1 December 2017

All times are Indian Standard Time (UTC+05:30)

  • Livestreamed
  • All Types
  • Q&A
  • Session
  • Training
  • All Tracks
  • Android
  • Beyond Mobile
  • Certification
  • Community
  • Develop on Mobile
  • Mobile Web
  • All Products
  • AMP
  • Android
  • Android Things
  • Assistant
  • Cloud
  • Firebase
  • G Suite
  • Mobile Web
  • PWA
  • Play
  • TensorFlow
Time Description _type _track _product

Breakfast and Registration



Day 1 Keynote

Daniel Galpin, Pankaj Gupta, Francis Ma, Sachit Mishra, Tal Oppenheimer, Kaz Sato, Anitha Vijayakumar

Hall 3a

Hear about the latest news and updates to Google's developer products and platforms.






Mobile Web

Beyond Mobile

Develop on Mobile

Mobile Web


Session Beyond Mobile Develop on Mobile Mobile Web Android Android Assistant Cloud Firebase TensorFlow Mobile Web


Community Groups Program info session

Dan Franc

Community Lounge

Learn all about the Community Developer Groups Program, how to create a group or join as a member.


Session Community


Progressive Web Apps: What, Why and How?

Sam Dutton, Jiewei Lin, Sarah Clark

Hall 3a

In this talk, we'll explain the what, why, and how of Progressive Web Apps, and work through code examples. Combining the best of both the web and apps, Progressive Web Apps load quickly (even on flaky networks), can re-engage with users by sending push notifications, have an icon on the home screen, and load as top-level, full screen experiences.


Mobile Web

Session Mobile Web PWA


Real-World Machine Learning with TensorFlow and Cloud ML

Kaz Sato

Jacaranda Room

TensorFlow, Google’s open source library for machine learning, has been democratizing the world of machine intelligence since its launch in 2015. Combined with the scalability of Google’s Cloud Machine Learning Engine, TensorFlow can be used by anyone to leverage deep learning technology cheaply and without much expertise.This talk will explore three examples of businesses that have adopted TensorFlow and Cloud ML to solve their real-world problems: a cucumber farmer in Japan who was able to build a deep learning-based cucumber sorter by himself; a used car auction service using TF for classifying car models and parts; and a global insurance company that has been able to significantly increase prediction accuracy in accident cases.


Beyond Mobile

Session Beyond Mobile Cloud


Build an App with Architecture Components

Lyla Fujiwara

Gulmohar Room

In May 2017 the Architecture Components libraries were released. Alone, they help developers manage and simplify the UI component lifecycle and data persistence. Together, they can be used as a cohesive way to quickly build Android apps. This training focuses on how to use the components together: you'll make an app with a reactive UI that stores and loads local data.



Training Android Android


Hands-on with Developing Your Own Apps for the Google Assistant with Dialogflow

Sachit Mishra, Silvano Luciani

Cassia Room

In this training you’ll learn how to create your own apps for the Google Assistant. Using Dialogflow, see how easy it is to create a conversation with users by simply programming a few example sentences and replies. You can interface your app with your own server backend using a simple web hook written in node.js. This is a great session for any developer who wants to learn how to build for the Google Assistant.


Beyond Mobile

Training Beyond Mobile Assistant


Community building Q&A

Dan Franc

Community Lounge

How to engage a community around your project? How to build great meetup group? Come to ask Googler & other community leads anything community related.


Q&A Community


Introducing Cloud Firestore

Dan McGrath

Jacaranda Room

Firebase just announced the beta release of Cloud Firestore, a fully-managed NoSQL document database for mobile and web app development. It's designed to easily store and sync app data at global scale, and it's now available in beta. In this talk the product leads share all the details and will demonstrate how to build a scalable app with Cloud Firestore.


Develop on Mobile

Session Develop on Mobile Firebase


Google Developers and Cloud Certification Information Session

JP Souchak, Manohar Silam

Google Developers and Cloud Certification Lounge

Learn how to gain recognition for your skills as a Mobile Web Specialist, Associate Android Developer, Data Engineer, or Cloud Architect. In this session, JP Souchak and Manohar Silam will conduct a live information session presenting highlights of the two Certification programs and individual certifications. Q&A to follow, time permitting.


Session Certification


Testing Out Kotlin

Sean McQuillan

Hall 3a

Kotlin is a high-level language that’s fully integrated with both the Java programming language and Android Studio. It is used for Android development in many popular apps. This talk will teach you how to use Kotlin through a deep dive into writing tests. Testing is a great way to learn Kotlin, write readable tests, and introduce your development team to the power of Kotlin.



Session Android Android


Building an E-commerce Site with AMP

Ben Morss, Raghu Simha

Jacaranda Room

AMP has expanded to a full-service web components library ideal for quickly creating beautiful, dynamic web pages. In this talk we’ll show you some of the amazing things AMP can do, and we’ll finish by demonstrating how to use AMP to create a complete e-commerce experience.



Mobile Web

Session Mobile Web AMP PWA


GDG program info session

Jennifer Kohl

Community Lounge

Learn all about the Google Developer Groups Program, how to create a group or join as a member.


Session Community


Hall 3b - Sandbox



Diving into Oreo and the Support Library

Daniel Galpin

Hall 3a

This discussion will take a close look at Android Oreo and the Support Library. Come and learn about the significant changes that help make your apps work, look, and feel better than ever.



Session Android Android


Build a Web App with Firebase and Cloud Firestore

Arthur Thompson

Gulmohar Room

Experience first-hand how easy it is to build a web app with Cloud Firestore. Your instructor will build a web app based on this online codelab. You can either follow along with them, or build the same app for iOS or Android. During this training session, we'll have Googlers available to help with any of these technologies.


Develop on Mobile

Training Develop on Mobile Firebase


Data-Driven Progressive Web Apps

Sarah Clark

Cassia Room

PWAs are relatively easy to build for \"read-only\" sites. But, what happens when you want your users to work offline and sync when online? We help you architect your app for static and dynamic data, build background sync, update your back-end when online, and use the latest Google tools to simplify the process.


Mobile Web

Training Mobile Web PWA


Becoming a Google Developers Expert: GDE program info

Nathalie Pereira, Melissa Powel

Community Lounge

Learn all about the Google Developer Experts Program and how you can join.


Session Community


Engaging Communities with Google Assistant and Progressive Web Apps

Meggin Kearney

Hall 3a

Imagine a time before the web when each of us was a member of a small community. We relied on that community to occasionally help us out, to meet our needs when we weren't able to, and in return, we would do the same. Some of us may still be lucky enough to belong to these communities. That's where Google Assistant comes in. It can be a personal tool for matching your needs with the right community, and then helping you track how those needs are getting met.


Mobile Web

Session Mobile Web PWA


What's Up with the Internet of Things, TensorFlow, and the Google Assistant

Wayne Piekarski

Jacaranda Room

Google has a wide range of new platforms and tools to support computing anywhere and everywhere. Learn how Android Things can be used to simplify the development and production of IoT devices. Hear how to build apps for the Google Assistant and have a conversation with your users. See how Android phones, Android Wear, and TV allow users to interact with your service anytime and anywhere. Study how TensorFlow can be used to make machine learning easy in all kinds of IoT applications beyond mobile.


Android Things


Beyond Mobile

Session Beyond Mobile TensorFlow Android Things Assistant


\"Solve for India\" info session

Karthik Padmanabhan

Community Lounge

Learn about the \"Solve for India\" Program


Session Community


Developing Conversational Apps for the Google Assistant Using Actions on Google

Daniel Imrie-Situnayake

Jacaranda Room

The Google Assistant is available on both Google Home and Android phone platforms. Actions on Google lets you extend Google Assistant to create your own conversational apps. In this talk we'll describe the key components of Actions on Google, show you how to use tools such as Dialogflow to easily build your first app for the Google Assistant, and explore Voice User Interface (VUI) best practices to design compelling conversational user experience.


Beyond Mobile

Session Beyond Mobile Assistant


Location and Battery

Shailen Tuli

Hall 3a

Users like location-based apps, but they worry that such apps are a principle source of battery drain. We dive deep into the relationship between location and battery, discussing strategies for writing location-rich apps while minimizing battery drain.



Session Android Android


Welcoming Your Users

Sean McQuillan, Prateek Tandon

Gulmohar Room

Android provides APIs to help give users a warm welcome the first time they use your app on a new device. Features such as auto-backup and Smart Lock help keep your users happy – increasing the chance that they'llcontinue being a user when transitioning.



Training Android Android


Hands-on with Android Things and Creating Your Own IoT Devices

Jonathan Koren, Wayne Piekarski

Cassia Room

In this training you’ll learn everything you need to know about developing IoT applications for Android Things. Using Android Studio and a developer kit, you will see how easy it is to use your Android knowledge to interact with hardware in the real world.

Android Things

Beyond Mobile

Training Beyond Mobile Android Things


Women Techmakers meetup

Lakshya Sivaramakrishnan

Community Lounge

Informal meetup of the WTM leads and community members at the event.


Session Community


Actionable Insights with Firebase

Amrit Sanjeev

Jacaranda Room

Analytics and insights are core to every app's success. In this session you’ll learn how Firebase helps you answer key questions about your users and their behavior, so you can make smart decisions with your product roadmap.


Develop on Mobile

Session Develop on Mobile Firebase


Frameworks and Tools for Progressive Web Apps

Rowan Merewood

Hall 3a

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are spreading across the web faster than anyone could have predicted. Two years ago developers needed to do most of the plumbing themselves to take advantage of the new APIs available in the browser. Today we have powerful and robust tools that developers of any background can use to quickly ship more engaging applications.\n\nIn this session you’ll learn about PWA best practices and practical tips for getting started. We will cover the tools that exist to assist developers from a wide variety of backgrounds, as well as \nthe philosophies and visions behind these tools.


Mobile Web

Session Mobile Web PWA

Afternoon Break



Architecture Components - Use Cases

Florina Muntenescu

Hall 3a

The Architecture Components set of libraries help you design robust, testable, and maintainable apps. In this talk we’ll discuss what each of these libraries do, and look at the patterns and anti-patterns that you should follow. We’ll also dive into the important issue of where data should be saved to minimise requests: the database, ViewModel, or on SavedInstanceState?\nFinally, we’ll discuss the Paging library, the latest addition to the Architecture Components. You’ll learn about how the Paging library works and find out why and how you should use it.



Session Android Android


Containers, Kubernetes, and Google Cloud

KC Ayyagari

Jacaranda Room

Creating a single microservice is a well-understood challenge. Creating a cluster of load-balanced microservices that are resilient and self-healing is not so easy. Managing that cluster with rollouts and rollbacks, scaling individual services on demand, and securely sharing secrets and configuration among services is even harder. Kubernetes, an open-source container management system, can help with this. In this talk, we start with a simple microservice, containerize it using Docker, and scale it to a cluster of resilient microservices managed by Kubernetes. Along the way, you'll learn what makes Kubernetes a great system for automating deployment, operations, and scaling of containerized applications.


Develop on Mobile

Session Develop on Mobile Cloud


"Get out of your comfort zone and improve your networking skills"

Jozef Vodička

Community Lounge

Learn and practice networking skills


Session Community


From Web Site to PWA with Workbox

David Scales

Cassia Room

So you want to make your web site work offline? You create a service worker and cache some files, but maybe don't quite know how to handle updates or the browser cache. Fortunately, Google's engineers have encountered these questions in their own work and have written Workbox, a set of tools and core logic for a Progressive Web App. We'll show you how to convert a site to offline and solve difficult caching problems with ease.


Mobile Web

Training Mobile Web PWA


Building an Instant App

Anirudh Dewani

Gulmohar Room

Learn how to build an Android Instant App using Android Studio 3.0. With Android Instant Apps, you can setup app links to launch your app acitivities without prior installation of the app.



Training Android Android


Modern Tooling, Testing, and Automation: Getting Started with Lighthouse and Puppeteer.

Eric Bidelman, Vinamrata Singal

Hall 3a

Modern web development requires modern tooling. Join us as we tour the latest goodies from the Chrome DevTools team. We'll use Lighthouse to guide your development workflow, and automate it all with headless Chrome and Puppeteer, a new Node library for controlling headless Chrome.


Mobile Web

Session Mobile Web PWA


Extend Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides with Add-ons

Wesley Chun

Jacaranda Room

Love to use G Suite apps like Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides, but want to add your own functionality? Add-ons allow you to write code to access their data, including customizing the menus and sidebars in the user interface. Perhaps you want to get data from another server or connect to a database. All these are possible with Add-ons. In this session we introduce you to Google Apps Script and show you how to create your own Add-ons.

G Suite

Beyond Mobile

Session Beyond Mobile G Suite


Community Groups India meetup

Manoranjan Padhy

Community Lounge

Informal meetup of the India community organizers and members.


Session Community


Quality over Quantity: Why Quality Matters

Johannes Tonollo, Nick Fortescue

Hall 3a

Learn how to use Material Design and Android Vitals to improve user experience and increase engagement and retention. Get better user reviews, and be noticed by editorial teams more often by building a high-quality app.


Develop on Mobile

Session Develop on Mobile Play


What's Next for the Web

Thomas Steiner, Steven Soneff

Jacaranda Room

Whether you work on e-commerce, media, gaming, or some other type of site, you need to know about the future of the web. In this session we’ll discuss what's next for APIs, platforms, and technologies. Chances are that you don't need a native app after all.


Mobile Web

Session Mobile Web PWA
18:30 - 22:00

After Party