Goals are targets in the Google Fit app that users can set for themselves. They help motivate users to stay active every day. From within their profile, users can adjust how many Steps and Heart Points they want to aim for each day. The Fit platform records their goals and tracks their daily activity against these.
Create a better user experience with goals
Your app can read a user's goals to keep track of their personal targets. This
can help create a more engaging experience. To start, use the
client to read a user's Steps and Heart Points goals. Then use the
client to check how close they are to those goals.
Use this data to help users switch between Google Fit and your app seamlessly, and get consistent information across both apps about their progress towards their fitness goals.
Motivate users to reach their daily goals by giving them updates and insights related to their progress.
Read a goal
The following example shows how to create a new Fitness client and get the
user's Heart Points goal, or null
if they don't have a goal set.
private val fitnessOptions: FitnessOptions by lazy { FitnessOptions.builder() .addDataType(DataType.TYPE_HEART_POINTS, FitnessOptions.ACCESS_READ) .build() } private val goalsReadRequest: GoalsReadRequest by lazy { GoalsReadRequest.Builder() .addDataType(DataType.TYPE_HEART_POINTS) .build() } private fun getGoogleAccount(): GoogleSignInAccount = GoogleSignIn.getAccountForExtension(requireContext(), fitnessOptions) private fun readGoals() { Fitness.getGoalsClient(requireContext(), getGoogleAccount()) .readCurrentGoals(goalsReadRequest) .addOnSuccessListener { goals -> // There should be at most one heart points goal currently. goals.firstOrNull()?.apply { // What is the value of the goal val goalValue = metricObjective.value Log.i(TAG, "Goal value: $goalValue") // How is the goal measured? Log.i(TAG, "Objective: $objective") // How often does the goal repeat? Log.i(TAG, "Recurrence: $recurrenceDetails") } } } private val Goal.objective: String get() = when (objectiveType) { OBJECTIVE_TYPE_DURATION -> "Duration (s): ${durationObjective.getDuration(TimeUnit.SECONDS)}" OBJECTIVE_TYPE_FREQUENCY -> "Frequency : ${frequencyObjective.frequency}" OBJECTIVE_TYPE_METRIC -> "Metric : ${metricObjective.dataTypeName} - ${metricObjective.value}" else -> "Unknown objective" } private val Goal.recurrenceDetails: String get() = recurrence?.let { val period = when (it.unit) { Recurrence.UNIT_DAY -> "days" Recurrence.UNIT_WEEK -> "weeks" Recurrence.UNIT_MONTH -> "months" else -> "Unknown" } "Every ${recurrence!!.count} $period" } ?: "Does not repeat"
private final FitnessOptions fitnessOptions = FitnessOptions.builder() .addDataType(DataType.TYPE_HEART_POINTS, FitnessOptions.ACCESS_READ) .build(); private final GoalsReadRequest goalsReadRequest = new GoalsReadRequest.Builder() .addDataType(DataType.TYPE_HEART_POINTS) .build(); private GoogleSignInAccount getGoogleAccount() { GoogleSignIn.getAccountForExtension(getApplicationContext(), fitnessOptions); } private void readGoals() { Fitness.getGoalsClient(getApplicationContext(), getGoogleAccount()) .readCurrentGoals(goalsReadRequest) .addOnSuccessListener(goals -> { // There should be at most one heart points goal currently. Optional<Goal> optionalGoal = goals.stream().findFirst(); if (optionalGoal.isPresent()) { // What is the value of the goal double goalValue = optionalGoal.get().getMetricObjective().getValue(); Log.i(TAG, "Goal value: $goalValue"); // How is the goal measured? Log.i(TAG, "Objective: ${getObjective(optionalGoal.get())}"); // How often does the goal repeat? Log.i(TAG, "Recurrence: ${getRecurrenceDetails(optionalGoal.get())}"); } }); } private String getObjective(Goal goal) { switch (goal.getObjectiveType()) { case OBJECTIVE_TYPE_DURATION: return "Duration (s): ${goal.getDurationObjective().getDuration(TimeUnit.SECONDS)}"; case OBJECTIVE_TYPE_FREQUENCY: return "Frequency : ${goal.getFrequencyObjective().getFrequency()}"; case OBJECTIVE_TYPE_METRIC: return "Metric : ${goal.getMetricObjective().getDataTypeName()} - ${goal.getMetricObjective().getValue()}"; default: return "Unknown objective"; } } private String getRecurrenceDetails(Goal goal) { Goal.Recurrence recurrence = goal.getRecurrence(); if (recurrence == null) { return "Does not repeat"; } StringBuilder recurrenceMessage = new StringBuilder("Every ${recurrence.getCount()}"); switch (recurrence.getUnit()) { case UNIT_DAY: recurrenceMessage.append("days"); break; case UNIT_WEEK: recurrenceMessage.append("weeks"); break; case UNIT_MONTH: recurrenceMessage.append("months"); break; default: recurrenceMessage.delete(0, recurrenceMessage.length()); recurrenceMessage.append("Unknown"); break; } return recurrenceMessage.toString(); }
Check progress
After you have the user's Heart Points goal, you can use the
to check their progress. The following
example shows how to check how many Heart Points the user has.
val current = Calendar.getInstance() val request = DataReadRequest.Builder() .read(DataType.TYPE_HEART_POINTS) .setTimeRange( goal.getStartTime(current, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS), goal.getEndTime(current, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS), TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS ) .build() Fitness.getHistoryClient(requireContext(), getGoogleAccount()) .readData(request) .addOnSuccessListener { response -> val heartPointsSet = response.dataSets.first() val totalHeartPoints = heartPointsSet.dataPoints.sumBy { it.getValue(Field.FIELD_INTENSITY).asFloat().toInt() } Log.i(TAG, "Total heart points: $totalHeartPoints") }
Calendar current = Calendar.getInstance(); DataReadRequest request = new DataReadRequest.Builder() .read(DataType.TYPE_HEART_POINTS) .setTimeRange( goal.getStartTime(current, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS), goal.getEndTime(current, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS), TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS ) .build(); Fitness.getHistoryClient(getApplicationContext(), getGoogleAccount()) .readData(request) .addOnSuccessListener(response -> { Optional<DataSet> heartPointsSet = response.getDataSets().stream().findFirst(); if (heartPointsSet.isPresent()) { int totalHeartPoints = 0; for (DataPoint dp : heartPointsSet.get().getDataPoints()) { totalHeartPoints += (int) dp.getValue(Field.FIELD_INTENSITY).asFloat(); } Log.i(TAG, "Total heart points: $totalHeartPoints"); } });
Calculate progress as a percentage
If you divide the total from the check progress example by the target in the read a goal example, you can calculate the progress towards the goal as a percentage.
private fun calculateProgressPercentage(goal: Goal, response: DataReadResponse): Double { val goalValue = goal.metricObjective.value val currentTotal = response.dataSets.first().dataPoints.sumBy { it.getValue(Field.FIELD_INTENSITY).asFloat().toInt() } return (currentTotal.div(goalValue)).times(100.0) }
private double calculateProgressPercentage(Goal goal, DataReadResponse response) { double goalValue = goal.getMetricObjective().getValue(); Optional<DataSet> firstDataSet = response.getDataSets().stream().findFirst(); if (!(firstDataSet.isPresent())) { return NaN; } double currentTotal = 0; for (DataPoint dp : firstDataSet.get().getDataPoints()) { currentTotal += (int)dp.getValue(Field.FIELD_INTENSITY).asFloat(); } return (currentTotal / goalValue) * 100.0; }