 | Custom Floodlight Variable 67 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension68 | Custom Floodlight Variable 68 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension69 | Custom Floodlight Variable 69 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension70 | Custom Floodlight Variable 70 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension71 | Custom Floodlight Variable 71 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension72 | Custom Floodlight Variable 72 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension73 | Custom Floodlight Variable 73 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension74 | Custom Floodlight Variable 74 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension75 | Custom Floodlight Variable 75 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension76 | Custom Floodlight Variable 76 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension77 | Custom Floodlight Variable 77 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension78 | Custom Floodlight Variable 78 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension79 | Custom Floodlight Variable 79 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension80 | Custom Floodlight Variable 80 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension81 | Custom Floodlight Variable 81 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension82 | Custom Floodlight Variable 82 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension83 | Custom Floodlight Variable 83 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension84 | Custom Floodlight Variable 84 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension85 | Custom Floodlight Variable 85 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension86 | Custom Floodlight Variable 86 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension87 | Custom Floodlight Variable 87 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension88 | Custom Floodlight Variable 88 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension89 | Custom Floodlight Variable 89 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension90 | Custom Floodlight Variable 90 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension91 | Custom Floodlight Variable 91 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension92 | Custom Floodlight Variable 92 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension93 | Custom Floodlight Variable 93 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension94 | Custom Floodlight Variable 94 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension95 | Custom Floodlight Variable 95 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension96 | Custom Floodlight Variable 96 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension97 | Custom Floodlight Variable 97 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension98 | Custom Floodlight Variable 98 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension99 | Custom Floodlight Variable 99 | string |
floodlightVariableDimension100 | Custom Floodlight Variable 100 | string |
hour | Hour | string |
hoursSinceAttributedInteraction | Hours Since Attributed Interaction | long |
hoursSinceFirstInteraction | Hours Since First Interaction | long |
impressionCount | Impression Count | long |
interactionChannel | Interaction Channel | string |
interactionCountClickTracker | Interaction Count: Click Tracker | long |
interactionCountMobileStaticImage | Interaction Count: Mobile Static Image | long |
interactionCountMobileVideo | Interaction Count: Mobile Video | long |
interactionCountNaturalSearch | Interaction Count: Natural Search | long |
interactionCountPaidSearch | Interaction Count: Paid Search | long |
interactionCountStaticImage | Interaction Count: Static Image | long |
interactionCountVideo | Interaction Count: Video | long |
interactionType | Interaction Type | string |
mobileCarrier | Mobile Carrier | string |
month | Month | string |
naturalSearchEngineCountry | Natural Search Engine Country | string |
naturalSearchEngineProperty | Natural Search Engine Property | string |
naturalSearchEngineUrl | Natural Search Engine URL | string |
naturalSearchLandingPage | Natural Search Landing Page | string |
naturalSearchLandingPageQueryString | Natural Search Landing Page Query String | string |
naturalSearchProcessedLandingPage | Natural Search Processed Landing Page | string |
naturalSearchProcessedLandingPageQueryString | Natural Search Processed Landing Page Query String | string |
naturalSearchQuery | Natural Search Query | string |
numValue | NUM Value | string |
operatingSystem | Operating System | string |
operatingSystemVersion | Operating System Version | string |
ordValue | ORD Value | string |
packageRoadblock | Package/Roadblock | string |
packageRoadblockId | Package/Roadblock ID | long |
packageRoadblockStrategy | Package/Roadblock Strategy | string |
paidSearchAd | Paid Search Ad | string |
paidSearchAdGroup | Paid Search Ad Group | string |
paidSearchAdGroupId | Paid Search Ad Group ID | long |
paidSearchAdId | Paid Search Ad ID | long |
paidSearchAdvertiser | Paid Search Advertiser | string |
paidSearchAdvertiserId | Paid Search Advertiser ID | long |
paidSearchAgency | Paid Search Agency | string |
paidSearchAgencyId | Paid Search Agency ID | long |
paidSearchBidStrategy | Paid Search Bid Strategy | string |
paidSearchBidStrategyId | Paid Search Bid Strategy ID | long |
paidSearchCampaign | Paid Search Campaign | string |
paidSearchCampaignId | Paid Search Campaign ID | long |
paidSearchEngineAccount | Paid Search Engine Account | string |
paidSearchEngineAccountCategory | Paid Search Engine Account Category | string |
paidSearchEngineAccountId | Paid Search Engine Account ID | long |
paidSearchExternalAdGroupId | Paid Search External Ad Group ID | long |
paidSearchExternalAdId | Paid Search External Ad ID | long |
paidSearchExternalCampaignId | Paid Search External Campaign ID | long |
paidSearchExternalKeywordId | Paid Search External Keyword ID | long |
paidSearchKeyword | Paid Search Keyword | string |
paidSearchKeywordId | Paid Search Keyword ID | long |
paidSearchLabels | Paid Search Labels | string |
paidSearchLandingPageUrl | Paid Search Landing Page URL | string |
paidSearchLegacyKeywordId | Paid Search Legacy Keyword ID | long |
paidSearchMatchType | Paid Search Match Type | string |
paidSocialAd | Paid Social Ad | string |
paidSocialAdGroup | Paid Social Ad Group | string |
paidSocialAdGroupId | Paid Social Ad Group ID | long |
paidSocialAdId | Paid Social Ad ID | long |
paidSocialAdvertiser | Paid Social Advertiser | string |
paidSocialAdvertiserId | Paid Social Advertiser ID | long |
paidSocialAgency | Paid Social Agency | string |
paidSocialAgencyId | Paid Social Agency ID | long |
paidSocialCampaign | Paid Social Campaign | string |
paidSocialCampaignId | Paid Social Campaign ID | long |
paidSocialEngineAccount | Paid Social Engine Account | string |
paidSocialEngineAccountId | Paid Social Engine Account ID | long |
paidSocialExternalAdGroupId | Paid Social External Ad Group ID | long |
paidSocialExternalAdId | Paid Social External Ad ID | long |
paidSocialExternalCampaignId | Paid Social External Campaign ID | long |
paidSocialExternalEngineAccountId | Paid Social External Engine Account ID | long |
pathLength | Path Length | long |
pathType | Path Type | string |
placement | Placement | string |
placementEndDate | Placement End Date | string |
placementId | Placement ID | long |
placementSize | Placement Pixel Size | string |
placementStartDate | Placement Start Date | string |
platformType | Platform Type | string |
renderingId | Rendering ID | long |
richMediaVideoLength | Video Length | string |
site | Site (CM360) | string |
siteDirectory | Site (Site Directory) | string |
siteDirectoryId | Site ID (Site Directory) | long |
siteId | Site ID (CM360) | long |
siteKeyname | Site Keyname | string |
state | State/Region | string |
tranValue | TRAN Value | string |
uValue | U Value | string |
week | Week | string |
zipCode | ZIP/Postal Code | string |
Floodlight Report Metrics
API Name | Report Builder Name | Type |
activityClickThroughConversions | Click-through Conversions | double |
activityClickThroughRevenue | Click-through Revenue | double |
activityViewThroughConversions | View-through Conversions | double |
activityViewThroughRevenue | View-through Revenue | double |
cookieConsentedFloodlightImpressions | Cookie Consented Floodlight Impressions | long |
cookieUnconsentedFloodlightImpressions | Cookie Unconsented Floodlight Impressions | long |
duplicateFloodlightImpressions | Duplicate Consented Floodlight Impressions | long |
floodlightImpressions | Floodlight Impressions | long |
floodlightVariableMetric1 | Custom Floodlight Variable 1 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric2 | Custom Floodlight Variable 2 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric3 | Custom Floodlight Variable 3 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric4 | Custom Floodlight Variable 4 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric5 | Custom Floodlight Variable 5 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric6 | Custom Floodlight Variable 6 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric7 | Custom Floodlight Variable 7 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric8 | Custom Floodlight Variable 8 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric9 | Custom Floodlight Variable 9 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric10 | Custom Floodlight Variable 10 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric11 | Custom Floodlight Variable 11 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric12 | Custom Floodlight Variable 12 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric13 | Custom Floodlight Variable 13 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric14 | Custom Floodlight Variable 14 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric15 | Custom Floodlight Variable 15 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric16 | Custom Floodlight Variable 16 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric17 | Custom Floodlight Variable 17 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric18 | Custom Floodlight Variable 18 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric19 | Custom Floodlight Variable 19 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric20 | Custom Floodlight Variable 20 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric21 | Custom Floodlight Variable 21 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric22 | Custom Floodlight Variable 22 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric23 | Custom Floodlight Variable 23 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric24 | Custom Floodlight Variable 24 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric25 | Custom Floodlight Variable 25 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric26 | Custom Floodlight Variable 26 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric27 | Custom Floodlight Variable 27 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric28 | Custom Floodlight Variable 28 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric29 | Custom Floodlight Variable 29 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric30 | Custom Floodlight Variable 30 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric31 | Custom Floodlight Variable 31 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric32 | Custom Floodlight Variable 32 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric33 | Custom Floodlight Variable 33 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric34 | Custom Floodlight Variable 34 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric35 | Custom Floodlight Variable 35 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric36 | Custom Floodlight Variable 36 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric37 | Custom Floodlight Variable 37 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric38 | Custom Floodlight Variable 38 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric39 | Custom Floodlight Variable 39 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric40 | Custom Floodlight Variable 40 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric41 | Custom Floodlight Variable 41 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric42 | Custom Floodlight Variable 42 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric43 | Custom Floodlight Variable 43 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric44 | Custom Floodlight Variable 44 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric45 | Custom Floodlight Variable 45 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric46 | Custom Floodlight Variable 46 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric47 | Custom Floodlight Variable 47 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric48 | Custom Floodlight Variable 48 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric49 | Custom Floodlight Variable 49 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric50 | Custom Floodlight Variable 50 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric51 | Custom Floodlight Variable 51 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric52 | Custom Floodlight Variable 52 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric53 | Custom Floodlight Variable 53 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric54 | Custom Floodlight Variable 54 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric55 | Custom Floodlight Variable 55 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric56 | Custom Floodlight Variable 56 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric57 | Custom Floodlight Variable 57 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric58 | Custom Floodlight Variable 58 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric59 | Custom Floodlight Variable 59 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric60 | Custom Floodlight Variable 60 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric61 | Custom Floodlight Variable 61 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric62 | Custom Floodlight Variable 62 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric63 | Custom Floodlight Variable 63 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric64 | Custom Floodlight Variable 64 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric65 | Custom Floodlight Variable 65 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric66 | Custom Floodlight Variable 66 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric67 | Custom Floodlight Variable 67 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric68 | Custom Floodlight Variable 68 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric69 | Custom Floodlight Variable 69 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric70 | Custom Floodlight Variable 70 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric71 | Custom Floodlight Variable 71 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric72 | Custom Floodlight Variable 72 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric73 | Custom Floodlight Variable 73 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric74 | Custom Floodlight Variable 74 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric75 | Custom Floodlight Variable 75 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric76 | Custom Floodlight Variable 76 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric77 | Custom Floodlight Variable 77 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric78 | Custom Floodlight Variable 78 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric79 | Custom Floodlight Variable 79 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric80 | Custom Floodlight Variable 80 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric81 | Custom Floodlight Variable 81 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric82 | Custom Floodlight Variable 82 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric83 | Custom Floodlight Variable 83 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric84 | Custom Floodlight Variable 84 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric85 | Custom Floodlight Variable 85 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric86 | Custom Floodlight Variable 86 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric87 | Custom Floodlight Variable 87 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric88 | Custom Floodlight Variable 88 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric89 | Custom Floodlight Variable 89 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric90 | Custom Floodlight Variable 90 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric91 | Custom Floodlight Variable 91 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric92 | Custom Floodlight Variable 92 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric93 | Custom Floodlight Variable 93 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric94 | Custom Floodlight Variable 94 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric95 | Custom Floodlight Variable 95 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric96 | Custom Floodlight Variable 96 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric97 | Custom Floodlight Variable 97 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric98 | Custom Floodlight Variable 98 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric99 | Custom Floodlight Variable 99 | double |
floodlightVariableMetric100 | Custom Floodlight Variable 100 | double |
lastClickAttributedTransactionCount | Click-through Transaction Count | double |
lastImpressionAttributedTransactionCount | View-through Transaction Count | double |
totalConversions | Total Conversions | double |
totalConversionsRevenue | Total Revenue | double |
transactionCount | Transaction Count | long |
Floodlight Report Filters
API Name | Report Builder Name | Type |
activity | Activity | string |
activityGroup | Activity Group | string |
ad | Ad | string |
adType | Ad Type | string |
advertiser | Advertiser | string |
advertiserGroup | Advertiser Group | string |
browserPlatform | Browser/Platform | string |
campaign | Campaign | string |
campaignEndDate | Campaign End Date | string |
campaignStartDate | Campaign Start Date | string |
city | City | string |
clickThroughUrl | Click-through URL | string |
connectionType | Connection Type | string |
country | Country | string |
creative | Creative | string |
creativeGroup1 | Creative Groups 1 | string |
creativeGroup2 | Creative Groups 2 | string |
creativeSize | Creative Pixel Size | string |
creativeType | Creative Type | string |
dmaRegion | Designated Market Area (DMA) | string |
floodlightAttributionType | Floodlight Attribution Type | string |
mobileCarrier | Mobile Carrier | string |
operatingSystem | Operating System | string |
packageRoadblockStrategy | Package/Roadblock Strategy | string |
placement | Placement | string |
placementSize | Placement Pixel Size | string |
platformType | Platform Type | string |
renderingId | Rendering ID | long |
site | Site (CM360) | string |
siteDirectory | Site (Site Directory) | string |
state | State/Region | string |