
採用標準 藍牙低功耗 GATT 設定檔的健身裝置,會自動受到 Google Fit 支援。如果您的裝置 「未」實作其中一個設定檔,您可以建立一個 Android 應用程式, 管理與健身裝置的通訊, Google Fit 是軟體感應器。您也可以 感應器。

如要在應用程式中建立軟體感應器,請擴充 FitnessSensorService 類別,並在資訊清單檔案中宣告該類別為服務。使用者安裝應用程式後,Google Fit 會將您的軟體感應器提供給其他應用程式。如果應用程式註冊接收來自應用程式中軟體感應器的資料, Google Fit 會繫結至你的服務。


如要定義軟體感應器,請宣告 FitnessSensorService敬上 執行以下動作:

<service android:name="com.example.MySensorService"
    <action android:name="com.google.android.gms.fitness.service.FitnessSensorService" />
    <!-- include at least one mimeType filter for the supported data types -->
    <data android:mimeType="vnd.google.fitness.data_type/com.google.heart_rate.bpm" />

本範例中的服務會在 android:process 屬性指定的獨立程序中執行。若需更多資訊,請參閲 程序


如要實作軟體感應器,請擴充 FitnessSensorService 類別和 實作抽象方法實作方式的細節取決於您的特定用途,但以下範例提供一般指引:


class MySensorService : FitnessSensorService() {
    override fun onCreate() {
        // 1. Initialize your software sensor(s).
        // 2. Create DataSource representations of your software sensor(s).
        // 3. Initialize some data structure to keep track of a registration
        // for each sensor.

    override fun onFindDataSources(dataTypes: List<DataType>): List<DataSource> {
        // 1. Find which of your software sensors provide the data types requested.
        // 2. Return those as a list of DataSource objects.

    override fun onRegister(request: FitnessSensorServiceRequest): Boolean {
        // 1. Determine which sensor to register with request.dataSource.
        // 2. If a registration for this sensor already exists, replace it with
        //    this one.
        // 3. Keep (or update) a reference to the request object.
        // 4. Configure your sensor according to the request parameters.
        // 5. When the sensor has new data, deliver it to the platform by
        //    calling request.dispatcher.publish(dataPoints)

    override fun onUnregister(dataSource: DataSource): Boolean {
        // 1. Configure this sensor to stop delivering data to the platform
        // 2. Discard the reference to the registration request object


public class MySensorService extends FitnessSensorService {
    public void onCreate() {
        // 1. Initialize your software sensor(s).
        // 2. Create DataSource representations of your software sensor(s).
        // 3. Initialize some data structure to keep track of a registration
        //    for each sensor.

    public List<DataSource> onFindDataSources(@NonNull List<DataType> list) {
        // 1. Find which of your software sensors provide the data types
        //    requested.
        // 2. Return those as a list of DataSource objects.

    public boolean onRegister(
            @NonNull FitnessSensorServiceRequest fitnessSensorServiceRequest) {
        // 1. Determine which sensor to register with request.dataSource.
        // 2. If a registration for this sensor already exists, replace it with
        //    this one.
        // 3. Keep (or update) a reference to the request object.
        // 4. Configure your sensor according to the request parameters.
        // 5. When the sensor has new data, deliver it to the platform by
        //    calling request.getDispatcher.publish(dataPoints);

    public boolean onUnregister(@NonNull DataSource dataSource) {
        // 1. Configure this sensor to stop delivering data to the platform
        // 2. Discard the reference to the registration request object