Custom data types

If your app needs to capture information that isn't already covered by one of the existing data types on the Google Fit platform, you can create a custom data type.

Creating custom data types

Create, or specify, a custom data type to capture custom data. When you create custom data types, make sure:

  • The data type name accurately represents the underlying data.
  • The prefix of the data type name matches your app's package name.

To create a custom data type for the first time, use the ConfigClient.createCustomDataType method:

val request = DataTypeCreateRequest.Builder()
    // The prefix of your data type name must match your app's package name
    .setName("com.packagename.appname.custom_data_type") // Add some custom fields, both int and float
    .addField("field1", Field.FORMAT_INT32)
    .addField("field2", Field.FORMAT_FLOAT)
    // Add some common fields

Fitness.getConfigClient(this, account)
    .addOnSuccessListener { dataType ->
        // Use this custom data type to insert data into your app.
        Log.d(TAG, "Created data type: ${}")

Data types are a property of data sources, in the REST API. To capture custom data, you need to create a data source and then specify the data type:

  1. Call the REST API to create a new data source. For example, FlexibilityMeasure.
  2. Give the data type a unique name, that closely represents the data it's capturing.

  3. Specify the fields of the data type, and their formats.

HTTP method


Request URL

Request body

  "dataStreamName": "FlexibilityMeasure",
  "type": "raw",
  "application": {
    "detailsUrl": "",
    "name": "Stretch Flex",
    "version": "1"
  "dataType": {
    "name": "com.recoveryapps.stretchflex.flexibility",
    "field": [
      "name": "ankle_range_degrees",
      "format": "integer"
      "name": "wrist_range_degrees",
      "format": "integer",
      "optional": true


If your data source was created successfully, you'll get a 200 OK HTTP response status code. The response body contains a JSON representation of the data source, including a datasource.dataStreamId property. Use this ID as the dataSourceId to add data.

Using custom data types

Convert your custom data type's name from a string (com.packagename.appname.custom_data_type) into a DataType object using the ConfigClient.readDataType method. Use the returned object to insert and read custom data.

Fitness.getConfigClient(this, account)
    .addOnSuccessListener { dataType ->
        // Use this custom data type to insert data into your app.
        Log.d(TAG, "Retrieved data type: ${}")

To add or read custom data using your custom data types, you need their data sources. To check the data sources of a custom data type, send a GET request to the REST API.

Adding custom data

To insert custom data, create a dataset with new data points. Specify the data source you created for your custom data type. The data points need to have all the correct fields and formats specified in your custom data type.

Reading custom data

To read custom data, specify the data source you created for your custom data type when you retrieve data points from the Google Fit platform.