Le API Google Fit, inclusa l'API REST Google Fit, non saranno più disponibili dopo il 30 giugno 2025. A partire dal 1° maggio 2024, gli sviluppatori non possono registrarsi per utilizzare queste API.
Ogni punto dati rappresenta le sostanze nutritive consumate durante un pasto
o un alimento. Il punto dati contiene diversi campi. Il campo delle sostanze nutritive è
obbligatorio. Entrambi i campi del tipo di pasto e degli alimenti sono obbligatori.
L'alimento specifico per la voce. Ad esempio, "banana" o "porridge".
nutrienti (Map<String> - calorie/grammi)
L'analisi nutrizionale dell'alimento consumato.
Valori accettati
"key": "calories" // Calories in kcal
"key": "fat.total" // Total fat in grams
"key": "fat.saturated" // Saturated fat in grams
"key": "fat.unsaturated" // Unsaturated fat in grams
"key": "fat.polyunsaturated" // Polyunsaturated fat in grams
"key": "fat.monounsaturated" // Monounsaturated fat in grams
"key": "fat.trans" // Trans fat in grams
"key": "cholesterol" // Cholesterol in milligrams
"key": "sodium" // Sodium in milligrams
"key": "potassium" // Potassium in milligrams
"key": "carbs.total" // Total carbohydrates in grams
"key": "dietary_fiber" // Dietary fiber in grams
"key": "sugar" // Amount of sugar in grams
"key": "protein" // Protein amount in grams
NUTRIENT_CALORIES // Calories in kcal
NUTRIENT_TOTAL_FAT // Total fat in grams
NUTRIENT_SATURATED_FAT // Saturated fat in grams
NUTRIENT_UNSATURATED_FAT // Unsaturated fat in grams
NUTRIENT_POLYUNSATURATED_FAT // Polyunsaturated fat in grams
NUTRIENT_MONOUNSATURATED_FAT // Monounsaturated fat in grams
NUTRIENT_TRANS_FAT // Trans fat in grams
NUTRIENT_CHOLESTEROL // Cholesterol in milligrams
NUTRIENT_SODIUM // Sodium in milligrams
NUTRIENT_POTASSIUM // Potassium in milligrams
NUTRIENT_TOTAL_CARBS // Total carbohydrates in grams
NUTRIENT_DIETARY_FIBER // Dietary fiber in grams
NUTRIENT_SUGAR // Amount of sugar in grams
NUTRIENT_PROTEIN // Protein amount in grams
[null,null,["Ultimo aggiornamento 2024-08-22 UTC."],[[["Hydration data represents the volume of water consumed in a single drink, measured in liters."],["Nutrition data includes the nutritional breakdown of food items and meals, with fields for meal type, food item, and nutrients."],["Data can be accessed using REST APIs or Android, requiring specific OAuth permissions for read and write access."],["Nutrient information is recorded in calories, grams, or milligrams, covering macronutrients like fat, carbohydrates, and protein, along with micronutrients like sodium and potassium."]]],[]]