Hesap Etiketleri

Hesap etiketi oluşturun

function createAccountLabels(labelName) {
  console.log("Label with text = '%s' created.", labelName);

Bir hesap etiketini birden fazla hesaba uygulayın

function applyAccountLabels(accountId1, accountId2, labelName) {
  // You can modify this function to accept an array of IDs directly as well.
  const accountIds = [accountId1, accountId2];

  const accounts = AdsManagerApp.accounts().withIds(accountIds).get();
  for (const account of accounts) {

    console.log('Label with text = "%s" applied to customer id %s.',
               labelName, account.getCustomerId());

Bir hesap etiketini birden çok hesaptan kaldırın

function removeLabelFromAccounts(accountId1, accountId2, labelName) {
  const accountIds = [accountId1, accountId2];

  var accounts = AdsManagerApp.accounts().withIds(accountIds).get();
  for (const account of accounts) {

    console.log('Label with text = "%s" removed from customer id %s.',
               labelName, account.getCustomerId());

Etiket adına göre bir hesap seçin

function selectAccountsByLabelName(labelName) {
  const accountIterator = AdsManagerApp.accounts()
      .withCondition(`LabelNames CONTAINS '${labelName}'`)

  for (const account of accountIterator) {
    const accountName = account.getName() ? account.getName() : '--';
    console.log('%s,%s,%s,%s', account.getCustomerId(), accountName,
        account.getTimeZone(), account.getCurrencyCode());

Etiket kimliğine göre bir hesap seçin

function selectAccountsByLabelId(labelId) {
  const label = AdsManagerApp.accountLabels().withIds([labelId]).get().next();
  const accountIterator = label.accounts().get();

  for (const account of accountIterator) {
    const accountName = account.getName() ? account.getName() : '--';
    console.log('%s,%s,%s,%s', account.getCustomerId(), accountName,
        account.getTimeZone(), account.getCurrencyCode());

Tüm hesap etiketlerini alın

function getAllAccountLabels() {
  const labelIterator = AdsManagerApp.accountLabels().get();
  for (const label of labelIterator) {
    console.log('Label with id = %s and text = %s was found.',
               label.getId().toFixed(0), label.getName());

Bir hesap etiketini adına göre alın

function getLabelByName(labelName) {
  const labelIterator = AdsManagerApp.accountLabels()
      .withCondition(`label.name CONTAINS '${labelName}'`)

  for (const label of labelIterator) {
    console.log(`Label with id = ${label.getId().toFixed(0)} ` +
        `and text = ${label.getName()} was found.`);

Hesap etiketlerini kimliklerine göre alın

function getLabelById(labelId) {
  const labelIterator = AdsManagerApp.accountLabels()

  for (const label of labelIterator) {
    console.log("Label with id = %s and text = '%s' was found.",
               label.getId().toFixed(0), label.getName());