Search for labels

Your organization can have multiple labels, with labels having several fields. The Labels API provides the labels collection to enable the reading of labels.

This page describes how to search for and retrieve labels.


The labels collection provides the following methods for reading label values, each with a specific task in mind:

Range Reading
Single label by resource name labels.get
All labels labels.list

Get label by resource name

To get a single label by its resource name, use the labels.get method.

A label resource name is required and can be structured as:

  • labels/{id} or labels/{id}@latest—Gets the latest label revision.
  • labels/{id}@published—Gets the current published label revision.
  • labels/{id}@{revisionId}—Gets the label at the specified revision ID.

You also must specify:

  • LabelView is LABEL_VIEW_FULL to set the Resource view applied to label responses. LABEL_VIEW_FULL returns all possible fields.

This example uses the Name to get a single label by its resource name.

# Label name, with or without revision:
# Revision specified:
# labels/LABEL_ID@published
# labels/LABEL_ID@latest
# labels/LABEL_ID@1
# No revision specified, returns latest revision:
# labels/LABEL_ID

name = "labels/NAME@published"

# Label view controls level of data in response

label = service.labels().get(name=name, view=view).execute()
# Label name, with or without revision:
# Revision specified:
# labels/LABEL_ID@published
# labels/LABEL_ID@latest
# labels/LABEL_ID@1
# No revision specified, returns latest revision:
# labels/LABEL_ID

name = "labels/NAME@published"

# Label view controls level of data in response

  'name': name,
  'view': view
}, (err, res) => {
  if (err) return console.error('The API returned an error: ' + err);

List all labels

To get a list of labels, use the labels.list method.

You also must specify:

  • A customer to scope this list request to. If customer is unset, all labels within the current customer are returned.

  • LabelView is LABEL_VIEW_FULL to set the Resource view applied to label responses. LABEL_VIEW_FULL returns all possible fields.

This example uses the CUSTOMER to retrieve the label list.

response = service.labels().list(
  customer='customers/CUSTOMER', view='LABEL_VIEW_FULL').execute()
const params = {
  'customer': 'customers/CUSTOMER',
  'view': 'LABEL_VIEW_FULL'

service.labels.list(params, (err, res) => {
if (err) return console.error('The API returned an error: ' + err);
const labels =;
if (labels) {
  labels.forEach((label) => {
    const name =;
    const title =;
} else {
  console.log('No Labels');