Use cases
The following use cases show common examples of how the RentalCarReservation
schema is used. Use these examples to ensure that your markup is properly structured.
Basic reservation confirmation
Embed the following markup in your email when you send a car rental reservation confirmation.
<script type="application/ld+json">
"@context": "",
"@type": "RentalCarReservation",
"reservationNumber": "546323",
"reservationStatus": "",
"underName": {
"@type": "Person",
"name": "John Smith"
"reservationFor": {
"@type": "RentalCar",
"name": "Economy Class Car",
"model": "Civic",
"brand": {
"@type": "Brand",
"name": "Honda"
"rentalCompany": {
"@type": "Organization",
"name": "Hertz"
"pickupLocation": {
"@type": "Place",
"name": "Hertz San Diego Airport",
"address": {
"@type": "PostalAddress",
"streetAddress": "1500 Orange Avenue",
"addressLocality": "San Diego",
"addressRegion": "CA",
"postalCode": "94043",
"addressCountry": "US"
"pickupTime": "2027-08-05T16:00:00-07:00",
"dropoffLocation": {
"@type": "Place",
"name": "Hertz LAX",
"address": {
"@type": "PostalAddress",
"streetAddress": "1234 First Street",
"addressLocality": "Los Angeles",
"addressRegion": "CA",
"postalCode": "94043",
"addressCountry": "US"
"potentialAction": {
"@type": "ConfirmAction",
"target": ""
"dropoffTime": "2027-08-06T20:00:00-07:00"
<div itemscope itemtype="">
<meta itemprop="reservationNumber" content="546323"/>
<link itemprop="reservationStatus" href=""/>
<div itemprop="underName" itemscope itemtype="">
<meta itemprop="name" content="John Smith"/>
<div itemprop="reservationFor" itemscope itemtype="">
<meta itemprop="name" content="Economy Class Car"/>
<meta itemprop="model" content="Civic"/>
<div itemprop="brand" itemscope itemtype="">
<meta itemprop="name" content="Honda"/>
<div itemprop="rentalCompany" itemscope itemtype="">
<meta itemprop="name" content="Hertz"/>
<div itemprop="pickupLocation" itemscope itemtype="">
<meta itemprop="name" content="Hertz San Diego Airport"/>
<div itemprop="address" itemscope itemtype="">
<meta itemprop="streetAddress" content="1500 Orange Avenue"/>
<meta itemprop="addressLocality" content="San Diego"/>
<meta itemprop="addressRegion" content="CA"/>
<meta itemprop="postalCode" content="94043"/>
<meta itemprop="addressCountry" content="US"/>
<meta itemprop="pickupTime" content="2027-08-05T16:00:00-07:00"/>
<div itemprop="dropoffLocation" itemscope itemtype="">
<meta itemprop="name" content="Hertz LAX"/>
<div itemprop="address" itemscope itemtype="">
<meta itemprop="streetAddress" content="1234 First Street"/>
<meta itemprop="addressLocality" content="Los Angeles"/>
<meta itemprop="addressRegion" content="CA"/>
<meta itemprop="postalCode" content="94043"/>
<meta itemprop="addressCountry" content="US"/>
<meta itemprop="dropoffTime" content="2027-08-06T20:00:00-07:00"/>
<div itemprop="potentialAction" itemscope itemtype="">
<link itemprop="target" href=""/>
Example with all supported fields
For reference, here is an example with all supported fields populated:
<script type="application/ld+json">
"@context": "",
"@type": "RentalCarReservation",
"reservationNumber": "546323",
"reservationStatus": "",
"url": "",
"underName": {
"@type": "Person",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": ""
"programMembership": {
"@type": "ProgramMembership",
"memberNumber": "1234567",
"program": "AAA"
"bookingAgent": {
"@type": "Organization",
"name": "Car Rentals Internationaly",
"url": ""
"bookingTime": "2027-01-14T13:05:00-05:00",
"modifiedTime": "2027-03-14T13:05:00-05:00",
"confirmReservationUrl": "",
"cancelReservationUrl": "",
"checkinUrl": "",
"modifyReservationUrl": "",
"potentialAction": [
"@type": "ConfirmAction",
"target": ""
"@type": "CancelAction",
"target": ""
"@type": "EditAction",
"target": ""
"@type": "CheckInAction",
"target": ""
"reservationFor": {
"@type": "RentalCar",
"name": "Economy Class Car",
"model": "Civic",
"brand": {
"@type": "Brand",
"name": "Honda"
"description": "Sedan 4 Door, 5 Seatbelts, Automatic transmission",
"rentalCompany": {
"@type": "Organization",
"name": "Hertz"
"pickupLocation": {
"@type": "Place",
"name": "Hertz San Diego Airport",
"address": {
"@type": "PostalAddress",
"streetAddress": "1500 Orange Avenue",
"addressLocality": "San Diego",
"addressRegion": "CA",
"postalCode": "94043",
"addressCountry": "US"
"telephone": "+1-800-123-4567"
"pickupTime": "2027-08-05T16:00:00-07:00",
"dropoffLocation": {
"@type": "Place",
"name": "Hertz LAX",
"address": {
"@type": "PostalAddress",
"streetAddress": "1234 First Street",
"addressLocality": "Los Angeles",
"addressRegion": "CA",
"postalCode": "94043",
"addressCountry": "US"
"telephone": "+1-800-123-4567"
"dropoffTime": "2027-08-06T20:00:00-07:00",
"price": "119.00",
"priceCurrency": "USD"
<div itemscope itemtype="">
<meta itemprop="reservationNumber" content="546323"/>
<link itemprop="reservationStatus" href=""/>
<link itemprop="url" href=""/>
<div itemprop="underName" itemscope itemtype="">
<meta itemprop="name" content="John Smith"/>
<meta itemprop="email" content=""/>
<div itemprop="programMembership" itemscope itemtype="">
<meta itemprop="memberNumber" content="1234567"/>
<meta itemprop="program" content="AAA"/>
<div itemprop="bookingAgent" itemscope itemtype="">
<meta itemprop="name" content="Car Rentals Internationaly"/>
<link itemprop="url" href=""/>
<meta itemprop="bookingTime" content="2027-01-14T13:05:00-05:00"/>
<meta itemprop="modifiedTime" content="2027-03-14T13:05:00-05:00"/>
<link itemprop="confirmReservationUrl" href=""/>
<link itemprop="cancelReservationUrl" href=""/>
<link itemprop="modifyReservationUrl" href=""/>
<link itemprop="checkinUrl" href=""/>
<div itemprop="potentialAction" itemscope itemtype="">
<link itemprop="target" href=""/>
<div itemprop="potentialAction" itemscope itemtype="">
<link itemprop="target" href=""/>
<div itemprop="potentialAction" itemscope itemtype="">
<link itemprop="target" href=""/>
<div itemprop="potentialAction" itemscope itemtype="">
<link itemprop="target" href=""/>
<div itemprop="reservationFor" itemscope itemtype="">
<meta itemprop="name" content="Economy Class Car"/>
<meta itemprop="model" content="Civic"/>
<div itemprop="brand" itemscope itemtype="">
<meta itemprop="name" content="Honda"/>
<meta itemprop="description" content="Sedan 4 Door, 5 Seatbelts, Automatic transmission"/>
<div itemprop="rentalCompany" itemscope itemtype="">
<meta itemprop="name" content="Hertz"/>
<div itemprop="pickupLocation" itemscope itemtype="">
<meta itemprop="name" content="Hertz San Diego Airport"/>
<div itemprop="address" itemscope itemtype="">
<meta itemprop="streetAddress" content="1500 Orange Avenue"/>
<meta itemprop="addressLocality" content="San Diego"/>
<meta itemprop="addressRegion" content="CA"/>
<meta itemprop="postalCode" content="94043"/>
<meta itemprop="addressCountry" content="US"/>
<meta itemprop="telephone" content="+1-800-123-4567"/>
<meta itemprop="pickupTime" content="2027-08-05T16:00:00-07:00"/>
<div itemprop="dropoffLocation" itemscope itemtype="">
<meta itemprop="name" content="Hertz LAX"/>
<div itemprop="address" itemscope itemtype="">
<meta itemprop="streetAddress" content="1234 First Street"/>
<meta itemprop="addressLocality" content="Los Angeles"/>
<meta itemprop="addressRegion" content="CA"/>
<meta itemprop="postalCode" content="94043"/>
<meta itemprop="addressCountry" content="US"/>
<meta itemprop="telephone" content="+1-800-123-4567"/>
<meta itemprop="dropoffTime" content="2027-08-06T20:00:00-07:00"/>
<meta itemprop="price" content="119.00"/>
<meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="USD"/>
Test your markup
You can validate your markup using the Email Markup Tester Tool. Paste in your markup code and click the Validate button to scan the content and receive a report on any errors present.
Review the details of your email to see if any of these properties apply to your reservation. By marking up these additional properties you allow Google to display a much richer description of the reservation to the user.
Type name: RentalCarReservation
Extends Reservation
Name | Type | Description |
bookingAgent | Organization or Person | Booking agent or agency. Also accepts a string (e.g. ""). | | Text | Name of the agent/service. |
bookingAgent.url | URL | Website of the agent/service. |
bookingTime | DateTime | Date the reservation was made. |
cancelReservationUrl | URL | Web page where reservation can be cancelled. |
checkinUrl | URL | Webpage where the passenger can check in. |
confirmReservationUrl | URL | Web page where reservation can be confirmed. |
dropoffLocation (Required) |
AutoRental or Place | Where the car is returned. |
dropoffLocation.address (Required) |
PostalAddress | Address of the dropoff location. |
dropoffLocation.address.addressCountry (Required) |
Text or Country | Country of dropoff location. |
dropoffLocation.address.addressLocality (Required) |
Text | Locality (e.g. city) of dropoff location. |
dropoffLocation.address.addressRegion (Required) |
Text | Region (e.g. State) of dropoff location. |
dropoffLocation.address.postalCode (Required) |
Text | Postal code of dropoff location. |
dropoffLocation.address.streetAddress (Required) |
Text | Street address of dropoff location. | (Required) |
Text | Name of the dropoff location. |
dropoffLocation.telephone | Text | (recommended for Confirmation Cards/Search Answers) Telephone number of the Place. |
dropoffTime (Required) |
DateTime | When the car is returned. |
modifiedTime | DateTime | (recommended for Confirmation Cards/Search Answers) Time the reservation was last modified. |
modifyReservationUrl | URL | (recommended for Confirmation Cards/Search Answers) Web page where reservation can be modified. |
pickupLocation (Required) |
AutoRental or Place | Where the car is picked up. |
pickupLocation.address (Required) |
PostalAddress | Address of the pickup location. |
pickupLocation.address.addressCountry (Required) |
Text or Country | Country of pickup location. |
pickupLocation.address.addressLocality (Required) |
Text | Locality (e.g. city) of pickup location. |
pickupLocation.address.addressRegion (Required) |
Text | Region (e.g. State) of pickup location. |
pickupLocation.address.postalCode (Required) |
Text | Postal code of pickup location. |
pickupLocation.address.streetAddress (Required) |
Text | Street address of pickup location. | (Required) |
Text | Name of the pickup location. |
pickupLocation.telephone | Text | (recommended for Confirmation Cards/Search Answers) Telephone number of the Place. |
pickupTime (Required) |
DateTime | When the car is picked up. |
potentialAction (Required) |
CheckInAction, ConfirmAction, CancelAction or | Actions supported for RentalCarReservation. |
price | Text | Total price of the RentalCarReservation. |
priceCurrency | Text | The currency (in 3-letter ISO 4217 format) of the RentalCarReservation's price. |
programMembership | ProgramMembership | Any membership in a frequent flyer, hotel loyalty program, etc. being applied to the reservation. |
programMembership.memberNumber | Text | The identifier of the membership. |
programMembership.program | Text | The name of the program. |
reservationFor (Required) |
The car that is reserved. | |
reservationFor.brand (Required) |
Brand | The brand associated with the RentalCar. | (Required) |
Text | Name of the Brand. |
reservationFor.description | Text | A short description of the RentalCar. |
reservationFor.model (Required) |
Text | RentalCar's model. | (Required) |
Text | Name of the RentalCar. |
reservationFor.rentalCompany (Required) |
Organization | The company renting the car. Also accepts a string (e.g. "Hertz"). | (Required) |
Text | Name of the rental company. |
reservationNumber (Required) |
Text | The number or id of the reservation. |
reservationStatus (Required) |
ReservationStatus | Current status of the reservation. |
underName (Required) |
Organization or Person | The driver. | | Text | Email address. | (Required) |
Text | Name of the Person. |
url | URL | Web page where reservation can be viewed. |