Remove a label from a file

This page describes how to remove a label on a single Google Drive file.

To remove the file label metadata from a file, use the files.modifyLabels method. The request body contains an instance of ModifyLabelsRequest to modify the set of labels on a file. The request might contain several modifications that are applied atomically. That is, if any modifications aren't valid, then the entire update is unsuccessful and none of the (potentially dependent) changes are applied.

The ModifyLabelsRequest contains an instance of LabelModification which is a modification to a label on a file. It might also contain an instance of FieldModification which is a modification to a label's field. To remove the label from the file, set FieldModification.removeLabel to True.

If successful, the response body contains the labels added or updated by the request. These exist within a modifiedLabels object of type Label.


The following code sample shows how to use the labelId to remove all fields associated with the label using the fileId. For example, if a label contains both text and user fields, removing a label deletes both the text and user fields associated with the label. Whereas, unsetting the text field removes it from the label but leaves the user field untouched. For more information, see Unset a label field on a file.

ModifyLabelsRequest modifyLabelsRequest =
  new ModifyLabelsRequest()
              new LabelModification()

ModifyLabelsResponse modifyLabelsResponse = driveService.files().modifyLabels("FILE_ID", modifyLabelsRequest).execute();
label_modification = {'labelId':'LABEL_ID', 'removeLabel': True]}

modified_labels = drive_service.files().modifyLabels(fileId="FILE_ID", body = {'labelModifications' : [label_modification]}).execute();
* Remove a label on a Drive file
* @return{obj} updated label data
async function removeLabel() {
  // Get credentials and build service
  // TODO (developer) - Use appropriate auth mechanism for your app

  const {GoogleAuth} = require('google-auth-library');
  const {google} = require('googleapis');

  const auth = new GoogleAuth({scopes: ''});
  const service ={version: 'v3', auth});
  const labelModification = {
    'labelId': 'LABEL_ID',
    'removeLabel': True,
  const labelModificationRequest = {
    'labelModifications': [labelModification],
  try {
    const updateResponse = await service.files.modifyLabels({
      fileId: 'FILE_ID',
      resource: labelModificationRequest,
    return updateResponse;
  } catch (err) {
    // TODO (developer) - Handle error
    throw err;

Replace the following:

  • LABEL_ID: The labelId of the label to modify. To locate the labels on a file, use the files.listLabels method.
  • FILE_ID: The fileId of the file for which the labels are modified.